@C CONTROL PANEL @H184 @ICON_COVER Title Page: The Title Page displays the title of @L170 the CD, with a rotating picture cube. Click @L170 anywhere to continue. @ICON_PREFACE Preface: The preface plays audio descriptions @L170 of all the topics, while images are @L170 displayed using special effects @L170 morphing. From here you may choose @L170 an option from the top icon bar. @ICON_CONTENT Table of Contents: This is the Table of Contents Screen. @L170 Click on a topic to view that topic. @ICON_TOPICS Chapter Details: The Chapter Details presents @L170 photographs, video, technical @L170 information, and a full article for @L170 each topic. @ICON_PIC Photo Browsing : This screen displays 24 slides at a @L170 time. Click on a slide to view that slide. @ICON_SCLASS Photo Album : This screen displays 4 topics at a @L170 time. Click on a topic to view that @L170 topic's slides. @ICON_SLIDE Slide Show : This screen begins the self-running @L170 slide show, beginning with the first @L170 slide. @ICON_MOVIE Video Screening : This Screen displays 24 video frames @L170 at a time. Click on a frame and view @L170 that video. @ICON_CLASS Video Preview : This screen displays 4 topics at a @L170 time. Click on a topic to view that @L170 topic's videos. @ICON_MOVSLIDE MPC Theatre : This screen begins the self-running @L170 video Click on a topic to view that @L170 topic's videos. @ICON_FULL Full Screen : Click here and the slide/video clip @L170 will go to full screen size. @ICON_ORAL Oral Description : Click here to begin hearing the @L170 narrations. @ICON_PICX Slide : Click here to go to the next slide. @ICON_MOVIEX Movie : Click here to begin the video clip. @ICON_PRINT Print the Screen : Click here to print what is on the @L170 screen. @ICON_COPY Save a File : Click here to save a file to your hard @L170 disc or floppy disc. @C TECHNICAL SUPPORT Q01. No Sound A01. Our software's sound driver depends on your Windows setup. @L30 Verify the Windows sound driver set-up is correct. Q02. Pictures have poor color quality A02. Verify the Windows display driver is set-up for at least 256 @L30 colors. Q03. Screen displays the phrase: " Invalid Compression Driver " @L30 while playing the movie. A03. Try running the set-up again. The driver may have been @L30 accidentally deleted. Q04. Why does it take so long to display the pictures under the @L30 slide preview Icon screen ? A04. This could be caused by using a slow CD-ROM drive. We @L30 recommend using a double speed drive. Software caching will @L30 also improve the overall speed performance. For example, @L30 setup the smartdrv in your system configuration after the @L30 CD-ROM driver. Q05. Explain the difference between Slide Selection and Slide @L30 Preview. A05. The Slide Selection feature displays all the slides that are @L30 available, and by clicking onto the slide, you are show that @L30 slide with its description The Slide Preview displays the @L30 slides in categories by subject. When you click on a slide, @L30 a self-running slide show beginning with that slide. @L30 Clicking on the slide manually advances the slide. Q06. Explain Slide Show Feature A06. Slide Show is a self-running program which delivers all the @L30 slides and their narrated descriptions, beginning with the @L30 first slide. Q07. Is it possible to save a picture or slide for later use? A07. The Save a File Icon is located on the lower right hand side @L30 of your screen. Click on that Icon and the slide will be @L30 saved to your hard disk in BMP format. Q08. How do I print a picture using AMPC's software? A08. The Print the Screen Icon is located on the lower right hand @L30 side of your screen. Click on that Icon and the picture will @L30 print out automatically. Q09. The printer does not respond after I click the printer Icon. A09. Check to make sure your printer setup id correct using the @L30 Windows' Control Panel. Our software's print function prints @L30 to your current printer driver. Q10. Where is the written information ? A10. When the program begins, after clicking once to get past the @L30 Opening Screen, you will see the CONTENTS screen. By @L30 selecting any one of the topics, you will see in-depth @L30 information relating to that topic. There are many other @L30 icons located in the lower right portion of this screen. @L30 They are: Slide Show, Movie, Narration, Print and Save. Q11. How do I start the movie? A11. Click on the either the Movie Selection, Movie Preview @L30 Action Theater or the Movie Icon on the lower right hand @L30 side of your screen. Q12. Is it possible to play full screen Movies ? A12. Yes, click on the Action Theatre icon to play full screen. @L30 Also in the Movie Selection, after selecting a movie, click @L30 on the Full Screen button and the movie will begin to play @L30 full screen. Q13. Is it possible to pause during movie playback ? A13. To pause a movie during playback, click on the play button. @L30 Click again to resume playback. Q14. How many movies are available to play in each CD-ROM? A14. This varies with each titles. Click on the Movie @L30 Selection Icon, which lists all available movies. Q15. How are the movies categorized? A15. The Movie Preview feature categorizes all the movies. Click @L30 on the Movie Preview Icon, then click on the movie you want @L30 to view and it will play in preview size. Q16. In what format are the movies saved? A16. The movies are saved in the True Color AVI format. This is @L30 the Microsoft audio and video file format. Q17. Explain the print function under the movie player. A17. Clicking on the print icon here prints the description @L30 portion only of the movie. Q18. Is it possible to export movies? A18. For improved performance, all our movies are combined and @L30 compressed as one single file. To export a movie file, you @L30 must use movie editing software that can read and edit AVI @L30 files. Q19. Explain Action Theatre A19. Action Theater combines all the movies together and plays @L30 them in full screen. Q20. Why is there a black border when using the Action Theatre @L30 feature? A20. To maintain the highest quality possible, the movie @L30 resolution were slightly compromised. Look for our new @L30 titles to have improved movie resolution without the black @L30 borders. @C IMAGE AND INFORMATION CREDITS: Special Thanks to the U.S. Department of Defense @P20