This file contains a record of changes made to files made available by the TeX Users Group. Files are listed alphabetically, and within file, changes are listed in reverse chronological order. Problems with any of these files should be referred to Barbara Beeton, BNB@Math.AMS.Com or BNB@XX.LCS.MIT.Edu, or care of American Mathematical Society, P.O. Box 6248, Providence, RI 02940.

APLDEF.TeX These three files contain definitions to support the APLSTYLE.TeX use of Hohti & Kanerva's APL font as presented in APLVERB.TeX the article given in the file TB0APL.TeX.

26 Feb 88 install APL macro files at Score for distribution

CMAPL10.MF, .TFM, .300GF, .PK This APL font was developed by Aarno Hohti and Okko Kanerva of the University of Helsinki. A paper on the subject was published in TUGboat 8#3 (1987).

26 Feb 88 install APL font files at Score for distribution

LTUGBOT.STY LateX-based style file for TUGboat, to be used with

1 Mar 89 add 7pt bold font, redefine to use it as &sstarf#star;scriptfont for add twosidetrue to permit asymmetry in running heads modify dimensions to correct position of running heads add section titles parallel to those in (plain) tugbot.sty add the ability to drop article title by specified amount add rule above title unless it follows fix bug that generated two footnotes if specified on author add standard formatting for figure numbers in captions redefine

to suppress first-paragraph indent, and decrease width of right margin install definitions for many TeX- related names and logos modify from art10.sty to add "Appendix"

24 Jun 88 new file


26 Feb 88 new file

TB0APL.TeX file that generates article on APL font, TUGboat 8#3, pp 275ff

26 Feb 88 install APL article file at Score for distribution

TB0CYR.TeX file that generates article on fonts from TUGboat 6#3, pp 124ff

8 Jul 87 modify ... to conform to new syntax

TB0HYF.TeX file that generates TUGboat article on hyphenation exceptions

28 Oct 88 replace previous version with file from 9#3 (pp 239-241) 11 Jan 88 replace old version (6#3) with newer one (8#3, pp 266ff)

TBCONT.DEF definitions to produce TUGboat tables of contents, one issue per page

28 Oct 88 add to permit page ranges in data, but print only starting page number

19 Aug 88 install at Score

TBCVnn.TeX file to produce a 5-volume contents set, through volume nn TBnnyy.CNT data file for volume nn, publication year 19yy

1 Mar 89 install TB1089.CNT containing contents for volume 10 number 1

28 Oct 88 add 9#3 to TB0988.CNT and one new logo to TBCV10.TeX add ending page numbers to data in TB0988

19 Aug 88 install at Score files for volumes through 9, issue 2

TUGBOT.STY definitions to produce TUGboat; uses PLAIN TeX, *not* LaTeX

1 Mar 89 add to support ad-hoc strut construction add to load cmss fonts only when needed install new definition of replacing by 2 add definitions , , , TB change page dimensions to 8.5x11; print area remains the same add rule above article titles that do not follow in : adjust space check so that it doesn't break to a new page as readily suppress nyphenation add @ to list of characters that are type "other" in verbatim add to simulate broken vertical bar on keyboard install two techniques for inputting a file and having it listed verbatim: (from the TeXbook, adjusted by J. E. Pittman) (by Tom Rokicki)

11 Jan 88 add new test registers, @stIf, correct height of in add ¢ in add

8 Jul 87 define , on the model of LaTeX, to simplify the use of "protected" control sequences provide a option, using January 15, 2023for current date CM fonts have replaced AM fonts create to permit optional line-breaking after / install available (although it is now in general distribution) fix a bug in to reset , not add at end of to improve spacing change from

to ragged right paragraph change name of @te to to permit use in input file new, simplified definition of – the old one did the wrong thing in cases n=1 and n=5x+1

2 Apr 87 change name of to ("slant-line fraction") change and to define terminator () instead of accepting an argument; to prevent premature expansion of |...|, etc., in those contexts decrease on apply to ... define to produce "visible" space for mode

23 Oct 86 change font for to amssbx10 scaled 1 to assure a font that's in general distribution

1 Oct 86 *** * major revision * change trim size (from 8.5x11 to 8x10.5) and associated dimensions to conform to K&S design used for 7#1 increase end-of-line stretch on
provide square "bullet" – define to be used instead of - to permit automatic hyphenation in post-hyphen part of hyphenated word use alternate definition of LATEXthat "floats" with the current type style and size, and doesn't depend on presence of small cap font; some fonts substituted for preferable ones not in general distribution make and ; add , and to give "centered" horizontal and vertical laps clean up coding for processing first paragraph after heading get rid of bug which caused first paragraph to be indented if a footnote (on title) preceded it attempt to get suppress breaking of a at page end (not yet successful) change the handling of | (always active) to allow its non-verbatim use in such environments as Ferguson's table macros in verbatim mode (between ...), provide a switch to allow | to be simply a settable character; ordinarily it is the escape character (instead of ); must be set each time add " to characters set to type other for verbatim clean up coding for first page banner headers and footers provide format for e.g. address lists; width=12pc get rid of bug which generated discontinuous (2) get rid of bug which caused an extra running head to be generated when number requested was multiple of 5

15 Mar 86 in , move from before to within

14 Jan 86 in , change =0pt, add

16 Dec 85 permit "relative page" with +nn streamline definition of modify to put footnotes at very bottom of page, even if implement multi-line define corresponding to same name in PLAIN fix and related definitions to not lose initial spaces and blank lines provide , and to permit math within decrease skip with footinsert from 24 to 12pt

TUGBOT.TeX file that reads in article files to control makeup of issue