This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.64 from the input file /ade-src/fsf/tar/doc/tar.texinfo. START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * tar: (tar). Making tape (or disk) archives. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This file documents GNU `tar', a utility used to store, backup, and transport files. Copyright (C) 1992, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. File:, Node: mt, Prev: Tape Positioning, Up: Many The `mt' Utility ---------------- *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* FIXME: is it true that this only works on non-block devices? should FIXME: explain the difference, xref to block-size (fixed or variable). You can use the `mt' utility to advance or rewind a tape past a specified number of archive files on the tape. This will allow you to move to the beginning of an archive before extracting or reading it, or to the end of all the archives before writing a new one. FIXME: why isn't there an "advance 'til you find two tape marks together"? The syntax of the `mt' command is: mt [-f TAPENAME] OPERATION [NUMBER] where TAPENAME is the name of the tape device, NUMBER is the number of times an operation is performed (with a default of one), and OPERATION is one of the following: FIXME: is there any use for record operations? `eof' `weof' Writes NUMBER tape marks at the current position on the tape. `fsf' Moves tape position forward NUMBER files. `bsf' Moves tape position back NUMBER files. `rewind' Rewinds the tape. (Ignores NUMBER). `offline' `rewoff1' Rewinds the tape and takes the tape device off-line. (Ignores NUMBER). `status' Prints status information about the tape unit. FIXME: is there a better way to frob the spacing on the list? If you don't specify a TAPENAME, `mt' uses the environment variable TAPE; if TAPE does not exist, `mt' uses the device `/dev/rmt12'. `mt' returns a 0 exit status when the operation(s) were successful, 1 if the command was unrecognized, and 2 if an operation failed. FIXME: new node on how to find an archive? If you use `--extract' (`-x') with the `--label=ARCHIVE-LABEL' (`-V ARCHIVE-LABEL') option specified, `tar' will read an archive label (the tape head has to be positioned on it) and print an error if the archive label doesn't match the ARCHIVE-NAME specified. ARCHIVE-NAME can be any regular expression. If the labels match, `tar' extracts the archive. FIXME: xref Archive Label FIXME: xref Matching Format Parameters FIXME: fix cross references `tar --list --label' will cause `tar' to print the label. FIXME: program to list all the labels on a tape? File:, Node: Using Multiple Tapes, Next: Archive Label, Prev: Many, Up: Media Using Multiple Tapes ==================== *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* Often you might want to write a large archive, one larger than will fit on the actual tape you are using. In such a case, you can run multiple `tar' commands, but this can be inconvenient, particularly if you are using options like `--exclude=PATTERN' or dumping entire filesystems. Therefore, `tar' supports multiple tapes automatically. Use `--multi-volume' (`-M') on the command line, and then `tar' will, when it reaches the end of the tape, prompt for another tape, and continue the archive. Each tape will have an independent archive, and can be read without needing the other. (As an exception to this, the file that `tar' was archiving when it ran out of tape will usually be split between the two archives; in this case you need to extract from the first archive, using `--multi-volume' (`-M'), and then put in the second tape when prompted, so `tar' can restore both halves of the file.) When prompting for a new tape, `tar' accepts any of the following responses: Request `tar' to explain possible responses Request `tar' to exit immediately. `n FILE NAME' Request `tar' to write the next volume on the file FILE NAME. Request `tar' to run a subshell. Request `tar' to begin writing the next volume. (You should only type `y' after you have changed the tape; otherwise `tar' will write over the volume it just finished.) If you want more elaborate behavior than this, give `tar' the `--info-script=SCRIPT-NAME' (`-F SCRIPT-NAME') option. The file SCRIPT-NAME is expected to be a program (or shell script) to be run instead of the normal prompting procedure. When the program finishes, `tar' will immediately begin writing the next volume. The behavior of the `n' response to the normal tape-change prompt is not available if you use `--info-script=SCRIPT-NAME' (`-F SCRIPT-NAME'). The method `tar' uses to detect end of tape is not perfect, and fails on some operating systems or on some devices. You can use the `--tape-length=1024-SIZE' (`-L 1024-SIZE') option if `tar' can't detect the end of the tape itself. The SIZE argument should be the size of the tape. The volume number used by `tar' in its tape-change prompt can be changed; if you give the `--volno-file=FILE-OF-NUMBER' option, then FILE-OF-NUMBER should contain a decimal number. That number will be used as the volume number of the first volume written. When `tar' is finished, it will rewrite the file with the now-current volume number. (This does not change the volume number written on a tape label ( FIXME: pxref Special Options for Archiving ; it *only* affects the number used in the prompt.) If you want `tar' to cycle through a series of tape drives, then you can use the `n' response to the tape-change prompt. This is error prone, however, and doesn't work at all with `--info-script=SCRIPT-NAME' (`-F SCRIPT-NAME'). Therefore, if you give `tar' multiple `--file=ARCHIVE-NAME' (`-f ARCHIVE-NAME') options, then the specified files will be used, in sequence, as the successive volumes of the archive. Only when the first one in the sequence needs to be used again will `tar' prompt for a tape change (or run the info script). Multi-volume archives With `--multi-volume' (`-M'), `tar' will not abort when it cannot read or write any more data. Instead, it will ask you to prepare a new volume. If the archive is on a magnetic tape, you should change tapes now; if the archive is on a floppy disk, you should change disks, etc. Each volume of a multi-volume archive is an independent `tar' archive, complete in itself. For example, you can list or extract any volume alone; just don't specify `--multi-volume' (`-M'). However, if one file in the archive is split across volumes, the only way to extract it successfully is with a multi-volume extract command `--extract --multi-volume' (`-xM') starting on or before the volume where the file begins. * Menu: * Multi-Volume Archives:: * Tape Files:: File:, Node: Multi-Volume Archives, Next: Tape Files, Prev: Using Multiple Tapes, Up: Using Multiple Tapes Archives Longer than One Tape or Disk ------------------------------------- *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* To create an archive that is larger than will fit on a single unit of the media, use the `--multi-volume' (`-M') option in conjunction with the `--create' (`-c') option ( FIXME: pxref Creating Archives ). A "multi-volume" archive can be manipulated like any other archive (provided the `--multi-volume' (`-M') option is specified), but is stored on more than one tape or disk. When you specify `--multi-volume' (`-M'), `tar' does not report an error when it comes to the end of an archive volume (when reading), or the end of the media (when writing). Instead, it prompts you to load a new storage volume. If the archive is on a magnetic tape, you should change tapes when you see the prompt; if the archive is on a floppy disk, you should change disks; etc. You can read each individual volume of a multi-volume archive as if it were an archive by itself. For example, to list the contents of one volume, use `--list' (`-t'), without `--multi-volume' (`-M') specified. To extract an archive member from one volume (assuming it is described that volume), use `--extract' (`-x'), again without `--multi-volume' (`-M'). If an archive member is split across volumes (ie. its entry begins on one volume of the media and ends on another), you need to specify `--multi-volume' (`-M') to extract it successfully. In this case, you should load the volume where the archive member starts, and use `tar --extract --multi-volume'--`tar' will prompt for later volumes as it needs them. FIXME: xref Extracting From Archives for more information about extracting archives. `--info-script=SCRIPT-NAME' (`-F SCRIPT-NAME') is like `--multi-volume' (`-M'), except that `tar' does not prompt you directly to change media volumes when a volume is full--instead, `tar' runs commands you have stored in SCRIPT-NAME. This option can be used to broadcast messages such as `Someone please come change my tape' when performing unattended backups. When SCRIPT-NAME is done, `tar' will assume that the media has been changed. FIXME: There should be a sample program here, including an exit before FIXME: end. `--multi-volume' Creates a multi-volume archive, when used in conjunction with `--create' (`-c'). To perform any other operation on a multi-volume archive, specify `--multi-volume' (`-M') in conjunction with that operation. `--info-script=PROGRAM-FILE' `-F PROGRAM-FILE' Creates a multi-volume archive via a script. Used in conjunction with `--create' (`-c'). File:, Node: Tape Files, Prev: Multi-Volume Archives, Up: Using Multiple Tapes Tape Files ---------- *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* When `tar' writes an archive to tape, it creates a single tape file. If multiple archives are written to the same tape, one after the other, they each get written as separate tape files. When extracting, it is necessary to position the tape at the right place before running `tar'. To do this, use the `mt' command. For more information on the `mt' command and on the organization of tapes into a sequence of tape files. FIXME: see ***. File:, Node: Archive Label, Prev: Using Multiple Tapes, Up: Media Including a Label in the Archive ================================ *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* FIXME: Should the arg to --label be a quoted string?? no - ringo To avoid problems caused by misplaced paper labels on the archive media, you can include a "label" entry--an archive member which contains the name of the archive--in the archive itself. Use the `--label=ARCHIVE-LABEL' (`-V ARCHIVE-LABEL') option in conjunction with the `--create' (`-c') operation to include a label entry in the archive as it is being created. If you create an archive using both `--label=ARCHIVE-LABEL' (`-V ARCHIVE-LABEL') and `--multi-volume' (`-M'), each volume of the archive will have an archive label of the form `ARCHIVE-LABEL Volume N', where N is 1 for the first volume, 2 for the next, and so on. FIXME: xref Multi-Volume Archives , for information on creating multiple volume archives. If you extract an archive using `--label=ARCHIVE-LABEL' (`-V ARCHIVE-LABEL'), `tar' will print an error if the archive label doesn't match the ARCHIVE-LABEL specified, and will then not extract the archive. You can include a regular expression in ARCHIVE-LABEL, in this case only. FIXME: why is a reg. exp. useful here? (to limit extraction to a FIXME: specific group? ie for multi-volume??? To find out an archive's label entry (or to find out if an archive has a label at all), use `tar --list --verbose'. `tar' will print the label first, and then print archive member information, as in the example below: % tar --verbose --list --file=iamanarchive V--------- 0/0 0 Mar 7 12:01 1992 iamalabel--Volume Header-- -rw-rw-rw- ringo/user 40 May 21 13:30 1990 iamafilename `--label=ARCHIVE-LABEL' `-V ARCHIVE-LABEL' Includes an "archive-label" at the beginning of the archive when the archive is being created, when used in conjunction with the `--create' (`-c') option. Checks to make sure the archive label matches the one specified (when used in conjunction with the `--extract' (`-x') option. FIXME: was --volume File:, Node: Backups and Restoration, Next: Date input formats, Prev: Media, Up: Top Performing Backups and Restoring Files ************************************** *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* .* dumps . + what are dumps . + different levels of dumps . - full dump = dump everything . - level 1, level 2 dumps etc, - A level n dump dumps everything changed since the last level n-1 dump (?) . + how to use scripts for dumps (ie, the concept) . - scripts to run after editing backup specs (details) . + Backup Specs, what is it. . - how to customize . - actual text of script [/sp/dump/backup-specs] . + Problems . - rsh doesn't work . - rtape isn't installed . - (others?) . + the --incremental option of tar . + tapes . - write protection . - types of media . : different sizes and types, useful for different things . - files and tape marks one tape mark between files, two at end. . - positioning the tape MT writes two at end of write, backspaces over one when writing again. To "back up" a file system means to create archives that contain all the files in that file system. Those archives can then be used to restore any or all of those files (for instance if a disk crashes or a file is accidently deleted). File system "backups" are also called "dumps". * Menu: * Full Dumps:: * Inc Dumps:: * incremental and listed-incremental:: * Backup Levels:: * Backup Parameters:: * Scripted Backups:: * Scripted Restoration:: File:, Node: Full Dumps, Next: Inc Dumps, Prev: Backups and Restoration, Up: Backups and Restoration Using `tar' to Perform Full Dumps ================================= *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* Full dumps should only be made when no other people or programs are modifying files in the filesystem. If files are modified while `tar' is making the backup, they may not be stored properly in the archive, in which case you won't be able to restore them if you have to. (Files not being modified are written with no trouble, and do not corrupt the entire archive.) You will want to use the `--label=ARCHIVE-LABEL' (`-V ARCHIVE-LABEL') option to give the archive a volume label, so you can tell what this archive is even if the label falls off the tape, or anything like that. Unless the filesystem you are dumping is guaranteed to fit on one volume, you will need to use the `--multi-volume' (`-M') option. Make sure you have enough tapes on hand to complete the backup. If you want to dump each filesystem separately you will need to use the `--one-file-system' (`-l') option to prevent `tar' from crossing filesystem boundaries when storing (sub)directories. The `--incremental' (`-G') option is not needed, since this is a complete copy of everything in the filesystem, and a full restore from this backup would only be done onto a completely empty disk. Unless you are in a hurry, and trust the `tar' program (and your tapes), it is a good idea to use the `--verify' (`-W') option, to make sure your files really made it onto the dump properly. This will also detect cases where the file was modified while (or just after) it was being archived. Not all media (notably cartridge tapes) are capable of being verified, unfortunately. `--listed-incremental=SNAPSHOT-FILE' (`-g SNAPSHOT-FILE') take a file name argument always. If the file doesn't exist, run a level zero dump, creating the file. If the file exists, uses that file to see what has changed. `--incremental' (`-G') FIXME: look it up `--incremental' (`-G') handle old GNU-format incremental backup. This option should only be used when creating an incremental backup of a filesystem. When the `--incremental' (`-G') option is used, `tar' writes, at the beginning of the archive, an entry for each of the directories that will be operated on. The entry for a directory includes a list of all the files in the directory at the time the dump was done, and a flag for each file indicating whether the file is going to be put in the archive. This information is used when doing a complete incremental restore. Note that this option causes `tar' to create a non-standard archive that may not be readable by non-GNU versions of the `tar' program. The `--incremental' (`-G') option means the archive is an incremental backup. Its meaning depends on the command that it modifies. If the `--incremental' (`-G') option is used with `--list' (`-t'), `tar' will list, for each directory in the archive, the list of files in that directory at the time the archive was created. This information is put out in a format that is not easy for humans to read, but which is unambiguous for a program: each file name is preceded by either a `Y' if the file is present in the archive, an `N' if the file is not included in the archive, or a `D' if the file is a directory (and is included in the archive). Each file name is terminated by a null character. The last file is followed by an additional null and a newline to indicate the end of the data. If the `--incremental' (`-G') option is used with `--extract' (`-x'), then when the entry for a directory is found, all files that currently exist in that directory but are not listed in the archive *are deleted from the directory*. This behavior is convenient when you are restoring a damaged file system from a succession of incremental backups: it restores the entire state of the file system to that which obtained when the backup was made. If you don't use `--incremental' (`-G'), the file system will probably fill up with files that shouldn't exist any more. `--listed-incremental=SNAPSHOT-FILE' (`-g SNAPSHOT-FILE') handle new GNU-format incremental backup. `--listed-incremental=SNAPSHOT-FILE' (`-g SNAPSHOT-FILE') acts like `--incremental' (`-G'), but when used in conjunction with `--create' (`-c') will also cause `tar' to use the file FILE, which contains information about the state of the filesystem at the time of the last backup, to decide which files to include in the archive being created. That file will then be updated by `tar'. If the file FILE does not exist when this option is specified, `tar' will create it, and include all appropriate files in the archive. The file, which is archive independent, contains the date it was last modified and a list of devices, inode numbers and directory names. `tar' will archive files with newer mod dates or inode change times, and directories with an unchanged inode number and device but a changed directory name. The file is updated after the files to be archived are determined, but before the new archive is actually created. File:, Node: Inc Dumps, Next: incremental and listed-incremental, Prev: Full Dumps, Up: Backups and Restoration Using `tar' to Perform Incremental Dumps ======================================== *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* Performing incremental dumps is similar to performing full dumps, although a few more options will usually be needed. You will need to use the `-N DATE' option to tell `tar' to only store files that have been modified since DATE. DATE should be the date and time of the last full/incremental dump. A standard scheme is to do a *monthly* (full) dump once a month, a *weekly* dump once a week of everything since the last monthly and a *daily* every day of everything since the last (weekly or monthly) dump. Here is a copy of the script used to dump the filesystems of the machines here at the Free Software Foundation. This script is run via `cron' late at night when people are least likely to be using the machines. This script dumps several filesystems from several machines at once (via NFS). The operator is responsible for ensuring that all the machines will be up at the time the dump happens. If a machine is not running, its files will not be dumped, and the next day's incremental dump will *not* store files that would have gone onto that dump. #!/bin/csh # Dump thingie set now = `date` set then = `cat date.nfs.dump` /u/hack/bin/tar -c -G -v\ -f /dev/rtu20\ -b 126\ -N "$then"\ -V "Dump from $then to $now"\ /alpha-bits/gp\ /gnu/hack\ /hobbes/u\ /spiff/u\ /sugar-bombs/u echo $now > date.nfs.dump mt -f /dev/rtu20 rew Output from this script is stored in a file, for the operator to read later. This script uses the file `date.nfs.dump' to store the date/time of the last dump. Since this is a streaming tape drive, no attempt to verify the archive is done. This is also why the high blocking factor (126) is used. The tape drive must also be rewound by the `mt' command after the dump is made. File:, Node: incremental and listed-incremental, Next: Backup Levels, Prev: Inc Dumps, Up: Backups and Restoration The Incremental Options ======================= *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* `--incremental' (`-G') is used in conjunction with `--create' (`-c'), `--extract' (`-x') or `--list' (`-t') when backing up and restoring file systems. An archive cannot be extracted or listed with the `--incremental' (`-G') option specified unless it was created with the option specified. This option should only be used by a script, not by the user, and is usually disregarded in favor of `--listed-incremental=SNAPSHOT-FILE' (`-g SNAPSHOT-FILE'), which is described below. `--incremental' (`-G') in conjunction with `--create' (`-c') causes `tar' to write, at the beginning of the archive, an entry for each of the directories that will be archived. The entry for a directory includes a list of all the files in the directory at the time the archive was created and a flag for each file indicating whether or not the file is going to be put in the archive. Note that this option causes `tar' to create a non-standard archive that may not be readable by non-GNU versions of the `tar' program. `--incremental' (`-G') in conjunction with `--extract' (`-x') causes `tar' to read the lists of directory contents previously stored in the archive, *delete* files in the file system that did not exist in their directories when the archive was created, and then extract the files in the archive. This behavior is convenient when restoring a damaged file system from a succession of incremental backups: it restores the entire state of the file system to that which obtained when the backup was made. If `--incremental' (`-G') isn't specified, the file system will probably fill up with files that shouldn't exist any more. `--incremental' (`-G') in conjunction with `--list' (`-t'), causes `tar' to print, for each directory in the archive, the list of files in that directory at the time the archive was created. This information is put out in a format that is not easy for humans to read, but which is unambiguous for a program: each file name is preceded by either a `Y' if the file is present in the archive, an `N' if the file is not included in the archive, or a `D' if the file is a directory (and is included in the archive). Each file name is terminated by a null character. The last file is followed by an additional null and a newline to indicate the end of the data. `--listed-incremental=SNAPSHOT-FILE' (`-g SNAPSHOT-FILE') acts like `--incremental' (`-G'), but when used in conjunction with `--create' (`-c') will also cause `tar' to use the file SNAPSHOT-FILE, which contains information about the state of the file system at the time of the last backup, to decide which files to include in the archive being created. That file will then be updated by `tar'. If the file FILE does not exist when this option is specified, `tar' will create it, and include all appropriate files in the archive. The file FILE, which is archive independent, contains the date it was last modified and a list of devices, inode numbers and directory names. `tar' will archive files with newer mod dates or inode change times, and directories with an unchanged inode number and device but a changed directory name. The file is updated after the files to be archived are determined, but before the new archive is actually created. FIXME: this section needs to be written File:, Node: Backup Levels, Next: Backup Parameters, Prev: incremental and listed-incremental, Up: Backups and Restoration Levels of Backups ================= *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* An archive containing all the files in the file system is called a "full backup" or "full dump". You could insure your data by creating a full dump every day. This strategy, however, would waste a substantial amount of archive media and user time, as unchanged files are daily re-archived. It is more efficient to do a full dump only occasionally. To back up files between full dumps, you can a incremental dump. A "level one" dump archives all the files that have changed since the last full dump. A typical dump strategy would be to perform a full dump once a week, and a level one dump once a day. This means some versions of files will in fact be archived more than once, but this dump strategy makes it possible to restore a file system to within one day of accuracy by only extracting two archives--the last weekly (full) dump and the last daily (level one) dump. The only information lost would be in files changed or created since the last daily backup. (Doing dumps more than once a day is usually not worth the trouble). GNU `tar' comes with scripts you can use to do full and level-one dumps. Using scripts (shell programs) to perform backups and restoration is a convenient and reliable alternative to typing out file name lists and `tar' commands by hand. Before you use these scripts, you need to edit the file `backup-specs', which specifies parameters used by the backup scripts and by the restore script. FIXME: xref Script Syntax . Once the backup parameters are set, you can perform backups or restoration by running the appropriate script. The name of the restore script is `restore'. The names of the level one and full backup scripts are, respectively, `level-1' and `level-0'. The `level-0' script also exists under the name `weekly', and the `level-1' under the name `daily'--these additional names can be changed according to your backup schedule. FIXME: xref Scripted Restoration , for more information on running the restoration script. FIXME: xref Scripted Backups , for more information on running the backup scripts. *Please Note:* The backup scripts and the restoration scripts are designed to be used together. While it is possible to restore files by hand from an archive which was created using a backup script, and to create an archive by hand which could then be extracted using the restore script, it is easier to use the scripts. FIXME: xref incremental and listed-incremental , before making such an attempt. FIXME: shorten node names File:, Node: Backup Parameters, Next: Scripted Backups, Prev: Backup Levels, Up: Backups and Restoration Setting Parameters for Backups and Restoration ============================================== *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* The file `backup-specs' specifies backup parameters for the backup and restoration scripts provided with `tar'. You must edit `backup-specs' to fit your system configuration and schedule before using these scripts. FIXME: This about backup scripts needs to be written: BS is a shell FIXME: script .... thus ... `backup-specs' is in shell script FIXME: syntax. xref Script Syntax, for an explanation of this syntax. FIXME: FIXME: whats a parameter .... looked at by the backup scripts ... which FIXME: will be expecting to find ... now syntax ... value is linked to FIXME: lame ... `backup-specs' specifies the following parameters: `ADMINISTRATOR' The user name of the backup administrator. `BACKUP_HOUR' The hour at which the backups are done. This can be a number from 0 to 23, or the string `now'. `TAPE_FILE' The device `tar' writes the archive to. This device should be attached to the host on which the dump scripts are run. FIXME: examples for all ... `TAPE_STATUS' The command to use to obtain the status of the archive device, including error count. On some tape drives there may not be such a command; in that case, simply use `TAPE_STATUS=false'. `BLOCKING' The blocking factor `tar' will use when writing the dump archive. FIXME: xref Blocking Factor . `BACKUP_DIRS' A list of file systems to be dumped. You can include any directory name in the list--subdirectories on that file system will be included, regardless of how they may look to other networked machines. Subdirectories on other file systems will be ignored. The host name specifies which host to run `tar' on, and should normally be the host that actually contains the file system. However, the host machine must have GNU `tar' installed, and must be able to access the directory containing the backup scripts and their support files using the same file name that is used on the machine where the scripts are run (ie. what `pwd' will print when in that directory on that machine). If the host that contains the file system does not have this capability, you can specify another host as long as it can access the file system through NFS. `BACKUP_FILES' A list of individual files to be dumped. These should be accessible from the machine on which the backup script is run. FIXME: same file name, be specific. through nfs ... * Menu: * backup-specs example:: * Script Syntax:: File:, Node: backup-specs example, Next: Script Syntax, Prev: Backup Parameters, Up: Backup Parameters An Example Text of `Backup-specs' --------------------------------- *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* The following is the text of `backup-specs' as it appears at FSF: # site-specific parameters for file system backup. ADMINISTRATOR=friedman BACKUP_HOUR=1 TAPE_FILE=/dev/nrsmt0 TAPE_STATUS="mts -t $TAPE_FILE" BLOCKING=124 BACKUP_DIRS=" albert:/fs/fsf apple-gunkies:/gd albert:/fs/gd2 albert:/fs/gp geech:/usr/jla churchy:/usr/roland albert:/ albert:/usr apple-gunkies:/ apple-gunkies:/usr gnu:/hack gnu:/u apple-gunkies:/com/mailer/gnu apple-gunkies:/com/archive/gnu" BACKUP_FILES="/com/mailer/aliases /com/mailer/league*[a-z]" File:, Node: Script Syntax, Prev: backup-specs example, Up: Backup Parameters Syntax for `Backup-specs' ------------------------- *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* `backup-specs' is in shell script syntax. The following conventions should be considered when editing the script: FIXME: "conventions?" A quoted string is considered to be contiguous, even if it is on more than one line. Therefore, you cannot include commented-out lines within a multi-line quoted string. BACKUP_FILES and BACKUP_DIRS are the two most likely parameters to be multi-line. A quoted string typically cannot contain wildcards. In `backup-specs', however, the parameters BACKUP_DIRS and BACKUP_FILES can contain wildcards. File:, Node: Scripted Backups, Next: Scripted Restoration, Prev: Backup Parameters, Up: Backups and Restoration Using the Backup Scripts ======================== *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* The syntax for running a backup script is: `script-name' [TIME-TO-BE-RUN] where TIME-TO-BE-RUN can be a specific system time, or can be `now'. If you do not specify a time, the script runs at the time specified in `backup-specs' ( FIXME: pxref Script Syntax ). You should start a script with a tape or disk mounted. Once you start a script, it prompts you for new tapes or disks as it needs them. Media volumes don't have to correspond to archive files--a multi-volume archive can be started in the middle of a tape that already contains the end of another multi-volume archive. The `restore' script prompts for media by its archive volume, so to avoid an error message you should keep track of which tape (or disk) contains which volume of the archive. FIXME: xref Scripted Restoration FIXME: have file names changed? The backup scripts write two files on the file system. The first is a record file in `/etc/tar-backup/', which is used by the scripts to store and retrieve information about which files were dumped. This file is not meant to be read by humans, and should not be deleted by them. FIXME: xref incremental and listed-incremental , for a more detailed explanation of this file. The second file is a log file containing the names of the file systems and files dumped, what time the backup was made, and any error messages that were generated, as well as how much space was left in the media volume after the last volume of the archive was written. You should check this log file after every backup. The file name is `log-MMM-DDD-YYYY-level-1' or `log-MMM-DDD-YYYY-full'. The script also prints the name of each system being dumped to the standard output. FIXME: the section on restore scripts is commented out. FIXME: a section on non-scripted testore mya be a good idea File:, Node: Scripted Restoration, Prev: Scripted Backups, Up: Backups and Restoration Using the Restore Script ======================== FIXME: subject to change as things develop *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* (This node was @ignore'd--merely listing it for now.) To restore files that were archived using a scripted backup, use the `restore' script. The syntax for the script is: where ***** are the file systems to restore from, and ***** is a regular expression which specifies which files to restore. If you specify -all, the script restores all the files in the file system. You should start the restore script with the media containing the first volume of the archive mounted. The script will prompt for other volumes as they are needed. If the archive is on tape, you don't need to rewind the tape to to its beginning--if the tape head is positioned past the beginning of the archive, the script will rewind the tape as needed. FIXME: xref Media , for a discussion of tape positioning. If you specify `--all' as the FILES argument, the `restore' script extracts all the files in the archived file system into the active file system. *Warning:*The script will delete files from the active file system if they were not in the file system when the archive was made. FIXME: xref incremental and listed-incremental , for an explanation of how the script makes that determination. FIXME: this may be an option, not a given File:, Node: Date input formats, Next: Archive Format, Prev: Backups and Restoration, Up: Top Date input formats ****************** This section describes the textual date representations that GNU programs accept. These are the strings you, as a user, can supply as arguments to the various programs. The C interface (via the `getdate' function) is not described here. Although the date syntax here can represent any possible time since zero A.D., computer integers are not big enough for such a (comparatively) long time. The earliest date semantically allowed on Unix systems is midnight, 1 January 1970 UCT. * Menu: * General date syntax:: * Calendar date item:: * Time of day item:: * Timezone item:: * Day of week item:: * Relative item in date strings:: * Pure numbers in date strings:: * Authors of getdate:: File:, Node: General date syntax, Next: Calendar date item, Prev: Date input formats, Up: Date input formats General date syntax =================== A "date" is a string, possibly empty, containing many items separated by whitespace. The whitespace may be omitted when no ambiguity arises. The empty string means the beginning of today (i.e., midnight). Order of the items is immaterial. A date string may contain many flavors of items: * calendar date items * time of the day items * time zone items * day of the week items * relative items * pure numbers. We describe each of these item types in turn, below. A few numbers may be written out in words in most contexts. This is most useful for specifying day of the week items or relative items (see below). Here is the list: `first' for 1, `next' for 2, `third' for 3, `fourth' for 4, `fifth' for 5, `sixth' for 6, `seventh' for 7, `eighth' for 8, `ninth' for 9, `tenth' for 10, `eleventh' for 11 and `twelfth' for 12. Also, `last' means exactly -1. When a month is written this way, it is still considered to be written numerically, instead of being "spelled in full"; this changes the allowed strings. Alphabetic case is completely ignored in dates. Comments may be introduced between round parentheses, as long as included parentheses are properly nested. Hyphens not followed by a digit are currently ignored. Leading zeros on numbers are ignored. File:, Node: Calendar date item, Next: Time of day item, Prev: General date syntax, Up: Date input formats Calendar date item ================== A "calendar date item" specifies a day of the year. It is specified differently, depending on whether the month is specified numerically or literally. All these strings specify the same calendar date: 1970-9-17 # ISO 8601. 70-9-17 # This century assumed by default. 70-09-17 # Leading zeros are ignored. 9/17/72 # Common U.S. writing. 24 September 1972 24 Sept 72 # September has a special abbreviation. 24 Sep 72 # Three-letter abbreviations always allowed. Sep 24, 1972 24-sep-72 24sep72 The year can also be omitted. In this case, the last specified year is used, or the current year if none. For example: 9/17 sep 17 Here are the rules. For numeric months, the ISO 8601 format `YEAR-MONTH-DAY' is allowed, where YEAR is any positive number, MONTH is a number between 1 and 12, and DAY is a number between 1 and 31. If YEAR is less than 100, then 1900 is added to it to force a date in this century. The construct `MONTH/DAY/YEAR', popular in the United States, is accepted. Also `MONTH/DAY', omitting the year. Literal months may be spelled out in full: `January', `February', `March', `April', `May', `June', `July', `August', `September', `October', `November' or `December'. Literal months may be abbreviated to their first three letters, possibly followed by an abbreviating dot. It is also permitted to write `Sept' instead of `September'. When months are written literally, the calendar date may be given as any of the following: DAY MONTH YEAR DAY MONTH MONTH DAY YEAR DAY-MONTH-YEAR Or, omitting the year: MONTH DAY File:, Node: Time of day item, Next: Timezone item, Prev: Calendar date item, Up: Date input formats Time of day item ================ A "time of day item" in date strings specifies the time on a given day. Here are some examples, all of which represent the same time: 20:02:0 20:02 8:02pm 20:02-0500 # In EST (Eastern U.S. Standard Time). More generally, the time of the day may be given as `HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND', where HOUR is a number between 0 and 23, MINUTE is a number between 0 and 59, and SECOND is a number between 0 and 59. Alternatively, `:SECOND' can be omitted, in which case it is taken to be zero. If the time is followed by `am' or `pm' (or `a.m.' or `p.m.'), HOUR is restricted to run from 1 to 12, and `:MINUTE' may be omitted (taken to be zero). `am' indicates the first half of the day, `pm' indicates the second half of the day. In this notation, 12 is the predecessor of 1: midnight is `12am' while noon is `12pm'. The time may alternatively be followed by a timezone correction, expressed as `SHHMM', where S is `+' or `-', HH is a number of zone hours and MM is a number of zone minutes. When a timezone correction is given this way, it forces interpretation of the time in UTC, overriding any previous specification for the timezone or the local timezone. The MINUTE part of the time of the day may not be elided when a timezone correction is used. This is the only way to specify a timezone correction by fractional parts of an hour. Either `am'/`pm' or a timezone correction may be specified, but not both. File:, Node: Timezone item, Next: Day of week item, Prev: Time of day item, Up: Date input formats Timezone item ============= A "timezone item" specifies an international timezone, indicated by a small set of letters. Any included period is ignored. Military timezone designations use a single letter. Currently, only integral zone hours may be represented in a timezone item. See the previous section for a finer control over the timezone correction. Here are many non-daylight-savings-time timezones, indexed by the zone hour value. `GMT' for Greenwich Mean, `UT' or `UTC' for Universal (Coordinated), `WET' for Western European and `Z' for militaries. `WAT' for West Africa and `A' for militaries. `AT' for Azores and `B' for militaries. `C' for militaries. `AST' for Atlantic Standard and `D' for militaries. `E' for militaries and `EST' for Eastern Standard. `CST' for Central Standard and `F' for militaries. `G' for militaries and `MST' for Mountain Standard. `H' for militaries and `PST' for Pacific Standard. `I' for militaries and `YST' for Yukon Standard. +1000 `AHST' for Alaska-Hawaii Standard, `CAT' for Central Alaska, `HST' for Hawaii Standard and `K' for militaries. +1100 `L' for militaries and `NT' for Nome. +1200 `IDLW' for International Date Line West and `M' for militaries. `CET' for Central European, `FWT' for French Winter, `MET' for Middle European, `MEWT' for Middle European Winter, `N' for militaries and `SWT' for Swedish Winter. `EET' for Eastern European, USSR Zone 1 and `O' for militaries. `BT' for Baghdad, USSR Zone 2 and `P' for militaries. `Q' for militaries and `ZP4' for USSR Zone 3. `R' for militaries and `ZP5' for USSR Zone 4. `S' for militaries and `ZP6' for USSR Zone 5. `T' for militaries and `WAST' for West Australian Standard. `CCT' for China Coast, USSR Zone 7 and `U' for militaries. `JST' for Japan Standard, USSR Zone 8 and `V' for militaries. -1000 `EAST' for East Australian Standard, `GST' for Guam Standard, USSR Zone 9 and `W' for militaries. -1100 `X' for militaries. -1200 `IDLE' for International Date Line East, `NZST' for New Zealand Standard, `NZT' for New Zealand and `Y' for militaries. Here are many DST timezones, indexed by the zone hour value. Also, by following a non-DST timezone by the string `DST' in a separate word (that is, separated by some whitespace), the corresponding DST timezone may be specified. `BST' for British Summer. `ADT' for Atlantic Daylight. `EDT' for Eastern Daylight. `CDT' for Central Daylight. `MDT' for Mountain Daylight. `PDT' for Pacific Daylight. `YDT' for Yukon Daylight. +1000 `HDT' for Hawaii Daylight. `MEST' for Middle European Summer, `MESZ' for Middle European Summer, `SST' for Swedish Summer and `FST' for French Summer. `WADT' for West Australian Daylight. -1000 `EADT' for Eastern Australian Daylight. -1200 `NZDT' for New Zealand Daylight. File:, Node: Day of week item, Next: Relative item in date strings, Prev: Timezone item, Up: Date input formats Day of week item ================ The explicit mention of a day of the week will forward the date (only if necessary) to reach that day of the week in the future. Days of the week may be spelled out in full: `Sunday', `Monday', `Tuesday', `Wednesday', `Thursday', `Friday' or `Saturday'. Days may be abbreviated to their first three letters, optionally followed by a period. The special abbreviations `Tues' for `Tuesday', `Wednes' for `Wednesday' and `Thur' or `Thurs' for `Thursday' are also allowed. A number may precede a day of the week item to move forward supplementary weeks. It is best used in expression like `third monday'. In this context, `last DAY' or `next DAY' is also acceptable; they move one week before or after the day that DAY by itself would represent. A comma following a day of the week item is ignored. File:, Node: Relative item in date strings, Next: Pure numbers in date strings, Prev: Day of week item, Up: Date input formats Relative item in date strings ============================= "Relative items" adjust a date (or the current date if none) forward or backward. The effect of relative items accumulate. Here are some examples: 1 year 1 year ago 3 years 2 days The unit of time displacement may be selected by the string `year' or `month' for moving by whole years or months. These are fuzzy units, as years and months are not all of equal duration. More precise units are `fortnight' which is worth 14 days, `week' worth 7 days, `day' worth 24 hours, `hour' worth 60 minutes, `minute' or `min' worth 60 seconds, and `second' or `sec' worth one second. An `s' suffix on these units is accepted and ignored. The unit of time may be preceded by a multiplier, given as an optionally signed number. Unsigned numbers are taken as positively signed. No number at all implies 1 for a multiplier. Following a relative item by the string `ago' is equivalent to preceding the unit by a multiplicator with value -1. The string `tomorrow' is worth one day in the future (equivalent to `day'), the string `yesterday' is worth one day in the past (equivalent to `day ago'). The strings `now' or `today' are relative items corresponding to zero-valued time displacement, these strings come from the fact a zero-valued time displacement represents the current time when not otherwise change by previous items. They may be used to stress other items, like in `12:00 today'. The string `this' also has the meaning of a zero-valued time displacement, but is preferred in date strings like `this thursday'. When a relative item makes the resulting date to cross the boundary between DST and non-DST (or vice-versa), the hour is adjusted according to the local time. File:, Node: Pure numbers in date strings, Next: Authors of getdate, Prev: Relative item in date strings, Up: Date input formats Pure numbers in date strings ============================ The precise intepretation of a pure decimal number is dependent of the context in the date string. If the decimal number is of the form YYYYMMDD and no other calendar date item ( FIXME: pxref Calendar date item ) appears before it in the date string, then YYYY is read as the year, MM as the month number and DD as the day of the month, for the specified calendar date. If the decimal number is of the form HHMM and no other time of day item appears before it in the date string, then HH is read as the hour of the day and MM as the minute of the hour, for the specified time of the day. MM can also be omitted. If both a calendar date and a time of day appear to the left of a number in the date string, but no relative item, then the number overrides the year. File:, Node: Authors of getdate, Prev: Pure numbers in date strings, Up: Date input formats Authors of `getdate' ==================== `getdate' was originally implemented by Steven M. Bellovin (`') while at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The code was later tweaked by a couple of people on Usenet, then completely overhauled by Rich $alz (`') and Jim Berets (`') in August, 1990. Various revisions for the GNU system were made by David MacKenzie, Jim Meyering, and others. This chapter was originally produced by Franc,ois Pinard (`') from the `getdate.y' source code, and then edited by K. Berry (`'). File:, Node: Archive Format, Next: Index, Prev: Date input formats, Up: Top Format of `tar' archives ************************ *(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)* * Menu: * Standard:: * Extensions:: * cpio::