This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.64 from the input file /ade-src/fsf/gcc/./cpp.texi. This file documents the GNU C Preprocessor. Copyright 1987, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions. File:, Node: Invocation, Next: Concept Index, Prev: Output, Up: Top Invoking the C Preprocessor =========================== Most often when you use the C preprocessor you will not have to invoke it explicitly: the C compiler will do so automatically. However, the preprocessor is sometimes useful on its own. The C preprocessor expects two file names as arguments, INFILE and OUTFILE. The preprocessor reads INFILE together with any other files it specifies with `#include'. All the output generated by the combined input files is written in OUTFILE. Either INFILE or OUTFILE may be `-', which as INFILE means to read from standard input and as OUTFILE means to write to standard output. Also, if OUTFILE or both file names are omitted, the standard output and standard input are used for the omitted file names. Here is a table of command options accepted by the C preprocessor. These options can also be given when compiling a C program; they are passed along automatically to the preprocessor when it is invoked by the compiler. Inhibit generation of `#'-lines with line-number information in the output from the preprocessor (*note Output::.). This might be useful when running the preprocessor on something that is not C code and will be sent to a program which might be confused by the `#'-lines. Do not discard comments: pass them through to the output file. Comments appearing in arguments of a macro call will be copied to the output before the expansion of the macro call. `-traditional' Try to imitate the behavior of old-fashioned C, as opposed to ANSI C. * Traditional macro expansion pays no attention to singlequote or doublequote characters; macro argument symbols are replaced by the argument values even when they appear within apparent string or character constants. * Traditionally, it is permissible for a macro expansion to end in the middle of a string or character constant. The constant continues into the text surrounding the macro call. * However, traditionally the end of the line terminates a string or character constant, with no error. * In traditional C, a comment is equivalent to no text at all. (In ANSI C, a comment counts as whitespace.) * Traditional C does not have the concept of a "preprocessing number". It considers `1.0e+4' to be three tokens: `1.0e', `+', and `4'. * A macro is not suppressed within its own definition, in traditional C. Thus, any macro that is used recursively inevitably causes an error. * The character `#' has no special meaning within a macro definition in traditional C. * In traditional C, the text at the end of a macro expansion can run together with the text after the macro call, to produce a single token. (This is impossible in ANSI C.) * Traditionally, `\' inside a macro argument suppresses the syntactic significance of the following character. `-trigraphs' Process ANSI standard trigraph sequences. These are three-character sequences, all starting with `??', that are defined by ANSI C to stand for single characters. For example, `??/' stands for `\', so `'??/n'' is a character constant for a newline. Strictly speaking, the GNU C preprocessor does not support all programs in ANSI Standard C unless `-trigraphs' is used, but if you ever notice the difference it will be with relief. You don't want to know any more about trigraphs. `-pedantic' Issue warnings required by the ANSI C standard in certain cases such as when text other than a comment follows `#else' or `#endif'. `-pedantic-errors' Like `-pedantic', except that errors are produced rather than warnings. `-Wtrigraphs' Warn if any trigraphs are encountered (assuming they are enabled). `-Wcomment' Warn whenever a comment-start sequence `/*' appears in a comment. `-Wall' Requests both `-Wtrigraphs' and `-Wcomment' (but not `-Wtraditional'). `-Wtraditional' Warn about certain constructs that behave differently in traditional and ANSI C. `-I DIRECTORY' Add the directory DIRECTORY to the head of the list of directories to be searched for header files (*note Include Syntax::.). This can be used to override a system header file, substituting your own version, since these directories are searched before the system header file directories. If you use more than one `-I' option, the directories are scanned in left-to-right order; the standard system directories come after. `-I-' Any directories specified with `-I' options before the `-I-' option are searched only for the case of `#include "FILE"'; they are not searched for `#include '. If additional directories are specified with `-I' options after the `-I-', these directories are searched for all `#include' directives. In addition, the `-I-' option inhibits the use of the current directory as the first search directory for `#include "FILE"'. Therefore, the current directory is searched only if it is requested explicitly with `-I.'. Specifying both `-I-' and `-I.' allows you to control precisely which directories are searched before the current one and which are searched after. `-nostdinc' Do not search the standard system directories for header files. Only the directories you have specified with `-I' options (and the current directory, if appropriate) are searched. `-nostdinc++' Do not search for header files in the C++-specific standard directories, but do still search the other standard directories. (This option is used when building libg++.) `-D NAME' Predefine NAME as a macro, with definition `1'. `-D NAME=DEFINITION' Predefine NAME as a macro, with definition DEFINITION. There are no restrictions on the contents of DEFINITION, but if you are invoking the preprocessor from a shell or shell-like program you may need to use the shell's quoting syntax to protect characters such as spaces that have a meaning in the shell syntax. If you use more than one `-D' for the same NAME, the rightmost definition takes effect. `-U NAME' Do not predefine NAME. If both `-U' and `-D' are specified for one name, the `-U' beats the `-D' and the name is not predefined. `-undef' Do not predefine any nonstandard macros. `-A PREDICATE(ANSWER)' Make an assertion with the predicate PREDICATE and answer ANSWER. *Note Assertions::. You can use `-A-' to disable all predefined assertions; it also undefines all predefined macros that identify the type of target system. `-dM' Instead of outputting the result of preprocessing, output a list of `#define' directives for all the macros defined during the execution of the preprocessor, including predefined macros. This gives you a way of finding out what is predefined in your version of the preprocessor; assuming you have no file `foo.h', the command touch foo.h; cpp -dM foo.h will show the values of any predefined macros. `-dD' Like `-dM' except in two respects: it does *not* include the predefined macros, and it outputs *both* the `#define' directives and the result of preprocessing. Both kinds of output go to the standard output file. `-M [-MG]' Instead of outputting the result of preprocessing, output a rule suitable for `make' describing the dependencies of the main source file. The preprocessor outputs one `make' rule containing the object file name for that source file, a colon, and the names of all the included files. If there are many included files then the rule is split into several lines using `\'-newline. `-MG' says to treat missing header files as generated files and assume they live in the same directory as the source file. It must be specified in addition to `-M'. This feature is used in automatic updating of makefiles. `-MM [-MG]' Like `-M' but mention only the files included with `#include "FILE"'. System header files included with `#include ' are omitted. `-MD FILE' Like `-M' but the dependency information is written to FILE. This is in addition to compiling the file as specified--`-MD' does not inhibit ordinary compilation the way `-M' does. When invoking gcc, do not specify the FILE argument. Gcc will create file names made by replacing ".c" with ".d" at the end of the input file names. In Mach, you can use the utility `md' to merge multiple dependency files into a single dependency file suitable for using with the `make' command. `-MMD FILE' Like `-MD' except mention only user header files, not system header files. Print the name of each header file used, in addition to other normal activities. `-imacros FILE' Process FILE as input, discarding the resulting output, before processing the regular input file. Because the output generated from FILE is discarded, the only effect of `-imacros FILE' is to make the macros defined in FILE available for use in the main input. `-include FILE' Process FILE as input, and include all the resulting output, before processing the regular input file. `-idirafter DIR' Add the directory DIR to the second include path. The directories on the second include path are searched when a header file is not found in any of the directories in the main include path (the one that `-I' adds to). `-iprefix PREFIX' Specify PREFIX as the prefix for subsequent `-iwithprefix' options. `-iwithprefix DIR' Add a directory to the second include path. The directory's name is made by concatenating PREFIX and DIR, where PREFIX was specified previously with `-iprefix'. `-isystem DIR' Add a directory to the beginning of the second include path, marking it as a system directory, so that it gets the same special treatment as is applied to the standard system directories. `-lang-c' `-lang-c89' `-lang-c++' `-lang-objc' `-lang-objc++' Specify the source language. `-lang-c' is the default; it allows recognition of C++ comments (comments that begin with `//' and end at end of line), since this is a common feature and it will most likely be in the next C standard. `-lang-c89' disables recognition of C++ comments. `-lang-c++' handles C++ comment syntax and includes extra default include directories for C++. `-lang-objc' enables the Objective C `#import' directive. `-lang-objc++' enables both C++ and Objective C extensions. These options are generated by the compiler driver `gcc', but not passed from the `gcc' command line unless you use the driver's `-Wp' option. `-lint' Look for commands to the program checker `lint' embedded in comments, and emit them preceded by `#pragma lint'. For example, the comment `/* NOTREACHED */' becomes `#pragma lint NOTREACHED'. This option is available only when you call `cpp' directly; `gcc' will not pass it from its command line. Forbid the use of `$' in identifiers. This is required for ANSI conformance. `gcc' automatically supplies this option to the preprocessor if you specify `-ansi', but `gcc' doesn't recognize the `-$' option itself--to use it without the other effects of `-ansi', you must call the preprocessor directly. File:, Node: Concept Index, Next: Index, Prev: Invocation, Up: Top Concept Index ************* * Menu: * ##: Concatenation. * arguments in macro definitions: Argument Macros. * assertions: Assertions. * assertions, undoing: Assertions. * blank macro arguments: Argument Macros. * cascaded macros: Cascaded Macros. * commenting out code: Deleted Code. * computed #include: Include Syntax. * concatenation: Concatenation. * conditionals: Conditionals. * directives: Directives. * expansion of arguments: Argument Prescan. * function-like macro: Argument Macros. * header file: Header Files. * including just once: Once-Only. * inheritance: Inheritance. * invocation of the preprocessor: Invocation. * line control: Combining Sources. * macro argument expansion: Argument Prescan. * macro body uses macro: Cascaded Macros. * macros with argument: Argument Macros. * manifest constant: Simple Macros. * newlines in macro arguments: Newlines in Args. * null directive: Other Directives. * options: Invocation. * output format: Output. * overriding a header file: Inheritance. * parentheses in macro bodies: Macro Parentheses. * pitfalls of macros: Macro Pitfalls. * predefined macros: Predefined. * predicates: Assertions. * preprocessing directives: Directives. * prescan of macro arguments: Argument Prescan. * problems with macros: Macro Pitfalls. * redefining macros: Redefining. * repeated inclusion: Once-Only. * retracting assertions: Assertions. * second include path: Invocation. * self-reference: Self-Reference. * semicolons (after macro calls): Swallow Semicolon. * side effects (in macro arguments): Side Effects. * simple macro: Simple Macros. * space as macro argument: Argument Macros. * standard predefined macros: Standard Predefined. * stringification: Stringification. * testing predicates: Assertions. * unassert: Assertions. * undefining macros: Undefining. * unsafe macros: Side Effects. File:, Node: Index, Prev: Concept Index, Up: Top Index of Directives, Macros and Options *************************************** * Menu: * #assert: Assertions. * #cpu: Assertions. * #define: Argument Macros. * #elif: #elif Directive. * #else: #else Directive. * #error: #error Directive. * #ident: Other Directives. * #if: Conditional Syntax. * #ifdef: Conditionals-Macros. * #ifndef: Conditionals-Macros. * #import: Once-Only. * #include: Include Syntax. * #include_next: Inheritance. * #line: Combining Sources. * #machine: Assertions. * #pragma: Other Directives. * #pragma once: Once-Only. * #system: Assertions. * #unassert: Assertions. * #warning: #error Directive. * -$: Invocation. * -A: Invocation. * -C: Invocation. * -D: Invocation. * -dD: Invocation. * -dM: Invocation. * -H: Invocation. * -I: Invocation. * -idirafter: Invocation. * -imacros: Invocation. * -include: Invocation. * -iprefix: Invocation. * -isystem: Invocation. * -iwithprefix: Invocation. * -lang-c: Invocation. * -lang-c++: Invocation. * -lang-c89: Invocation. * -lang-objc: Invocation. * -lang-objc++: Invocation. * -M: Invocation. * -MD: Invocation. * -MM: Invocation. * -MMD: Invocation. * -nostdinc: Invocation. * -nostdinc++: Invocation. * -P: Invocation. * -pedantic: Invocation. * -pedantic-errors: Invocation. * -traditional: Invocation. * -trigraphs: Invocation. * -U: Invocation. * -undef: Invocation. * -Wall: Invocation. * -Wcomment: Invocation. * -Wtraditional: Invocation. * -Wtrigraphs: Invocation. * __BASE_FILE__: Standard Predefined. * __CHAR_UNSIGNED__: Standard Predefined. * __cplusplus: Standard Predefined. * __DATE__: Standard Predefined. * __FILE__: Standard Predefined. * __GNUC__: Standard Predefined. * __GNUC_MINOR__: Standard Predefined. * __GNUG__: Standard Predefined. * __INCLUDE_LEVEL_: Standard Predefined. * __LINE__: Standard Predefined. * __OPTIMIZE__: Standard Predefined. * __REGISTER_PREFIX__: Standard Predefined. * __STDC__: Standard Predefined. * __STDC_VERSION__: Standard Predefined. * __STRICT_ANSI__: Standard Predefined. * __TIME__: Standard Predefined. * __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__: Standard Predefined. * __VERSION__: Standard Predefined. * _AM29000: Nonstandard Predefined. * _AM29K: Nonstandard Predefined. * BSD: Nonstandard Predefined. * defined: Conditionals-Macros. * M68020: Nonstandard Predefined. * m68k: Nonstandard Predefined. * mc68000: Nonstandard Predefined. * ns32000: Nonstandard Predefined. * pyr: Nonstandard Predefined. * sequent: Nonstandard Predefined. * sun: Nonstandard Predefined. * system header files: Header Uses. * unix: Nonstandard Predefined. * vax: Nonstandard Predefined.