BackOffice Partner


Microsoft Info-Source: The BackOffice and Windows NT Product and Partner Directory

InfoSource is designed as a single source of product and partner information on Windows NT Workstation and the BackOffice family. It contains sales and marketing information on more than 4100 products and services in 21 languages from more than 2500 companies in 34 countries worldwide. InfoSource includes a directory of Windows NT and BackOffice Horizontal and Vertical Market Applications, Hardware Systems, Solution Providers, as well as the new BackOffice Evaluation Guide, Windows NT HCL, Authorized Support Centers (ASC) and Authorized Training and Education Centers (ATEC) partner lists, and information on the Microsoft Solution Provider program.

If you would like to receive a free copy of the InfoSource Directory, you have a couple of options:

We've made InfoSource available as a self-extracting .EXE downloadable below via Microsoft's FTP server. Though it is close to 8MB - this is for the patient and brave...

We estimate users on high-speed connections (T1, etc.) this will take approximately 8-15 minutes - likely enough time to go have coffee.

We estimate users on a fast modem this could take up to 3 hours, so you may want to take a nap or go grab lunch, dinner, breakfast or sit through a couple boring meetings.

Users on slower connections, we wouldn't recommend it - but we're not saying it can't be done.

D ownload the InfoSource Directory.

Or if you'd prefer the old-fashion way, the directory can be ordered and shipped to you in the US by contacting Microsoft Sales and Service at 1-800-426-9400 or from your local Microsoft Subsidiary. The part number to request is #098-62986.

By the way, we are working on bringing this content to you online in the near future, so please add this forum to your Hot List and stop back.

How do I get my Windows NT and the Microsoft BackOffice application or hardware system into InfoSource?

If your an independent software developer or systems manufacturer of products that support Windows NT and the Microsoft BackOffice applications - you should be in the InfoSource Directory (if your not there already).

We would like to help you market your product by including it in the Microsoft InfoSource product and partner directory. To submit your product or products simply complete the submission form provided below and return to Microsoft as instructed. Microsoft InfoSource directory will be updated regularly with new listings. Please review InfoSource to insure your product is not already referenced.

The submission questionnaire that must be filled out completely to be included in future versions of this tool. Please follow the instructions on the form.