NPHOTSPO NP000100 NP000101 NP000102 NP000103 NP000104 NP000105 NP000106 NP000107 NP000108 NP000109 NP000200 NP000201 NP000202 NP000203 NP000204 NP000205 NP000206 NP000207 NP000300 NP000301 NP000302 NP000303 NP000304 NP000305 NP000306 NP000307 NP000308 NP000309 NP000400 NP000401 NP000402 NP000403! NP000404" NP000405# NP000406$ NP000407% NP000408& NP000409' NP000410( NP000500) NP000501* NP000502 NP000503, NP000504- NP000505. NP000506/ NP0005070 NP0005081 NP0005092 NP0005103 NP0006004 NP0006015 NP0006026 NP0006037 NP0006048 NP0006059 NP000606: NP000607; NP000608< NP000609= NP000700> NP000701? NP000702@ NP000703A NP000704B NP000705C NP000706D NP000707E NP000708F NP000709G NP000710H NP000711I NP000712J NP000800K NP000801L NP000802M NP000803N NP000804O NP000805P NP000806Q NP000807R NP000808S NP000809T NP000810 NP000503, NP000504- NP000505. NP000506/ NP0005070 NP0005081 NP0005092 NP0005103 NP0006004 NP0006015 NP0006026 NP0006037 NP0006048 NP0006059 NP000606: NP000607; NP000608< NP000609= NP000700> NP000701? NP000702@ NP000703A NP000704B NP000705C NP000706D NP000707E NP000708F NP000709G NP000710H NP000711I NP000712J NP000800K NP000801L NP000802M NP000803N NP000804O NP000805P NP000806Q NP000807R NP000808S NP000809T NP000810 NP000811V NP000812W NP000813X NP000814Y NP000815Z NP000816[ NP000817\ NP000818] NP000900^ NP000901_ NP000902` NP000903a NP000904b NP000905c NP000906d NP000907e NP000908f NP000909g NP000910h NP000911i NP000912j NP000913k NP000914l NP000915m NP000916n NP000917o NP000918p NP000919q NP000920r NP000921s NP000922t NP000923u NP000924v NP001000w NP001001x NP001002y NP001003z NP001004{ NP001005| NP001100} NP001101~ NP001102 NP000502 NP000810 NP001102 NP001510 NP001800 NP001919400 24500011000 24600089400 25100006700 covers the width of the canyon bed. The trail begins at the north end of the Scenic Drive and continues upstream for several miles through a red sandstone gorge and past natural arch formations and grottos. You may find yourself wading in the Virgin River, sometimes to chest level, for part of this hike. The water temperature in summer is comfortable, although the current can be swift in places and the rocky river bed can be difficult to negotiate. The stream is only passable during the summer season when the water level is low. However, sudden storms can make the trip extremely hazardous. \b Warning: Be sure to check trail conditions with park rangers before setting out.\plain\f0\fs20 \par \par About a mile and a half into the Narrows, you can make a side trip into Orderville Canyon, which is remarkably similar to the Narrows, except the stream that runs through is much shallo* NP000811V NP000812W NP000813X NP000814Y NP000815Z NP000816[ NP000817\ NP000818] NP000900^ NP000901_ NP000902` NP000903a NP000904b NP000905c NP000906d NP000907e NP000908f NP000909g NP000910h NP000911i NP000912j NP000913k NP000914l NP000915m NP000916n NP000917o NP000918p NP000919q NP000920r NP000921s NP000922t NP000923u NP000924v NP001000w NP001001x NP001002y NP001003z NP001004{ NP001005| NP001100} NP001101~ NP001102 NP001103 NP001104 NP001105 NP001200 NP001201 NP001202 NP001203 NP001204 NP001205 NP001206 NP001207 NP001208 NP001209 NP001300 NP001301 NP001302 NP001303 NP001304 NP001305 NP001400 NP001401 NP001402 NP001403 NP001404 NP001405 NP001406 NP001407 NP001408 NP001409 NP001410 NP001411 NP001500 NP001501 NP001502 NP001503 NP001504 NP001505 NP001506 NP001507 NP001508 NP001509 NP001510 NP001103 NP001104 NP001105 NP001200 NP001201 NP001202 NP001203 NP001204 NP001205 NP001206 NP001207 NP001208 NP001209 NP001300 NP001301 NP001302 NP001303 NP001304 NP001305 NP001400 NP001401 NP001402 NP001403 NP001404 NP001405 NP001406 NP001407 NP001408 NP001409 NP001410 NP001411 NP001500 NP001501 NP001502 NP001503 NP001504 NP001505 NP001506 NP001507 NP001508 NP001509 NP001510 NP001511 NP001512 NP001513 NP001514 NP001515 NP001600 NP001601 NP001602 NP001603 NP001604 NP001605 NP001606 NP001607 NP001608 NP001609 NP001610 NP001611 NP001612 NP001613 NP001614 NP001615 NP001616 NP001617 NP001700 NP001701 NP001702 NP001703 NP001704 NP001705 NP001706 NP001707 NP001708 NP001709 NP001710 NP001711 NP001712 NP001713 NP001714 NP001715 NP001716 NP001717 NP001800 . Th* NP001511 NP001512 NP001513 NP001514 NP001515 NP001600 NP001601 NP001602 NP001603 NP001604 NP001605 NP001606 NP001607 NP001608 NP001609 NP001610 NP001611 NP001612 NP001613 NP001614 NP001615 NP001616 NP001617 NP001700 NP001701 NP001702 NP001703 NP001704 NP001705 NP001706 NP001707 NP001708 NP001709 NP001710 NP001711 NP001712 NP001713 NP001714 NP001715 NP001716 NP001717 NP001800 NP001801 NP001802 NP001803 NP001804 NP001805 NP001806 NP001807 NP001808 NP001809 NP001810 NP001811 NP001812 NP001813 NP001814 NP001815 NP001816 NP001817 NP001818 NP001819 NP001820 NP001821 NP001822 NP001823 NP001900 NP001901 NP001902 NP001903 NP001904 NP001905 NP001906 NP001907 NP001908 NP001909 NP001910 NP001911 NP001912 NP001913 NP001914 NP001915 NP001916 NP001917 NP001918 NP001801 NP001802 NP001803 NP001804 NP001805 NP001806 NP001807 NP001808 NP001809 NP001810 NP001811 NP001812 NP001813 NP001814 NP001815 NP001816 NP001817 NP001818 NP001819 NP001820 NP001821 NP001822 NP001823 NP001900 NP001901 NP001902 NP001903 NP001904 NP001905 NP001906 NP001907 NP001908 NP001909 NP001910 NP001911 NP001912 NP001913 NP001914 NP001915 NP001916 NP001917 NP001918 NP001919 NP001920 NP001921 NP002000 NP002001 NP002002 NP002003 NP002004 NP002005 NP002006 NP002007 NP002008 NP002009 NP002010 NP000906d NP000907e NP000908f NP000909g NP000910h NP000911i NP000912j NP000913k NP000914l NP000915m NP000916n NP000917o NP000918p NP000919q NP000920r NP000921s NP000922t NP000923u NP000924v NP001000w NP001001x NP001002y NP001003z NP001004{ NP001005| NP001100} NP001101~ NP001102