PC ReadMe File - LAUNCH, No. 3 Please read the LAUNCH booklet first, for information on how to install and use LAUNCH. This ReadMe file contains tips and late breaking information about LAUNCH that is not included in the booklet. WINDOWS95 USERS --------------- JUMPY VIDEO - If you are experiencing jumpy QuickTime video with your Windows95 system, try the following fix: Edit the qtw.ini file residing in your Windows directory. - Add into the [video] section the following line: optimize=driver - Save this file and then try reloading LAUNCH REQUIREMENTS ------------- Be sure your system has at least: * 8 MB of Ram * 486 processor * 2x CD-ROM drive * Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 * 16-bit sound card preferably * Quicktime 2.0.3 drivers INSTALLING QUICKTIME(TM) ------------------------ The included version of QuickTime(TM) for Windows is 2.0.3 When installing QuickTime(TM), the installer program may ask you if you want to remove old versions of QuickTime. Go ahead and have the installer delete these old versions. You must do this for the installation to succeed. In order to run the Quicktime installer, follow these directions: * Exit Windows * Change to the QTW20 subdirectory * Run the file "setup.exe" * Follow all instructions Note: A Quicktime for Windows program group will be created on your Windows desktop. The installer will place several files into this group. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RUN ANY OF THESE FILES IN ORDER TO ACCESS LAUNCH. These icons are just there as part of the Quicktime installation program. 8 AND 16 BIT COLOR ------------------ ************ There are 2 different versions ************ ************of LAUNCH, 8 bit and 16 bit color. ************ You need to run the version that is appropriate for your system configuration. The 8 bit version is needed if your system display is running at 256 colors. The 16 bit version is needed if you are running 65K colors (65536). The 2 versions need to be run from 2 different files: * Run LAUNCH.EXE for 8 bit color. * Run LAUNCH16.EXE for 16 bit color. If you don't know what color depth your monitor is set, you can check using Windows Setup, located in the Main program group in Windows(look under the DISPLAY option.) From there, you can set your system to one of the following resolutions and color depths: * 640x480x256 (8 bit, 256 colors) * 640x480x64K (16 bit, 64K colors) Please note that if for some reason you run the wrong version of LAUNCH, you may get an error message from Windows. Please set the correct color depth or try running the other version of LAUNCH but only after RESTARTING Windows to avoid any possible crashes. OTHER PERFORMANCE ISSUES -------------------------- If you have any network software running, you should turn it off, as it will slow down performance of LAUNCH. INSTALLATION OF GAMES ------------------------- I. MECHWARRIOR 2 To install the MECHWARRIOR Demo, follow these instructions: 1. Quit to DOS. 2. Change to the MechWarrior directory on your CDROM drive (e.g. cd d:\MWARRIOR) 3. Run "install" - Make sure your hard drive has at least 22MB free for this program. 4. Follow on-screen instructions during installation. If you have problems with any part of the MechWarrior 2 installation, please read the MW2INFO.TXT with its subdirectory for helpful tips and suggestions. II. FX FIGHTER Demo To install the FX FIGHTER Demo, follow these instructions: 1. Quit to DOS. 2. Change to the FX FIGHTER directory on your CDROM drive (e.g. cd d:\FXDEMO) 3. Run "install" - Make sure your hard drive has at least 6MB free for this program. 4. Follow on-screen instructions during installation. If you have problems with any part of the FX FIGHTER DEMO installation, please read the README.TXT with its subdirectory for helpful tips and suggestions. BUGS AND OTHER PROBLEMS ------------------------- We have worked really hard to make LAUNCH bug-free and easy to use. But there may still be some problems that you will encounter. If you are having problems, first check to see that your computer is set up properly and review some of the suggestions in this README file. If you are convinced that everything is OK with your computer, you may have discovered a bug or design problem. If so, we'd like to hear about it. Please send e-mail to: bugs@2launch.com or a fax to the attention of LAUNCH Technical Support, 310-576-6070. Or, you can call the Technical Support helpline at 310-319-5320 (between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM (PST) Monday through Friday and between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Saturday). We also have an on-line Technical FAQ available at our website: http://www.2launch.com Describe the problem in as much detail as you can. Describe where and how it happened. Include all the details about your computer too (e.g. 486 66DX2 GATEWAY Computer Model xxx, a display card, sound card, DOS version, Windows version). There are so many different combinations of equipment and software, that it's difficult to know what is going on without all the information describing a system. Your bug report will help make future issues better.