How to get help

Sales Enquiries

You can contact our Sales Support Staff on FreecallTM* 1-800-804-282

Customer Support

You can receive excellent customer support from our highly-trained customer support team in a number of ways:

Visit our Web Site - find the answers to Frequently Asked Questions and view other Customer Support Tools at

Send an Email - email and we'll get back to you with the answer to your question.

Phone us - you can contact our Customer Support Centre on 131-282 between the hours of 8am to Midnight, 7 days a week. Please note that all times are Australian Eastern Standard or Daylight Savings Time.

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Copyright. ⌐ On Australia Pty Limited. 1998.
The Telstra Big Pond Home Service is provided by On Australia Pty Ltd,
a 100% owned subsidiary of Telstra Corporation Ltd.

Frequently Asked Questions: