InstallSHIELD Software Coporation (c) 1990-1997 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES MEDIA FOLDER_PROGRAMS SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDERZ LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE ISOSVERSIONINFO ISIOSVersionInfoSize ISIMajorVersion ISIMinorVersion ISIBuildNumber ISIPlatformId szISCSDVersionm USER32 MessageBoxA USER32 CheckDlgButton USER32 IsDlgButtonChecked USER32 SetWindowLong USER32 SetActiveWindow USER32 GetActiveWindow USER32 SendDlgItemMessage USER32 FindWindowEx KERNEL32 RemoveDirectoryA KERNEL32 GetCurrentDirectoryA KERNEL32 SetCurrentDirectoryA KERNEL32 GetPrivateProfileIntA KERNEL32 WritePrivateProfileStringA ADVAPI32 RegOpenKeyExA ADVAPI32 RegQueryValueExA ADVAPI32 RegCloseKey FSRIF FSRIF_GetProducts FSRIF FSRIF_GetSetting FSRIF FSRIF_GetRifInfo FSRIF FSRIF_GetRifFileName FSRIF FSRIF_GetRifFileNameEx FSRIF FSRIF_EnableDebugLogging PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInVerifyConflicts PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInShowWizard PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInInitialize PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInRemoveConflicts PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInPreInstall PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInInstall PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInPostInstall PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInPostInstallRestart PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInIniFileSection PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInGetLastError PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInFinishDialogAction PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInGetLicenseState PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInIsRollbackPossible PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInRollback PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInPreUnInstall PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInUnInstall PPlugIn WrapFor_PlugInPostUnInstall PPlugIn WrapperInitialize PPlugIn WrapperDeinitialize PPlugIn WrapperGetLastError FSREG FSREG_ShowOnlineRegDialog FSREG FSREG_WriteSuspendedOnlineReg FSREG FSREG_StartDebugLogging FSPROD FSPROD_GetLastErrorMessage FSPROD FSPROD_InitializeProductInfo FSPROD FSPROD_InitializeGeneralInfo FSPROD FSPROD_DestroyInfo FSPROD FSPROD_NextPhase FSPROD FSPROD_SetPhase FSPROD FSPROD_GetPhase FSPROD FSPROD_ShowSelProdDialog FSPROD FSPROD_GetProductIndex FSPROD FSPROD_GetProductSetting FSPROD FSPROD_SetProductSetting FSPROD FSPROD_DeleteProductSetting FSPROD FSPROD_GetGeneralSetting FSPROD FSPROD_SetGeneralSetting FSPROD FSPROD_DeleteGeneralSetting FSPROD FSPROD_ReadProductSetting FSPROD FSPROD_WriteProductSetting FSPROD FSPROD_ReadGeneralSetting FSPROD FSPROD_WriteGeneralSetting FSPROD FSPROD_StartDebugLogging FSISU FSISU_HaveInstallServiceRights FSISU FSISU_StartUninstallLogging FSISU FSISU_AddFileToUninstallLog FSISU FSISU_StopUninstallLogging FSISU FSISU_AddRollbackEntry FSISU FSISU_OpenRollBackLog FSISU FSISU_CloseRollBackLog FSISU FSISU_PerformUnInstall FSISU FSISU_ParseKeyCodeEx FSISU FSISU_DecodeKC FSISU FSISU_StopFSMA FSISU FSISU_ShellExecute FSISU FSISU_Reboot FSISU FSISU_StartDebugLogging FSISU FSISU_CopyFile FSISU FSISU_CopyFileEx FSISU FSISU_MoveFileEx FSISU FSISU_DeleteFileEx FSISU FSISU_CreateDirectory FSISU FSISU_GetLastErrorMessage FSISU FSISU_DeleteAfterReboot FSISU FSISU_RenameAfterReboot FSISU FSISU_GetPlatform FSISU FSISU_SetFileSecurity FSISU FSISU_DllFunctionExist FSISU FSISU_CreateRegistryEntry FSISU FSISU_RegisterDelayLoadLibrary FSISU FSISU_UnRegisterDelayLoadLibrary FSISU FSISU_ReceivePFOsInfo FSISU FSISU_UpdatePFOsInfo FSISU FSISU_RemovePendingFileOperation FSISU FSISU_SetPFOsImmediateFlush KERNEL32 GetVersionEx SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo Locked files were copied. Reboot is needed. At least one critical file is locked. Exit handled. Asking user...( STR_ASK_EXIT_OR_NOTR6 Nothing to rollback. Simply quit., STR_ASK_ROLLBACK_OR_NOTR6 Aborting after Rollback., Normal end of program.+ Showing dialogs in the case of Silent or Typical mode..." Showing dialogs in the case of Custom mode..." Showing dialogs in the case of non-update installation..." Showing dialogs in the case of previous version update installation..." Showing dialogs in the case of same version update installation..." Showing dialogs in the case of update nothing installation..." Calling FSPROD_InitializeGeneralInfo... Failed: [%s].b STR_SILENT_READ_GENERAL_INFO_FAILEDR STR_READ_GENERAL_INFO_FAILEDR Detecting group for the product %s...b Group%d.ProductsListB Generalb Succeed. Product's group number: %dB Failed.! Analysing initial products info...! ProductVersion, SupportedOS STR_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_READ_PRODUCT_SETTINGR STR_SILENT_ERROR_READING_PRODUCT_SETTINGSR STR_ERROR_READING_PRODUCT_SETTINGSR Product %s is fileless.b Use 1 by default.! There is at least one licensed product., There are no licensed products. Trying to find readme file...! File [%s] not found.b4 File [%s] not found.b4 File [%s] not found.b4 readmea File [%s] not found.b4 readmea File [%s] not found.b4 readmea File [%s] not found.b4 Readme file found: [%s].b4 No readme files found. fsisu.dll| fsisu95.dll| fsisuNT.dll| .eng| fsld32.dll| fsreg$ .exe| fsreg$ .dll| fsreg$ .eng| fsreg$ Uninstall common components disk usage: [%d] Bytes.B Initialization of the Setup...! Can't get main window handle.! Setting default values of variables...! pE b( Creating application information...F F-Secure Corporationa F-Securea 5.02a yourapp.Exe Deinitialization of the Setup... \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla F-Secure 5.02 \SOFTWAREa F-Secure Corporation% F-Secure% \SOFTWAREa F-Secure Corporation% F-Secure \SOFTWAREa F-Secure Corporation Checking PendingFileRenameOperations value in Registry... ADVAPI32.DLL! Can't load ADVAPI32.DLL. Checking won't be performed./ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager Opening registry key [%s]...b Opening failed, error code: [%d]. Checking won't be performed.B Opening succeed. PendingFileRenameOperations Querying registry value [%s]...b Value is not exist.! Value exist.! Querying failed, error code: [%d]. Assuming that the value exists.B Closing opened registry key... Closing succeed., Closing failed. Trying to find wininit.ini file in WINDIR...) wininit.iniR wininit.ini file was not found.! wininit.ini file was found.! Checking not renamed locked files... F-Secure Setup( Asking user if he wants to continue on his own risk... STR_PREV_INST_NOT_COMPLETEDR User choosed to continue., User choosed to quit the Setup. Performing forced reboot... STR_SILENT_REPEATE_THE_INSTALLR Silent mode: showing reboot prompt...! STR_REBOOT_PROMPT_IN_CASE_PREV_INST_NOT_COMPLETEDR STR_REBOOT_MSG_BOX_PROMPTR Performing normal reboot... STR_SILENT_REPEATE_THE_INSTALLR Quiting... STR_SILENT_PREV_INST_WAS_NOT_COMPLETEDR ERROR_VGARESOLUTIONR Checking administrative rights... User hasn't administrative rights to the machine. Quiting...( STR_SILENT_NO_ADMIN_RIGHTSR STR_NO_ADMIN_RIGHTSR User has administrative rights to the machine. Calling FSISU_GetPlatform... FSISU_GetPlatform returned [%d].B nt35! nt351! nt40! nt50! nt51! .net! unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown Running OS: [%s].b, System drive free space checking... Can't get system drive free space. Quiting.../ System drive contains [%d] KB of free space.B Reading necessary system drive free space from setup.ini...% setup.ini& Startupa FreeDiskSpaceR Reading failed, use default value: [%d] KB.A Value defined in FreeDiskSpace key is invalid, use default value: [%d] KB.A Reading succeed, necessary free space: [%d] KB.B System drive does not contain enough free space./ System drive contains enough free space./ STR_SILENT_NOT_ENOUGH_SYSTEM_DRIVE_SPACER STR_NOT_ENOUGH_SYSTEM_DRIVE_SPACER Checking new installation root directory validity [%s]...b' The specified path is invalid (syntax).( STR_SILENT_INVALID_LOCATIONR STR_SPECIFIED_PATH_IS_INVALIDR The specified path is too long: [%d] symbols.B STR_SILENT_DEST_PATH_TOO_LONGR STR_DEST_PATH_TOO_LONGR The specified path doesn't contain drive letter.( STR_SILENT_NOT_FIXED_DRIVER STR_WARN_NOT_FIXED_DRIVER The specified drive is not a local and not a system one.( STR_SILENT_NOT_FIXED_DRIVER STR_WARN_NOT_FIXED_DRIVER The specified directory is a root one.( STR_SILENT_ROOT_DEST_DRIVER STR_WARN_ROOT_DRIVER The specified directory is a system one.( STR_SILENT_SYS_DRIVER STR_WARN_SYS_DRIVER Checking new installation root directory free space... GetDisk failed. Skip checking./ Space required: [%d] Bytes.B Free space on the disk: [%d] Bytes.B Not enough.( STR_SILENT_NO_DISK_SPACER STR_WARN_NO_DISK_SPACER Checking previous installation roots free space...! STR_SILENT_NO_DISK_SPACE_UPDATER Drive [%s], required: [%d] Bytes, available: [%d] Bytesb STR_SILENT_NO_DISK_SPACE_LIST_TEXTR STR_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE_DLG_STR1R STR_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE_DLG_STR2R STR_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE_DLG_STR3R Setup screen... F-Secure Setup F-Secure SetupA F-Secure Setup; F-Secure Setup; F-Secure Setup; F-Secure Setupa Can't get number of colors in the system. Default is 256.! Number of colors in the system is: [%d].B wizard16.bmp wizard16.bmp_ wizard.bmp wizard.bmp_ wizardhi.bmp wizardhi.bmp_ Can't set any of wizard bitmaps. Running with default images. wizard.bmp wizard.bmp_ wizard16.bmp wizard16.bmp_ wizardhi.bmp wizardhi.bmp_ Can't set any of wizard bitmaps. Running with default images. wizardhi.bmp wizardhi.bmp_ wizard.bmp wizard.bmp_ wizard16.bmp wizard16.bmp_ Can't set any of wizard bitmaps. Running with default images. Loading %s...a fsisu.dll %s is already loaded.a fsisu.dll Getting %s version...a fsisu.dll fsisu.dll File not found. Quiting...( STR_SILENT_FSISU_DLL_NOT_FOUNDR STR_FSISU_DLL_NOT_FOUNDR Version information is not available., Version: [%s].b! %s version is old. Quiting...a fsisu.dll STR_SILENT_FSISU_DLL_HAS_OLD_VERSIONR STR_FSISU_DLL_HAS_OLD_VERSIONR fsisu.dll Failed to load %s. Quiting...a fsisu.dll STR_SILENT_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FSISU_DLLR STR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FSISU_DLLR Loading succeed.! Starting FSISU*.DLL debug logging. Unloading %s...a fsisu.dll %s is not loaded.a fsisu.dll fsisu.dll Failed., Succeed.! Loading %s...a fsprod.dll %s is already loaded.a fsprod.dll Getting %s version...a fsprod.dll fsprod.dll File not found. Quiting...( STR_SILENT_FSPROD_DLL_NOT_FOUNDR STR_FSPROD_DLL_NOT_FOUNDR Version information is not available., Version: %sb! %s version is old. Quiting...a fsprod.dll STR_SILENT_FSPROD_DLL_HAS_OLD_VERSIONR STR_FSPROD_DLL_HAS_OLD_VERSIONR fsprod.dll Failed to load %s. Quiting...a fsprod.dll STR_SILENT_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FSPROD_DLLR STR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FSPROD_DLLR Loading succeed.! Starting FSPROD.DLL debug logging. Unloading %s...a fsprod.dll %s is not loaded.a fsprod.dll fsprod.dll Failed., Succeed.! Loading %s...a pplugin.dll %s is already loaded.a pplugin.dll Getting %s version...a pplugin.dll pplugin.dll File not found. Quiting...( STR_SILENT_WRAPPER_DLL_NOT_FOUNDR STR_WRAPPER_DLL_NOT_FOUNDR Version information is not available., Version: %sb! %s version is old. Quiting...a pplugin.dll STR_SILENT_WRAPPER_DLL_HAS_OLD_VERSIONR STR_WRAPPER_DLL_HAS_OLD_VERSIONR pplugin.dll Failed to load %s. Quiting...a pplugin.dll STR_SILENT_FAILED_TO_LOAD_WRAPPER_DLLR STR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_WRAPPER_DLLR Loading succeed.! Unloading %s...a pplugin.dll %s is not loaded.a pplugin.dll pplugin.dll Failed., Succeed.! Loading %s...a fsrif.dll %s is already loaded.a fsrif.dll fsrif.dll Failed.( STR_SILENT_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FSRIF_DLLR STR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FSRIF_DLLR Succeed.! Unloading %s...a fsrif.dll %s is not loaded.a fsrif.dll fsrif.dll Failed., Succeed.! Calling WrapperInitialize with [%s]...b WrapperInitialize returned [%d].B Wrapper returns error: [%s].b STR_SILENT_FAILED_TO_LOAD_PLUGIN_DLLR STR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_PLUGIN_DLLR Calling WrapperDeinitialize... Loading %s...a fsld32.dll fsld32.dll Failed to load %s. Quiting...a fsld32.dll STR_SILENT_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FSLD32_DLLR STR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FSLD32_DLLR Loading succeed. Unloading %s...a fsld32.dll fsld32.dll Failed., Succeed. setup.ini& Startupa DebugR fswssdbg.log| fswssdbg.log! fswssdbg.log! fswssdbg.log! ??-??-???? ??:??:?? %s %s %sb ****************************************************** F-Secure Setup Debug Log File Version: %sa Setup Script Build #%dA& ??-??-???? DATE of creation: %s.b ??:??:?? TIME of creation: %s.b ******************************************************( Performing unattended installation, Performing attended installation Parsing command line [%s]...b %s=[%s].b inilocation( F-Secure Corporation, Custom string for Company Name contains recursive macros. g_szCustomCompanyName is set to: b F-Secure, Custom string for Product Name contains recursive macros. g_szCustomProductName is set to: b F-Secure, Custom string for Trade Mark contains recursive macros. g_szCustomTradeMark is set to: b %company%b %product%b %tm%b Performing upgrade checking...( Upgrade is not enabled. Quiting... STR_SILENT_UPGRADE_DISABLEDR Upgrade is enabled. Creating silent mode result log file... setup.log Writing result code [%s] to setup.log file...b setup.log% Silent Setupa ResultCodeb Writing failed., Writing succeed. Writing result code to Registry: [%s]...b Writing failed. Result will be passed as is. Writing result code description to Registry: [%s]...b Writing failed. Writing silent mode final result... %s %s: %s STR_SILENT_PARTIAL_SUCCESSR STR_SILENT_SUCCESSR DestinationDir entry is missed in prodsett.ini.# DestinationDirUnderProgramFiles entry is also missed.% Destination directory is finally [%s].b Getting ILauncher version... SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secure\FSSetupa ILAUNCHER_VERSION2 ILauncher version information is not available.! ILauncher version number: b Writing reboot request to Registry: %dB Failed./ Performing forced reboot with ILauncher... Performing normal reboot with ILauncher... ILauncher waiting timeout: [%d].B< Writing ILauncher reboot notification... Failed. Waiting for ILauncher finishes its work...! Waiting for %d seconds...B Time is out.! Reading ILauncher finish key... Checking if 1 is written... Ok, ILauncher finished.! Not 1, continue waiting... Removing ILauncher finish key... Waiting for %d seconds to allow services to start completely...B Calling FSISU_Reboot... Calling System...o Reboot unexpectedly returned with the code: [%d].B ProdSett.inia ProdSett.ini! ProdSett.ini! STR_SILENT_CANT_COPY_PROD_INI_FILER STR_SEVERE_CANT_COPY_PROD_INI_FILER ProdSett.ini Product.inia Product.ini! STR_SILENT_CANT_COPY_PRODUCT_INI_FILER STR_SEVERE_CANT_COPY_PRODUCT_INI_FILER Product.ini} FSMAINST.DLL InstallMode FSMAINST.DLL section is present in PRODSETT.INI. Writing SetInstallationRootDirectory=1... SetInstallationRootDirectory STR_SILENT_ERROR_READING_PRODUCT_SETTINGSR STR_ERROR_READING_PRODUCT_SETTINGSR Writing installation root [%s] to prodsett.ini file...b Writing common data to prodsett.ini... Writing product-specific data to prodsett.ini... Filtering products by the given keycode... Invalid keycode is given./ ProductID: [%d], LicenseID: [%d], Version: [%d].BB Evaluation keycode is given./ Can't find the corresponding RIF file./ Calling FSRIF_GetProducts... FSRIF_GetProducts failed./ Products allowed by the given keycode: [%s].b Analyzing the products...! Allowed: %sb Allowed (not licensed): %sb No products are allowed by the given keycode. Checking not licensed product %s...b PlugInGetLicenseState returned [%d].B Error reported: [%s].b PlugInIniFileSection returned error: [%s].b Ini-file section name: [%s], plug-in DLL name: [%s].b Trying the keycode from the command line... Command line keycode is not defined. Trying the keycode from prodsett.ini file...( Trying decoded keycode... Ini-file keycode is not defined. No other sources in SILENT mode. Aborting... STR_SILENT_NO_CDKEY_SPECIFIEDR STR_NO_VALID_KEYCODE_SPECIFIEDR Keycode is predefined, skip ProcessKeycode./ Asking user for keycode...! User pressed Back./ User pressed Next.) STR_INVALID_KEYCODER STR_EVALUATION_KEYCODER STR_NO_PRODUCTS_ALLOWEDR Getting RIF file name for the productID = %d...B Calling FSRIF_GetRifFileNameEx...! Calling FSRIF_GetRifFileName... Getting RIF filename failed.! Succeed, RIF file name: [%s].b Retrieving RIF file info... RIF_ID: [%s].b OEM_ID: [%s].b RIF Product Name: [%s].b/ Getting Product Name failed. RIF Product Version: [%s].b0 Getting Product Version failed. Reading additional settings from RIF for the product %s...b Can't find this product in the RIF file.! Name checking...1 Error: Name mismatch.! SupportedOS is already read from product.ini file., Reading supported OSes list... Failed.! Supported OSes list: [%s].b ProductVersion is already read from product.ini file., Reading ProductVersion... Failed.# The product is not uninstallable - it can have no version setting., Product is uninstallable - fatal error. STR_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_READ_PRODUCT_SETTINGR ProductVersionb STR_SILENT_ERROR_READING_PRODUCT_SETTINGSR STR_ERROR_READING_PRODUCT_SETTINGSR ProductVersion: [%s].b Looking for installed products...! For the product %s...b ProductRegKey setting is not defined for the product., \SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secureb CurrentVersion PreviousVersionRegistryKey setting is not defined for the product., Assume that the product is not installed., Looking for the previous versions of the products...! For the product %s...b Comparing versions... Version of the installed product is newer. Version of the installed product is older. Version of the installed product is the same. Getting CAB file name for the product %s...b Checking CABs and plug-ins...! For the product %s...b CAB file exists. Total size: %d Bytes.B CAB file doesn't exist. CAB file is not defined for the product. The product is cabless. Installation plug-in exists. Installation plug-in doesn't exist. Uninstallation plug-in exists. Uninstallation plug-in doesn't exist. The product is not uninstallable. Checking OS supporting...! For the product %s...b OS is supported. OS isn't supported. Filtering all products... Detecting fatal errors first...! AlwaysCallPlugInDll=1 for the product %s.b OS is not supported.( STR_CRITICAL_DOESNT_SUPPORT_OSR STR_SILENT_CRITICAL_NOT_SUPPORTED_OSR Installation plug-in file doesn't exist.( STR_CRITICAL_INST_PLUGIN_DOESNT_EXISTR STR_SILENT_CRITICAL_INST_PLUGIN_DOESNT_EXISTR MayBeDeselected=0 and Selected=1 for the product %s.b Newer or same version of the product is already installed., OS is not supported.( STR_CRITICAL_DOESNT_SUPPORT_OSR STR_SILENT_CRITICAL_NOT_SUPPORTED_OSR Installation plug-in file doesn't exist.( STR_CRITICAL_INST_PLUGIN_DOESNT_EXISTR STR_SILENT_CRITICAL_INST_PLUGIN_DOESNT_EXISTR Uninstallation plug-in file doesn't exist.( STR_CRITICAL_UNINST_PLUGIN_DOESNT_EXISTR STR_SILENT_CRITICAL_UNINST_PLUGIN_DOESNT_EXISTR CAB file doesn't exist.( STR_CRITICAL_CAB_DOESNT_EXISTR STR_SILENT_CRITICAL_CAB_DOESNT_EXISTR Can't receive previous installation location.( STR_SILENT_CRITICAL_CANT_GET_PREV_INST_DIRR Installation cannot continue.( STR_OK_TO_QUIT_SETUPR STR_OK_TO_RETURN_TO_KEYCODE_DIALOGR Newer critical product exists. Detecting not-fatal errors...! Product %s...b Newer version of the product is installed.( STR_FILTER_NEWER_VER_INSTALLEDR OS is not supported.( STR_FILTER_OS_NOT_SUPPORTEDR CAB file doesn't exist.( STR_FILTER_CAB_DOESNT_EXISTR Installation plug-in file doesn't exist.( STR_FILTER_INST_PLUGIN_DOESNT_EXISTR Uninstallation plug-in file doesn't exist.( STR_FILTER_UNINST_PLUGIN_DOESNT_EXISTR RequiresGK=1 and newer critical product exists.( STR_FILTER_REQUIRES_GKR Can't receive previous installation location.( STR_FILTER_CANT_GET_PREV_INST_DIRR The product was deselected by RequestInstallMode setting.( STR_FILTER_SAME_VER_INSTALLEDR The product is filtered., Checking not licensed products...! Installation cannot continue.( STR_CRITICAL_LICENSEDR STR_OK_TO_QUIT_SETUPR STR_OK_TO_RETURN_TO_KEYCODE_DIALOGR STR_SILENT_CRITICAL_LICENSEDR STR_FILTER_LICENSEDR All the products were filtered. Quiting...( %s %s: %s STR_SILENT_ALL_PRODUCTS_FILTEREDR %s %s:b Detecting installation flow type...! Update older., Update same., Update nothing., Non update. FsWelcomeDialog! Silent mode: skip showing Welcome Dialog./ Showing Welcome Dialog...( FsLicenseAgreementDlg! Silent mode: skip showing LicenseAgreement Dialog./ License.txt Failed to read [%s].b Number of lines in the file: [%d].B Showing LicenseAgreement Dialog...( FsAskKeycodeDlg! Silent mode: skip showing AskKeycode Dialog./ Showing AskKeycode Dialog...( FsUpdateDialog! Silent mode: skip showing Update Dialog./ Showing Update Dialog...( Creating previous products information list... Add b to the list. FsAddCompReinstDlg! Silent mode: skip showing AddComponents/ReinstallAll Dialog./ Showing AddComponents/ReinstallAll Dialog...( Creating previous products information list... Add b to the list. User choosed ReinstallAll! User choosed AddComponents! FsNothingToInstallDialog! Silent mode: skip showing NothingToInstall Dialog.../ Showing NothingToInstall Dialog...( Silent mode: skip showing ChooseComponents Dialog./ Showing ChooseComponents Dialog... Setup! FsChooseDestDir! Silent mode: skip showing ChooseDestDir Dialog. Showing ChooseDestDir Dialog...( FsInstallationInfo! Silent mode: skip showing InstallationInfo Dialog./ Showing InstallationInfo Dialog...! STR_INST_INFO_NOTHING_TO_INSTALLR Nothing to install. Aborting... Creating information list... STR_COMP_TO_BE_INSTALLED_TEXTR Product to be installed: b STR_COMP_TO_BE_UPDATED_TEXTR Product to be updated: b Displaying the dialog...( FsCancelSkipDlg! Silent mode: skip showing Skip/Cancel Dialog./ Showing Skip/Cancel Dialog...( %ProductName%b FsFailedProducts! Silent mode: skip showing FailedProducts Dialog./ Showing FailedProducts Dialog... Creating information list... Product failed to install: b Displaying the dialog...( FsFinishDlg! Silent mode: skip showing Finish Dialog./ Showing Finish Dialog...( Product %s: command [%s], function [%s].b Performing the selected actions... Showing readme file [%s]...b3 Failed. %TargetDir%b Executing [%s]...b Failed. Calling [%s]...b Failed, error reported: [%s].b FsFinishRebootDlg! Showing Finish/Reboot Dialog...( User choosed RebootNow. Performing reboot...o Function System unexpectedly returned with the code: [%d]B User choosed RebootLater. STR_SHOW_READMER Showing readme file [%s]...b3 Performing forced reboot in SILENT mode... Showing reboot prompt in SILENT mode...! Showing Reboot Message Box... STR_REBOOT_MSG_BOX_PROMPTR Continue without reboot in SILENT mode.! Silent mode: skip showing RollbackInfo Dialog./ Total number of products to rollback: %dB Skip showing RollbackInfo dialog./ Creating info list... STR_ROLLBACK_COMPONENTS_TO_ROLLBACKR Product to rollback: %s.b Total number of installing products to keep: %d.B STR_ROLLBACK_COMPONENTS_TO_LEAVER Product to be kept: %s.b Displaying the dialog... FsRollbackInfo! FsFinishAfterRollbackDlg! Showing FinishAfterRollback Dialog...( User choosed RebootNow. Performing reboot...o Function System unexpectedly returned with the code: [%d]B User choosed RebootLater. Performing forced reboot in SILENT mode... Showing reboot prompt in SILENT mode...! Showing Reboot Message Box... STR_REBOOT_MSG_BOX_PROMPTR Continue without reboot in SILENT mode.! FsEnterPrevInstLocationDlg! Silent mode: skip showing EnterPrevInstLocation Dialog./ Showing EnterPrevInstLocation Dialog...( STR_NON_EXISTING_DIRECTORYR FsNonEnoughDiskSpaceDlg! Silent mode: skip showing NonEnoughDiskSpace Dialog./ Showing NonEnoughDiskSpace Dialog...( Making selections basing on prodsett.ini...! For the product %s...b Selected., Deselected. Making NORMAL mode selections...! Product %s: selected.b Product %s: deselected.b Selecting only installed components...! Select the product: b Deselecting installed components...! Deselect the product: b Select the product: b %02lxB Reading the language code for ID = [%s]...b Suite Languagesb %02lxB Failed. Trying to read the language code for basic ID = [%s]...b Suite Languagesb Cannot read the language code. Set it to English.( STR_CANT_READ_LANG_IDR Language 3-letter code found: b Detecting setup language...( SetupLanguage is not defined in prodsett.ini. SetupLanguage is set to [%s].b1 Performing rollback of the product: %s...b System was not changed." Soft rollback is required. System was changed. Hard rollback is required. Performing soft rollback of the product: %s...b Performing hard rollback of the product: %s...b The product is not uninstallable - hard rollback is impossible. Calling WrapFor_PlugInPreUnInstall... The plug-in returned CANCEL_UNINSTALLATION., The plug-in returned ERROR., pplugin.dll returned error: [%s].b The plug-in returned an unspecified error code: %d.B Calling WrapFor_PlugInUnInstall... The plug-in returned ERROR., pplugin.dll returned error: [%s].b The plug-in returned an unspecified error code: %d.B Calling WrapFor_PlugInPostUnInstall... Function returned error., pplugin.dll returned error: [%s].b The plug-in returned an unspecified error code: %d.B Performing system changes rollback... Deciding rollback of the product %s...b Hard rollback is required. System was not changed. Only soft rollback is required. Hard rollback is inducted for the product: %s.b Soft rollback is inducted for the product: %s.b Rollback finished.( install.ini! FSUNINSTa FSUNINSTb Filesa Deleting file [%s]...b Failed., Reboot needed to complete the operation. Deleting file [%s]...b Failed., Reboot needed to complete the operation. Searching dependent product for: %s...b Searching in dependencies of the product: %s...b Dependency found./ Dependecy not found. No dependencies found./ Calling PlugInVerifyConflicts function...( Calling PlugInVerifyConflicts for the product: b The plug-in returned CANCEL_INSTALLATION. Retrieved last error: b empty. STR_SILENT_INST_CANCELEDR STR_CANCELINSTALLATION_MSGR Aborting installation... The plug-in returned OK., The plug-in returned SKIP.! The plug-in returned BACK./ Calling PlugInShowWizards function...( Going forwards, searching for the first selected product... Going backwards, searching for the last selected product... Not found. Calling PlugInShowWizards for the product: b The plug-in returned CANCEL_INSTALLATION.( Last error retrieved: b empty. STR_SILENT_INST_CANCELEDR Cancel the whole installation. Skip installation of the product.! Required plug-in cancelled, cancel installation. Cancel/skip Dialog returned QUIT. Quitting setup... Cancel/skip Dialog returned RESUME.! Cancel/skip Dialog returned SKIP.! The plug-in returned SKIP.! The plug-in returned OK., The plug-in returned BACK.! Calling PlugInInitialize function...! Calling PlugInInitialize for the product: b The plug-in returned OK., Calling PlugInRemoveConflicts function...! Calling PlugInRemoveConflicts for the product: b The plug-in returned OK., Calling PlugInPreInstall function...! Calling PlugInPreInstall for the product: b The plug-in returned OK., Calling PlugInInstall and PlugInPostInstall functions...! Calling PlugInInstall for the product: b The plug-in returned OK., Calling PlugInPostInstall for the product: b The plug-in returned REBOOT_NEEDED.! The plug-in returned PROCEED_WO_REBOOT., Calling PlugInPostInstallRestart functions...! PlugInPostInstallRestart Calling PlugInPostInstallRestart for the product: b The plug-in returned REBOOT_NEEDED.! The plug-in returned PROCEED_WO_REBOOT., Error calling plug-in DLL: b STR_UNSPECIFIED_ERRORR Product is independent - setup will continue.( STR_PLUGIN_DLL_ERROR_INDEPENDENT_PRODUCTR Product is critical - setup will stop.( STR_SILENT_PLUGIN_RETURNED_ERRORR STR_PLUGIN_DLL_ERRORR The plug-in returned an unspecified code. STR_FILTER_PLUG_IN_UNEXP_CODER Product is independent - setup will continue.( STR_PLUGIN_DLL_UNEXP_CODE_INDEPENDENT_PRODUCTR Product is critical - setup will stop.( STR_SILENT_PLUGIN_RETURNED_UNEXPR STR_PLUGIN_DLL_UNEXP_CODER Error calling plug-in wrapper DLL: b STR_SILENT_FAILED_TO_CALL_PLUGIN_DLLR STR_FAILED_TO_CALL_PLUGIN_DLLR Additional products number: %dB Looking for the previous product for the ID = [%d].B Found: [%d].B Not found./ Looking for the next product for the ID = [%d].B Found: [%d].B Not found./ Calculating total space to transfer...! Total space to transfer: [%d] KB.B We need to specify new installation root dir./ We doesn't need to specify new installation root dir./ Deleting directory [%s] with all its contents...b Deleting directory [%s]...b Deleting failed./ Deleting succeed./ Copying [%s] to [%s] with versions checking...b Source file doesn't exist./ Destination directory doesn't exist./ Source version: [%s], destination version: [%s].b Setting normal attributes of the target file...} Failed., Succeed. Copying succeed." Reboot is required to complete the operation. Copying failed./ Skip copying. DirectoriesEnumerator: recursion is too deep./ DirectoriesEnumerator: directory [b ] does not exist. DirectoriesEnumerator: unable to create string list./ DirectoriesEnumerator: ListCount returned error.! DirectoriesEnumerator: unable to add string to the string list.! FilesEnumerator: scanning the specified directory...! Total files found: [%d].B Trying to retrieve Cancel button handler...! FindWindowEx failed./ GetDlgItem failed./ Retrieving succeed: [%d].B Enabling Cancel button..., Disabling Cancel button... Retrieving installed version [%s\\%s]...b Version information is not available., Version received: [%s].b The key does not exist. Parsing registry value string [%s]...b Parsing failed: invalid string format./ Parsing failed: invalid string format./ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE( HKEY_CURRENT_USER( HKEY_USERS( Parsing failed: invalid main key./ MakeStraightString: failed to create string list./ Calculating the number of files in the media [%s]...b Program Files Program Executable Files$ List creation failed./ ComponentFileEnum failed.! Files number: [%d].B CenterWindow: GetWindowRect failed./ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 _sdRECTa right2 _sdRECTa left2 CenterWindow: SystemParametersInfo failed./ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 _sdRECTa right2 _sdRECTa left2 CenterWindow: MoveWindow failed./ STR_COMPONENT_ERR_ADDR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_ALREADYEXISTSR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_CANTDECOMPRESSR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_CANTFINDCOMPONENTR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_CANTFINDGROUPR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_CANTFINDMEDIAR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_CANTFINDTARGETR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_CANTSELFREGISTERR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_DISKIDR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_ENTERDISKR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_FILEINVALIDR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_INVALIDR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_MEDIAINITIALIZEDR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_NOTENOUGHSPACER STR_COMPONENT_ERR_SELECTDISABLEDR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_SHAREDR STR_COMPONENT_ERR_WRONGMEDIAR STR_COMPONENT_ERRR Checking path validity: [%s]...b Is( VALID_PATH ) returned false./ The specified path contains unallowed quotation marks./ \...! The specified path contains unallowed dots./ Creating temporary directory for the product %s... b Setup Directory %s already exists.b Creating directory %s...b Creating directory %s...b Performing disk space checking for the product %s...b GetDisk failed./ Available: [%d], required: [%d].B Performing data moving... Directory [%s] already exists.b' Creating directory [%s]...b' All products failed to install. Copying readme file...$ STR_COPY_FILESR Readme Copying failed., Copying succeed.( Performing data moving for the product: b Directory [%s] already exists.b Creating directory [%s]...b STR_LOG_FILESR STR_COPY_FILESR Copying uninstallation stuff for the product %s...b Copying b fsisu.dll% fsisu.dll Registering [%s] for delay loading...b fsisu.dllA fsisu95.dll% fsisu95.dll Registering [%s] for delay loading...b fsisu95.dllA fsisuNT.dll% fsisuNT.dll Registering [%s] for delay loading...b fsisuNT.dllA fsld32.dll% fsld32.dll Registering [%s] for delay loading...b fsld32.dllA .eng% Copying IS's log file to product's directory...$ .isu% fswsunin.isu% fswsunin.isuR Registering uninstallable product %s...b Unregistering uninstallable product %s...b install.ini Writing to file [%s]...b FSUNINST Writing [%s=1] to the section [%s].b Deleting key [%s] from the section [%s].b Failed. UninstallerFileNameR fsuninst.exe UninstallerFileName Writing [%s=%s] to the section [%s].b Deleting section [%s]...b Failed. Registering dependent file [%s]...b Unregistering dependent file [%s]...b install.ini Writing to file [%s]...b Filesb Failed. Checking if uninstaller [%s] in the directory [%s] is unnecessary...b install.ini! FSUNINSTa UninstallerFileNameR fsuninst.exe The uninstaller is used by the product [%s].b The uninstaller is unnecessary. Deleting superfluous files...1 Deleting file [%s]...b Failed., Reboot needed to finish deleting. Copying non-packed files for the product b Source directory: b Target directory: b The specified NonPackedDirectory doesn't exist in the setup media. *.*A@ Copying files for the product %s to the temporary directory %s...b STR_UNPACKING_FILESR Moving files from temp dir to target dir for the product: b Creating target directory structure... Directory %s already exists.b Creating directory %s...b STR_COPY_FILESR Moving files...! Renaming %s to %s...b Reboot is required to complete moving the file: b File is critical.! File is not critical. Checking MoveFileData result...( ERROR_MOVEDATAR ERROR_COMPONENTR ERROR_FILEGROUPR ERROR_FILER STR_SILENT_ERROR_MOVEDATAR STR_FILTER_COPY_FILES_ERRORR Checking file copying result...) STR_COPY_ERR_CREATEDIRR STR_COPY_ERR_MEMORYR STR_COPY_ERR_NODISKSPACER STR_COPY_ERR_OPENINPUTR STR_COPY_ERR_OPENOUTPUTR STR_COPY_ERR_TARGETREADONLYR STR_COPY_ERR_SELF_REGISTER_FAILR STR_COPY_ERR_UNSPECIFIEDR STR_COPY_FAILEDR STR_SILENT_COPY_FAILEDR STR_FILTER_COPY_FILES_ERRORR Checking file copying result...( STR_COPY_FAILEDR STR_SILENT_COPY_FAILEDR STR_FILTER_COPY_FILES_ERRORR Not enough free disk space to copy files of the product %s.b Space required: %d, space available: %d.B STR_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE_TO_COPYR F-Secure Setup STR_FILTER_NO_DISK_SPACE_TO_COPYR STR_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE_TO_COPY_MANDATORYR F-Secure Setup STR_SILENT_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE_TO_COPY_MANDATORYR Deleting temporary directories for the product %s...b List creation failed./ DirectoriesEnumerator failed.! Deleting the directory [%s]...b Reboot needed to complete the operation. Writing product-specific registry data... For the product %s...b HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEa \SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secure$ \\InstallationDirectory|$ Failed., Succeed. Writing uninstallation registry data... For the product: %s...b File [%s] is not exist. IS's uninstaller will be used.b \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb Uninstall registry key: b .isu% UNIN$ RollbackFileNameA Writing RollbackFileName value to Registry failed. /UninstRegKey:$ UninstallDllPathA Writing UninstallDllPath value to Registry failed. UninstallLogPathA Writing UninstallLogPath value to Registry failed. UninstallationLanguageA Writing UninstallationLanguage value to Registry failed. PasswordRequiredA Writing PasswordRequired value to Registry failed. Uninstall string: b UninstallStringA Writing UninstallString value to Registry failed. DisplayNameA Writing DisplayName value to Registry failed. \SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secure\Securitya UninstallPasswordA Writing uninstallation password to Registry failed. Performing logging files for the product %s...b Program Files Program Executable Files% Logging started. Cannot retrieve file information from the cabinet file. Logging failed., Logging finished. Performing non-packed files logging for the product %s... b Logging started. FindAllDirs failed. Logging finished. Logging root dir [%s] to the product %s...b Detecting installation locations for already installed products...! For the product %s...b KT: Checking IgnorePreviousVersionLocation setting from product.ini& IgnorePreviousVersionLocationR KT: IgnorePreviousVersionLocation setting found: %sb KT: Ignoring previous version location for this product. KT: szRootdir: %sb KT: szTargetDir: %sb KT: Target Path for this product: %sb Setting previous version location for this product. Product is fileless. Detecting installation locations for other products...! For the product %s...b Product is fileless. Retrieving previous installaton location for the product %s...b Trying to read InstallationDirectory value from Registry... \SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secureb InstallationDirectory2 Failed., Succeed: [%s].b Failed: relative path is specified. Trying to read and parse uninstallation string from Registry... Succeed: [%s].b Failed. Trying to read and parse previous version uninstallation string from Registry... Succeed: [%s].b Failed. Scanning default destination directory...% Succeed: [%s].b Failed. IsProductsDir: %s, %s...b ParsePath failed./ Directory's name is not the product's one./ Directory doesn't exist./ fsisu.dll% Trying to find file %s...b File wasn't found., File was found./ Trying to find file %s...b File wasn't found., File was found./ Trying to find file %s...b File wasn't found., File was found./ Retrieving installation root location for the group #%d...B Group%d.PreviousVersionUninstallKeyB Generalb Succeed: [%s]b Succeed: [%s]b Failed./ Retrieving previous installation location from the uninstallation string... \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb Uninstallation registry key: [%s].b UninstallString2 Unable to read UninstallString value from Registry./ Uninstallation string: [%s].b Parsing failed./ /UninstRegKey:! Parsing failed: '/UninstRegKey:' parameter is missed./ Parsing failed: '-f' parameter is missed./ Parsing failed: required parameter is missed./ \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb UninstallDllPath2 Unable to read UninstallDllPath value from Registry./ Previous location retrieved: [%s].b On-line Registration... On-line Registration is disabled./ All products failed to install./ fsrega .dll% fsrega .exe% fsrega fsrega .eng% fsreg$ fsrega Unable to load [%s].b Using eLicense Product name and Version eLicense Product name and Version aren't defined. Using PRODUCT.INI SuiteName.! fsreg$ .ini$ fsrega FSREGa Setupa FSREGa Languageb1 FSREGa ProductNameb FSREGa ProductVersionb FSREGa Keycodeb. FSREGa EnableDontRegisterb FSREGa LicenseInstallationTypeb FSREGa ProductIDb FSREGa LicenseIDb Calling FSREG_ShowOnlineRegDialog... Failed.! Calling FSREG_WriteSuspendedOnlineReg... Failed.! FSREGa Setupa fsreg$ Writing registerable products list... Creating registry key [%s].aD SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secure\FSSetup\F-Secure On-line Registration SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secure\FSSetup\F-Secure On-line Registrationa Failed./ SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secure\FSSetup\F-Secure On-line Registrationa ProductsNumber2 SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secure\FSSetup\F-Secure On-line Registrationa ProductsNumberA Product%dB SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secure\FSSetup\F-Secure On-line Registrationb Product%dB SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secure\FSSetup\F-Secure On-line Registrationb edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA szISCSDVersion2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA $ / : * ? " < > |* Severe SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! Typical, Custom, Compact szDirA ResultA SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialogAdv! SdComponentDialogAdv! SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A 5.00.000