1 Setup [options] [commands]\nOptions:\n /SILENT - Run in silent mode. Must be the first option!\n /CHECKFSMA - Stop if FSMA is installed\n /NOCHECKDISKSPACE - Skip checking free space on the system drive\n /TIMEOUT: - Timeout interval waiting for commands\n /COMMANDPAUSE: - Pause inserting between commands\n /K: - Keycode for installation\nCommands:\n - Perform default installation using:\n * in interactive mode: ISSetup.ex_\n * in silent mode: ISSetup.ex_ -s -SMS\n\n /INSTALLSHIELD [ [] ]\n - Perform installation. If this command is used, it must be the last in cmd line.\n\n /UNINSTALLSHIELD \n - Perform uninstallation of the specified product\n\nIf none of the above switches is specified, the launcher starts ISSetup.ex_ passing\nthe arguments over.\n\nIf the launcher is called exactly as "setup.exe -s -SMS", it starts ISSetup.ex_ -s -SMS 2 F-Secure Setup launcher command line syntax 3 F-Secure Setup launcher initialization error. 100 Invalid command line passed to F-Secure Setup launcher 101 F-Secure Setup was unable to launch ISSetup.ex_ 102 F-Secure Setup launcher was unable to get the result code from setup.log file 103 Setup launcher overflow 104 Registry uninstallation string for the product cannot be read 105 F-Secure Setup launcher was unable to launch uninstallation 106 FSMA installation is detected (/CHECKFSMA specified) 107 Setup process doesn't have administrative rights 108 System drive doesn't have enough free disk space for Setup temporary files 109 F-Secure Setup launcher unhandled exception 110 F-Secure Setup launcher waiting timeout elapsed (/TIMEOUT specified) 111 Registry uninstallation key for the product is not found 112 F-Secure Setup launcher was unable to write the result to Registry