2 Stopping existing drivers or services failed. 3 Installing F-Secure Policy Manager failed. 4 Installing F-Secure Management Agent plug-ins failed. 5 Installing F-Secure Management Agent service failed. 6 Installing F-Secure Settings and Statistics failed. 7 Starting drivers or services failed. 8 Installing F-Secure Management Agent registry entries failed. 9 Installing Network Request Broker service failed. 10 Invalid PRODUCT.INI file. 11 Invalid PRODSETT.INI file. 12 Installing F-Secure Gatekeeper drivers failed. 13 Writing to uninstall log file failed. 14 Installing management public key failed. 15 Could not load ADVAPI32.DLL. 16 Unsupported platform detected. 17 Stopping F-Secure Settings and Statistics application failed. 18 Starting F-Secure Settings and Statistics application failed. 19 Renaming existing drivers failed. 20 Creating directories failed. 21 Conflicting software has been detected. The following software must be uninstalled first: 22 Creating empty policy file POLICY.IPF failed. 23 Installing default policy file FSMA.DPF failed. 24 Installation cannot continue due to the following conflicting software:\n%s 25 F-Secure Installation Wizard 26 Device driver(s) still running from recently uninstalled F-Secure software. Reboot needed to finish uninstallation. 27 F-Secure Setup 28 F-Secure Management Agent Wizard 29 Invalid server address format. The correct format is\nhttp://server.company.com 30 Management public key selection 31 Invalid filename 32 The specified file does not exist! 33 Please enter the account in DOMAIN\ACCOUNT format. 34 Please enter a username. 35 Username and/or password not given. Continue anyway? 36 Password and confirmed password do not match. 37 Account cannot be verified to exist. Continue anyway? 38 N&o, I want to change the settings. 39 &Yes, I want to keep the existing settings. 40 Would you like to keep the existing management public key and the communications settings? 43 Conflicting software detected. The following software must be uninstalled before installing the F-Secure Management Agent can continue: 44 &Communication directory 45 F-Secure Policy Manager &Server 46 Please select the network communication method: 47 Server &address: 48 Host &Extension URI: 49 &Commdir URI: 50 Please enter the path to the Management &Key 51 B&rowse... 52 Products will communicate with server using the following shared &path 53 Products need an account for communication directory. Please enter a specific domain username and password. 54 Ch&oose user... 55 &Username: 56 &Password: 57 &Confirm password: 58 Gina Installation failed 64 FSAA installation failed 65 F-Secure Network Provider installation failed 66 ID2 Installation failed 67 Public key files (*.pub)*.pubAll files (*.*)*.* 70 Choose administration method: 71 &Centralized administration through network 72 &Stand-alone installation 73 Do you want F-Secure GINA to do the authentication? If not, you may choose to chain FSGINA, this way F-Secure GINA is installed and the currently installed GINA will still do the authentication.\n\nSee product manual section Installing F-Secure GINA for more information 74 &No, let the currently installed GINA do the authentication 75 &Yes, let F-Secure GINA do the authentication 76 OK 77 Do you want to chain FSGINA with the existing GINA? 78 Chain FSGINA with the existing %s GINA 79 Do you want to install F-Secure NetworkProvider as Primary Provider? 80 Install as Primary Provider 81 Conflict handler specific error message not available 1044 &Let the currently installed GINA do the authentication 1052 F-Secure Single Sign-On provides a special Graphical Identification and Authentication (GINA) service needed by some F-Secure products. Smart Card login requires that the login dialog is replaced by F-Secure Single Sign-On. 1053 NOTE: Some login dialogs may compromise the security of the products that are using F-Secure Single Sign-On. 1054 Which way would you like to install F-Secure Single Sign-On? 1055 Install and keep &existing login dialog (not recommended) 1056 &Install and replace login dialog (recommended) 1057 &Do not install F-Secure Single Sign-On 1060 An error occured while running the F-Secure Management Agent Installation Wizard