0 Installation ok. 4 File package.ini was not found in JAR file. 10 Wrong parameters in command line or ini file. 99 Undefined Error. 103 JAR corrupted. 300 Error in initializing a new working process. 301 There was an error when unpacking an installation package. 302 File package.ini did not contain any work instructions. 303 Error in creating the install process for setup. 503 The target disk has not enough free space to install. 1001 Error in initializing unpacking library. 1002 Could not create temp directory. 1003 User has no administrative rights. 1004 FSMA already installed. 1005 JAR not found. 1010 F-Secure Setup 1011 F-Secure software upgrade in progress... 1012 Preparing Installation... 1013 Installation in progress... 1014 Removing temporary files... 1040 A new version of F-Secure product has been installed on your computer.\nTo properly take it into use, your computer must be restarted. You should reboot as soon as possible, since some components are temporarily disabled. 1041 This shutdown was initiated by your administrator.\nasdf 1042 Message 1043 Time before shutdown: 1044 This shutdown was initiated by your administrator.\nasdf 1045 Minimize 1046 Reboot now 1100 Warning: Any unsaved documents will be lost. Save your work before shutdown occurs. 1101 Note: It is recommended to save your work and close all applications before shutdown occurs. 1102 This task was initiated by your local administrator. 1103 Shutdown Required 1104 Note: It is recommended to save your work and close all applications before choosing to reboot the computer. 1105 to shutdown 1110 F-Secure Setup 1111 F-Secure Installation Launcher 1112 A new F-Secure product has been installed on your computer.\nTo properly take the new product into use, your computer must be rebooted.\nYou should reboot as soon as possible, since some components are temporarily disabled. Press OK to reboot now. 1113 Setup error: 1114 Standard Usage:\n ilaunchr.exe [/U] [/F] [/Q]\n\nParameters:\n - full path to the installation jar-file (calling without any additional parameters\n assumes /C). JAR is not removed after installation is completed.\n /U - perform the unattended logon-script installation (assumes /C)\n /Q - perform installation without displaying progress window\n /F - forces the installation even if F-Secure Management Agent is present\n /T: - timeout ILauncher waits for installation to be completed, default is infinite\n\nAdvanced parameters:\n ilaunchr.exe /J: /R: [/S] [/C] [/I] [/T:]\n\n /R: - uses the registry to store the result, e.g.\n /R:SOFTWARE\Company\Product\ILauncher (jar-file is removed after\n installation if this parameter has been set)\n 1115 /S - check the signature of the jar-file (requires F-Secure Management Agent\n to be available)\n /C - clean temporary directory containing the unpacked jar-file after installation\n is complete\n /I - reload F-Secure Management Agent after installation is complete\n\nExit codes: 0 = installation completed succesfully\n 1 = F-Secure Management Agent already installed, installation aborted\n 2 = Current user does not have Admin Rights on NT, installation aborted\n 3..99 = ILaunchr failure. Try without /U to see the error message\n 100.. = setup program failure, try without /U to see the error message\n\nExamples:\n ilaunchr \\server\share\fsma.jar /U\n start /wait ilaunchr.exe fsma.jar\n\nCopyright © 2000-2001 F-Secure Corporation. All rights reserved.\n