From White Dwarf #88, April 1987 Transcribed by Cat-Twister ( Feb 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand of Destiny Fate Points in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay by Graeme Davis Fate Points are an important part of the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay rules, allowing characters to cheat death and live to fight another day. They are, however, given very little space in the rule book. The following notes are intended to clarify Fate Points and their use, and deal with any uncertainties which may arise from their previously scanty treatment. What Are Fate Points? The function of Fate Points in WFRP is threefold: First, they allow Our Heroes to make miraculous escapes, as in all the best adventure stories. WFRP adventurers can dodge falling stone blocks by a whicker, survive slipping off a cliff by landing in convenient patch of bushes, run unscathed through a hail of arrows and so on. With hairs-breadth escapes and twists of fate, players are willing to risk their characters, making for a faster and more exciting game than would otherwise be the case. Secondly, Fate Points reflect the idea that Our Heroes have destiny which sets them above the rest of the world. Just as in films John Wayne can make it to the machine-gun nest with marines being cut down around him, so WFRP adventurers can take great risks - and get away with them. Lastly, combat in WFRP is more dangerous than in other RPG's. This is partly because combat is dangerous in real life, and partly because if combat is always the easy way out, players will be less inclined to try something a little more subtle, like thinking! Obviously, there will be some occasions when fighting is the only course of action, and even in the ordinary run of things, characyers get killed very easilly if the players don't learn caution. Fate Points can give the rash player a second chance and the unlucky player an even break. Of course, if the players insist on rushing into every situation waving swords about they will quickly run out of Fate Points, and permanent death will follow with grim inevitability. Most players will get the idea fairly quickly, and realise that a gung-ho approach is not necessarily the best. When To Use Fate Points Basically a Fate Point can be expended whenever a character is about to die - in combat, through traps or accidents, as a results of poison or disease, or in any other circumstances. Instead of dying, the character expends a Fate Point and them the GM has to devise some way of ensuring that the character survives. How To GM Fate Points When a character expends a Fate Point, it is up to the GM to come up with something that will prevent the character dying. No doubt the player in question will be full of helpful suggestions, but you should be careful to ensure that the character is not too much better off as a result of expending a Fate Point. Fate Points are powerful, but not as pwerful as, say D&D/AD&D wishes. The character should survive the situation, but that is it. It can sometimes be difficult to come up with a suitably tailored deus ex machina on the spur of the moment, so here are some ideas. Combat Here is an example of the wrong way to deal with Fate Points in combat: Clem Shirestock is in a hard fight with a band of Chaos Mutants. He has been reduced to 0 Wounds, and a critical hit result indicates that he is about to have his head removed by a neatly-swung axe. Clem's player spends a Fate Point. The GM ignores the critical effect, but Clem is still on 0 Wounds, so the next hit Clem takes is another critical, Clem's player spends another Fate Point... At this rate, Clem will get through his three Fate Points in as many rounds; their only effect will be that he will die three rounds later than he would have done otherwise. Let's try that again... Clem takes a hit which takes him below 0 Wounds. It is a hit to the body, and the critical result indicates that he will be disembowelled and die immediately. Clem's player spends a Fate Point, and is told by the GM that everything goes black. While the player is wondering what has happened, the GM makes a note that Clem has been struck by the flat of the blade and flung against the wall, hitting his head and knocking himself unconscious. He may wake up several hours later (still on 0 Wounds) to find himself - being tended by his victorious comrades; imprisoned in the mutants' lair with his defeated comrades; left for dead, stripped of all equipment and valuables, and all alone. The trick is to use you imagination. This can also provide an opportunity to direct things if the players have gone a little off the track. You, the GM, control when and where characters wake up, and you can use this to your advantage. If, for example, the adventurers have missed a vital clue about the lair of the evil Necromancer, they may wake up in a small village, having been found left for dead in the forest. As their wounds are tended, the villagers will tell them about the black tower beyond the wood, where hideous screams are heard at night, and about the recently-dug graves which have been found torn open, apparently from the inside... There are also some things you will have to watch. Remember, the players know that the character who expended a Fate Point isn't dead, but their characters don't. You must make sure that the players act accordingly. You should avoid being vindictive yourself - if a character appears to be dead, an Orc or mutant will leave him/her and move on to another foe; they won't generally have another few stabs 'just to make sure'. Traps And Accidents When a character expends a Fate Point to avoid being killed by a trap or by some other mischance, there are two possible approaches to what happens next: The Indiana Jones Method - The spikes, spears, falling blocks or whatever, miss by a whisker, grazing the character's armour, possibly destroying a backpack or some other item of equipment, but leaving the character unscathed. The Tom And Jerry Method - The character is spiked, or speared, or flattened, or whatever, but he walks away. Wounds may be reduced to zero, and some or all of the character's equipment may be destroyed, but the character is still just about alive. Poison And Disease When a character expends a Fate Point to avoid death from poison or disease, the effects of the poison or disease miraculously stop when the character is on the point of death, and normal recovery ('enhanced' as usual by medical attention can begin immediately. For example: Clem Shirestock is bitten in the leg by a Giant Rat in the course of an adventure and the GM rolls D100 to see if the bite carries the Black Plague. It does, and Clem must make a Disease test, rolling his Toughness x 10 or less on D100 in order to avoid the infection. Clem's Toughness is 3, and the player rolls 98 - a failure. A week or so later, Clem is struck down with the Plague, and becomes progressively worse over the next few days. After five days, his Strength and Toughness reach zero, and the player expends a Fate Point to prevent Clem from dying. Clem lapses into a come, and for two days he hovers on the brink of death. On the third day, he opens his eyes and asks for food - he has begun to recover. How Characters Gain Fate Points Fate Points are an undeniably valuable commodity in WFRP. The next question is, of course, how does a character get any more? There are four ways in which a character can acquire Fate Points: Character Generation - Every PC acquires Fate Points at the generation stage. This is explained on pp15-16 of the WFRP rule book. Divine Favour 1 - Clerics and Druids may gain Fate Points as a result of a particularly successful roll on the Cleric Advance Table (p150) or the Druid Advance Table (p152). Divine Favour 2 - At the GM's option, a deity may give a character a Fate Point instead of a blessing (see pp193-4). As with all blessings, the character in question must be genuinely deserving, and must have done the deity a great service, such as performing some quest (not a Trial) at the deity's behest. As with the advance tables, only one Fate Point is awarded. Adventuring - If a character successds in staving off a great, world- shaking menace of divine origin (such as the machinations of a Chaos God), a Fate Point may be awarded along with the usual Experience Points. The menace must be comparable in scale to the situation in Shadows Over Bogenhafen, and it must be apparent that but for the character's action an appalling disaster would have taken place. Don't let fast-talking players convince you that wiping out a couple of dozen cultists is the same thing. How Characters Do Not Gain Fate Points Characters may not buy Fate Points with Experience Points under any circumstances. Never, never, never. No how, no way. How Characters Lose Fate Points Just as characters gain Fate Points through divine favour, so they can lose them through divine disfavour. A bad roll on the Cleric/Druid Advance Tables can have this effect, and Fate Points can also be lost as the reverse of a blessing. If a character does a deity a great disservice, the deity may strip the character of a Fate Point until suitable reparation is made. A character who sells out to Chaos and becomes a Chaos Warrior or a Chaos Sorcerer exchanges all his/her Fate Points for Chaos Gifts and an easy road to power. This will be more fully explained in Realm of Chaos. NPCs And Fate Points As a rule, NPCs do not have Fate Points - part of their function, as explained above, is to distinguish the PCs from the rest of the world. However you may allow an NPC to have Fate Points under special circumstances. Say you are developing an NPC who is going to be the bane of the characters' lives for a long time to come : a mega-baddie of the stature of Fu Manchu or Professor Moriarty. The players may think that their enemy has been defeated, but by using Fate Points the villain lives on to fight another day. After enough time to recover, re-equip and recruit new henchmen he/she reappears at an opportune moment to take a devastating revenge. Dracula, for example, must have got through a heck of a lot of Fate Points in the cycle of Hammer films between 1958 and 1973. Despite being staked, burnt, blasted to ash by sunlight, doused in running water and heaven knows what else, he always found a way of coming back to unlife at the start of the next picture. You should keep this sort of treatment for special occasions, however. It will be easy to demoralise the players if every minor villain they encounter develops the habit of coming back to get them after being 'killed' three or four times. However, if you give a few Fate Points to the one leading baddie in you campaign, and have him or her pop up a couple of times to get one back on Our Heroes it can keep them on their toes. Be careful not to let the players cotton onto what's happening, though, or they will take to dismembering and burning every body they can 'just to be sure', and that isn't part of WFRP. So there you are - that's what Fate Points are all about. In conclusion, there are two main points to be stressed. Firstly, be imaginative when GMing the use of Fate Points, as it can add a lot to the tension and enjoyment of the game. Secondly, be mean in handing them out. Each Fate Point effectively gives a character an extra life, and that makes them very powerful and very prescious things indeed. Spreading too many of them about will lead players to adopt the Rambo attitude every time, which devalues both the concept of Fate Points and the game itself. -------------------------------------------------- Cat-Twister Scotland This .sig will self destruct... ...tic, tic BOOM!" --------------------------------------------------