Print Screen for Windows 2.0e - A product of American Systems 1. Installing Print Screen for Windows 2. How to use Print Screen for Windows 3. OLE Automation Support 4. Product Support 5. Ordering Print Screen for Windows [1. Installing Print Screen for Windows] ***** INSTALLATION SUGGESTION **** We suggest that you add Print Screen for Windows to your 'Startup' group. This way the key will always work everytime Windows runs. This saves you from having to locate Print Screen for Windows, and run it every time you start Windows. If you would like Print Screen for Windows to start as an icon, just edit the "properties" of the icon. To do this, single click on the Print Screen for Windows icon, click on 'File', then 'Properties', check the 'Run Minimized' box, then press . From now on, any time you click on this Print Screen for Windows icon, it will start up minimized. ***** **** To install Print Screen for Windows 2.0e run the INSTALL.EXE from Program Manager. Click on 'File' then 'Run' and type the drive, directory and INSTALL to run the installation. For example, if you have the Print Screen for Windows files on a floppy disk, place the disk in drive A: or B:. If you place the disk in drive A:, type "A:INSTALL". If your place the disk in drive B:, type "B:INSTALL". If you have the Print Screen for Windows files on your hard disk, type the drive letter, then the directory, and INSTALL (i.e. "C:\MYDIR\INSTALL"). You will be presented with the directory that Print Screen for Windows will be copied to. Pressing 'Install', will install Print Screen for Windows into the specified directory. If you have any difficulty, please call or write American Systems. Phone: (817)485-6547 Fax: (817)485-2193 Email: Address: American Systems 7016 Thomas Pl. Fort Worth, TX, 76148 Care of Windows Utilities Division [2. How to use Print Screen for Windows] - TO PRINT THE ENTIRE SCREEN to your printer, press the key. - TO PRINT THE CURRENT WINDOW to your printer, hold the key down and press the key. Screen Menu Open Open a previously saved screen print in a .BMP file. Just type the name of the file you want to open and press , or double click the desired file name to open the file. This .BMP file can be read in by many Windows programs. If you are writing a document or presenation that you would like to import screen prints into, you will want to save them to .BMP files. The program will remember the directory you read your last .BMP file from and save the future screen prints there. Save As... Save the screen print to a .BMP file. Just type the name of the file you want to save the screen print as and press , or double click the desired file name. This .BMP file can be read in by many Windows programs. If you are writing a document or presenation that you would like to import screen prints into, you will want to save them to .BMP files. The program will remember the directory you saved your last .BMP file to and save the future screen prints there. Print Prints the displayed screen to the printer you define in the Printer Setup option. If you do not setup a printer, the Windows Default printer will be used. Printer Setup Displays the list of printers and printer drivers you have installed on your PC. Select any printer and driver and press OK to print your screen prints to. Exit Exits Print Screen For Windows Options Menu Stretch Stretches/Squeezes the displayed screen into the size of the Program's Window. This option will be restored if selected when the program restarts as long as 'Save Settings on Exit' is Selected. Reverse Displays/Prints the negative of the screen. Similar to a negative of a photograph. Auto Save Automaticaly saves the screen print to a .BMP file when the or + key is pressed. The program will generate a file name like PS000010.BMP. The first file name generated is PS000000.BMP. The file name of each screen print that you want automatically saved after that will be incremented by one, for example, PS000001.BMP, then PS000002.BMP... These .BMP files can be read in by many Windows programs. If you are writing a document or presenation that you would like to import screen prints into, you will want to save them to .BMP files. This feature is very handy if you are documenting a program or system. You can move through the program you are documenting, screen by screen, pressing +, saving them to .BMP files. Auto Print Automatically prints the screen to the printer when the or + keys are pressed. If this option is not selected, then you must click on 'Print' in the 'Screen menu'. This option will be restored if selected when the program restarts as long as 'Save Settings on Exit' is selected. Print Date/Time When checked on the program will print the date and time the printout is printed below the screen print. Short Icon Title The program will use an abbreviated program title when iconized. This will save you screen real estate. Fast Printing Use a method of printing that sends your screen print the printer faster than normal. You may sacrifice a little print quality, but the screen print will be send to the printer faster. The original version of Print Screen for Windows used the slower method of printing to ensure the highest quality printout. This feature allows you to control how fast you need your screen print to print out. Save Settings on Exit Saves the state of the Options when the program exits. The Options will be restored when Print Screen for Windows is started again. This option will be restored if selected when the program restarts as long as 'Save Settings on Exit' is selected. Command Line Options /h Run Print Screen as a hidden application. You will not see a Window or an icon on the desktop when the program is running. 'AutoPrint' is the only option activated. Therefore whenever you press or + your screen or window will automatically print to your printer. [5. OLE Automation Support] Print Screen contains an OLE Automation Server that allows access to the programs functions and options. When invoked using "PrintScreen.Application", the calling application can access the methods listed below. Note: OLE Automation is not available in the shareware version of Print Screen. It is only available in the production (or registered) version. Before you use Print Screen's OLE Automation Server for the first time you must register Print Screen as an OLE Automation Server in the Registry. If you do not register the server in the Registry, your application will not be able to locate where "PrintScreen.Application" resides and will return an error you your program. You do this one of 2 ways. 1)Start the program and exit or 2)Run the program with '/RegServer' as a command line argument. For example, C:\AMERICAN\PRNTSCRN\PRNTSCRN /RegServer It would be ideal to run this step at the time when you install your application on your user's machine. When "uninstalling" your application, run "PRNTSCRN /UnRegServer" to unregister the entries for the Print Screen's OLE Automation interface. Object Reference The following are the list of methods supported by Print Screen. void CaptureScreen() Captures the entire screen and saves it internally in the Print Screen application. void CaptureWindow() Captures the current window and saves it internally in the Print Screen application. void FilePrint() Prints the screen print loaded by Print Screen. FilePrint() uses the currently selected printer or the Windows default printer if one is not selected. boolean GetReverse() Returns the current state of the Reverse menu item. On the menu bar, this is the 'Reverse' option that that user can turn on and off. When TRUE, Print Screen will reverse the colors of the screen print when printing. See the description of 'Reverse' for more details. void SetReverse(boolean ReverseFlag) Sets the current state of the Reverse menu item. On the menu bar, this is the 'Reverse' option that that user can turn on and off. When TRUE, Print Screen will reverse the colors of the screen print when printing. See the description of 'Reverse' for more details. boolean GetAutoSave() Returns the current state of the AutoSave menu item. On the menu bar, this is the 'AutoSave' option that that user can turn on and off. When TRUE, Print Screen will automatically save a captured screen print to a .BMP file (with a system generated name) when the screen or window is captured. See the description of 'AutoSave' for more details. void SetAutoSave(boolean AutoSaveFlag) Sets the current state of the AutoSave menu item. On the menu bar, this is the 'AutoSave' option that that user can turn on and off. When TRUE, Print Screen will automatically save a captured screen print to a .BMP file (with a system generated name) when the screen or window is captured. See the description of 'AutoSave' for more details. boolean GetAutoPrint() Returns the current state of the AutoPrint menu item. On the menu bar, this is the 'AutoPrint' option that that user can turn on and off. When TRUE, Print Screen will automatically print a captured screen print to the currently selected printer when the screen or window is captured. See the description of 'AutoPrint' for more details. void SetAutoPrint(boolean AutoPrintFlag) Sets the current state of the AutoPrint menu item. On the menu bar, this is the 'AutoPrint' option that that user can turn on and off. When TRUE, Print Screen will automatically print a captured bitmap or window to a the currently selected printer when the screen or window is captured. See the description of 'AutoPrint' for more details. boolean GetPrintDateTime() Returns the current state of the PrintDateTime menu item. On the menu bar, this is the 'PrintDateTime' option that that user can turn on and off. When TRUE, Print Screen will automatically print a the date and time at the bottom of a printout when a screen print is printed. See the description of 'PrintDateTime' for more details. void SetPrintDateTime(boolean PrintDateTimeFlag) Sets the current state of the PrintDateTime menu item. On the menu bar, this is the 'PrintDateTime' option that that user can turn on and off. When TRUE, Print Screen will automatically print a the date and time at the bottom of a printout when a screen print is printed. See the description of 'PrintDateTime' for more details. boolean GetSaveSettings() Returns the current state of the SaveSettings menu item. On the menu bar, this is the 'SaveSettings' option that that user can turn on and off. When TRUE, Print Screen will automatically save the current settings when the program exits. This saves the OLE Automation Controller from having to reset any settings. See the description of 'SaveSettings' for more details. void SetSaveSettings(boolean SaveSettingsFlag) Sets the current state of the SaveSettings menu item. On the menu bar, this is the 'SaveSettings' option that that user can turn on and off. When TRUE, Print Screen will automatically save the current settings when the program exits. This saves the OLE Automation Controller from having to reset any settings. See the description of 'SaveSettings' for more details. boolean FileOpen(string File2Open) Opens a .BMP file and stores it internally to the Print Screen application. This allows the caller to print it or save it to another file. Parameters: File2Open - explicit path of the filename to open Returns: boolean - TRUE if the file was successfully opened, otherwise FALSE. Example: Rem *** This is an example written in Microsoft's Visual Basic Dim PrtScApp as Object Set PrtScApp = GetObject("", "PrintScreen.Application") rc = PrtScApp.FileOpen("c:\mypics\screen1.bmp") if (rc=0) then MsgBox("Unable to open screen print file") End If PrtScApp.Exit boolean FileSaveAs(string File2Save) Saves the screen print stored internally to Print Screen to a .BMP file specified by File2Save. Parameters: File2Save - explicit path of the filename to save the screen print to Returns: boolean - TRUE if the file was successfully saveed, otherwise FALSE. Example: Rem *** This is an example written in Microsoft's Visual Basic Dim PrtScApp as Object Set PrtScApp = GetObject("", "PrintScreen.Application") PrtScApp.CaptureScreen rc = PrtScApp.FileSaveAs("c:\mypics\screen1.bmp") if (rc=0) then MsgBox("Unable to save screen print file") End If PrtScApp.Exit void Exit() Shuts down the Print Screen OLE Automation Server. This must be called before shutting down the OLE Automation Controller. This handles any houskeeping needed inside Print Screen. [4. Product Support] American Systems provides user support to registered versions via mail, and/or telephone. American Systems will answer questions and resolve serious bugs for the first three months after registration. For problems involving a specific hardware or software environment or feature, we may choose not to modify the program. In that case, if a problem is reported within three months after purchase, then we shall offer to refund the user's purchase price. If a bug prevents you from evaluating Print Screen for Windows during the first 30 days (prior to purchase), American Systems will attempt to assist but is not under obligation to resolve issues beyond our control. Phone: (817)485-6547 Fax: (817)485-2193 CIS: 74364,20 Address: American Systems 7016 Thomas Pl. Fort Worth, TX, 76148 Care of Windows Utilities Division Please share the evaluation version of Print Screen for Windows with others for the purpose of evaluation as long as it is unaltered and distributed in its entirety. [5. Ordering Print Screen for Windows] Print out the ORDERFRM.TXT file in the directory with your American Systems product, fill out the information requested and send $19.95 per copy to American Systems 7016 Thomas Pl. Fort Worth, TX 76148 Care of Windows Utilities Division Be sure to specify disk size and quantity. Visa/MC welcome! Make checks and money orders payable to 'American Systems.' *** P.O.'s OVER $100.00 ARE WELCOME! BULK PRICES AVAILABLE! *** You may also select 'How to Order/Register' menu item under the 'Help' Menu.