ADVANCE PROGRAM --------------- IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision Sarasota, Florida * December 5-7, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORKSHOP We are pleased to announce the advance program for the second IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV '94), to be held in Sarasota, Florida, U.S.A., December 5-7, 1994. Researchers from around the world will present and discuss diverse applications of computer vision. In the spirit of the workshop format, we encourage others to participate and bring related interests of academia, industry, and government to the discussion. The workshop is scheduled in morning and evening sessions, leaving afternoons free to enjoy the beach and other activities of the Sarasota area. Buffet receptions will accompany the evening sessions, which will include special events (e.g., panel discussions) as well as papers. SARASOTA The workshop hotel is the Holiday Inn on Lido Beach in Sarasota, Florida. One of the prime attractions is of course the beach. In addition, the hotel is a two-block walk from St. Armand's Circle, which provides many fine shopping and dining possibilities. Sports activities in the area include various water sports, wind surfing, deep sea fishing, boat rentals, cycling, tennis and golf. Other attractions in the Sarasota area include the Mote Marine Lab, Myakka River State Park, Ringling Museum, and Sarasota Jungle Garden. Other major attractions within driving distance include Disney World, Epcot, Sea World, Universal Studies (all near Orlando), Busch Gardens (in Tampa), and the Salvador Dali Museum (in St. Petersburg). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL CHAIR: Allen Hanson, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS: Bruce Flinchbaugh, Texas Instruments Yasuo Nakagawa, Hitachi LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CHAIR: Kevin Bowyer, Univ. of South Florida PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Minoru Asada, Osaka Univ. Henry Baird, AT&T Bell Laboratories Horst Bunke, Univ. of Bern Henrik Christenson, Univ. of Aalborg Jeff Dehart, Army Research Laboratory Ed Delp, Purdue Univ. Goesta Granlund, Linkoping Univ. Steve Hennessy, Martin-Marietta John Illingworth, Univ. of Surrey Judd Jones, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Philip Kegelmeyer, Sandia National Laboratory Ichiro Masaki, MIT and General Motors Tom Nartker, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas Keith Nishihara, Teleos Research Shmuel Peleg, Hebrew Univ. Banavar Sridhar, NASA Sargur Srihari, SUNY Buffalo Robin Strickland, Univ. of Arizona Mohan Trivedi, Univ. of Tennessee Larry Wolff, Johns Hopkins Univ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1994 7:30: Registration 8:00: Welcome 8:30: Session: Fish, Coal, Doors, & Integrated Circuits "A Unified Recognition and Stereo Vision System for Size Assessment," Andrew Naiberg and James Little (Univ. of British Columbia) "A Stereoscopic Surface Profiling System, MAPSSIT: Theoretical, Implementation, and Performance Issues," Philip W. Smith and N. Nandhakumar (Univ. of Virginia) "Automatic Classification of Wooden Cabinet Doors," Lynn Abbott and Bin Yuan (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.) "Precise Visual Inspection for LSI Wafer Patterns Using Subpixel Image Alignment," Takashi Hiroi, et al (Hitachi) 10:30: Session: Mosaics "Compilation of Mosaics from Separately Scanned Line Drawings," Rik D.T. Janssen and Albert M. Vossepoel (Delft Univ. of Technology) "Image Mosaicing for Tele-Reality Applications," Richard Szeliski (Digital Equipment Corporation) "Real-Time Scene Stabilization and Mosaic Construction," M. Hansen, et al (David Sarnoff Research Center) 12:00: Afternoon Adjournment 17:00: Reception 17:30: Session: (panel or talk to be arranged) 18:30: Session: Vehicles & Highways "A Robust Cognitive Approach to Traffic Scene Analysis," Dirk Wetzel and Heinrich Niemann (Bavarian Research Center for Knowledge Based Systems) "A Morphological Model-Driven Approach to Real-Time Street Boundary Detection for Vision-Based Automotive Systems," Alberto Broggi and Simona Berte` (Univ. of Parma) "Real-Time Traffic Monitoring," N.J. Ferrier, et al (Univ. of Oxford) "Modelling Issues in Vision Based Aircraft Navigation during Landing," Tarun Soni and Banavar Sridhar (NASA Ames Research Center) "A Practical Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System," Sumit Badal, et al (Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst) "Application of Optical Flow for Automated Overtaking Control," M. Tistarelli, et al (Univ. of Genoa) 21:30: Evening Adjournment TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1994 7:30: Morning Coffee 8:00: Session: Eyes & Faces "Using Modeling and Fuzzy Logic to Detect and Track Microvessels in Conjunctiva Images," Carl Wick, et al (U.S. Naval Academy) "A System for Automated Iris Recognition," R. P. Wildes, et al (David Sarnoff Research Center) "Recognizing a Facial Image from a Police Sketch," Robert Uhl, et al (Univ. of Central Florida) "Parameterisation of a Stochastic Model for Human Face Identification," Ferdinando Samaria and Andy Harter (Univ. of Cambridge) 10:00: Session: Buildings & Terrain "Model Supported Exploitation: Quick Look, Detection and Counting, and Change Detection," C. Huang, et al (General Electric) "Task Driven Perceptual Organization for Extraction of Rooftop Polygons," Christopher Jaynes, et al (Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst) "Model Validation for Change Detection," M. Bejanin, et al (Univ. of Southern California) "A System for Aircraft Recognition in Perspective Aerial Images," Subhodev Das, et al (Univ. of California, Riverside) 12:00: Afternoon Adjournment 17:00: Reception 17:30: Session: Boxes, Gestures, Forms, Water Meters, & Cans "Genetic Labeling and its Application to Depalletizing Robot Vision," Manabu Hashimoto and Kazuhiko Sumi (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) "Recursive Identification of Gesture Inputs using Hidden Markov Models," Jennifer Schlenzig, et al (Univ. of California, San Diego) "Anatomy of a Hand-Filled Form Reader," Atul Chhabra (NYNEX) "Application Constraints in the Design of an Automatic Reading Device for Analog Display Instruments," Robert Sablatnig (Technical Univ. of Vienna) "Application of the Controlled Active Vision Framework to Robotic and Transportation Problems," Christopher Smith, et al (Univ. of Minnesota) 20:00: Session: (panel or talk to be arranged) 21:30: Evening Adjournment WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1994 7:30: Morning Coffee 8:00: Session: Leukocytes, Thyroids, & Anatomical Images "Leukocyte Classification by Size Functions," Massimo Ferri, et al (Univ. of Bologna) "Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Thyroid Scintigrams," Felix Grimm, et al (Univ. of Bern) "Registration of MR and CT 3D Volumetric Data Sets," Rakesh Kumar, et al (David Sarnoff Research Center) 9:30: Session: Tracking, Range, & Recognition "3-D Tracking of a Moving Object with the Active Stereo Vision System," Noriaki Maru, et al (Osaka Univ.) "Real-Time Visual Tracking Using Correlation Techniques," Mark Eklund, et al (Univ. of Tennessee) "A Methodology for Evaluating Range Image Segmentation Techniques," Adam Hoover, et al (Univ. of South Florida) "Model-Based Path Finding Using Adjacent Area Shape," Takashi Okada, et al (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) "A Method for Recognition and Localization of Generic Objects for Indoor Navigation," Dongsung Kim and Ramakant Nevatia (Univ. of Sourthern California) "Acquisition of 3D Structure of Selectable Quality from Image Streams," Arun Dalmia and Mohan Trivedi (Univ. of Tennessee) 12:30: End of Workshop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotel Registration The Holiday Inn on Lido Beach is about 7 miles from Sarasota airport. A taxi from the Sarasota airport to the hotel will cost approximately $10 one way. The hotel is also about a 75-minute drive from the Tampa airport. The WACV conference rates for rooms at the Holiday Inn on Lido Beach are: "Cityview" "Gulfview" Single $59 $69 Double $69 $79 These rates are subject to a 9% tax. There is a $10 charge for each additional adult. Children stay free in the same room as an adult. To obtain the conference rates, make your reservation by Sunday, November 13 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time and mention that you are attending WACV '94. Reservations made after this date will be accepted by the hotel on a "space available" basis. The conference rates are available for a three-day period before and after WACV '94. All major credit cards are accepted by the hotel. To make your reservation contact the hotel directly by calling (813) 388-3941, fax to (813) 388-4321, or write: Holiday Inn Sarasota - Lido Beach 233 Ben Franklin Drive Sarasota, Florida 34236 U.S.A. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop Registration To register for the workshop in advance, fill out this form, enclose a check ($US) payable to "WACV" for the amount due, and mail it to be received by Monday, November 14, 1994 at this address: Allen Hanson Computer Science Department A213 Lederle Graduate Research Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 0l003 U.S.A. The workshop registration fees include all sessions, two evening buffet receptions, and morning coffees: Member Non-Member Student Advance (received by Nov 14): $300 $375 $100 Late/On-Site: $360 $450 $120 WACV'94 Registration Form IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision Sarasota, Florida * December 5-7, 1994 Name: ------------------------------------------------------------ Email Address: ------------------------- Phone Number: ------------------------- Fax Number: ------------------------- Mail Address: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Amount of Check for Registration Fee Enclosed ($US): ------------- (Make check payable to "WACV".)