A. General References A.1. Meetings 1. A. Rosenfeld, ed., Multiresolution Image Processing and Analysis (Leesburg, VA, July 19-21, 1982), Springer, Berlin, 1984. 2. 1984 Conference on Intelligent Systems and Machines, Rochester, MI, April 24-25, 1984. 3. Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Vision: Representation and Control (Annapolis, MD, April 30-May 2, 1984), IEEE Publ. 84CH2014-9. 4. J.F. Gilmore, ed., Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Arlington, VA, May 3-4, 1984), Proc. SPIE 485. 5. Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-84; Austin, TX, August 6-10, 1984). 6. A.G. Tescher, ed., Applications of Digital Image Processing VII (San Diego, CA, August 21-24, 1984), Proc. SPIE 504. 7. Lee S. Baumann, ed., Proceedings: Image Understanding Workshop (New Orleans, LA, October 3- 4, 1984), Science Applications International Corp. 8. Thirteenth Workshop on Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition, Silver Spring, MD, October 22-24, 1984. 9. Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, Cambridge, MA, November 5-8, 1984, Proc. SPIE 521. 10. The First Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (Denver, CO, December 5-7, 1984), IEEE Publ. 84CH2107-1. 11. E. Caianiello and G. Musso, eds., Cybernetic Systems: Recognition, Learning, Self-Organization (Cava dei Tirreni, Italy, December 9-12, 1981), Research Studies Press (Wiley), New York, 1984. 12. S. Levialdi, ed., Digital Image Analysis (Selva di Fasano, Italy, November 15-18, 1982), Pitman, London, 1984. 13. A.G. Sartori-Angus and C.C. Handley, eds., Proceedings of the First South African Symposium on Digital Image Processing (Durban, S.A., July 18-19, 1983) 14. International Symposium on Image Processing and its Applications, Tokyo, Japan, January 18-21, 1984. 15. Quatrieme Congres: Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Paris, France, January 25-27, 1984. 16. International Week of the Electronic Image, Biarritz, France, May 21-25, 1984 (including the First Image Symposium, May 23-25). 17. Autbild '84/1, Wantlitzsee, DDR, May 21-25, 1984. 18. Second South African Symposium on Digital Image Processing, Durban, S.A., July 23-27, 1984. 19. Proceedings, Seventh International Conference on Pattern Recognition (Montreal, Canada, July 30- August 2, 1984), IEEE Publ. 84CH2046-1. 20. Sixth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pisa, Italy, September 5-7, 1984. 21. W. Kropatsch, ed., Mustererkennung 1984 (DACM/OAGM Symposium, Graz, Austria, October 2-4, 1984), Springer, Berlin, 1984. 22. International Meeting on Artificial Intelligence, Marseilles, France, October 24-27, 1984. 23. R.M. Haralick and J.R. Ullmann, A report on the 1982 IEEE Computer Vision Workshop, WCVRC, vii-xiii. 24. E.S. Gelsema, A survey of six International Conferences on Pattern Recognition, PRL 2, 1984, 205-212. A.2. Collections, surveys, etc. 25. H. Niemann and Y.T. Chien, eds., Special Issue: Knowledge Based Image Analysis, PR 17(1), 1984, 1- 176. 26. K.H. Beckurts and H.G. Schwartzel, eds., Digital Image Processing, Siemens Research and Development Reports 13(3), 1984, 89-162. 27. M.P. Ekstrom, ed., Digital Image Processing Techniques, Academic Press, New York, 1984. 28. A. Rosenfeld, Image analysis: problems, progress, and prospects, PR 17, 1984, 3-12. 29. J.K. Tsotsos, Knowledge and the visual process: content, form, and use, PR 17, 1984, 13-27. 30. M. Nagao, Control strategies in pattern analysis, PR 17, 1984, 45-56. 31. A. Rosenfeld, Computer vision research at the University of Maryland: a 20-year retrospective, PR 17, 1984, 373-375. 32. A. Rosenfeld, Computer vision: signals, segments, and structures, ASSP Magazine 1(1), 1984, 11-18. 33. T. Matsuyama, Knowledge organization and control structure in image understanding, 7ICPR, 1118-1127. 34. B.J. Schachter, Real-time image processing at Westinghouse: 1964-1984, IUW, 53-55. 35. T. Poggio and V. Torre, Ill-posed problems and regularization analysis in early vision, IUW, 257- 263. 36. K.S. Fu and A. Rosenfeld, Pattern recognition and computer vision, Computer 17(10), 1984, 274-282. 37. A. Rosenfeld, Picture processing: 1983, CVGIP 26, 1984, 347-393. A.3. Graphics 38. T.L. Kunii, ed., Computer Graphics--Theory and Applications (Proceedings of InterGraphics '83), Springer, Berlin, 1983. 39. T.L. Kunii, ed., More Selections from Intergraphics '83, CGA 4(1), January 1984, 35-65. 40. Computer Graphics '84 Conference and Exposition (National Computer Graphics Association), Anaheim, CA, May 13-17, 1984. 41. H. Christiansen, Ed., SIGGRAPH '84 Conference Proceedings (Minneapolis, MN, July 23-27, 1984), CG 18(3), July 1984. 42. H. Tucker, ed., Eurographics 84 (Copenhagen, Denmark, September 12-14, 1984), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984. 43. G.F. Schrack, Literature in computer graphics for the year 1983: a bibliography, CG 18, 1984, 69-89. 44. G.F. Schrack, More texts and books in computer graphics, CG 18, 1984, 90-91. 45. G.F. Schrack, Texts and books in computer graphics (third list), CG 18, 1984, 160-. 46. C. Machover and W. Myers, Interactive computer graphics, Computer 17(10), 1984, 145-161. 47. G. Demos, M.D. Brown, and R.A. Weinberg, Digital scene simulation: the synergy of computer technology and human creativity, P-IEEE 72, 1984, 22-31. 48. H. Weghorst, G. Hooper, and D.P. Greenberg, Improved computational methods for ray tracing, TOG 3, 1984, 52-69. 49. A. Fujimoto, C.G. Perrott, and K. Iwata, A 3-D graphics display system with depth buffer and pipeline processor, CGA 4(6), 1984, 11-23. 50. S. Coquillart and M. Gangnet, Shaded display of digital maps, CGA 4(7), 1984, 35-42. 51. C.P. Verbeck and D.P. Greenberg, A comprehensive light source description for computer graphics, CGA 4(7), 1984, 66-75. 52. N.L. Max, Atoms with transparency and shadows, CVGIP 27, 1984, 46-63. 53. A.R. Gourlay, Grayscale simulation on a color display, CVGIP 27, 1984, 92-96. 54. L.S. Brotman and N.I. Badler, Generating soft shadows with a depth buffer algorithm, CGA 4(10), 1984, 5-12. 55. A.S. Glassner, Space subdivision for fast ray tracing, CGA 4(10), 1984, 15-22. 56. W. Myers, New systems improve picture quality and performance, CGA 4(10), 1984, 56-59. 57. P.S. Heckbert and P. Hanrahan, Beam tracing polygonal objects, SIGGRAPH, 119-127. 58. J. Amanatides, Ray tracing with cones, SIGGRAPH, 129-135. 59. R.L. Cook, T. Porter, and L. Carpenter, Distributed ray tracing, SIGGRAPH, 137-145. 60. M. Dippe and J. Swensen, An adaptive subdivision algorithm and parallel architecture for realistic image synthesis, SIGGRAPH, 149-158. 61. T.W. Sederberg and D.C. Anderson, Ray tracing of Steiner patches, SIGGRAPH, 159-164. 62. J.T. Kajiya and B.P. Von Herzen, Ray tracing volume densities, SIGGRAPH, 165-174. 63. C.M. Goral, K.E. Torrance, D.P. Greenberg, and B. Battaile, Modeling the interaction of light between diffuse surfaces, SIGGRAPH, 213-222. 64. T. Porter and T. Duff, Compositing digital images, SIGGRAPH, 253-259. A.4. Optical processing and display 65. J.A. Neff, ed., Optical Computing: Critical Review of Technology (Los Angeles, CA, January 24-25, 1984), Proc. SPIE 456. 66. R.A. Milano, ed., Optical Interfaces for Digital Circuits and Systems (Los Angeles, CA, January 26, 1984), Proc. SPIE 466. 67. H.J. Caulfield, S. Horvitz, G.P. Tricoles, and W.A. Von Winkle, eds., Special Issue on Optical Computing, P-IEEE 72(7), July 1984, 755-979. 68. H.J. Caulfield, ed., Analog Optical Processing and Computing (Cambridge, MA, October 25-26, 1984), Proc. SPIE 519. 69. E. Schlam, ed., Advances in Display Technology IV (Los Angeles, CA, January 24-25, 1984), Proc. SPIE 457. 70. J.J. Pearson, ed., Processing and Display of Three- Dimensional Data (San Diego, CA, August 23-24, 1984), Proc. SPIE 507. A.5. Perception 71. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Vision and Image Understanding, Erice, Sicily, July 1-12, 1984. 72. Second Workshop on Human and Machine Vision, Montreal, Canada, August 1-3, 1984. 73. A.C. Sanderson and Y.Y. Zeevi, eds., Special Issue on Neural and Sensory Information Processing, T-SMC 13(5), September-October 1983, 666-1047. 74. P.C. Dodwell and T. Caelli, eds., Figural Synthesis, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1984. 75. M.N. Oguztoreli, Modeling and simulation of vertebrate primary visual system: basic network, T- SMC 13, 1983, 776-781. 76. J.C. Curlander and V.Z. Marmarelis, Processing of visual information in the distal neurons of the vertebrate retina, T-SMC 13, 1983, 943-934. 77. S. Grossberg, The quantized geometry of visual space, Behavioral Brain Sciences 6, 1983, 625-692. 78. E.L. Schwartz, Anatomical and physiological correlates of visual computation from striate to infero-temporal cortex, T-SMC 14, 1984, 257-270. 79. D.H. Ballard, A. Bandyopadhyay, J. Sullins, and H. Tanaka, A connectionist model of extrapersonal space, WCVRC, 18-24. B. Digitization, Approximation, Compression B.1. Sampling, quantization 80. Y. Yamada, S. Tazaki, M. Kasahara, and T. Namekawa, Variance mismatch of vector quantities, T-IT 30, 1984, 104-107. 81. J.A. Bucklew, Multidimensional digitization of data followed by a mapping, T-IT 30, 1984, 107-110. 82. P.F. Swaszek and J.B. Thomas, Design of quantizers from histograms, T-COMM 32, 1984, 240-245. 83. J.A. Bucklew, Two results on the asymptotic performance of quantizers, T-IT 30, 1984, 341-348. 84. R.M. Gray, Vector quantization, ASSP Magazine 1(2), 1984, 4-29. 85. F.S. Lu and G.L. Wise, A simple approximation for minimum mean-square error symmetric uniform quantization, T-COMM 32, 1984, 470-474. 86. N. Farvardin and J.W. Modestino, Optimum quantizer performance for a class of non-Gaussian memoryless sources, T-IT 30, 1984, 485-497. 87. P. Kabal, Quantizers for the gamma distribution and other symmetrical distributions, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 836-841. 88. T.R. Fischer and R.M. Dicharry, Vector quantizer design for memoryless Gaussian, gamma, and Laplacian sources, T-COMM 32, 1984, 1065-1069. 89. Z. Orbach, New types of adaptive quantizers, T- ASSP 32, 1984, 1006-1013. 90. L. Nielsen, K.J. Astrom, and E.I. Jury, Optimal digitization of 2-D images, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 1247- 1249. 91. F. Bonfatti, P. Tiberio, and A. Volta, A note on the conversion of polygonal to cellular maps, C+G 7, 1983, 355-360. 92. J.P. Allerbach, Design of antialiasing patterns for time-sequential sampling of spatiotemporal signals, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 137-144. 93. Y. Baram, On two-dimensional data representation by radial base functions, T-ASSP 32, 1983, 163-164. 94. T.C. Chen and R.J.P. de Figuereido, Image decimation and interpolation techniques based on frequency domain analysis, T-COMM 32, 1984, 479-484. 95. T.C. Chen and R.J.P. de Figuereido, Model-based image interpolation by generalized splines, 7ICPR, 120-122. 96. J.J. Lefebvre, J.N. Oeconomos, P. Tremelat, and P. Vibert, A particular interpolation technique applied to digital picture restoration, 7ICPR, 933-935. 97. A. Blake, Reconstructing a visible surface, AAAI, 23-26. 98. A.D. Kulkarni and K. Sivaraman, Interpolation of digital imagery using hypersurface approximation, SP 7, 1984, 65-73. 99. D. Terzopoulos, Multilevel reconstruction of visual surfaces: variational principles and finite-element representations, MIPA, 237-310. 100. P.J. Burt and E.H. Adelson, A multiresolution spline with application to image mosaics, TOG 2, 1983, 217-236. 101. K. Takikawa, Fast progressive reconstruction of a transformed image, T-IT 30, 1984, 111-117. 102. K.N. Ngan, Image display techniques using the cosine transform, T-ASSP 32, 1983, 173-177. 103. E.V. Krishnamurthy, High-order tensor product approximation for two-and three- dimensional image blocks with application to multiresolution image representation, CVGIP 25, 1984, 393-398. 104. J. O'Rourke and K.R. Sloan, Jr., Dynamic quantization: two adaptive data structures for multidimensional spaces, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 266-280. 105. A.M. Fanelli and B. Marangelli, Data compression for progressive transmission of screened pictures, T- SMC 14, 1984, 519-524. 106. H. Samet, Approximation and compression of images using quadtrees, 7ICPR, 220-223. 107. D.M. Hardas and S.N. Srihari, An architecture for progressive refinement of 3-D grey level images, 7ICPR, 224-226. 108. A.M. Fanelli and B. Marangelli, Progressive transmission of news photos, CVGIP 27, 1984, 239- 245. 109. A.L. Yuille and T. Poggio, Fingerprints theorems, AAAI, 362-365. 110. V.V. Alexandrov, N.D. Gorsky, and S.N. Mysko, Recursive pyramids and their use for image coding, PRL 2, 1984, 301-310. 111. D.M. Hardas and S.N. Srihari, Progressive refinement of 3-D images using coded binary trees: algorithms and architecture, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 748-757. B.2. Curve and surface approxmiations 112. M. Shneier, Multiresolution feature encodings, MIPA, 190-199. 113. O. Lozover and K. Preiss, Automatic construction of a cubic B-spline representation for a general curve, C+G 7, 1983, 149-153. 114. T. Thong, Ellipse, arc of ellipse and elliptic spline, C+G 7, 1983, 169-175. 115. M.D. McIlroy, Best approximate circles on integer grids, TOG 2, 1983, 237-263. 116. M. Dhome, G. Rives, and M. Richetin, Sequential piecewise-linear segmentation of binary contours, PRL 2, 1983, 101-107. 117. F. Murtagh and A.E. Raftery, Fitting straight lines to point patterns, PR 17, 1984, 479-483. 118. L.D. Wu, A piecewise linear approximation based on a statistical model, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 41-45. 119. R. Chellappa and R. Bagdazian, Fourier coding of image boundaries, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 102-105. 120. K.I. Kanatani, Errors of the incremental method for curves, CVGIP 26, 1984, 130-133. 121. B.A. Barsky, Exponential and polynomial methods for applying tension to an interpolating spline curve, CVGIP 27, 1984, 1-18. 122. D.H.U. Kochanek and R.H. Bartels, Interpolating splines with local tension, continuity, and bias control, SIGGRAPH, 33-43. 123. N.N. Abdelmalek, Piecewise linear L(1) approximation of plane curves, 7ICPR, 105-108. 124. J.O. Eklundh and J. Howako, Robust shape description based on curve fitting, 7ICPR, 109-112. 125. L.D. Wu and X.Y. Luo, Fast piecewise non-linear approximation, 7ICPR, 330-332. 126. G.S. Zabele and J. Koplowitz, A transform encoding scheme for closed planar curves, 7ICPR, 339-342. 127. N. Otsu, Karhunen-Loeve line fitting and a linearity measure, 7ICPR, 486-489. 128. G. Hartmann, Principles and strategies of hierarchical contour coding, 7ICPR, 1087-1089. 129. J.R. Van Aken, An efficient ellipse-drawing algorithm, CGA 4(9), 1984, 24-35. 130. K. Wall and P.E. Danielsson, A fast sequential method for polygonal approximation of digitized curves, CVGIP 28, 1984, 220-227. 131. M. Doros, On some properties of the generation of discrete circular arcs on a square grid, CVGIP 28, 1984, 377-383. 132. D. Cyganski and J.A. Orr, Parameterization of planar contours for elliptic decomposition and determination of affine transforms, CAIA, 161-166. 133. J.A. Mendez and A. Falcon, On the orthogonal expansion of images for low level recognition. Fourier-Bessel representation., CAIA, 167-169. 134. J.K. Navlakha, An analytical technique for 3- dimensional interpolation, BIT 24, 1984, 119-122. 135. P. Dierckx, Algorithms for smoothing data on the sphere with tensor product splines, Computing 32, 1984, 319-342. 136. B.A. Barsky, A description of various 3-D models, CGA 4(1), 1984, 38-52. 137. O.D. Faugeras, Polyhedral approximation of 3-D objects without holes, CVGIP 25, 1984, 169-183. 138. L. Bacchelli-Montefusco and G. Casciola, Using interactive graphics for fitting surfaces to scattered data, CGA 4(7), 1984, 43-45. 139. V. Brailovsky, An incompletely determined model for approximating functions from experimental data, 7ICPR, 1263-1265. 140. H.A. Steinberg, A smooth surface based on biquadratic patches, CGA 4(9), 1984, 20-23. 141. D.A. Fogg, Contour to rectangular grid conversion using minimal curvature, CVGIP 28, 1984, 85-91. 142. J.R. Kender and D. Lee, The information-centered approach to optimal algorithms applied to the 2-1/2D sketch, IUW, 107-112. 143. G.B. Smith, A fast surface interpolation technique, IUW, 211-215. 144. D. Terzopoulos, Controlled-smoothness stabilizers for the regularization of ill-posed visual problems involving discontinuities, IUW, 225-229. 145. R.E. Barnhill and W. Boehm, eds., Surfaces in Computer Aided Geometric Design (Oberwolfach, Germany, April 25-30, 1982), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983. 146. R.E. Barnhill and W. Boehm, eds. Computer Aided Geometric Design, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1984 ff. B.3. Coding and compression 147. A.K. Jain, P.M. Farrelle, and V.R. Algazi, Image data compression, DIPT, 171-226. 148. L. Capo, A. Giglio, and G. Zarone, Some experiments in parameter encoding of video signals, DIA, 174- 182. 149. G.E. Lowitz and P. Cassagne, CLADYN, a new compressor for numerical color TV and multispectral images, PR 17, 1984, 551-557. 150. A. Leon-Garcia and H. Tanaka, Noiseless coding of binary finite order Markov sources, T-IT 30, 1984, 88-91. 151. J.W. Modestino and V. Bhaskaran, Adaptive two- dimensional tree encoding of images using spatial masking, T-COMM 32, 1984, 177-189. 152. H. Gharavi, Conditional variable-length coding for gray-level pictures, Bell System Technical J. 63, 1984, 249-260. 153. W.H. Chen and W.K. Pratt, Scene adaptive coder, T- COMM 32, 1984, 225-232. 154. N. Mukawa, H. Kuroda, and T. Matsuoka, An interframe coding system for video teleconferencing signal transmission at a 1.5 Mbit/s rate, T-COMM 32, 1984, 280-287. 155. H. Murakami and H. Yamamoto, Performance of transform coding for carrier chrominance signals, T-COMM 32, 1984, 324-327. 156. Y. Ninomiya and Y. Ohtsuka, A motion-compensated interframe coding scheme for NTSC color television signals, T-COMM 32, 1984, 328-334. 157. M. Vetterli, Multi-dimensional sub-band coding: some theory and algorithms, SP 6, 1984, 97-112. 158. S.T. Alexander and S.A. Rajala, Optimal gain derivation for the LMS algorithm using a visual fidelity criterion, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 434-437. 159. L.H. Zetterberg, S. Ericsson, and C. Couturier, DPCM picture coding with two-dimensional control of adaptive quantization, T-COMM 32, 1984, 457-462. 160. M. Yasuhara and Y. Yasumoto, An improved adaptive predictor in DPCM based on the Kalman filter and its application to handwriting signal encoding, T- COMM 32, 1984, 484-488. 161. G. Ram, On the encoding and representing of images, CVGIP 24, 1984, 224-232. 162. S.A. Townes and J.B. O'Neal, Jr., Permutation codes for the Laplacian source, T-IT 30, 1984, 553-559. 163. W.A. Pearlman and A. Chekima, Source coding bounds using quantizer reproduction levels, T-IT 30, 1984, 559-567. 164. H.M. Hang and J.W. Woods, Near merging of paths in suboptimal tree searching, T-IT 30, 1984, 567-573. 165. R. Srinivasan and K.R. Rao, CMT and hybrid coding of the component color TV signal, T-SMC 14, 1984, 506- 510. 166. T.A. Welch, A technique for high-performance data compression, Computer 17(6), 1984, 8-19. 167. D.R. Halverson, A generalized block truncation coding algorithm for image compression, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 664-668. 168. R. Schafer, DPCM coding of the chrominance signals for the transmission of colour TV signals at 34 Mbits/s, SP 6, 1984, 187-199. 169. C.M. Williams, The trapezoidal approximation of digitized images, CVGIP 27, 1984, 64-77. 170. W.A. Pearlman and P. Jakatdar, The effectiveness and efficiency of hybrid transform/DPCM interframe image coding, T-COMM 32, 1984, 832-838. 171. D.R. Comstock and J.D. Gibson, Hamming coding of DCT-compressed images over noisy channels, T- COMM 32, 1984, 856-861. 172. K.A. Tampi and S.S. Chetlur, A new filtering approach to the recognition of near geometric shapes, 7ICPR, 60-62. 173. G.E. Lowitz and P. Cassagne, A new compressor for digital color, 7ICPR, 674-676. 174. J.A. Saghri and A.G. Tescher, Adaptive transform coding based on chain coding concepts, 7ICPR, 1081- 1086. 175. K. Sivaraman and K.P. Rajappan, A study of rectangular transforms for data compression, T- ASSP 32, 1984, 934-938. 176. T. Fukinuki and Y. Hirano, Extended definition TV, T-COMM 32, 1984, 948-953. 177. S. Sabri, Movement compensated interframe prediction for NTSC color TV signals, T-COMM 32, 1984, 954-968. 178. J.A. Stuller, On the relation between triangular matrix decomposition and linear prediction, P- IEEE 72, 1984, 1093-1094. 179. R. Misra, A deblurring algorithm using edge gradient for the Walsh-Hadamard transform image coding system, CVGIP 27, 1984, 369-379. 180. M.D. Lema and O.R. Mitchell, Absolute moment block truncation coding and its application to color images, T-COMM 32, 1984, 1148-1157. 181. H. Murakami, Algorithm for construction of variable length code with limited word length, T-COMM 32, 1984, 1157-1159. 182. H. Yamaguchi, Efficient encoding of colored pictures in R,G,B components, T-COMM 32, 1984, 1201-1209. 183. P.A. Maragos, R.W. Schafer, and R.M. Mersereau, Two-dimensional linear prediction and its application to adaptive predictive coding of images, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 1213-1229. 184. H. Lohscheller, A subjectively adapted image communication system, T-COMM 32, 1984, 1316-1322. 185. S. Sabri and B. Prasada, Coding of broadcast TV signals for transmission over satellite channels, T-COMM 32, 1984, 1323-1330. 186. N. Scheinberg, J. Barba, E.H. Feria, and D.L. Schilling, A composite NTSC color video bandwidth compressor, T-COMM 32, 1984, 1331-1335. 187. S.C. Kwatra and C. Ekambaram, A new architecture for adaptive intrafield transform compression of NTSC composite video signal, T-COMM 32, 1984, 1349-1351. 188. H. Murakami and H. Yamamoto, Theoretical comparison between DPCM and transform coding regarding the robustness of coding performance for variation of picture statistics, T-COMM 32, 1984, 1351-1358. 189. C.S. Xydeag, B. Kostic, and R. Steele, Embedding data into pictures by modulo masking, T-COMM 32, 1984, 56-69. 190. 1984 Picture Coding Symposium, Rennes, France, July 3-5, 1984. C. Transforms, Filtering, Enhancement, Restoration, Reconstruction C.1. Transforms, convolution 191. D.W. Twigg, Transposition of matrix stored on sequential file, T-COMP 32, 1983, 1185-1188. 192. C. Braccini and A. Grattarola, Scale-invariant image filtering with point and line symmetry, DIA, 183- 192. 193. M. Brill and G. West, A fast Mellin transformation, EIK 20, 1984, 229-233. 194. J. Altmann and H.J.P. Reitbock, A fast correlation method for scale- and translation-invariant pattern recognition, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 46-57. 195. T.K. Truong, I.S. Reed, R.G. Lipes, A.L. Rubin, and S.A. Butman, Digital SAR processing using a fast polynomial transform, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 419-425. 196. L. Jacobson and H. Wechsler, A theory for invariant object recognition in the frontoparallel plane, T- PAMI 6, 1984, 325-331. 197. E.H. Wold and A.M. Despain, Pipeline and parallel- pipeline FFT processors for VLSI implementations, T-COMP 33, 1984, 414-426. 198. S. Antoy, A recursive algorithm for quick and efficient bit reversing, PRL 2, 1984, 257-259. 199. N.M. Smart and S. Barnett, Transformation matrices in the general bilinear transformation of multivariable polynomials, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 634-636. 200. R. Bamler, Linear shift-variant processing of 2-D signals via sequence convolution: special cases and experimental results, 7ICPR, 151-154. 201. L. Jacobson and H. Wechsler, Multipurpose low-level visual processing, 7ICPR, 163-166. 202. P.J. Varman and I.V. Ramakrishnan, A tree algorithm for two-dimensional convolution, 7ICPR, 358-360. 203. M.K. Selmane and C.R. Allen, VLSI implementation of a real-time image convolver, 7ICPR, 585-588. 204. H. Glunder, A. Gerhard, H. Platzer, and J. Hofer- Alfeis, A geometrical-transformation-invariant pattern recognition concept incorporating elementary properties of neuronal circuits, 7ICPR, 1376-1379. 205. P.E. Danielsson, Serial/parallel convolvers, T- COMP 33, 1984, 652-667. 206. J.B. Martens, Two-dimensional convolutions by means of number theoretic transforms over residue class polynomial rings, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 862-871. 207. C.L. Byrne and R.M. Fitzgerald, Linear and nonlinear estimators for one- and two-dimensional Fourier transforms, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 914-916. 208. L. Jacobson and H. Wechsler, Invariant analogical image representation and pattern recognition, PRL 2, 1984, 289-299. 209. P.C. Mali, B.B. Chaudhuri, and D. Dutta Majumder, Properties and some fast algorithms of the Haar transform in image processing and pattern recognition, PRL 2, 1984, 319-327. 210. R. Wilson and G.H. Granlund, The uncertainty principle in image processing, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 758- 767. 211. N.K. Bose, Applied Multidimensional Systems Theory, Van Nostrand, New York, 1984. 212. D.E. Dudgeon and R. Mersereau, Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984. C.2. Filtering 213. M.Z. Mulk, K. Obata, and K. Hirano, Design of digital fan filters, T-ASSP 31, 1983, 1427-1434. 214. M.R. Azimi-Sadjadi and R.A. King, An error analysis for 2-D block implemented digital filters, T- ASSP 31, 1983, 1570-1573. 215. V. Ganapathy, D.R. Reddy, and P.S. Reddy, Minimal delay realization of first order 2-D all-pass digital filters, T-ASSP 31, 1983, 1577-1579. 216. T. Hinamoto and S. Maekawa, Spatial-domain design of a class of two-dimensional recursive digital filters, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 153-162. 217. R. Bernstein, Design of inherently stable two- dimensional recursive filters from one-dimensional filters, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 164-168. 218. D.R.R. Reddy, P.S. Reddy, and M.N.S. Swamy, A simple method to test the existence of 2-D partial fraction decomposition, SP 6, 1984, 153-160. 219. H.E. Mutluay and M.M. Fahmy, Recursibility of n- dimensional IIR digital filters, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 397-402. 220. P. Agathoklis, E.I. Jury, and M. Mansour, Criteria for the absence of limit cycles in two-dimensional discrete systems, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 432-434. 221. E. Zeheb, Another simplification in multidimensional stability tests, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 453-455. 222. L.A. Ferrari and J. Sklansky, A fast recursive algorithm for binary-valued two dimensional filters, CVGIP 26, 1984, 292-302. 223. J. Le Roux, 2-D Bauer factorization, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 641-643. 224. E. Zeheb and D. Hertz, Another proof and a generalization of a theorem on n-dimensional stability, P-IEEE 72, 1984, 745-746. 225. D. Hertz and E. Zeheb, Sufficient conditions for instability of multidimensional discrete systems, P-IEEE 72, 1984, 1092-1093. 226. L.F. Chaparro and R. Bournes, Sufficient conditions for minimum phase two-dimensional PLSI's, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 916-918. 227. K.V. Fernando and H. Nicholson, On the stability of two-dimensional state-space systems: a special case, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 921-922. 228. P.K. Rajan and H.C. Reddy, A simple deductive proof of a stability test for two-dimensional digital filters, P-IEEE 72, 1984, 1221-1222. 229. B.G. Mertzios, Block realization of 2-D, IIR digital filters, SP 7, 1984, 135-149. 230. G.H. Im and C.K. Un, Two-dimensional FIR ADM digital filters, T-COMM 32, 1984, 1344-1348. C.3. Grayscale/color manipulation 231. A. Kriete, M. Haucke, B. Gerlach, H. Harms, and H.M. Aus, A preprocessing method for the contrast enhancement of TV- scanned electron microscopic images, PR 17, 1984, 305-311. 232. A.F. Lehar and R.J. Stevens, High-speed manipulation of the color chromaticity of digital images, CGA 4(2), 1984, 34-39. 233. F.N. Ku, The principles and methods of histogram modification adapted for visual perception, CVGIP 26, 1984, 107-117. 234. B.K.P. Horn, Exact reproduction of colored images, CVGIP 26, 1984, 135-167. 235. J. Kautsky, N.K. Nichols, and D.L.B. Jupp, Smoothed histogram modification for image processing, CVGIP 26, 1984, 271-291. 236. T.K. De and B.N. Chatterji, An approach to a generalized technique for image enhancement, 7ICPR, 604-606. 237. S. Tominaga, A mapping method for computer color vision, 7ICPR, 650-652. 238. (R.B. Tang), Fuzzy enhancement in image processing, 7ICPR, 1326-1328. 239. G. Buchsbaum and S.D. Bedrosian, Number of simultaneous colors versus gray levels: a quantitative relationship, P-IEEE 72, 1984, 1419- 1421. 240. A. Gottschalk and G. Buchsbaum, Information theoretic aspects of color signal processing in the visual system, T-SMC 13, 1983, 864-873. 241. P. Zuidema, J.J. Koenderink, and M.A. Bouman, A mechanistic approach to threshold behavior of the visual system, T-SMC 13, 1983, 923-934. 242. R.A. Normann, B.S. Baxter, H. Ravindux, and P.J. Anderton, Photoreceptor contributions to contrast sensitivity: applications in radiological diagnosis, T-SMC 13, 1983, 944-953. 243. J.J. McCann and K.L. Houston, Calculating color sensations from arrays of physical stimuli, T- SMC 13, 1983, 1000-1007. C.4. Enhancement 244. J.S. Lim, Image enhancement, DIPT, 1-51. 245. A. Andronico, G. Bastianini, P.L. Casalini, and A. Tonazzini, Implementation of a digital filter having transfer function sinc u, DIA, 193-197. 246. H.H.S. Ip, D.J. Potter, and D.S. Lebedev, Impulse noise cleaning by iterative threshold median filtering, PRL 2, 1983, 89-93. 247. L.S. Davis, H.C. Xie, and A. Rosenfeld, Image sequence enhancements based on the normal component of image motion, PRL 2, 1983, 95-99. 248. A.C. Bovik, T.S. Huang, and D.C. Munson, Jr., A generalization of median filtering using linear combinations of order statistics, T-ASSP 31, 1983, 1342-1350. 249. T.A. Nodes and N.C. Gallagher, Jr., Two-dimensional root structures and convergence properties of the separable median filter, T-ASSP 31, 1983, 1350-1365. 250. S.L. Hurt and A. Rosenfeld, Noise reduction in three-dimensional digital images, PR 17, 1984, 407- 421. 251. B. Chanda, B.B. Chaudhuri, and D. Dutta Majumder, Some algorithms for image enhancement incorporating human visual response, PR 17, 1984, 423-428. 252. J.B. Bednar and T.L. Watt, Alpha-trimmed means and their relationship to median filters, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 145-153. 253. I. Scollar, B. Weidner, and T.S. Huang, Image enhancement using the median and the interquartile distance, CVGIP 25, 1984, 236-251. 254. Z.K. Liu and B.R. Hunt, A new approach to removing cloud cover from satellite imagery, CVGIP 25, 1984, 252-256. 255. S. Hahn and E.E. Mendoza, Simple enhancement techniques in digital image processing, CVGIP 26, 1984, 233-241. 256. T.A. Nodes and N.C. Gallagher, Jr., The output distribution of median type filters, T-COMM 32, 1984, 532-541. 257. C.A. Pomalaza-Raez and C.D. McGillem, An adaptive non-linear edge-preserving filter, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 571-576. 258. A. Kundu, S.K. Mitra, and P.P. Vaidyanathan, Application of two-dimensional generalized mean filtering for removal of impulse noises from images, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 600-609. 259. J.D. Fahnestock and B.R. Hunt, The maintenance of sharpness in magnified digital images, CVGIP 27, 1984, 32-45. 260. J.V. Dave and J. Gazdag, Reduction of random noise from multiband image data using phase relationships among their Fourier coefficients, IBM J. R+D 28, 1984, 399-411. 261. E. Dubois and S. Sabri, Noise reduction in image sequences using motion-compensated temporal filtering, T-COMM 32, 1984, 826-831. 262. A. Ioannidis, D. Kazakos, and D.D. Watson, Application of median filtering on nuclear medicine scintigram images, 7ICPR, 33-36. 263. D.Z. Zhang and C.C. Li, An image filtering algorithm based on selective averaging by hypothesis testing, 7ICPR, 159-162. 264. E.R. Davies, The median filter: an appraisal and a new truncated version, 7ICPR, 590-592. 265. P.J.S. Hutzler, Optical filtering techniques in digital image enhancemnt, 7ICPR, 899-901. 266. Y.H. Lee and S.A. Kassam, Applications of nonlinear adaptive filters for image enhancement, 7ICPR, 930- 932. 267. R.B. Pinter, Adaptation in integration properties of visual systems, 7ICPR, 984-986. 268. R. Vaknine and W.J. Lorenz, Comparison of digital filtering and the Laplace operator applied to nuclear medicine images, 7ICPR, 1022-1024. 269. T. Gotoh, T. Toriu, and E. Yamamoto, Analysis of median filter characteristics and its application to contour extraction, 7ICPR, 1098-1100. 270. C.A. Pomalaza-Raez, A fast robust estimator for applications to image processing, 7ICPR, 1337-1339. 271. D.R.K. Brownrigg, The weighted median filter, CACM 27, 1984, 807-818. 272. T.K. De and B.N. Chatterji, The concept of deenhancement in digital image processing, PRL 2, 1984, 329-332. 273. J.P. Fitch, E.J. Coyle, and N.C. Gallagher, Jr., Median filtering by threshold decomposition, T- ASSP 32, 1984, 1183-1188. 274. T.L. Williams, ed., Image Assessment: Infrared and Visible (Oxford, England, December 12-14, 1983), Proc. SPIE 467. C.5. Restoration 275. B.R. Hunt, Image restoration, DIPT, 53-76. 276. S.W. Lang and T.L. Marzetta, Image spectral estimation, DIPT, 227-256. 277. G. Garibotto, Nonlinear image restoration with phase constraints, DIA, 217-222. 278. A.J. Levy, A fast quadratic programming algorithm for positive signal restoration, T-ASSP 31, 1983, 1337-1341. 279. J. Bernard and R.H.J.M. Plompen, Comments on ``A recursive Kalman window approach to image restoration'', T-ASSP 31, 1983, 1573-1576. 280. R.H.T. Bates, Uniqueness of solutions to two- dimensional Fourier phase problems for localized and positive images, CVGIP 25, 1984, 205-217. 281. T.A. Hentea and V.R. Algazi, Perceptual models and the filtering of high-contrast achromatic images, T-SMC 14, 1984, 230-246. 282. H.B. Kekre, S.C. Sahasrabudhe, and N.C. Goyal, Restoration of noisy images using a raised cosine function approximation, CVGIP 26, 1984, 17-29. 283. H.J. Trussell and M.R. Civankr, The feasible solution in signal restoration, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 201-212. 284. T. Yokota and T. Sato, 2-D spectral estimation combining parametric estimation of background and maximum entropy estimation, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 220- 228. 285. J.L.C. Sanz and T.S. Huang, A unified approach to noniterative linear signal restoration, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 403-409. 286. B. Chanda, B.B. Chaudhuri, and D. Dutta Majumder, Application of least square estimation technique for image restoration using signal-noise correlation constraint, T-SMC 14, 1984, 515-519. 287. V. di Gesu and M.C. Maccarone, The Bayesian direct deconvolution method: properties and applications, SP 6, 1984, 201-211. 288. A.S. Tavildar, H.M. Gupta, and S.N. Gupta, Linear MMSE filtering for restoration of images degraded by film grain noise, SP 6, 1984, 225-234. 289. B.R. Hunt and O. Kubler, Karhunen-Loeve multispectral image restoration, Part I: theory, T- ASSP 32, 1984, 592-600. 290. B. Yegnanarayana, D.K. Saikia, and T.R. Krishnan, Significance of group delay functions in signal reconstruction from spectral magnitude or phase, T- ASSP 32, 1984, 610-623. 291. X.H. Zhuang and E. Ostevold, Maximum entropy image reconstruction by differential equation method, 7ICPR, 144-147. 292. R. Kasturi, J.F. Walkup, and T.F. Krile, Maximum a posteriori image estimation in signal-dependent noise, 7ICPR, 148-150. 293. N. Otsu and T. Kasvand, Image restoration by multiple regression analysis approach, 7ICPR, 155- 158. 294. H. Ogawa and N. Nakamura, Projection filter restoration of degraded images, 7ICPR, 601-603. 295. J.J. Lefebvre, V. Frachet, P. Tremelat, and P. Vibert, Image restoration by a simple iterative method, 7ICPR, 936-938. 296. M. Pawlak, Picture restoration by orthogonal expansion, 7ICPR, 981-983. 297. P. Thomas and R.G.S. Asthana, The sensitivity of the Kalman window filter image restoration algorithm, 7ICPR, 1011-1012. 298. G. Zinser, A. Erhardt, D. Komitowski, and J. Bille, Reconstruction of three-dimensional light- microscopic images, 7ICPR, 1046-1048. 299. S.W. Lang, A positive-definite matrix which is not extendible, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 930-932. 300. J.W. Woods and J. Biemond, Comments on ``A model for radar images and its application to adaptive digital filtering of multiplicative noise'', T-PAMI 6, 1984, 658-659. 301. F.U. Dowla and J.S. Lim, Relationship between maximum likelihood and autoregressive modeling in multidimensional power spectrum estimation, T- ASSP 32, 1984, 1083-1087. 302. S. Geman and D. Geman, Stochastic relaxation, Gibbs distributions, and the Bayesian restoration of images, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 721-741. 303. R. Kasturi, J.F. Walkup, and T.F. Krile, Image restoration in signal-dependent noise using a Markovian covariance model, CVGIP 28, 1984, 363-376. 304. B.J. Sullivan and B. Liu, On the use of singular value decomposition and decimation in discrete-time band-limited signal extrapolation, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 1201-1212. C.6. Reconstruction 305. A.C. Kak, Image reconstruction from projections, DIPT, 111-170. 306. G.T. Herman, H. Levkowitz, H.K. Tuy, and S. McCormick, Multilevel image reconstruction, MIPA, 121-135. 307. B. Taylor, J.T. Kennair, S.M. Posso, and G.P.S. Robinson, Image reconstruction from acoustical holograms using microprocessors, SP 5, 1983, 531- 540. 308. K.L. Garden, R.H.T. Bates, M.C. Won, and H. Chikwanda, Computerized tomographic imaging is insensitive to density variation during scanning, IVC 2, 1984, 76-84. 309. D.C. Munson, Jr. and J.L.C. Sanz, Image reconstruction from frequency-offset Fourier data, P-IEEE 72, 1984, 661-669. 310. K. Nagai, Fourier domain reconstruction of synthetic focus acoustic imaging system, P-IEEE 72, 1984, 748-749. 311. S. Tamura, S. Nakano, M. Matsumoto, T. Shimazu, M. Fujiwara, and T. Matsuyama, Three-dimensional reconstruction of echocardiograms based on orthogonal sections, 7ICPR, 27-29. 312. Y. Bresler and A. Macovski, A hierarchical Bayesian approach to reconstruction from projections of a multiple object 3-D scene, 7ICPR, 455-457. 313. D.J. Rossi and A.S. Willsky, Reconstruction from projections based on detection and estimation of objects -- Parts I and II: performance analysis and robustness analysis, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 886-906. 314. A. Kuba, The reconstruction of two-directionally connected binary patterns from their two orthogonal projections, CVGIP 27, 1984, 249-265. D. Hardware and Software D.1. General 315. Workshop on Multicomputer Languages, Architectures, and Algorithms, Tucson, AZ, May 22-25, 1984. 316. Workshop on Algorithm-Guided Parallel Architectures for Automatic Target Recognition, Leesburg, VA, July 16-18, 1984. 317. International Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays, Berlin, DDR, September 25-27, 1984. 318. K.S. Fu, ed., VLSI for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, Springer, Berlin, 1984. 319. V. Cantoni et al., Panel: ``Which computer architecture for image processing?'', DIA, 223-238. 320. J.R. Adams, E.C. Driscoll Jr., and C. Reader, Image processing systems, DIPT, 289-360. 321. A.P. Reeves, Parallel computer architectures for image processing, CVGIP 25, 1984, 68-88. 322. R.W. Hockney and C. Jesshope, Parallel Computers -- Architecture, Programming and Algorithms, Hilger, Bristol, UK, 1984. 323. K. Hwang and F.A. Briggs, Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984. 324. H.J. Siegel and L.H. Jamieson, eds., [Special Issue on] on Parallel Processing, T-COMP 33 (11), November 1984, 949-1048. 325. K. Hwang and L. Uhr, eds., Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Academic Press, New York, 1984 ff. 326. V. Zakharov, Parallelism and array processing, T- COMP 33, 1984, 45-78. 327. H.S. Lim and T.O. Binford, Survey of array processors, IUW, 334-343. D.2. Hardware, systems 328. I.L. Basille and S. Castan, The MIMD level of the system SY MP A TI simulation and performances expected, DIA, 239-250. 329. D. Marino, REST: a powerful element for reconfigurable processing structure, DIA, 251-260. 330. B. Bretagnolle, P. Jutier, and C. Rubat du Merac, Parallel image processing: uni- or bidimensional? Example: Romauld, DIA, 261-269. 331. R. Gemballa and R. Lindner, The multiple write bus technique -- a most promising technique for speeding up raster scan computation, C+G 7, 1983, 189-191. 332. J. Grinberg, G.R. Nudd, and R.D. Etchells, A cellular VLSI architecture, Computer 17(1), 1984, 69-81. 333. F.A. Wang, A.H.M. El-Sherbini, S. Fry, M. Smutek, and N. Webb, The Wang professional image computer: a new dimension to personal and office computing, P- IEEE 72, 1984, 300-311. 334. R. Matick, D.T. Ling, S. Gupta, and F. Dill, All points addressable raster display memory, IBM J R+D 28, 1984, 379-398. 335. T. Fukushima, Y. Kobayashi, K. Hirasawa, T. Bandoh, S. Kashioka, and T. Katoh, ISP: a dedicated LSI for gray image local operations, 7ICPR, 581-584. 336. K. Deguchi, H. Inouchi, and I. Morishita, PWIP-1 -- a high-speed image processor with programmable window, 7ICPR, 677-680. 337. P.G. Selfridge and S. Mahakian, Distributed computing for vision: architecture and preliminary results, 7ICPR, 996-998. 338. E. Swane, A multiprocessor system for video rate image processing and analysis, 7ICPR, 1001-1003. 339. I. Virtanen and M. Pietikainen, Microprogrammable image processors for a microcomputer based vision system, 7ICPR, 1033-1035. 340. S.M. Goldwasser, A generalized object display processor architecture, CGA 4(10), 1984, 43-55. 341. J.G. Nash, R.D. Etchells, J. Grinberg, S. Hansen, M.J. Little, G.R. Nudd, K. Petrozolin, and R. Turk, VLSI implementaiton of systolic and 3-D cellular architectures for image processing, IUW, 56-64. D.3. Architectures, algorithms 342. P.E. Danielsson, Vices and virtues of image parallel machines, DIA, 47-59. 343. B.B. Chaudhuri, A note on fast algorithms for spatial domain techniques in image processing, T- SMC 13, 1983, 1166-1169. 344. S. Yalamanchili and J.K. Aggarwal, Parallel image processing with the shuffle exchange network, WCVRC, 31-36. 345. S. Yalamanchili and J.K. Aggarwal, Formulation of parallel image processing tasks, PRL 2, 1984, 261- 270. 346. F.A. Gerritsen and P.W. Verbeek, Implementation of cellular-logic operators using 3*3 convolution and table lookup hardware, CVGIP 27, 1984, 115-123. 347. H.T. Kung, Systolic algorithms for the CMU warp processor, 7ICPR, 570-577. 348. J.T. Kuehn and H.J. Siegel, Simulation studies of a parallel histogramming algorithm for PASM, 7ICPR, 646-649. 349. R.I. Oka, LSI oriented architecture for cellular feature extraction, 7ICPR, 978-980. 350. F.C.A. Groen and N.J. Foster, A fast algorithm for cellular logic operations on sequential machines, PRL 2, 1984, 333-338. 351. O.H. Ibarra, M.A. Palis, and S.M. Kim, Designing systolic algorithms using sequential machines, SFCS, 46-55. 352. V. Dixit and D.I. Moldovan, Semantic network array processor and its applications to image understanding, IUW, 65-71. 353. D. Lawton, S. Levitan, C. Weems, E. Riseman, and A. Hanson, Iconic to symblic processing using a content addressable array parallel processor, IUW, 316-333. 354. A.Y. Oruc and D. Prakash, Routing algorithms for cellular interconnection arrays, T-COMP 33, 1984, 939-942. 355. L.A. Ankeney and G.X. Ritter, Cellular topology and its applications in image processing, J. Computer Information Sciences 12, 1983, 433-456. 356. C.R. Giardina, The universal imaging algebra, PRL 2, 1984, 165-172. D.4. Multiresolution techniques 357. A. Rosenfeld, Multiresolution image representation, DIA, 18-28. 358. A. Rosenfeld, Some useful properties of pyramids, MIPA, 2-5. 359. P.J. Burt, The pyramid as a structure for efficient computation, MIPA, 6-35. 360. N. Ahuja and S. Swamy, Multiprocessor architectures for bottom-up image analysis, MIPA, 38-59. 361. A. Klinger, Multiresolution processing, MIPA, 77-85. 362. L. Uhr and L. Schmitt, The several steps from icon to symbol using structured cone/pyramids, MIPA, 86- 100. 363. S.L. Tanimoto, Sorting, histogramming, and other statistical operations on a pyramid machine, MIPA, 136-145. 364. K. Preston, Jr., Multiresolution microscopy, MIPA, 356-364. 365. J.L. Crowley and R.M. Stern, Fast computation of the difference of low-pass transform, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 212-222. 366. N.P. Hartman and S.L. Tanimoto, A hexagonal pyramid data structure for image processing, T-SMC 14, 1984, 247-256. 367. N. Ahuja and S. Swamy, Multiprocessor pyramid architectures for bottom-up image analysis, T- PAMI 6, 1984, 463-475. 368. S.L. Tanimoto, J.P. Crettez, and J.C. Simon, Alternative hierarchies for cellular logic, 7ICPR, 236-239. 369. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, The pyramid computer for image processing, 7ICPR, 240-242. 370. J.P. Crettez and S.L. Tanimoto, Perceptual constancy and the multi-layer visual model: position and size invariance, 7ICPR, 518-520. 371. D.J. Burr, A fast filtering operator for robot stereo vision, 7ICPR, 669-672. 372. A. Merigot, B. Zavidovique, P. Garda, and F. Devos, Pyramidal algorithms for image processing, 7ICPR, 828-831. 373. D. Terzopoulos, Efficient multiresolution algorithms for computing lightness, shape from shading, and optical flow, AAAI, 314-317. 374. A. Aggarwal, A comparative study of x-tree, pyramid, and related machines, SFCS, 89-99. 375. S.L. Tanimoto, A hierarchical cellular logic for pyramid computers, J. Parallel Distributed Computing 1, 1984, 105-132. D.5. Software, databases 376. U. Cugini, M. Dell'Oca, D. Merelli, and P. Mussio, A computer aided system for interactive definition of digital image interpretation, DIA, 270-279. 377. M.S. Landy, Y. Cohen, and G. Sperling, HIPS: A Unix-based image processing system, CVGIP 25, 1984, 331-347. 378. B.T. Wada, A virtual memory system for picture processing, CACM 27, 1984, 444-454. 379. T. Matsuyama, L.V. Hao, and M. Nagao, A file organization for geographic information systems based on spatial proximity, CVGIP 26, 1984, 303-318. 380. T. Henderson, E. Shilcrat, and C. Hansen, A fault tolerant sensor scheme, 7ICPR, 663-665. 381. S. Linnainmaa, Interactive picture processing using IcePic user interface, 7ICPR, 684-686. 382. L. Bolc, Natural Language Communication with Pictoral Information Systems, Springer, Berlin, 1984. 383. H. Tamura and N. Yokoya, Image database systems: a survey, PR 17, 1984, 29-43. 384. S.K. Chang, Image information measures and encoding techniques, DIA, 3-17. 385. W.I. Grosky, Toward a data model for integrated pictorial databases, CVGIP 25, 1984, 371-382. 386. S.K. Chang and S.H. Liu, Picture indexing and abstraction techniques for pictorial databases, T- PAMI 6, 1984, 475-484. 387. M. Chock, A.F. Cardenas, and A. Klinger, Database structure and manipulation capabilities of a picture database management system (PICDMS), T-PAMI 6, 1984, 484-492. 388. Z. Kulpa, Iconics: computer aided visual communication, DIA, 280-282. 389. S.M. Goldwasser and D.E. Troxel, Page composition of continuous tone imagery, CVGIP 26, 1984, 30-44. 390. L. Blomberg, K. Frenckner, B. Kruse, G. Lonnemark, S. Romberger, and Y. Sundblad, A new approach to text and image processing, CGA 4(7), 1984, 12-22. E. Pictorial Pattern Recognition E.1. General 391. P.A. Devijver and J. Kittler, Pattern Recognition -- A Statistical Approach, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1982. 392. P.P. Wang, Advances in Fuzzy Sets, Possibility Theory, and Applications, Plenum, New York, 1983. 393. E. Sanchez and M.M. Gupta, Fuzzy Information, Knowledge Representation and Decision Analysis, Pergamon, Elmsford, NY, 1984. 394. E. Oja, The Subspace Methods of Pattern Recognition, Wiley, New York, 1984. 395. J.C. Simon, La Reconnaissance des Formes par Algorithmes, Masson, Paris, 1984. 396. P. Arabie, ed., Journal of Classification, Springer, Berlin, 1984 ff. 397. Z.L. Budrikis and M. Hatamian, Moment calculations by digital filters, Bell System Technical J. 63, 1984, 217-229. 398. R.J. Poulo, New invariants for three dimensional recognition, WCVRC, 158-163. 399. G.R. Gindi and A.F. Gmitro, Optical feature extraction via the Radon transform, 7ICPR, 702-704. 400. O.K. Khanmamedov, Algebraic theory of pattern recognition, 7ICPR, 914-916. 401. Y.S. Abu-Mostafa and D. Psaltis, Recognitive aspects of moment invariants, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 698-706. 402. S. Peleg and A. Nathan, Classification and tracking using local optimization, T-SMC 13, 1983, 1158-1162. 403. S. Peleg, Classification by discrete optimization, CVGIP 25, 1984, 122-130. 404. J. Kittler and J. Foglein, Contextual classification of multispectral pixel data, IVC 2, 1984, 13-29. 405. H.M. Kalayeh and D.A. Landgrebe, Adaptive relaxation labeling, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 369-372. 406. J. Kittler and J. Foglein, Contextual decision rules for objects in lattice configurations, 7ICPR, 270- 272. 407. H.M. Kalayeh, How multi-decision space can be mapped into an optimum decision space, 7ICPR, 273-275. 408. S. Nishihara and K. Ikeda, A constraint synthesizing algorithm for the consistent labeling problem, 7ICPR, 310-312. 409. L.G. Shapiro, Solving consistent labeling problems having the separation property, 7ICPR, 313-315. 410. T.C. Henderson, A note on discrete relaxation, CVGIP 28, 1984, 384-388. 411. V. Dixit and D.I. Moldovan, Discrete relaxation on SNAP, CAIA, 637-644. 412. L. Goldfarb, A unified approach to pattern recognition, PR 17, 1984, 575-582. 413. Z. Pawlak, Rough classification, Intl. J. Man- Machine Studies 20, 1984, 469-483. 414. A.K.C. Wong and D.K.Y. Chiu, A probabilistic inference system, 7ICPR, 303-306. 415. B.R. Gaines, Complexity and approximation: the foundations of pattern recognition, 7ICPR, 1269- 1271. 416. R.D. Grisell and G.B. Humphress, A cognitive aid for exploring high-dimensional structures, CAIA, 123- 126. E.2. Character recognition 417. K. Inagaki, T. Kato, T. Hiroshima, and T. Sakai, MACSYM: a hierarchical parallel image processing system for event driven pattern understanding of documents, PR 17, 1984, 85-108. 418. M. Shridhar and A. Badreldin, High accuracy character recognition algorithms using Fourier and topological descriptors, PR 17, 1984, 515-524. 419. K. Steinke, Writer recognition by special characters, DIA, 364-372. 420. R.G. Casey and G. Nagy, Decision tree design using a probabilistic model, T-IT 30, 1984, 93-99. 421. A. Belaid and J.P. Haton, A syntactic approach for handwritten mathematical formula recognition, T- PAMI 6, 1984, 105-111. 422. R.L. Kashyap and B.J. Oommen, Spelling correction using probabilistic methods, PRL 2, 1984, 147-154. 423. T.J. Fan and W.H. Tsai, Automatic Chinese seal identification, CVGIP 25, 1984, 311-330. 424. S. Mori, K. Yamamoto, and M. Yasuda, Research on machine recognition of handprinted characters, T- PAMI 6, 1984, 386-405. 425. Q.R. Wang and C.Y. Suen, Analysis and design of a decision tree based on entropy reduction and its application to large character set recognition, T- PAMI 6, 1984, 406-417. 426. G. Nagy and S. Seth, Hierarchical representation of optically scanned documents, 7ICPR, 347-349. 427. Y.L. Ma and J.S. Jour, New probabilistic model for Chinese character recognition, 7ICPR, 370-373. 428. J.W. Tai, A syntactic-semantic approach for Chinese character recognition, 7ICPR, 374-376. 429. F. Kimura, T. Harada, S. Tsuruoka, and Y. Miyake, Modified quadratic discriminant functions and the application to Chinese character recognition, 7ICPR, 377-380. 430. Y. Liu and T. Kasvand, A new approach to machine recognition of Chinese characters, 7ICPR, 381-384. 431. K. Yamamoto, H. Yamada, T. Saito, and R.I. Oka, Recognition of handprinted Chinese characters and Japanese cursive syllabary, 7ICPR, 385-388. 432. K. Ikeuchi, A model of character recognition by humans, 7ICPR, 521-524. 433. K. Kubota, O. Iwaki, and H. Arakawa, Document understanding system, 7ICPR, 612-614. 434. M. Shridhar and A. Badreldin, A tree classification algorithm for handwritten character recognition, 7ICPR, 615-618. 435. J.J. Brault and R. Plamondon, Histogram classifier for characterization of handwritten signature dynamic, 7ICPR, 619-622. 436. B. Schaeken, W. Verschueren, Y. Rene de Cotret, and A. Hermanne, A hierarchical system for handwritten numeral recognition, 7ICPR, 623-625. 437. B.R. Gaines, I.D. McKellar, W.P. Dinger, S.R. Fast, B.J. Fowles, M.A. Fraccaro, G.C. Jolivet, and A.B. Maludzinski, Some experience in the real-time processing of handwriting, 7ICPR, 630-632. 438. F. Lamarche and R. Plamondon, Segmentation and feature extraction of handwritten signature patterns, 7ICPR, 756-759. 439. W. Verschueren, B. Schaeken, Y. Rene de Cotret, and A. Hermanne, Structural recognition of handwritten numerals, 7ICPR, 760-762. 440. R.M.K. Sinha, A knowledge based script reader, 7ICPR, 763-765. 441. T. Sagawa, E. Tanaka, M. Suzuki, and M. Fujita, An unsupervised learning of hand-printed characters with linguistic information, 7ICPR, 766-769. 442. R. Bozinovic and S.N. Srihari, Knowledge-based cursive script interpretation, 7ICPR, 774-776. 443. W. Doster, Different states of a document's content on its way from the Gutenbergian world to the electronic world, 7ICPR, 872-874. 444. J. Kim and C.C. Tappert, Handwriting recognition accuracy versus tablet resolution and sampling rate, 7ICPR, 917-918. 445. T.T. Kuklinksi, Components of handprint style variabilty, 7ICPR, 924-926. 446. S.J. Long, D.P. D'Amato, and M. Sack, OCR in the United States Postal Service: present status and future needs, 7ICPR, 945-947. 447. C.C. Tappert, Adaptive on-line handwriting recognition, 7ICPR, 1004-1007. 448. K. Ueda and Y. Nakamura, Automatic verification of seal-impression pattern, 7ICPR, 1019-1021. 449. T. Yamasaki, S. Inokuchi, and Y. Sakurai, Training system for well-writing based on on-line character recognition, 7ICPR, 1039-1041. 450. P.J. Ye, H. Hugli, and F. Pellandini, Techniques for on-line Chinese character recognition with reduced writing constraints, 7ICPR, 1043-1045. 451. T. Sakai, K. Odako, and T. Toida, Several approaches to development of on-line handwritten character input equipment, 7ICPR, 1052-1054. 452. A. Amin, G. Masini, and J.P. Haton, Recognition of handwritten Arabic words and sentences, 7ICPR, 1055-1057. 453. C.G. Leedham and A.C. Downton, On-line recognition of shortforms in Pitman's handwritten shorthand, 7ICPR, 1058-1060. 454. G.Y. Tang, P.S. Tzeng, and C.C. Hau, A microcomputer system to recognize handwritten numerals using a syntactic-statistic approach, 7ICPR, 1061-1064. 455. T. Wakahara and M. Umeda, On-line cursive script recognition using stroke linkage rules, 7ICPR, 1065-1068. 456. S. Impedovo, Plane curve classification through Fourier descriptors -- an application to Arabic hand-written numeral recognition, 7ICPR, 1069-1072. 457. Y.L. Ma, Pattern recognition by Markovian dynamic programming, 7ICPR, 1259-1262. 458. P.Y. Lu and R.W. Brodersen, Real-time on-line symbol recognition using a DTW processor, 7ICPR, 1281-1283. 459. G. Lorette, On-line handwritten signature recognition based on data analysis and clustering, 7ICPR, 1284-1287. 460. M. Shridhar and A. Badreldin, Handwritten numeral recognition by tree classification methods, IVC 2, 1984, 143-149. 461. J. Flowers, Digital type manufacture: an interactive approach, Computer 17(5), 1984, 40-48. 462. M. Nadler, Document segmentation and coding techniques, CVGIP 28, 1984, 240-262. 463. H.F. Schwartz, The History of OCR -- Optical Character Recognition, Recognition Technologies Users Association, 1982. E.3. Industrial automation 464. H. Decker, A difference technique for automatic inspection of casting parts, PRL 2, 1983, 125-129. 465. W.A. Perkins, Model-based inspection system for component boards, PR 17, 1984, 135-140. 466. P. Rummel and W. Beutel, Workpiece recognition and inspection by a model-based scene analysis system, PR 17, 1984, 141-148. 467. E. Muehlenfeld, Robot vision by a contour sensor with associative memory, PR 17, 1984, 169-176. 468. P. Kaufmann, G. Medioni, and R. Nevatia, Visual inspection using linear features, PR 17, 1984, 485- 491. 469. A. Arbuschi, V. Cantoni, and G. Musso, Recognition and location of mechanical parts using the Hough technique, DIA, 373-379. 470. Y. Okawa, Automatic inspection of the surface defects of cast metals, CVGIP 25, 1984, 89-112. 471. H.S. Dou, K.S. Fu, C.R. Liu, and W.C. Lin, Metal surface inspection using image processing techniques, T-SMC 14, 1984, 139-146. 472. R.S. Choras, Image processing system for industrial robots, IVC 2, 1984, 31-33. 473. R.W. Conners, C.W. McMillen, and R. Vasquez- Espinosa, A prototype software system for locating and identifying surface defects in wood, 7ICPR, 416-419. 474. I. Masaki, SEAMSIGHT: a parallel/pipelined vision system for seam tracking, 7ICPR, 424-427. 475. F. Ade, N. Lins, and M. Unser, Comparison of various filter sets for defect detection in textiles, 7ICPR, 428-431. 476. N. Ayache, B. Faverjon, J.D. Boissonat, and B. Bollack, Automatic handling of overlapping workpieces, 7ICPR, 837-839. 477. Z.R. Li, D.P. Zhang, and Q.K. Dai, To detect the defects in welding seam using the pattern recognition, 7ICPR, 942-944. 478. J.E. Trombly and D.L. Hudson, A practical solution using a new approach to robot vision, 7ICPR, 1016- 1018. 479. S. Arunkumar and S.V. Reddy, Automatic inspection of VLSI masks, 7ICPR, 1352-1354. 480. O. Silven, T. Piironen, M. Elsila, and M. Pietikainen, Performance evaluation of algorithms for visual inspection of printed circuit boards, 7ICPR, 1355-1357. 481. K. Okamoto, K. Nakahata, S. Aiuchi, M. Nomoto, Y. Hara, T. Hamada, K. Nakagawa, Y. Yabuhara, S. Nakasima, and H. Kawashima, An automatic visual inspection system for LSI photomasks, 7ICPR, 1361- 1364. 482. D.J. Braunegg and R.C. Gonzalez, An approach to industrial computer vision using syntactic/semantic learning techniques, 7ICPR, 1366-1369. 483. K.L. Boyer, R.J. Safranek, and A.C. Kak, A knowledge based robotic vision system, CAIA, 45-50. 484. L.G. Shapiro, R.M. Haralick, and T.C. Pong, The visual components of an automated inspection task, CAIA, 207-210. 485. I. Aleksander, ed., Artificial Vision for Robots, Chapman and Hall, New York, 1984. 486. Proceedings, The Third Annual Applied Machine Vision Conference (Chicago, IL, February 27-March 1, 1984), Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1984. 487. International Workshop on Computer Vision and Industrial Applications, Stockholm, Sweden, May 14- 18, 1984. 488. Fourth International Conference on Robot Vision and Sensory Controls, London, England, October 9-11, 1984. E.4. Medicine 489. U. Shani, Understanding Three Dimensional Images -- Recognition of Abdominal Anatomy from CAT Scans, UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 1984. 490. M. Kindelan and J. Suarez de Lezo, Artery detection and tracking in coronary angiography, DIA, 283-294. 491. L. Bertolini and G. Vernazza, Electromagnetic effect evaluation by Markovian texture analysis of nucleated cells, DIA, 295-302. 492. A.R. Fiorini, R. Fumero, and M. Pisarello, Detectability enhancement of thermographic data, DIA, 303-307. 493. J. Sklansky and D. Petkovic, Two-resolution detection of lung tumors in chest radiographs, MIPA, 365-378. 494. A. Pathak, S.K. Pal, and R.A. King, Syntactic recognition of skeletal maturity, PRL 2, 1984, 193- 197. 495. Y.S. Fong, W.G. Wee, and M. Moskowitz, Application of pattern recognition technique in the evaluation of thermographic images for early breast cancer detection, 7ICPR, 24-26. 496. J. Quignon and C. Faure, An hybrid decision system for the automatic interpretation of electromyograms, 7ICPR, 37-39. 497. H. Kawai, S. Tamura, and K. Kani, Eye movement analysis system using fundus images, 7ICPR, 687-689. 498. J.S. Duncan, Intelligent detection of left ventricular boundaries in gated nuclear medicine image sequences, 7ICPR, 875-877. 499. B. Lay and C. Baudoin, Computer analysis of angiofluorographies, 7ICPR, 927-929. 500. C. Merritt and I. Craig, Use of an interactive chromosome analysis system for the genetic study of barley varieties, 7ICPR, 954-956. 501. G.E. Moore, The significance of modeling in computer diagnosis of pulmonary vasculature, 7ICPR, 963-965. 502. R. Vaknine and W.J. Lorenz, Power spectrum applied to medical B-scan images, 7ICPR, 1025-1026. 503. E.E. Gose, M.L. Freeman, W.E. Barnes, T. Milo, and E. Kaplan, A comparison of diastolic and systolic image features in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease, 7ICPR, 1148-1151. 504. D. Cheng, An algorithm for segmenting the white blood cell touched with red blood cells, 7ICPR, 1152-1154. 505. M. Yachida, S. Iwai, and S. Tsuji, 3-D reconstruction of coronary artery from cine- angiograms based on left ventricular model, 7ICPR, 1156-1159. 506. Z. Xiang, S.N. Srihari, S.C. Shapiro, and J.G. Chutkow, Analogical and propositional representations of structure in neurological diagnosis, CAIA, 127-132. 507. S.A. Stansfield, ANGY: a rule-based expert system for identifying and isolating coronary vessels in digital angiograms, CAIA, 606-609. 508. H. Niemann, H. Bunke, I. Hofmann, and G. Sagerer, Diagnostic inferences from image sequences -- a knowledge based approach, CAIA, 610-616. 509. Z.H. Cho and O. Nalccoglu, eds., Selected Topics in Image Science, Springer, Berlin, 1984. 510. R.H. Schneider and S.J. Dwyer III, eds., Application of Optical Instrumentation in Medicine XII: Medical Image Production, Processing, Display, and Archiving (San Diego, CA, February 26-29, 1984) Proc. SPIE 454. 511. J.A. Mulvaney, ed., Medical Imaging and Instrumentation '84 (Las Vegas, NV, April 8-10, 1984), Proc. SPIE 486. 512. A. Duerinckx, J. Prewitt, and M. Lowe, eds., Medical Images and ICONs: MEDPACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems), MEDPICS (Picture Interpretation Computers and Systems), MEDGRAPH (Computer Graphics) (Arlington, VA, July 24-27, 1984), Proc. SPIE 515. 513. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Pictorial Information Systems in Medicine, Braunlage, Germany, August 27-September 7, 1984. E.5. Remote sensing, etc. 514. F.C. Billingsley, Remote sensing -- a view of integration, DIA, 69-87. 515. G. Nagy, A critical analysis of remote sensing technology, DIA, 88-101. 516. G. Sedmak, Current problems in astronomical image processing, DIA, 102-133. 517. M. Dosso, J. Kilian, and G. Savary, Detection of agricultural areas in tropical regions, DIA, 308- 313. 518. P.Y. Nguyen and G. Stamon, Radar image processing for remote sensing, DIA, 314-319. 519. A. Della Ventura, R. Rabagliati, A. Rampini, and R. Serandrei Barbero, An application of ISIID: remote sensing observation of glaciers, DIA, 320-324. 520. C. DeMarzo, C. Fanti-Giovannini, C. Nuovo, and G. Sylos-Labini, Bidimensional Fourier transform of very long baseline interferometry data, DIA, 334- 342. 521. M.L. Malagnini, M. Pucillo, and P. Santin, A project for faint object discrimination in astronomy, DIA, 347-354. 522. P. Di Chio, S. Di Zenzo, and A. Vignato, Discriminating between stars and galaxies in VDGC images, DIA, 355-363. 523. B.A. Lambird, D. Lavine, and L.N. Kanal, Distributed architecture and parallel non directional search for knowledge-based cartographic feature extraction systems, Intl. J. Man-Machine Studies 20, 1984, 107-120. 524. J.D. Tubbs, A note on the justification of Landsat data transformations, PR 17, 1984, 429-432. 525. T. Lee and J.A. Richards, Piecewise linear classification using seniority logic committee methods, with application to remote sensing, PR 17, 1984, 453-464. 526. K.C. Gowda, A feature reduction and unsupervised classification algorithm for multispectral data, PR 17, 1984, 667-676. 527. J.G. Wade, D.H. Lawrence, and M. Rendle, Low-cost remote sensing experinments within an educational environment, IVC 2, 1984, 3-12. 528. D.M. McKeown, Jr. and J.L. Denlinger, Map-guided feature extraction from aerial imagery, WCVRC, 205- 213. 529. J.C. Tilton and J.P. Strong, Analyzing remotely sensed data on the Massively Parallel Processor, 7ICPR, 398-400. 530. P.H. Swain, D.A. Landgrebe, and L.F. Silva, Future directions for remote sensing research: an engineering perspective, 7ICPR, 401-403. 531. T. Shibata, Application of digital terrain model in remote sensing, 7ICPR, 404-406. 532. B.A. Parvin, A structural classifier for ship targets, 7ICPR, 550-552. 533. J.F. Gilmore and W.B. Pemberton, A survey of aircraft classification algorithms, 7ICPR, 559-561. 534. V.H. Kaupp, H.C. MacDonald, and W.P. Waite, Terrain models and SAR simulation, 7ICPR, 562-565. 535. M. Adjouadi and J.T. Tou, A new approach to guiding the blind via computer vision techniques, 7ICPR, 723-726. 536. M. Thonnat and M. Berthod, Automatic classification of galaxies into morphological types, 7ICPR, 844- 846. 537. L. Besse and G. Csikos, Road surface structure and pattern analysis, 7ICPR, 847-849. 538. M.J. Carlotto, V.T. Tom, P.W. Baim, and R.A. Upton, Knowledge-based multi-spectral image classification, 7ICPR, 853-855. 539. W.M. Johnstone and M.E. Jernigan, Deriving digital terrain models from Landsat data, 7ICPR, 908-910. 540. G. Karam, M. Goldberg, L.D. Tran, and M. Alvo, An interactive hierarchical clustering scheme, 7ICPR, 911-913. 541. P.T. Nguyen, L. Asfar, and S. Simon, An application of pattern recognition for structural analysis in geology, 7ICPR, 975-977. 542. (Y.J. Lie), Automatic recognition of automobile's type by fuzzy cluster analysis method, 7ICPR, 1314- 1316. 543. P. Bouthemy and A. Benveniste, Modeling of atmospheric disturbances in meteorological pictures, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 587-600. 544. D.M. McKeown, Jr. and J.L. Denlinger, Map-guided feature extraction from aerial imagery, IUW, 247- 256. 545. R.M. Inigo, E.S. McVey, B.J. Berger, and M.J. Wirtz, Machine vision applied to vehicle guidance, T- PAMI 6, 1984, 820-826. 546. J.F. O'Callaghan and D.M. Mark, The extraction of drainage networks from digital elevation data, CVGIP 28, 1984, 323-344. 547. A. Rosenfeld, L.S. Davis, and A.M. Waxman, Vision for autonomous navigation, CAIA, 140-141. 548. R.D. Ferrante, M.J. Carlotto, J.M. Pomarede, and P.W. Baim, Multi-spectral image analysis system, CAIA, 357-363. 549. R.M. Brown, ed., PAME Proceedings (Diamondhead, MS, March 23-24, 1982), NORDA TN 176, October 1983. 550. Workshop on Remote Sensing, W. Lafayette, IN, February 28-March 1, 1984 (Final Report: Purdue University TR-EE 84-22). 551. P.N. Slater, ed., Remote Sensing: Critical Review of Technology (Arlington, VA, May 1-2, 1984), Proc. SPIE 475. 552. H.W. Yates, ed., Recent Advances in Civil Space Remote Sensing (Arlington, VA, May 3-4, 1984), Proc. SPIE 481. 553. L.F. Guseman, Jr., ed., Proceedings of the Second Annual NASA Symposium on Mathematical Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (Houston, TX, June 6-8, 1984). 554. Tenth International Symposium on Machine Processing of Remotely Sensed Data, W. Lafayette, IN, June 12- 14, 1984. 555. D.F. Marble, K.E. Brassel, D.J. Peuquet, and H. Kishimoto, eds., Proceedings of the International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (Zurich, Switzerland, August 20-24, 1984). 556. P. Henkel and F.R. LaGesse, eds., Airborn Reconnaissance VIII (San Diego, CA, August 21-22, 1984), Proc. SPIE 406. E.6. Miscellaneous 557. T.C. Pong, R.M. Haralick, J.R. Craig, R.H. Yoon, and W.Z. Choi, The application of image analysis techniques to mineral processing, PRL 2, 1983, 117- 123. 558. L. Caponetti, M.T. Chiaradia, A. Distante, and M. Veneziani, A track-following algorithm for contour lines of digital binary maps, DIA, 149-154. 559. U. Cugini, G. Ferri, P. Micheli, P. Mussio, and M. Protti, An application of ISIID: arcs, fillets, and tangent points restoration in digitized line, DIA, 325-333. 560. R. Taniguchi, M. Yokota, E. Kawaguchi, and T. Tamati, Knowledge-based picture understanding of weather charts, PR 17, 1984, 109-123. 561. Y. Fukada, A primary algorithm for the understanding of logic circuit diagrams, PR 17, 1984, 125-134. 562. M. Kawagoe and A. Tojo, Fingerprint pattern classification, PR 17, 1984, 295-303. 563. B.C. Vemuri, K.R. Diller, and J.K. Aggarwal, A model for characterizing the motion of the solid-liquid interface in freezing solutions, PR 17, 1984, 313- 319. 564. P. Baylou, B. El Hadj Amor, M. Monsion, C. Bauvet, and G. Bousseau, Detection and three-dimensional localization by stereoscopic visual sensor and its application to a robot for picking asparagus, PR 17, 1984, 377-384. 565. M. Furuta, N. Kase, and S. Emori, Segmentation and recognition of symbols for handwritten piping and instrument diagram, 7ICPR, 626-629. 566. R.M. Haralick, Analysis of digital images of the shroud of Turin, 7ICPR, 717-722. 567. Y. Yoshida, K. Yamamori, and T. Fukumura, Description of weather maps and its application to implementation of weather map database, 7ICPR, 730- 733. 568. N.N. Abdelmalek, T. Kasvand, D. Goupil, and N. Otsu, Fingerprint data compression, 7ICPR, 834-836. 569. Z.R. Li and D.P. Zhang, A fingerprint recognition system with micro-computer, 7ICPR, 939-941. 570. O.A. Morean and R. Kasturi, Symbol identification in geographical maps, 7ICPR, 966-967. 571. H.J. Lee and Z. Chen, Human body reconstruction from a single picture, 7ICPR, 1142-1144. 572. M. Ejiri, S. Kakumoto, T. Miyatake, S. Shimada, and H. Matsushima, Automatic recognition of drawings and maps, 7ICPR, 1296-1305. 573. W. Kikkawa, M. Kitayama, K. Miyazaki, H. Arai, and S. Arato, Automatic digitizing system for PWB drawings, 7ICPR, 1306-1309. 574. F.C.A. Groen and R.J. van Munster, Topology based analysis of schematic diagrams, 7ICPR, 1310-1312. 575. S.J. Crabtree, Jr., R. Ehrlich, and C. Prince, Evaluation of strategies for segmentation of blue- dyed pores in thin sections of reservoir rocks, CVGIP 28, 1984, 1-18. 576. H. Bley, Segmentation and preprocessing of electrical schematics using picture graphs, CVGIP 28, 1984, 271-288. 577. F. Pipitone, An expert system for electronics troubleshooting based on function and connectivity, CAIA, 133-138. 578. H.J. Lee and Z. Chen, Optimal search procedures for 3D human movement determination, CAIA, 389-394. 579. J.T. Tou, C.L. Huang, and W.H. Li, Design of a knowledge-based system for understanding electronic circuit diagrams, CAIA, 652-661. 580. H. Yoshiura, K. Fujimura, and T.L. Kunii, Top-down construction of 3-D mechanical object shapes from engineering drawings, Computer 17(12), 1984, 32-40. F. Feature Detection, Segmentation, Image Analysis F.1. Feature detection 581. J.W. Woods, Image detection and estimation, DIPT, 77-110. 582. J.J. Clark and P.D. Lawrence, A hierarchical image analysis system based upon oriented zero crossings of bandpassed images, MIPA, 148-168. 583. S.W. Zucker and P. Parent, Multiple-size operators and optimal curve finding, MIPA, 200-210. 584. E.E. Triendl, Virtues of optimizing edge line appearance models, DIA, 198-216. 585. T. Nagano and S. Miyajima, A neural network model for the developmental process of hypercomplex cells, T-SMC 13, 1983, 847-851. 586. J.G. Daugman, Six formal properties of two- dimensional anisotropic visual filters: structural principles and frequency/ orientation selectivity, T-SMC 13, 1983, 882-887. 587. G.H. Henry, Neural processing in cat striate cortex, T-SMC 13, 1983, 888-900. 588. D.A. Pollen and S.F. Ronner, Visual cortical neurons as localized spatial frequency filters, T-SMC 13, 1983, 907-916. 589. T. Caelli and M. Hubner, Coding images in the frequency domain: filter design and energy processing characteristics of the human visual system, T-SMC 13, 1983, 1018-1021. 590. L.T. Watson, K. Arvind, R.W. Ehrich, and R.M. Haralick, Extraction of lines and regions from grey tone line drawing images, PR 17, 1984, 493-507. 591. K. Paler, J. Foglein, J. Illingworth, and J. Kittler, Locally ordered gray levels as an aid to corner detection, PR 17, 1984, 535-543. 592. M. Suk and S. Hong, An edge extraction technique for noisy images, CVGIP 25, 1984, 24-45. 593. R.M. Haralick, Digital step edges from zero crossing of second directional derivatives, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 58-68. 594. A.L. Shipman, R.R. Bitmead, and G.H. Allen, Diffuse edge fitting and following: a location-adaptive approach, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 96-102. 595. Z.M. Wojcik, An approach to the recognition of contours and line-shaped objects, CVGIP 25, 1984, 184-204. 596. L. Rewo, Enhancement and detection of convex objects using regression models, CVGIP 25, 1984, 257-269. 597. A.J. Tabatabai and O.R. Mitchell, Edge location to subpixel values in digital imagery, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 188-201. 598. A.L. Yuille and T. Poggio, Scaling theorems for zero-crossings, WCVRC, 3-7. 599. C.E. Thorpe, An analysis of interest operators for FIDO, WCVRC, 135-140. 600. B.B. Chaudhuri and B. Chanda, The equivalence of best plane fit gradient with Roberts', Prewitt's, and Sobel's gradient for edge detection and a 4- neighbor gradient with useful properties, SP 6, 1984, 143-151. 601. L. O'Gorman and A.C. Sanderson, The converging squares algorithm: an efficient method for locating peaks in multidimensions, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 280-288. 602. P.D. Picton, Comment on ``Elimination of redundant operations for a fast Sobel operator'', T-SMC 14, 1984, 560-561. 603. H. Hakalahti, D. Harwood, and L.S. Davis, Two- dimensional object recognition by matching local properties of contour points, PRL 2, 1984, 227-234. 604. M. Suk and O. Song, Curvilinear feature extraction using minimum spanning trees, CVGIP 26, 1984, 400- 411. 605. C. Richard, A. Benveniste, and F. Kretz, Recursive estimation of local characteristics of edges in TV pictures as applied to ADPCM coding, T-COMM 32, 1984, 718-728. 606. I.K. Sethi, A general scheme for discontinuity detection, 7ICPR, 42-44. 607. Y. Leclerc and S.W. Zucker, The local structure of image discontinuities in one dimension, 7ICPR, 46- 48. 608. E.R. Davies, Estimation of edge orientation by template matching, 7ICPR, 49-51. 609. R.F. Hauser, A stochastic approach to edge detection, 7ICPR, 52-54. 610. M.A. Furst and P.E. Caines, Edge detection for digital grey level images via dynamic programming, 7ICPR, 55-58. 611. C.M. Brown, Peak-finding with limited hierarchical memory, 7ICPR, 246-249. 612. M.L. Akey and O.R. Mitchell, Detection and sub-pixel location of objects in digitized aerial imagery, 7ICPR, 411-414. 613. M. Idesawa, A high precision mark position sensing method suitable for 3-D range data acquisition, 7ICPR, 451-454. 614. J.B. Burns, A.R. Hanson, and E.M. Riseman, Extracting straight lines, 7ICPR, 482-485. 615. D. Heeger and J. Nachmias, A computer model of human retinal visual processing: effect of compressive nonlinearity on spatial-frequency filters, 7ICPR, 506-508. 616. S.W. Zucker and R.A. Hummel, Receptive fields and the representation of visual information, 7ICPR, 515-517. 617. R.J. Beattie, A semantically-based multi-level edge detection system, 7ICPR, 653-655. 618. H. Grasmuller, K. Hohberger, P. Kollensperger, E. Kutzer, A. Reischl, and P. Rummel, Local feature extraction for model-based workpiece recognition, 7ICPR, 886-889. 619. C.D. McIlroy, W. Monteith, and R. Linggard, Real- time edge detection for image processing, 7ICPR, 1188-1190. 620. E.R. Davies, Circularity -- a new principle underlying the design of accurate edge orientation operators, IVC 2, 1984, 134-142. 621. V. Berzins, Accuracy of Laplacian edge detectors, CVGIP 27, 1984, 195-210. 622. E.S.H. Chang and L. Kurz, Trajectory detection and experimental designs, CVGIP 27, 1984, 346-368. 623. P. Bertolazzi and M. Pirozzi, A parallel algorithm for the optimal detection of a noisy curve, CVGIP 27, 1984, 380-386. 624. Y.J. Tejwani and R.A. Jones, On the detection of peaks and valleys using the local descriptors method, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 629-632. 625. V.S. Nalwa, On detecting edges, IUW, 157-164. 626. J.B. Burns, A.R. Hanson, and E.M. Riseman, Extracting straight lines, IUW, 165-168. 627. A.P. Blicher, Edge localization in both theta and x, IUW, 176-178. 628. H.A.H. Ibrahim, J.R. Kender, and D.E. Shaw, The Hough transform method on fine-grained tree- structured SIMD machines, IUW, 216-224. F.2. Segmentation 629. J. Cibulskis and C.R. Dyer, Node linking strategies in pyramids for image segmentation, MIPA, 109-120. 630. M.T. Capria, S. Di Zenzo, and M. Poscolieri, Image segmentation by discrete relaxation, DIA, 163-168. 631. M.B. Merickel, J.C. Lundgren, and S.S. Shen, A spatial processing algorithm to reduce the effects of mixed pixels and increase the separability between classes, PR 17, 1984, 525-533. 632. G.E. Lowitz, What the Fourier transform can really bring to clustering, PR 17, 1984, 657-665. 633. T.C. Pong, L.G. Shapiro, L.T. Watson, and R.M. Haralick, Experiments in segmentation using a facet model region grower, CVGIP 25, 1984, 1-23. 634. S. Wang and R.M. Haralick, Automatic multithreshold selection, CVGIP 25, 1984, 46-67. 635. U. Appel and A. v.Brandt, A comparative study of three sequential time series segmentation algorithms, SP 6, 1984, 45-60. 636. G. Haussmann and C.E. Liedtke, A region extraction approach to blood smear segmentation, CVGIP 25, 1984, 133-150. 637. D. Wermser, G. Haussmann, and C.E. Liedtke, Segmentation of blood smears by hierarchical thresholding, CVGIP 25, 1984, 151-168. 638. T.H. Hong and A. Rosenfeld, Compact region extraction using weighted pixel linking in a pyramid, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 222-229. 639. T.H. Hong and M. Shneier, Extracting compact objects using linked pyramids, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 229-237. 640. K. Price, Image segmentation: a comment on ``Studies in global and local histogram-guided relaxation algorithms'', T-PAMI 6, 1984, 247-249. 641. R.W. Conners, M.M. Trivedi, and C.A. Harlow, Segmentation of a high-resolution urban scene using texture operators, CVGIP 25, 1984, 273-310. 642. G.G. Medioni and Y. Yasumoto, A note on using the fractal dimension for segmentation, WCVRC, 25-30. 643. G. Reynolds, N. Irwin, A. Hanson, and E. Riseman, Hierarchical knowledge-directed object extraction using a combined region and line representation, WCVRC, 238-247. 644. J.M. Cibulskis and C.R. Dyer, An analysis of node linking in overlapped pyramids, T-SMC 14, 1984, 424-436. 645. M.D. Levine and A.M. Nazif, An optimal set of image segmentation rules, PRL 2, 1984, 243-248. 646. N. Funakubo, Region segmentation of biomedical tissue image using color texture feature, 7ICPR, 30-32. 647. D. Lucas and L. Gibson, Image pyramids and partitions, 7ICPR, 230-233. 648. D. Brzakovic and J.T. Tou, Boundary determination of object surfaces via textural information, 7ICPR, 280-283. 649. J.J. Gerbrands and E. Backer, Split-and-merge segmentation of SLAR imagery: segmentation consistency, 7ICPR, 284-286. 650. J. Kittler, J. Illingworth, J. Foglein, and K. Paler, An automatic thresholding algorithm and its performance, 7ICPR, 287-289. 651. J.A.C. Bernsen, Magnification of digitized multi- valued pictures, as an aid for binary object recognition, 7ICPR, 290-293. 652. B.A. Parvin, A split and merge algorithm for segmentation of natural scenes, 7ICPR, 294-296. 653. I. Dinstein, A.C. Fong, L.M. Ni, and K.Y. Wong, Fast discrimination between homogeneous and textured regions, 7ICPR, 361-363. 654. B.J. Smith, Perception of organization in a random stimulus, 7ICPR, 512-514. 655. J.M. Chassery and C. Garbay, An iterative segmentation method based on a contextual color and shape criterion, 7ICPR, 642-644. 656. F. Badii and J. Jayawardena, Region growing and global labeling in image analysis, 7ICPR, 656-659. 657. A. Boubekraoui, B. Zavidovique, and J. Rivaillier, Region detection based on an homogeneous set of local operators for hardware implementation, 7ICPR, 850-852. 658. C.H. Chen and C. Yen, On a mixed approach to digital picture analysis, 7ICPR, 857-858. 659. J.C. Tilton, Multiresolution spatially constrained clustering of remotely sensed data on the Massively Parallel Processor, 7ICPR, 1013-1015. 660. P.W. Verbeek and D.J. deJong, Edge preserving texture analysis, 7ICPR, 1030-1032. 661. F.S. Cohen, D.B. Cooper, J.F. Silverman, and E.B. Hinkle, Simple parallel hierarchical and relaxation algorithms for segmenting textured images based on noncausal Markovian random field models, 7ICPR, 1104-1107. 662. G.Y. Xu and K.S. Fu, Natural scene segmentation based on multiple threshold and textural measurement, 7ICPR, 1111-1113. 663. D. Wermser, Unsupervised segmentation by use of a texture gradient, 7ICPR, 1114-1116. 664. R.L. Kashyap and A. Khotanzad, A stochastic model based technique for texture segmentation, 7ICPR, 1202-1205. 665. S.S. Reddi, S.F. Rudin, and H.R. Keshavan, An optimal multiple threshold scheme for image segmentation, T-SMC 14, 1984, 661-665. 666. P. Zamperoni, Model-based segmentation of grey-tone images, IVC 2, 1984, 123-133. 667. A.M. Nazif and M.D. Levine, Low level image segmentation: an expert system, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 555-577. 668. D.M. Titherington, Comments on ``Application of the conditional population-mixture model to image segmentation'', T-PAMI 6, 1984, 656-658. 669. J. Bentley, Algorithm design techniques, CACM 27, 1984, 865-871. 670. G. Reynolds, N. Irwin, A. Hanson, and E. Riseman, Hierarchical knowledge-directed object extraction using a combined region and line representation, IUW, 195-204. 671. M.M. Trivedi, C.A. Harlow, R.W. Conners, and S. Goh, Object detection based on gray level cooccurrence, CVGIP 28, 1984, 199-219. 672. H. Derin, H. Elliott, R. Cristi, and D. Geman, Bayes smoothing algorithms for representation of binary images modeled by Markov random fields, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 707-720. 673. S.M. Dunn, D. Harwood, and L.S. Davis, Local estimation of the uniform error threshold, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 742-747. 674. J.M. Chassery and C. Garbay, An iterative segmentation method based on a contextual color and shape criterion, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 794-800. 675. D. Brzakovic and J.T. Tou, Image understanding via texture analysis, CAIA, 585-590. F.3. Image analysis 676. A. Rosenfeld, Image analysis, DIPT, 257-287. 677. D.A. Rosenthal and R. Bajcsy, Visual and conceptual hierarchy -- a paradigm for studies of automated generation of recognition strategies, MIPA, 60-76. 678. L. Kitchen and A. Rosenfeld, Scene analysis using region-based constraint filtering, PR 17, 1985, 189-203. 679. L.W. Tucker, Control strategy for an expert vision system using quadtree refinement, WCVRC, 214-218. 680. V. Cappellini, A. Del Bimbo, and A. Mecocci, Object decomposition and subpart identification -- classification algorithms, IVC 2, 1984, 109-113. 681. D.A. Rosenthal and R. Bajcsy, Visual and conceptual hierarchy: a paradigm for studies of automated generation of recognition strategies, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 319-325. 682. L.W. Tucker, Model-guided segmentation using quadtrees, 7ICPR, 216-219. 683. V.S.S. Hwang, T. Matsuyama, L.S. Davis, and A. Rosenfeld, Evidence accumulation for spatial reasoning in aerial image understanding, 7ICPR, 394-397. 684. D. Cruse, C.J. Oddy, and A. Wright, A segmented image data base (SID) for image analysis, 7ICPR, 493-496. 685. H. Bunke and G. Sagerer, Use and representation of knowledge in image understanding based on semantic networks, 7ICPR, 1135-1137. 686. A. Giordana and P. Laface, A component language for describing network of frames for interpreting real- world data, 7ICPR, 1191-1193. 687. M. Suk and T.H. Cho, An object-detection algorithm based on the region-adjacency graph, P-IEEE 72, 1984, 985-986. 688. J.H. Kim, D.W. Payton, and K.E. Olin, An expert system for object recognition in natural scenes, CAIA, 170-175. G. Matching and Time-Varying Imagery G.1. Matching 689. N. O'Brien and R. Jain, Axial motion stereo, WCVRC, 88-92. 690. A. Mitiche and P. Bouthemy, Representation and tracking of point structures using stereovision, WCVRC, 118-124. 691. A. Goshtasby, A refined technique for stereo depth perception, WCVRC, 125-129. 692. M. Herman, T. Kanade, and S. Kuroe, Incremental acquisition of a three-dimensional scene model from images, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 331-340. 693. H. Itoh, A. Miyauchi, and S. Ozawa, Distance measuring method using only simple vision constructed for moving robots, 7ICPR, 192-195. 694. D.L. Smitley and R. Bajcsy, Stereo processing of aerial, urban images, 7ICPR, 433-435. 695. W.K. Gu, J.Y. Yang, and T.S. Huang, Matching perspective views of a 3-D object using circuits, 7ICPR, 441-443. 696. S. Castan and J. Shen, A stereo vision algorithm taking into account the perspective distortions, 7ICPR, 444-446. 697. M. Berthod and P. Long, Graph matching by parallel optimization methods: an application to stereo vision, 7ICPR, 841-843. 698. W.M. Blume, P.V. Sankar, and J. Sklansky, Reconstructing a network of three-dimensional curves from a small number of projections, 7ICPR, 1292- 1294. 699. C.K. Wu, D.Q. Wang, and R.K. Bajcsy, Acquiring 3-D spatial data of a real object, CVGIP 28, 1984, 126- 133. 700. M. Herman and T. Kanade, The 3D MOSAIC scene understanding system: incremental reconstruction of 3D scenes from complex images, IUW, 137-148. 701. L.H. Quam, Hierarchical warp stereo, IUW, 149-155. 702. B.D. Lucas and T. Kanade, Optical navigation by the method of differences, IUW, 272-281. 703. S. Ishikawa, Reconstructing faces on a polyhedron from apparent gradients of edges, CVGIP 28, 1984, 289-302. 704. A. Mitiche, On combining stereopsis and kineopsis for space perception, CAIA, 156-160. 705. H.C. Longuet-Higgins, The reconstruction of a scene from two projections -- configurations that defeat the 8-point algorithm, CAIA, 395-397. 706. K.R. Anderson and J.E. Gaby, Dynamic waveform matching, Information Sciences 31, 1983, 221-242. 707. J.K. Cheng and T.S. Huang, Image registration by matching relational structures, PR 17, 1984, 149- 159. 708. H. Ogawa, Labeled point pattern matching by fuzzy relaxation, PR 17, 1984, 569-573. 709. K.E. Price, Matching closed contours, WCVRC, 130- 134. 710. M. Suk and H. Kang, New measures of similarity between two contours based on optimal bivariate transforms, CVGIP 26, 1984, 168-182. 711. Q. Tian and M.N. Huhns, A fast iterative hill- climbing algorithm for subpixel registration, 7ICPR, 13-15. 712. M. Nagao and M. Katayama, Automatic figure decomposition into elementary features by similarity principle, 7ICPR, 63-65. 713. H.D. Cheng, W.C. Lin, and K.S. Fu, Space-time domain expansion approach to VLSI and its application to hierarchical scene matching, 7ICPR, 578-580. 714. K.C. Overman, F. Ghazizadeh, and D.F. Mix, Scene matching by defocused images, 7ICPR, 960-962. 715. K.E. Price, Matching closed contours, 7ICPR, 990- 992. 716. K.P. Lam, Multi-directional gradient codes for position determination in contour maps, 7ICPR, 1074-1076. 717. S. Tian, A simplified searching approach in shape matching, 7ICPR, 1165-1167. 718. W.I. Grosky and Y. Lu, Iconic indexing using generalized pattern matching, 7ICPR, 1168-1170. 719. G. Borgefors, An improved version of the chamfer matching algorithm, 7ICPR, 1175-1177. 720. M. Yanagisawa, S. Shigemitsu, and T. Akatsuka, Registration of locally distorted images by multiwindow pattern matching and displacement interpolation: the proposal of an algorithm and its application to digital subtraction angiography, 7ICPR, 1288-1291. 721. S.A. Lloyd, Waveform matching using multiresolution dynamic programming, PRL 2, 1984, 345-352. 722. K.E. Price, Matching closed contours, IUW, 169-175. 723. A. Bandyopadhyay, Interest points, disparities and correspondence, IUW, 184-187. 724. L.S. Dreschler-Fischer and E.E. Triendl, The ASTERIX system: a feature based approach to the correspondence problem, IUW, 300-301. 725. V. Venot, J.F. Lebruchec, and J.C. Roucayrol, A new class of similarity measures for robust image registration, CVGIP 28, 1984, 176-184. 726. K.P. Lam, Position determination using generalized multidirectional gradient codes, CVGIP 28, 1984, 228-239. 727. G. Medioni and R. Nevatia, Matching images using linear features, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 675-685. 728. K. Fukushima, S. Miyake, and T. Ito, Neocognitron: a neural model for a mechanism of visual pattern recognition, T-SMC 13, 1983, 826-834. 729. Y. Hirai, A model of human associative processor (HASP), T-SMC 13, 1983, 851-857. 730. M. Ben-Bassat and L. Zaidenberg, Contextual template matching: a distance measure for patterns with hierarchically dependent features, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 201-211. 731. A. Goshtasby, S.H. Gage, and J.F. Bartholic, A two- stage cross correlation approach to template matching, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 374-378. 732. E. Tanaka, A context-dependent similarity measure for pictures, 7ICPR, 66-68. 733. S.K. Parui and D. Dutta Majumder, How to quantify shape distance for 2-dimensional regions, 7ICPR, 72-74. 734. S.Y. Oh, Crosstalk minimization for a Walsh-Hadamard based associative memory, 7ICPR, 355-357. 735. P.G. Gulak and E. Shwedyk, Block detection in a normalized Kolmogorov metric space, 7ICPR, 709-712. 736. Y.I. Gold, On the order of examining data-points in SSD template matching, 7ICPR, 1077-1080. 737. S.Y. Oh, A Walsh-Hadamard based distributed storage device for the associative search of information, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 617-623. 738. J.D. Dessimoz, J.R. Birk, R.B. Kelley, H.A.S. Martins, and C.L. I, Matched filters for bin picking, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 686-697. 739. G.C. Stockman and P. Morawski, 2D object acquisition using circular scanning, PR 17, 1984, 321-330. 740. J.R. Slagle and J.K. Dixon, Freedom descriptions: a way to find figures that approximate given points, PR 17, 1984, 631-636. 741. B. Bhanu and O.D. Faugeras, Shape matching of two- dimensional objects, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 137-156. 742. J.L. Crowley and A.C. Sanderson, Multiple resolution representation and probabilistic matching of 2-D gray scale shape, WCVRC, 95-105. 743. A. Goshtasby and C.V. Page, Image matching by a probabilistic labeling process, 7ICPR, 307-309. 744. Y.C. Cheng and S.Y. Lu, Waveform correlation using tree matching, 7ICPR, 350-354. 745. H. Yamada, Contour DP matching method and its application to handprinted Chinese character recognition, 7ICPR, 389-392. 746. J. Tsukumo and K. Asai, Non-linear matching method for handprinted character recognition, 7ICPR, 770- 773. 747. C. Granger, Symbolic scene matching, 7ICPR, 883-885. 748. K.E. Price, Relaxation matching techniques -- a comparison, 7ICPR, 987-989. 749. N.A. Khan and R. Jain, Matching an imprecise object description with models in a knowledge base, 7ICPR, 1131-1134. 750. W.H. Tsai and S.S. Yu, Attributed string matching with merging for shape recognition, 7ICPR, 1162- 1164. 751. H.S. Lee and N.V. Thakor, Shape matching by correlating relational models, 7ICPR, 1178-1181. 752. N. Ayache and O.D. Faugeras, A new method for the recognition and positioning of 2-D objects, 7ICPR, 1274-1277. 753. M.J. Lahart, Estimation of error rates in classification of distorted imagery, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 535-542. 754. T. Matsuyama, H. Arita, and M. Nagao, Structural matching of line drawings using the geometric relationship between line segments, CVGIP 27, 1984, 177-194. 755. P.H. Sellers, The theory and computation of evolutionary distances: pattern recognition, J. Algorithms 1, 1980, 359-373. 756. H.U. Simon, Pattern matching in trees and nets, Acta Informatica 20, 1983, 227-248. 757. S. Kasif, L. Kitchen, and A. Rosenfeld, A Hough transform technique for subgraph isomorphism, PRL 2, 1983, 83-88. 758. W.J. Hsu and M.W. Du, Computing a longest common subsequence for a set of strings, BIT 24, 1984, 45- 59. 759. M.E. Dyer and A.M. Frieze, A partitioning algorithm for minimum weighted Euclidean matching, IPL 18, 1984, 59-62. 760. P. Moller-Nielsen and J. Staunstrup, Experiments with a fast string searching algorithm, IPL 18, 1984, 129-135. 761. G. Barth, An analytical comparison of two string searching algorithms, IPL 18, 1984, 249-256. 762. A. Jovanovic and D. Danilovic, A new algorithm for solving the tree isomorphism problem, Computing 32, 1984, 187-198. 763. M.G. Main and R.J. Lorentz, An O(n log n) algorithm for finding all repetitions in a string, J. Algorithms 5, 1984, 422-432. 764. T. Ito, Y. Kodama, and J. Toyoda, A similarity measure between patterns with nonindependent attributes, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 111-115. 765. J. Aoe, Y. Yamamoto, and R. Shimada, A method for improving string pattern matching machines, IEEE Trans. Software Engineering 10, 1984, 116-120. 766. S.Y. Lu, A tree-matching algorithm based on node splitting and merging, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 249-256. 767. Z. Galil, Optimal parallel algorithms for string matching, STOC, 240-248. 768. M.A. Eshera and K.S. Fu, A graph distance measure for image analysis, T-SMC 14, 1984, 398-408. 769. M.A. Eshera and K.S. Fu, A similarity measure between attributed relational graphs for image analysis, 7ICPR, 75-77. 770. M. You and A.K.C. Wong, An algorithm for graph optimal isomorphism, 7ICPR, 316-319. 771. J. Xu and J.G. Li, Labeling method and chemical substructure isomorphism, 7ICPR, 727-729. G.2. Motion 772. E.C. Hildreth, Measurement of Visual Motion, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1984. 773. J.K. Aggarwal, Three-dimensional description of objects and dynamic scene analysis, DIA, 29-46. 774. F. Glazer, Multilevel relaxation in low-level computer vision, MIPA, 312-330. 775. W.I. Grosky and R. Jain, Region matching in pyramids for dynamic scene analysis, MIPA, 331-342. 776. K.M. Mutch and W.B. Thompson, Hierarchical estimation of spatial properties from motion, MIPA, 343-354. 777. K. Sugihara, A robust description of time-varying scenes for computer animation, C+G 7, 1983, 277-284. 778. P. Bolon and J.L. Lacoume, Speed measurement by cross correlation -- theoretical aspects and applications in the paper industry, T-ASSP 31, 1983, 1374-1378. 779. M. Asada, M. Yachida, and S. Tsuji, Analysis of three-dimensional motions in the blocks world, PR 17, 1984, 57-71. 780. K. Akita, Image sequence analysis of real world human motion, PR 17, 1984, 73-83. 781. B. Radig, Image sequence analysis using relational structures, PR 17, 1984, 161-167. 782. W.H. Zaagman, H.A.K. Mastebroek, and R.d.R. van Steveninck, Adaptive strategies in fly vision: on their image-processing qualities, T-SMC 13, 1983, 900-906. 783. A.J. van Doorn and J.J. Koenderink, The structure of the human motion detection system, T-SMC 13, 1983, 916-922. 784. M. Tsukada, M. Terasawa, and G. Hauske, Temporal pattern discrimination in the cat's retinal cells and Markov system models, T-SMC 13, 1983, 953-964. 785. J.K. Tsotsos, The scope of motion research: from image intensity to semantic abstractions, CG 18(1), 1984, 7-11. 786. P.A. Kolers, Motion from continuous or discontinuous arrangements, CG 18(1), 1984, 12-16. 787. B. Neumann, Optical flow, CG 18(1), 1984, 17-19. 788. J.K. Aggarwal, Motion and time-varying imagery, CG 18(1), 1984, 20-21. 789. N.I. Badler, Motion graphics: description and control, CG 18(1), 1984, 22-23. 790. R.Y. Tsai and T.S. Huang, Uniqueness and estimation of three-dimensional motion parameters of rigid objects with curved surfaces, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 13-27. 791. J. Labuz and R.J. Schalkoff, New results using an integrated model and recursive algorithm for image motion estimation, PRL 2, 1984, 179-183. 792. A.M. Waxman, An image flow paradigm, WCVRC, 49-57. 793. B.G. Schunck, Motion segmentation and estimation by constraint line clustering, WCVRC, 58-62. 794. A. Mitiche, Computation of optical flow and rigid motion, WCVRC, 63-71. 795. J. Aloimonos and C.M. Brown, Direct processing of curvilinear sensor motion from a sequence of perspective images, WCVRC, 72-77. 796. A. Bandyopadhyay, A multiple channel model for perception of optical flow, WCVRC, 78-82. 797. R. Jain and I.K. Sethi, Establishing correspondence of non-rigid objects using smoothness of motion, WCVRC, 83-87. 798. J.K. Tsotsos, Cooperative computation and time, WCVRC, 231-237. 799. Y.Z. Hsu, H.H. Nagel, and G. Rekers, New likelihood test methods for change detection in image sequences, CVGIP 26, 1984, 73-106. 800. R.Y. Tsai and T.S. Huang, Estimating three- dimensional motion parameters of a rigid planar patch, III: finite point correspondences and the three-view problem, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 213-220. 801. B.F. Buxton and H. Buxton, Computation of optic flow from the motion of edge features in image sequences, IVC 2, 1984, 59-75. 802. R. Jain, Difference and accumulative difference pictures in dynamic scene analysis, IVC 2, 1984, 99-108. 803. J.Q. Fang and T.S. Huang, Solving three-dimensional small-rotation motion equations: uniqueness, algorithms, and numerical results, CVGIP 26, 1984, 183-206. 804. T.Y. Young and Y.L. Wang, Analysis of three- dimensional rotation and linear shape changes, PRL 2, 1984, 239-242. 805. M.A. Shah and R. Jain, Detecting time-varying corners, 7ICPR, 2-5. 806. H.H. Nagel and W. Enkelmann, Towards the estimation of displacement vector fields by ``oriented smoothness'' constraints, 7ICPR, 6-8. 807. S. Ishikawa, M. Yamada, and S. Ozawa, A method of estimating the target position for an image tracking system of moving targets, 7ICPR, 9-12. 808. O. Tretiak and L. Pastor, Velocity estimation from image sequences with second order differential operators, 7ICPR, 16-19. 809. B.G. Schunck, The motion constraint equation for optical flow, 7ICPR, 20-22. 810. J.P. Gambotto, Correspondence analysis for target tracking in infrared images, 7ICPR, 526-529. 811. R.J. Schalkoff and J. Labuz, An integrated spatio- temporal model and recursive algorithm for image motion estimation, 7ICPR, 530-533. 812. J.P. Gambotto and T.S. Huang, Motion analysis of isolated targets in infared image sequences, 7ICPR, 534-537. 813. M.J. Magee and J.K. Aggarwal, Determining motion parameters using intensity guided range sensing, 7ICPR, 538-541. 814. Y. Alloimonos and C.M. Brown, The relationship between optical flow and surface orientation, 7ICPR, 542-545. 815. R. Lenz, Estimation of general 2-D motion parameters in TV scenes, 7ICPR, 546-548. 816. R. Kories and G. Zimmermann, Motion detection in image sequences: an evaluation of feature detectors, 7ICPR, 778-780. 817. B.L. Yen and T.S. Huang, Determining 3D motion/structure of a rigid body over 2 frames using correspondences of straight lines lying on parallel planes, 7ICPR, 781-783. 818. M. Aoki, Detection of moving objects using line image sequence, 7ICPR, 784-786. 819. M.A. Abidi and R.C. Gonzalez, Motion detection in radar images, 7ICPR, 787-790. 820. W.B. Thompson, K.M. Mutch, and V.A. Berzins, Analyzing object motion based on optical flow, 7ICPR, 791-794. 821. J. Dengler and J. Bille, A scene analysis system simulating the peripherical visual perception, 7ICPR, 863-865. 822. R. Kories and G. Zimmermann, A class of stable feature extractors for time-varying imagery, 7ICPR, 919-. 823. R.A. Samy and C.A. Bozzo, Dynamic scene analysis and video target tracking, 7ICPR, 993-995. 824. B.H. Thomas and W.N. Martin, Pyramid structures in dynamic scenes, 7ICPR, 1008-1010. 825. G.G. Pieroni and M.F. Costabile, Finding correspondences in time-varying shape boundaries, 7ICPR, 1171-1174. 826. R.E. Blake, A scheme for incremental labelling of graphs from an image sequence, 7ICPR, 1194-1196. 827. C. Jerian and R. Jain, Determining motion parameters for scenes with translation and rotation, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 523-530. 828. E.C. Hildreth, Computations underlying the measurement of visual motion, AI 23, 1984, 309-354. 829. K. Sugihara and N. Sugie, Recovery of rigid structure from orthographically projected optical flow, CVGIP 27, 1984, 309-320. 830. J.Q. Fang and T.S. Huang, Some experiments on estimating the 3-D motion parameters of a rigid body from two consecutive image frames, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 545-554. 831. R.C. Jain, Segmentation of frame sequences obtained by a moving observer, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 624-629. 832. G. Adiv, Determining 3-D motion and structure from optical flow generated by moving objects, IUW, 113- 129. 833. A.M. Waxman and S.S. Sinha, Dynamic stereo: passive ranging to moving objects from relative image flows, IUW, 130-136. 834. P. Anandan, Computing dense displacement fields with confidence measures in scenes containing occlusion, IUW, 236-246. 835. D.R. Walker and K.R. Rao, Improved pel-recursive motion compensation, T-COMM 32, 1984, 1128-1134. 836. M.A. Shah and R. Jain, Detecting time-varying corners, CVGIP 28, 1984, 345-355. 837. R. Jain, Detection of moving edges, CAIA, 142-149. 838. B. Neumann, Natural language access to image sequences: event recognition and verbalization, CAIA, 226-231. 839. D.R. Proffitt and B.I. Bertenthal, Converging approaches to extracting structure from motion: psychophysical and computational investigations of recovering connectivity from moving point-light displays, CAIA, 232-238. 840. J.K. Tsotsos, A.D. Jepson, and D.J. Fleet, Motion understanding meets early vision: an introduction, CAIA, 239-244. 841. S.D. Blostein and T.S. Huang, Estimating 3-D motion from range data, CAIA, 246-250. 842. S.M. Haynes and R. Jain, Low level motion events: trajectory discontinuities, CAIA, 251-256. 843. J.S. Lappin, Some origins of structure in the human perception of moving optical patterns, CAIA, 257- 258. 844. X. Zhuang and R.M. Haralick, Rigid body motion and the optic flow image, CAIA, 366-375. 845. J.K. Kearney and W.B. Thompson, Gradient-based estimation of optical flow with global optimization, CAIA, 376-380. 846. D.W. Murray and B.F. Buxton, Reconstructing the optic flow field from edge motion: an examination of two different approaches, CAIA, 382-388. H. Shape and Pattern H.1. Representation 847. J.L. Crowley, A multiresolution representation for shape, MIPA, 169-189. 848. H. Samet, A tutorial on quadtree research, MIPA, 212-223. 849. M.A. Oliver and N.E. Wiseman, Operations on quadtree leaves and related image areas, Computer J. 26, 1983, 375-380. 850. V. Raman and S.S. Iyengar, Properties and applications of forests of quadtrees for pictorial data representation, BIT 23, 1983, 472-486. 851. H. Samet, A. Rosenfeld, C.A. Shaffer, and R.E. Webber, Quadtree region representation in cartography: experimental results, T-SMC 13, 1983, 1148-1154. 852. J.R. Woodwark, Compressed quad trees, Computer J. 27, 1984, 225-229. 853. H. Samet, A. Rosenfeld, C.A. Shaffer, and R.E. Webber, A geographic information system using quadtrees, PR 17, 1984, 647-656. 854. J.L. Crowley and A.C. Parker, A representation for shape based on peaks and ridges in the difference of low-pass transform, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 156-170. 855. L.P. Jones and S.S. Iyengar, Space and time efficient virtual quadtrees, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 244- 247. 856. M. Tamminen, Comment on quad- and octtrees, CACM 27, 1984, 248-249. 857. H. Samet, Algorithms for the conversion of quadtrees to rasters, CVGIP 26, 1984, 1-16. 858. N. Ahuja and W. Hoff, Augmented medial axis transform, WCVRC, 251-256. 859. D.S. Franzblau and D.J. Kleitman, An algorithm for constructing regions with rectangles: independence and minimum generating sets for collections of intervals, STOC, 167-174. 860. H. Samet and R.E. Webber, On encoding boundaries with quadtrees, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 365-369. 861. H. Samet, The quadtree and related hierarchical data structures, Computing Surveys 16, 1984, 187-260. 862. C.H. Chien and J.K. Aggarwal, A normalized quadtree representation, CVGIP 26, 1984, 331-346. 863. D.J. Abel, A B(+) tree structure for large quadtrees, CVGIP 27, 1984, 19-31. 864. H. Samet, A. Rosenfeld, C.A. Shaffer, and R.E. Webber, Processing geographic data with quadtrees, 7ICPR, 212-215. 865. S.X. Li and M.H. Loew, The quadcode and its application, 7ICPR, 227-229. 866. N. Ahuja and W. Hoff, Augmented medial axis transform, 7ICPR, 336-338. 867. A. Klinger, N. Alexandridis, and G. Reynolds, Minimal quadtrees, 7ICPR, 814-816. 868. S. Sitharama Iyengar and V. Raman, Properties of the hybrid quadtree, 7ICPR, 824-827. 869. F. Badii and K. Sorooshian, Tabular representation of pictorial data via rectangular region coding, 7ICPR, 1090-1092. 870. M. Tamminen, Encoding pixel trees, CVGIP 28, 1984, 44-57. 871. L. Ferrari, P.V. Sankar, and J. Sklansky, Minimal rectangular partitions of digitized blobs, CVGIP 28, 1984, 58-71. 872. T.W. Sederberg, D.C. Anderson, and R.N. Goldman, Implicit representation of parametric curves and surfaces, CVGIP 28, 1984, 72-84. 873. C. Montani, Region representation: parallel connected stripes, CVGIP 28, 1984, 139-165. H.2. Segmentation; properties 874. J. van Leeuwen and D. Wood, The measure problem for rectangular ranges in d-space, J. Algorithms 2, 1981, 282-300. 875. L.P. Cordella, A method for evaluating features of outlined components of an image, SP 5, 1983, 485- 490. 876. L.P. Cordella and G. Sanniti di Baja, An approach to the decomposition of complex figures, DIA, 155-162. 877. L. Preuss, A mathematical method for feature extraction from images, DIA, 169-173. 878. K.C. Gowda, Cluster detection in a collection of collinear line segments, PR 17, 1984, 221-237. 879. A. Rosenfeld, The diameter of a fuzzy set, Fuzzy Sets Systems 13, 1984, 241-246. 880. K. Voss, Integrals of chord length powers for planar convex figures, EIK 20, 1984, 488-494. 881. I.M. Anderson and J.C. Bezdek, Curvature and tangential deflection of discrete arcs: a theory based on the commutator of scatter matrix pairs and its application to vertex detection in planar shape data, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 27-40. 882. F.W. Burton, J.G. Kollins, and N.A. Alexandridis, An implementation of the exponential pyramid data structure with application to determination of symmetries in pictures, CVGIP 25, 1984, 218-225. 883. H. Asada and M. Brady, The curvature primal sketch, WCVRC, 8-17. 884. A. Latto, D. Mumford, and J. Shah, The representation of shape, WCVRC, 183-191. 885. C. Arcelli and G. Sanniti di Baja, An approach to figure decomposition using width information, CVGIP 26, 1984, 61-72. 886. C.E. Kim and T.A. Anderson, Digital disks and a digital compactness measure, STOC, 117-124. 887. A. Nakamura and K. Aizawa, Digital circles, CVGIP 26, 1984, 242-255. 888. C.E. Kim, Digital disks, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 372-374. 889. Y.J. Tejwani and R.A. Jones, Determination of critical points on planar shapes using an adaptive line of sight method, 7ICPR, 113-115. 890. C.E. Kim and T.A. Anderson, Digital disks and a digital compactness measure, 7ICPR, 254-257. 891. T. Kasvand and N. Otsu, Segmentation of thinned binary scenes with good connectivity algorithms, 7ICPR, 297-300. 892. S.A. Friedberg and C.M. Brown, Finding axes of skewed symmetry, 7ICPR, 322-325. 893. C.R. Dyer and S.B. Ho, Medial-axis based shape smoothing, 7ICPR, 333-335. 894. C. Arcelli and G. Sanniti di Baja, Quenching points in distance labeled pictures, 7ICPR, 344-346. 895. S. Mori and T. Sakakura, Line filtering and its application to stroke segmentation of handprinted Chinese characters, 7ICPR, 366-369. 896. T. Kasvand and N. Otsu, Recognition of line shapes based on thinning, segmentation with good connectivity algorithms, and regularization, 7ICPR, 497-500. 897. B.A. Schaefer, A model of human symmetry detection, 7ICPR, 509-511. 898. P. Ahmed and C.Y. Suen, Edge classification and extraction of shape features, 7ICPR, 593-596. 899. F. Veillon, Towards a systematic study of shape measures, 7ICPR, 607-610. 900. V. Di Gesu and M.C. Maccarone, A method to classify spread shapes based on the ``possibility theory'', 7ICPR, 869-871. 901. A.A. Vasilier, Recognition of symmetrical patterns in images, 7ICPR, 1027-1029. 902. N. Bartneck, Image analysis based on image description graphs with contour coded objects, 7ICPR, 1108-1110. 903. B. Radig and C. Schlieder, RS-automorphisms and symmetrical objects, 7ICPR, 1138-1140. 904. F.W. Sinden, Shape information from rotated scans, 7ICPR, 1278-1280. 905. D.H. Marimont, A representation for image curves, AAAI, 237-242. 906. J.A. Webb and E. Pervin, The shape of subjective contours, AAAI, 340-343. 907. S.A. Friedberg and C.M. Brown, Symmetry evaluators, IUW, 90-97. 908. Z. You and A.K. Jain, Performance evaluation of shape matching via chord length distribution, CVGIP 28, 1984, 185-198. H.3. Topology; geometry 909. C. Ronse and P.A. Devijver, Connected Components in Binary Images: The Detection Problem, Research Studies Press (Wiley), New York, 1984. 910. W. Lipski, Jr. and F.P. Preparata, Finding the contour of a union of iso-oriented rectangles, J. Algorithms 1, 1980, 235-246. 911. S. Shlien, Raster to polygon conversion of images, C+G 7, 1983, 327-332. 912. M.R. Dunlavey, Efficient polygon-filling algorithms for raster displays, TOG 2, 1983, 264-273. 913. H. Imai and T. Asano, Finding the connected components and a maximum clique of an intersection graph of rectangles in the plane, J. Algorithms 4, 1983, 310-323. 914. V. Di Gesu, A system for the analysis of the boundaries of a shape, DIA, 144-148. 915. I. Gargantini and H.H. Atkinson, Linear quadtrees: a blocking technique for contour filling, PR 17, 1984, 285-293. 916. R.H. Guting, An optimal contour algorithm for iso- oriented rectangles, J. Algorithms 5, 1984, 303-326. 917. C. Savage, A systolic design for connectivity problems, T-COMP 33, 1984, 99-104. 918. H.A.H. Ibrahim, The connected component algorithm on the NON-VON supercomputer, WCVRC, 37-45. 919. S.X. Li and M.H. Loew, Boundary chains from quadcodetrees, WCVRC, 178-182. 920. A.C. Fong, A scheme for reusing label locations in real time component labeling of images, 7ICPR, 243- 245. 921. K.P. Fishkin and B.A. Barsky, A family of new algorithms for soft filling, SIGGRAPH, 235-244. 922. V.A. Kovalevsky, Discrete topology and contour definition, PRL 2, 1984, 281-288. 923. D.W. Capson, An improved algorithm for the sequential extraction of boundaries from a raster scan, CVGIP 28, 1984, 109-125. 924. H. Bieri and W. Nef, Algorithms for the Euler characteristic and related additive functionals of digital objects, CVGIP 28, 1984, 166-175. 925. C.Y. Zheng, Fuzzy path and fuzzy connectedness, Fuzzy Sets Systems 14, 1984, 273-280. 926. W. Lipski, Jr. and F.P. Preparata, Segments, rectangles, contours, J. Algorithms 2, 1981, 63-76. 927. F. Chin and C.A. Wang, Optimal algorithms for the intersection and the minimum distance problems between planar polygons, T-COMP 32, 1983, 1203-1207. 928. A. Maus, Delaunay triangulation and the convex hull of n points in expected linear time, BIT 24, 1984, 151-163. 929. R.H. Guting, Optimal divide-and-conquer to compute measure and contour for a set of iso-rectangles, Acta Informatica 21, 1984, 271-291. 930. S.P. Mudur and P.A. Koparkar, Interval methods for processing geometric objects, CGA 4(2), 1984, 7-17. 931. H.N. Gabow, J.L. Bentley, and R.E. Tarjan, Scaling and related techniques for geometry problems, STOC, 135-143. 932. S.N. Biswas and D. Dutta Majumder, A new method for 2-D shape dilation, 7ICPR, 102-104. 933. Q.F. Stout and R. Miller, Mesh-connected computer algorithms for determining geometric properties of figures, 7ICPR, 475-477. 934. T. Ottmann and D. Wood, Dynamical sets of points, CVGIP 27, 1984, 157-166. 935. W. Tiller and E.G. Hanson, Offsets of two- dimensional profiles, CGA 4(9), 1984, 36-46. 936. A. Rosenfeld, The fuzzy geometry of image subsets, PRL 2, 1984, 311-317. 937. B. Chazelle, Computational geometry on a systolic chip, T-COMP 33, 1984, 774-785. 938. M. Lowry, Automatic reformulation of algorithms in computational geometry, IUW, 205-210. 939. D.T. Lee and F.P. Preparata, Computational geometry -- a survey, T-COMP 33, 1984, 1072-1101. H.4. Intersection, packing, layout, etc. 940. B.S. Baker and E.G. Coffman, Jr., A two-dimensional bin-packing model of preemptive, FIFO storage allocation, J. Algorithms 3, 1982, 303-316. 941. G.T. Toussaint, Computing largest empty circles with location constraints, J. Computer Information Sciences 12, 1983, 347-358. 942. D.T. Lee, An optimal time and minimal space algorithm for rectangle intersection problems, J. Computer Information Sciences 13, 1984, 23-32. 943. C.C. Lee and D.T. Lee, On a circle-cover minimization problem, IPL 18, 1984, 109-115. 944. P. Spirakis and C.K. Yap, Strong NP-hardness of moving many discs, IPL 19, 1984, 55-59. 945. D. Avis, Non-partitionable point sets, IPL 19, 1984, 125-129. 946. S.N. Bhatt and F.T. Leighton, A framework for solving VLSI graph layout problems, J. Computer System Sciences 28, 1984, 300-343. 947. P. Rosenstiehl and R.E. Tarjan, Gauss codes, planar Hamiltonian graphs, and stack-sortable permutations, J. Algorithms 5, 1984, 375-390. 948. T. Lengauer, On the solution of inequality systems relevant to IC-layout, J. Algorithms 5, 1984, 408- 421. 949. Y.D. Liang and B.A. Barsky, A new concept and method for line clipping, TOG 3, 1984, 1-22. 950. D.T. Lee and J.Y.T. Leung, On the 2-dimensional channel assignment problem, T-COMP 33, 1984, 2-6. 951. D. Gordon, I. Koren, and G.M. Silberman, Embedding tree structures in VLSI hexagonal arrays, T-COMP 33, 1984, 104-107. 952. F.W. Burton and M.M. Huntbach, Lazy evaluation of geometric objects, CGA 4(1), 1984, 28-33. 953. D. Dori and M. Ben-Bassat, Efficient nesting of congruent convex figures, CACM 27, 1984, 228-235. 954. D. Richards, Complexity of single layer routing, T- COMP 33, 1984, 286-288. 955. S. Stein, Packings of R(n) by certain error spheres, T-IT 30, 1984, 356-363. 956. W. Hamaker and S. Stein, Combinatorial packing of R(3) by certain error spheres, T-IT 30, 1984, 364- 368. 957. C.J. Van Wyk, Clipping to the boundary of a circular-arc polygon, CVGIP 25, 1984, 383-392. 958. N. Blum, An area-maximum edge length tradeoff for VLSI layout, STOC, 92-97. 959. J.F. Buss and P.W. Shor, On the pagenumber of planar graphs, STOC, 98-100. 960. A. Mirzaian, Channel routing in VLSI, STOC, 101-107. 961. B. Chazelle, Intersecting is easier than sorting, STOC, 125-134. 962. J.L. Bentley, D.S. Johnson, F.T. Leighton, C.C. McGeoch, and L.A. McGeoch, Some unexpected expected behavior results for bin packing, STOC, 279-288. 963. R.M. Karp, M. Luby, and A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, A probabilistic analysis of multidimensional bin packing problems, STOC, 289-298. 964. G.L. Miller, Finding small simple cycle separators for 2-connected planar graphs, STOC, 376-382. 965. D. Dolev, J. Halpern, B. Simons, and R. Strong, A new look at fault tolerant network routing, STOC, 526-535. 966. A. Broder, D. Dolev, M. Fischer, and B. Simons, Efficient fault tolerant routings in networks, STOC, 536-541. 967. F.P. Preparata and W. Lipski, Jr., Optimal three- layer channel routing, T-COMP 33, 1984, 427-437. 968. M.C.K. Yang and C.C. Yang, Assessment of the intersection probabilities of random line segments and squares, CVGIP 26, 1984, 319-330. 969. N. Ahuja, Efficient planar embedding of trees for VLSI layouts, 7ICPR, 460-464. 970. A. Albrecht, On the circuit complexity of planar objects, 7ICPR, 468-470. 971. R.H. Guting and D. Wood, Finding rectangle intersections by divide-and-conquer, T-COMP 33, 1984, 671-675. 972. J. Hopcroft, D. Joseph, and S. Whitesides, Movement problems for 2-dimensional linkages, SIAM J. Computing 13, 1984, 610-629. 973. A. Fink and A. Shamir, Polymorphic arrays: a novel VLSI layout for systolic computers, SFCS, 37-45. 974. R. Cole and A. Siegel, River routing every which way, but loose, SFCS, 65-73. 975. L. Heath, Embedding planar graphs in seven pages, SFCS, 74-83. 976. P.W. Shor, The average-case analysis of some on-line algorithms for bin-packing, SFCS, 193-200. 977. D.P. Dobkin and H. Edelsbrunner, Space searching for intersecting objects, SFCS, 387-392. 978. H. Imai and T. Asano, Dynamic segment intersection search with applications, SFCS, 393-402. 979. J.S. Chang and C.K. Yap, A polynomial solution for potato-peeling and other polygon inclusion and enclosure problems, SFCS, 408-416. 980. H. Edelsbrunner, M.H. Overmars, and R. Seidel, Some methods of computational geometry applied to computer graphics, CVGIP 28, 1984, 92-108. H.5. Distance, skeletons, paths, etc. 981. G.T. Toussaint and B.K. Bhattacharya, Optimal algorithms for computing the minimum distance between two finite planar sets, PRL 2, 1983, 79-82. 982. F. Pasian and P. Santin, Shape information extraction in noisy environments, PRL 2, 1983, 109- 116. 983. S.R. Sternberg, Esoteric iterative algorithms, DIA, 60-68. 984. C. Lantuejoul and F. Maisonneuve, Geodesic methods in quantitative image analysis, PR 17, 1984, 177- 187. 985. F. Aurenhammer and H. Edelsbrunner, An optimal algorithm for constructing the weighted Voronoi diagram in the plane, PR 17, 1984, 251-257. 986. N.J. Naccache and R. Shinghal, An investigation into the skeletonization approach of Hilditch, PR 17, 1984, 279-284. 987. M. Yamashita and N. Honda, Distance functions defined by variable neighborhood sequences, PR 17, 1984, 509-513. 988. D.C.S. Allison and M.T. Noga, The L(1) traveling salesman problem, IPL 18, 1984, 195-199. 989. T. Ohya, M. Iri, and K. Murota, A fast Voronoi- diagram algorithm with quaternary tree bucketing, IPL 18, 1984, 227-231. 990. W. Lipski, Jr., An O(n log n) Manhattan path algorithm, IPL 19, 1984, 99-102. 991. C.H. Papadimitriou and U.V. Vazirani, On two geometric problems related to the travelling salesman problem, J Algorithms 5, 1984, 231-246. 992. G.T. Toussaint, An optimal algorithm for computing the minimum vertex distance between two crossing convex polygons, Computing 32, 1984, 357-364. 993. F. Chin and C.A. Wang, Minimum vertex distance between separable convex polygons, IPL 18, 1984, 41-45. 994. R.A. Melter and I. Tomescu, Metric bases in digital geometry, CVGIP 25, 1984, 113-121. 995. J.L. Bentley, A case study in applied algorithm design, Computer 17(2), 1984, 75-88. 996. N. Megiddo and K.J. Supowit, On the complexity of some common geometric location problems, SIAM J. Computing 13, 1984, 182-196. 997. D. McDermott and E. Davis, Planning routes through uncertain territory, AI 22, 1984, 107-156. 998. F. Harary, R.A. Melter, and I. Tomescu, Digital metrics: a graph-theoretical approach, PRL 2, 1984, 159-163. 999. T.Y. Zhang and C.Y. Suen, A fast parallel algorithm for thinning digital patterns, CACM 27, 1984, 236- 239. 1000. O. Kaleva and S. Seikkala, On fuzzy metric spaces, Fuzzy Sets Systems 12, 1984, 215-229. 1001. D.F. Watson and G.M. Philip, Systematic triangulations, CVGIP 26, 1984, 217-223. 1002. K.L. Clarkson, Fast expected-time and approximation algorithms for geometric minimum spanning trees, STOC, 342-348. 1003. N.J. Naccache and R. Shinghal, SPTA: a proposed algorithm for thinning binary patterns, T-SMC 14, 1984, 409-418. 1004. E. Salari and P. Siy, The ridge-seeking method for obtaining the skeleton of digital images, T-SMC 14, 1984, 524-528. 1005. H. Yamada, Complete Euclidean distance transformation by parallel operation, 7ICPR, 69-71. 1006. G. Bertrand, Skeletons in derived grids, 7ICPR, 326-329. 1007. G.T. Toussaint, An optimal algorithm for computing the minimum vertex distance between two crossing convex polygons, 7ICPR, 465-467. 1008. T. Matsuyama and T.Y. Phillips, Digital realization of the labeled Voronoi diagram and its application to closed boundary dtection, 7ICPR, 478-480. 1009. T. Pavlidis, A hybrid vectorization algorithm, 7ICPR, 490-492. 1010. J.D. Boissonat, Representing 2D and 3D shapes with the Delaunay triangulation, 7ICPR, 745-748. 1011. J.F. Gilmore, Automatic route planning in autonomous vehicles, 7ICPR, 880-882. 1012. R.A. Melter, The unfamiliar world of gray geometry, 7ICPR, 951-953. 1013. A. Nakayama, F. Kimura, Y. Yoshida, and T. Fukumura, An efficient thinning algorithm for large scale images based upon pipeline structure, 7ICPR, 1184- 1187. 1014. C.E. Thorpe, Path relaxation: path planning for a mobile robot, AAAI, 318-321. 1015. R.S. Wallace, Three findpath problems, AAAI, 326- 329. 1016. D. Avis, The number of furthest neighbor pairs of a finite planar set, American Mathematical Monthly 91, 1984, 417-420. 1017. D.J. Schattenschneider, The taxicab group, American Mathematical Monthly 91, 1984, 423-428. 1018. G. Borgefors, Distance transformations in arbitrary dimensions, CVGIP 27, 1984, 321-345. 1019. S.W. Golomb, Construction and properties of Costas arrays, P-IEEE 72, 1984, 1143-1163. 1020. P.M. Vaidya, A fast approximation algorithm for minimum spanning trees in k-dimensional space, SFCS, 403-407. 1021. R. Sedgwick and J.S. Vitter, Shortest paths in Euclidean graphs, SFCS, 417-424. 1022. A.M. Parodi, A route planning system for an autonomous vehicle, CAIA, 51-56. 1023. C. Isik and A. Meystel, Knowledge-based pilot for an intelligent mobile autonomous system, CAIA, 57-63. 1024. D.T. Kuan, R.A. Brooks, J.C. Zamisko, and M. Das, Automatic path planning for a mobile robot using a mixed representation of free space, CAIA, 70-74. 1025. J.L. Crowley, Navigation for an intelligent mobile robot, CAIA, 74-84. 1026. D.T. Kuan, Terrain map knowledge representation for spatial planning, CAIA, 578-584. 1027. J.D. Litke, An improved solution to the traveling salesman problem with thousands of nodes, CACM 27, 1984, 1227-1236. H.6. Convexity, straightness, visibility, hulls, decompositions, etc. 1028. T.C. Hu and M.T. Shing, An O(n) algorithm to find a near-optimum partition of a convex polygon, J. Algorithms 2, 1981, 122-138. 1029. H. ElGindy and D. Avis, A linear algorithm for computing the visibility polygon from a point, J. Algorithms 2, 1981, 186-197. 1030. H. ElGindy, D. Avis, and G. Toussaint, Applications of a two-dimensional hidden-line algorithm to other geometric problems, Computing 31, 1983, 191-202. 1031. T.M. Nicholl, D.T. Lee, Y.Z. Liao, and C.K. Wong, On the x-y convex hull of a set of x-y polygons, BIT 23, 1983, 456-471. 1032. G.T. Toussaint, On the application of the convex hull to histogram analysis in threshold selection, PRL 2, 1983, 75-77. 1033. R.L. Graham and F.F. Yao, Finding the convex hull of a simple polygon, J. Algorithms 4, 1983, 324-331. 1034. S.G. Akl, Optimal parallel algorithms for computing convex hulls and for sorting, Computing 33, 1984, 1-11. 1035. D.C. Allison and M.T. Noga, Some performance tests of convex hull algorithms, BIT 24, 1984, 2-13. 1036. T. Ottmann, E. Soisalon-Soininen, and D. Wood, On the definition and computation of rectilinear convex hulls, Information Sciences 33, 1984, 157-171. 1037. M. Kallay, The complexity of incremental convex hull algorithms in R(d), IPL 19, 1984, 197 -. 1038. E. Soisalon-Soininen and D. Wood, Optimal algorithms to compute the closure of a set of iso-rectangles, J Algorithms 5, 1984, 199-214. 1039. S.K. Ghosh and R.K. Shyamasundar, A linear time algorithm for computing the convex hull of an ordered crossing polygon, PR 17, 1984, 351-358. 1040. B.K. Bhattacharya and H. ElGindy, A new linear convex hull algorithm for simple polygons, T-IT 30, 1984, 85-88. 1041. G.T. Toussaint, A new linear algorithm for triangulating monotone polygons, PRL 2, 1984, 155- 158. 1042. M.J. Post, Minimum spanning ellipsoids, STOC, 108- 116. 1043. R. Cole, M. Sharir, and C.K. Yap, On k-hulls and related problems, STOC, 154-166. 1044. S.H.Y. Hung and T. Kasvand, On the chord property and its equivalences, 7ICPR, 116-119. 1045. S.K. Ghosh and R.K. Shyamasundar, A linear time algorithm for computing the visibility polygon from an edge, 7ICPR, 471-474. 1046. T.A. Anderson and C.E. Kim, Representation of digital line segments and their preimages, 7ICPR, 501-504. 1047. L. Dorst and A.N.M. Smeulders, Discrete representation of straight lines, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 450-463. 1048. H. Edelsbrunner, J. O'Rourke, and E. Welzl, Stationing guards in rectilinear art galleries, CVGIP 27, 1984, 167-176. 1049. L. Dorst and R.P.W. Duin, Spirograph theory: a framework for calculations on digitized straight lines, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 632-639. I. Texture I.1. Models, synthesis 1050. R. Chellappa, Time series models for multiresolution images, MIPA, 102-108. 1051. U. Zahle, Sets and measures of fractional dimension, EIK 20, 1984, 261-269. 1052. S. Haruyama and B.A. Barsky, Using stochastic modeling for texture generation, CGA 4(3), 1984, 7- 19. 1053. M. Aono and T.L. Kunii, Botanical tree image generation, CGA 4(5), 1984, 10-29,32-34. 1054. R.L. Kashyap, Orientation of anisotropic random fields and images, PRL 2, 1984, 249-256. 1055. J.A. Stuller, Correction to ``Two-dimensional Markov representations of sampled images'', T-COMM 32, 1984, 744-. 1056. A.R. Smith, Plants, fractals, and formal languages, SIGGRAPH, 1-10. 1057. G.Y. Gardner, Simulation of natural scenes using textured quadric surfaces, SIGGRAPH, 11-20. 1058. T.S. Piper and A. Fournier, A hardware stochastic interpolator for raster displays, SIGGRAPH, 83-92. 1059. F.C. Crow, Summed-area tables for texture mapping, SIGGRAPH, 207-212. 1060. R.L. Cook, Shade trees, SIGGRAPH, 223-231. 1061. J.P. Lewis, Texture synthesis for digital painting, SIGGRAPH, 245-252. 1062. S. Ma and A. Gagalowicz, A parallel method for natural texture synthesis, 7ICPR, 90-92. 1063. A. Gagalowicz and S.D. Ma, Synthesis of natural textures on 3-D surfaces, 7ICPR, 1209-1212. 1064. Y.C. Jau, R.T. Chin, and J.A. Weinman, Time series modeling for texture analysis and synthesis with applications to cloud field morphology study, 7ICPR, 1219-1221. 1065. F. Schmitt, M. Goldberg, N. Ngwa-Ndifor, and P. Boucher, Texture representation and synthesis by vector quantization, 7ICPR, 1222-1225. 1066. S.R. Parker and A.H. Kayran, Lattice parameter autoregressive modeling of two-dimensional fields -- Part I: The quarter-plane case, T-ASSP 32, 1984, 872-885. 1067. F. Herbert, Fractal landscape modeling using octrees, CGA 4(11), 1984, 4-5. 1068. A.P. Pentland, Fractal-based description of natural scenes, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 661-674. 1069. R.L. Kashyap and P.M. Lapsa, Synthesis and estimation of random fields using long-correlation models, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 800-809. 1070. S.L. Stepoway, D.L. Wells, and G.R. Kane, A multiprocessor architecture for generating fractal surfaces, T-COMP 33, 1984, 1041-1045. I.2. Analysis, perception 1071. H.J. Bunge, Texture Analysis in Materials Science: Mathematical Methods, Butterworths, London, 1982. 1072. H.J. Eghbali, Classification using axis symmetry feature vector developed from Hadamard transform, C+G 7, 1983, 155-160. 1073. J.R. Bergen and B. Julesz, Rapid discrimination of visual patterns, T-SMC 13, 1983, 857-863. 1074. T. Shipley and P. van Houten, Perception of order within disorder: 1. Visual ranking of random textures, PR 17, 1984, 465-473. 1075. G.E. Lowitz, Mapping the local information content of a spatial image, PR 17, 1984, 545-550. 1076. M. Unser and F. Ade, Feature extraction and decision procedure for automated inspection of textured materials, PRL 2, 1984, 165-191. 1077. M.E. Jernigan and F. D'Astous, Entropy-based texture analysis in the spatial frequency domain, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 237-243. 1078. R. Rich, Image contrast, complexity, and stability, CVGIP 26, 1984, 394-399. 1079. D. Chetverikov, Measuring the degree of texture regularity, 7ICPR, 80-82. 1080. F. D'Astous and M.E. Jernigan, Texture discrimination based on detailed measures of the power spectrum, 7ICPR, 83-86. 1081. A. Ikonomopoulos and M. Unser, A directional filtering approach to texture discrimination, 7ICPR, 87-89. 1082. M.J. Carlotto, Texture classification based on hypothesis testing approach, 7ICPR, 93-96. 1083. M. Werman and S. Peleg, Multiresolution texture signatures using min-max operators, 7ICPR, 97-99. 1084. C.A. Harlow, R.W. Conners, and M. Trivedi, A computer vision system for the analysis of aerial scenes, 7ICPR, 407-410. 1085. M. Borghesi, V. Cantoni, and M. Diani, An industrial application of texture analysis, 7ICPR, 420-423. 1086. W. Wilhelmi, Form-invariant texture recognition, 7ICPR, 1036-1038. 1087. M. Unser, Local linear transformations for texture analysis, 7ICPR, 1206-1208. 1088. M. Sato and M. Ogata, Texture analysis by the self- organization method, 7ICPR, 1213-1215. 1089. J.I. Toriwaki, Y. Yashima, and S. Yokoi, Adjacency graphs on a digitized figure set and their applications to texture analysis, 7ICPR, 1216-1218. 1090. G.E. Lowitz, Extracting the local information content of a spatial image, 7ICPR, 1266-1268. 1091. S. Peleg, J. Naor, R. Hartley, and D. Avnir, Multiple resolution texture analysis and classification, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 518-523. 1092. K. Voss, Planar random sections of polyhedrons, EIK 20, 1984, 295-299. 1093. Stereology 82, J. Microscopy 131 (3), September 1983, 259-389. J. Formal Models J.1. Syntactic pattern recognition, inference 1094. H.R. Lu and K.S. Fu, Inferability of context-free programmed grammars, J. Computer Information Sciences 13, 1984, 33-58. 1095. M. Richetin and F. Vernadat, Efficient regular grammatical inference for pattern recognition, PR 17, 1984, 245-250. 1096. G.V. Gotchev, Computer linguistic analysis of line drawings, PR 17, 1984, 433-440. 1097. P.S.P. Wang, An application of array grammars to clustering analysis for syntactic patterns, PR 17, 1984, 441-451. 1098. Q.Y. Shi, Semantic-syntax-directed translation and its application to image processing, Information Sciences 32, 1984, 75-90. 1099. G. Biswas and R.C. Dubes, Some experiments in two- dimensional grammatical inference, PRL 2, 1984, 173-177. 1100. H.R. Lu and K.S. Fu, A general approach to inference of context-free programmed grammars, T-SMC 14, 1984, 191-202. 1101. Y.T. Chiang and K.S. Fu, Parallel parsing algorithms and VLSI implementations for syntactic pattern recognition, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 302-314. 1102. H. Bunke, K. Grebner, and G. Sagerer, Syntactic analysis of noisy input strings with an application to the analysis of heart-volume curves, 7ICPR, 1145-1147. 1103. F. Vernadat and M. Richetin, Regular inference for syntactic pattern recognition: a case study, 7ICPR, 1370-1372. 1104. H.S. Don and K.S. Fu, A syntactic method for image segmentation and object recognition, 7ICPR, 1380- 1382. 1105. Y. Kodratoff and R. Lemerle-Loisel, Learning complex structural descriptions from examples, CVGIP 27, 1984, 266-290. 1106. H.R. Smith, An algorithm for grammatical inference, CAIA, 31-37. J.2. Languages, automata 1107. K. Inoue, I. Takanami, and H. Taniguchi, Two- dimensional alternating Turing machines, TCS 27, 1983, 61-83. 1108. A. Szepietowski, On searching plane labyrinths by 1-pebble automata, EIK 19, 1983, 79-84. 1109. P.H. Starke, Graph grammars for Petri net processes, EIK 19, 1983, 199-233. 1110. A. Maruoka, Open maps for tessellation automata, TCS 27, 1983, 217-224. 1111. K. Morita, Y. Yamamoto, and K. Sugata, The complexity of some decision problems about two- dimensional array grammars, Information Sciences 30, 1983, 241-262. 1112. G. Engels, R. Gall, M. Nagl, and W. Schafer, Software specification using graph grammars, Computing 31, 1983, 317-346. 1113. W. Paul, On heads versus tapes, TCS 28, 1984, 1-12. 1114. O.H. Ibarra and S.M. Kim, Characterizations and computational complexity of systolic trellis automata, TCS 29, 1984, 123-153. 1115. H. Miyajima, M. Harao, and S. Noguchi, Indecomposable maps in tessellation structures of arbitrary dimension, J. Computer System Sciences 29, 1984, 171-182. 1116. O.H. Ibarra and S.M. Kim, A characterization of systolic binary tree automata and applications, Acta Informatica 21, 1984, 193-207. 1117. C. Choffrut and K. Culik II, On real-time cellular automata and trellis automata, Acta Informatica 21, 1984, 393-407. 1118. A. Ehrenfeucht, M.G. Main, and G. Rozenberg, Restrictions on NLC graph grammars, TCS 31, 1984, 211-223. 1119. J.C. Raoult, On graph rewritings, TCS 32, 1984, 1- 24. 1120. K. Culik II and S. Yu, Iterative tree automata, TCS 32, 1984, 227-247. 1121. H.J. Kreowski and G. Rozenberg, Note on node- rewriting graph grammars, IPL 18, 1984, 21-24. 1122. E. Yodogawa, A note on array grammars, IPL 18, 1984, 51-54. 1123. S.H. Bokhari, Finding maximum on an array processor with a global bus, T-COMP 33, 1984, 133-139. 1124. K. Inoue, I. Takanami, and A. Nakamura, Connected pictures are not recognizable by deterministic two dimensional on-line tessellation acceptors, CVGIP 26, 1984, 126-129. 1125. M.J. Atallah and S.R. Kosaraju, Graph problems on a mesh-connected processor array, J. ACM 31, 1984, 649-667. 1126. M. Ejsmont, Problems in labyrinths decidable by pebble automata, EIK 20, 1984, 623-632. K. 3-D Scene Analysis K.1. Representation 1127. P.C. Gasson, Geometry of Spatial Forms -- Analysis, Synthesis, Concept Formation and Space Vision for CAD, Wiley, New York, 1984. 1128. F. Yamaguchi and T. Tokieda, A solid modelling system: Freedom-II, C+G 7, 1983, 225-232. 1129. A.A.G. Requicha, Toward a theory of geometric tolerancing, Intl. J. Robotics Research 2(4), 1983, 45-60. 1130. S.N. Srihari, Multiresolution 3-d image processing and graphics, MIPA, 224-236. 1131. H.H. Atkinson, I. Gargantini, and M.V.S. Ramanath, Determination of the 3D border by repeated elimination of internal surfaces, Computing 32, 1984, 279-295. 1132. G.X. Ritter and J.T. Tou, The encoding of arbitrary surfaces in 3-dimensional space, PR 17, 1984, 593- 606. 1133. K. Yamaguchi, T.L. Kunii, K. Fujimura, and H. Toriya, Octree-related data structures and algorithms, CGA 4(1), 1984, 53-59. 1134. M. Shpitalni, Switching functions and solid geometrical modeler, P-IEEE 72, 1984, 136-137. 1135. K.H. Sears and A.E. Middleditch, Set-theoretic volume model evaluation and picture-plane coherence, CGA 4(3), 1984, 41-46. 1136. Y.F. Tsao and K.S. Fu, Stochastic skeleton modeling of objects, CVGIP 25, 1984, 348-370. 1137. M. Mantyla, A note on the modeling space of Euler operators, CVGIP 26, 1984, 45-60. 1138. N. Ahuja and C. Nash, Octree representations of moving objects, CVGIP 26, 1984, 207-216. 1139. W.C. Lin and K.S. Fu, A syntactic approach to 3-D object representation, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 351-364. 1140. T.C. Woo and J.D. Wolter, A constant expected time, linear storage data structure for representing three-dimensional objects, T-SMC 14, 1984, 510-515. 1141. F. Yamaguchi and T. Tokieda, A unified algorithm for Boolean shape operations, CGA 4(6), 1984, 24-37. 1142. F. Kimura, Geomap-III: designing solids with free- form surfaces, CGA 4(6), 1984, 58-72. 1143. A.H. Barr, Global and local deformations of solid primitives, SIGGRAPH, 21-31. 1144. M. Tamminen and H. Samet, Efficient octree conversion by connectivity labeling, SIGGRAPH, 43- 51. 1145. M. Shneier, E. Kent, and P. Mansbach, Representing workspace and model knowledge for a robot with mobile sensors, 7ICPR, 199-202. 1146. J.L. Crowley, Dynamic world modeling for an intelligent mobile robot, 7ICPR, 207-210. 1147. R. Lenz, P.E. Danielsson, S. Cronstrom, B. Gudmundsson, and P. Edholm, Presentation and perception of 3D images, 7ICPR, 749-751. 1148. C.H. Chien and J.K. Aggarwal, A volume/surface octree representation, 7ICPR, 817-820. 1149. W.M. Oase and N. Ahuja, Efficient octree representation of moving objects, 7ICPR, 821-823. 1150. L. DeFloriani, B. Falcidieno, and C. Pienovi, Graph representation of a hierarchical surface model, 7ICPR, 1093-1096. 1151. R.B. Tilove, A null-object detection algorithm for constructive solid geometry, CACM 27, 1984, 684-694. 1152. D.H. Ballard, Task frames in robot manipulation, AAAI, 16-22. 1153. U. Shani and D.H. Ballard, Splines as embeddings for generalized cylinders, CVGIP 27, 1984, 129-156. 1154. M.M. Yau, Generating quadtrees of cross sections from octrees, CVGIP 27, 1984, 211-238. 1155. R.G. Belle, Mathematical extrusions, CGA 4(9), 1984, 59-61. 1156. B.K.P. Horn, Extended Gaussian images, IUW, 72-89. 1157. J. Takamura and T.O. Binford, Stereo modeling system: a geometric modeling system for modeling object instance and class, IUW, 302-307. 1158. P.A. Koparkar and S.P. Mudur, Computational techniques for processing parametric surfaces, CVGIP 28, 1984, 303-322. 1159. T.C. Woo, Interfacing solid modeling to CAD and CAM: data structures and algorithms for decomposing a solid, Computer 17(12), 1984, 44-49. K.2. Geometry 1160. D.P. Dobkin and D.G. Kirkpatrick, Fast detection of poyhedral intersection, TCS 27, 1983, 241-253. 1161. T. Uchiki, T. Ohashi, and M. Tokoro, Collision detection in motion simulation, C+G 7, 1983, 285- 293. 1162. R.A. Brooks, Planning collision-free motions for pick-and-place operations, Intl. J. Robotics Research 2(4), 1983, 19-44. 1163. J.E. Hopcroft, J.T. Schwartz, and M. Sharir, Efficient detection of intersections among spheres, Intl. J. Robotics Research 2(4), 1983, 77-80. 1164. J.W. Courtney, M.J. Magee, and J.K. Aggarwal, Robot guidance using computer vision, PR 17, 1984, 585- 592. 1165. R.M. Haralick and Y.H. Chu, Solving camera parameters from the perspective projection of a parameterized curve, PR 17, 1984, 637-645. 1166. R.T. Chien, L. Zhang, and B. Zhang, Planning collision-free paths for robotic arm among obstacles, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 91-96. 1167. G.M. Reed, On the characterization of simple closed surfaces in three-dimensional digital images, CVGIP 25, 1984, 226-235. 1168. J. Lane, B. Magedson, and M. Rarick, An efficient point in polyhedron algorithm, CVGIP 26, 1984, 118- 125. 1169. S. Ansaldi, L. DeFloriani, and B. Falcidieno, Edge- face graph representations of solid objects, WCVRC, 164-169. 1170. G. Fekete and L.S. Davis, Property spheres: a new representation for 3-D object recognition, WCVRC, 192-201. 1171. M. Sharir and A. Schorr, On shortest paths in polyhedral spaces, STOC, 144-153. 1172. J.H. Graham, Comment on ``Automatic planning of manipulator transfer movements'', T-SMC 14, 1984, 499-500. 1173. T.C. Henderson and W.S. Fai, The 3-D Hough shape transform, PRL 2, 1984, 235-238. 1174. K.J. Hafford and K. Preston, Jr., Three-dimensional skeletonization of elongated solids, CVGIP 27, 1984, 78-91. 1175. R. Ruff and N. Ahuja, Path planning in a three dimensional environment, 7ICPR, 188-191. 1176. K. Kant and S.W. Zucker, Trajectory planning problems, I: determining velocity along a fixed path, 7ICPR, 196-198. 1177. I.K. Sethi and S.N. Jayaramamurthy, Surface classification using characteristic contours, 7ICPR, 438-440. 1178. A.P. Reeves, R.J. Prokop, S.E. Andrews, and F.P. Kuhl, Three dimensional shape analysis using moments and Fourier descriptors, 7ICPR, 447-450. 1179. Y. Muller and R. Mohr, Planes and quadrics detection using Hough transform, 7ICPR, 1101-1103. 1180. L.R. Nackman, Two-dimensional critical point configuration graphs, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 442-450. 1181. B. Chazelle, Convex partitions of polyhedra: a lower bound and worst-case optimal algorithm, SIAM J. Computing 13, 1984, 488-507. 1182. M.B. Phillips and G.M. Odell, An algorithm for locating and displaying the intersection of two arbitrary surfaces, CGA 4(9), 1984, 48-58. 1183. D.J. Langridge, Detection of discontinuities in the first derivatives of surfaces, CVGIP 27, 1984, 291- 308. 1184. C.E. Kim, Three-dimensional digital planes, T- PAMI 6, 1984, 639-645. 1185. S.L. Lien and J.T. Kajiya, A symbolic method for calculating the integral properties of arbitrary nonconvex polyhedra, CGA 4(10), 1984, 35-41. 1186. T.M. Strat, Recovering the camera parameters from a transformation matrix, IUW, 264-271. 1187. G. Medioni and R. Nevatia, Description of 3-D surfaces using curvature properties, IUW, 291-299. K.3. 3D from 2D 1188. Z. Kulpa, Impossible figures: illusion of spatial interpretation of pictures, DIA, 140-143. 1189. R.M. Haralick, Y.H. Chu, L.T. Watson, and L.G. Shapiro, Matching wire frame objects from their two dimensional perspective projections, PR 17, 1984, 607-619. 1190. S.T. Barnard, Interpreting perspective images, AI 21, 1983, 435-462. 1191. K. Ikeuchi, Shape from regular patterns, AI 22, 1984, 49-75. 1192. R. Shapira, A note on Sugihara's claim, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 122-123. 1193. A.P. Pentland, Local shading analysis, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 170-187. 1194. T.C. Pong, R.M. Haralick, and L.G. Shapiro, The facet approach to shape from shading, WCVRC, 143- 149. 1195. S. Wang, R.M. Haralick, and J. Campbell, Relative elevation determination from LANDSAT imagery, WCVRC, 150-157. 1196. T.M. Strat, Spatial reasoning from line drawings of polyhedra, WCVRC, 219-224. 1197. S.T. Barnard, Choosing a basis for perceptual space, WCVRC, 225-230. 1198. D.H. Ballard, Parameter nets, AI 22, 1984, 235-267. 1199. K. Sugihara, An algebraic approach to shape-from- image problems, AI 23, 1984, 59-95. 1200. M.J. Magee and J.K. Aggarwal, Determining vanishing points from perspective images, CVGIP 26, 1984, 256-267. 1201. M. Brady and A. Yuille, An extremum principle for shape from contour, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 288-301. 1202. K.I. Kanatani, Detection of surface orientation and motion from texture by a stereological technique, AI 23, 1984, 213-237. 1203. R.M. Bolle and D.B. Cooper, Bayesian recognition of local 3-D shape by approximating image intensity functions with quadric polynomials, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 418-429. 1204. B. Cernuschi-Frias and D.B. Cooper, 3-D space location and orientation parameter estimation of Lambertian spheres and cylinders from a single 2-D image by fitting lines and ellipses to thresholded data, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 430-441. 1205. T.C. Pong, L.G. Shapiro, and R.M. Haralick, Shape estimation from topographic primal sketch: an initial feasibility study, 7ICPR, 597-600. 1206. K. Ikeuchi, Reconstructing a depth map from intensity maps, 7ICPR, 736-738. 1207. G. Healey and R. Jain, Depth recovery from surface normals, 7ICPR, 894-896. 1208. S. Tsuji, M. Yachida, and H.L. Guo, Wiresight: robot vision for determining three-dimensional geometry of flexible wires from shadow information, 7ICPR, 1358-1360. 1209. A.P. Pentland, Shading into texture, AAAI, 269-273. 1210. C.H. Lee and A. Rosenfeld, An approximation technique for photometric stereo, PRL 2, 1984, 339- 343. 1211. K. Sugihara, A necessary and sufficient condition for a picture to represent a polyhedral scene, T- PAMI 6, 1984, 578-586. 1212. W.E.L. Grimson, Binocular shading and visual surface reconstruction, CVGIP 28, 1984, 19-43. 1213. A.P. Pentland, Shading into texture, IUW, 179-183. 1214. J. Malik and T.O. Binford, A theory of line drawing interpretation, IUW, 188-194. 1215. T.M. Strat, Spatial reasoning from line drawings of polyhedra, IUW, 230-235. 1216. R. Shapira, The use of objects' faces in interpreting line drawings, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 789-794. 1217. P.G. Mulgaonkar, R.M. Haralick, and L.G. Shapiro, A computational framework for hypothesis based reasoning and its applications to perspective analysis, CAIA, 287-294. 1218. M.H. Brill, Physical and informational constraints on the perception of transparency and translucency, CVGIP 28, 1984, 356-362. K.4. Sensing, recognition 1219. P.C. Gaston and T. Lozano-Perez, Tactile recognition and localization using object models: the case of polyhedra on a plane, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 257-266. 1220. R. Bajcsy and G. Hager, Tactile information processing -- the bottom up approach, 7ICPR, 809- 811. 1221. Y. Shirai, K. Koshikawa, M. Oshima, and K. Ikeuchi, Application of 3-D models to computer vision, C+G 7, 1983, 269-275. 1222. K. Sugihara, An nlogn algorithm for determining the congruity of polyhedra, J. Computer System Sciences 29, 1984, 36-47. 1223. L.G. Shapiro, J.D. Moriarty, R.M. Haralick, and P.G. Mulgaonkar, Matching three-dimensional objects using a relational paradigm, PR 17, 1984, 385-405. 1224. T.M. Silberberg, L. Davis, and D. Harwood, An iterative Hough procedure for three-dimensional object recognition, PR 17, 1984, 621-629. 1225. E.K. Wong and K.S. Fu, A graph-theoretic approach to model matching in computer vision, WCVRC, 106-111. 1226. B.A. Boyter and J.K. Aggarwal, Recognition with range and intensity data, WCVRC, 112-117. 1227. J.L. Crowley, A computational paradigm for three- dimensional scene analysis, WCVRC, 170-177. 1228. P.G. Mulgaonkar, L.G. Shapiro, and R.M. Haralick, Matching ``sticks, plates, and blobs'' objects using geometric and relational constraints, IVC 2, 1984, 85-98. 1229. B. Bhanu, Representation and shape matching of 3-D objects, T-PAMI 6, 1984, 340-351. 1230. P. Johansen, N. Jones, and J. Clausen, A method for detecting structure in polyhedra, PRL 2, 1984, 217- 225. 1231. F.P. Kuhl, O.R. Mitchell, M.E. Glenn, and D.J. Charpentier, Global shape recognition of 3-D objects using a differential library storage, CVGIP 27, 1984, 97-114. 1232. Y.F. Wang, M.J. Magee, and J.K. Aggarwal, Matching three-dimensional objects using silhouettes, T- PAMI 6, 1984, 513-518. 1233. J. Le Moigne and A.M. Waxman, Projected light grids for short range navigation of autonomous robots, 7ICPR, 203-206. 1234. D. Cyganski and J.A. Orr, Object identification and orientation estimation from point set tensors, 7ICPR, 250-253. 1235. A. 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Cowan, ACRONYM model based vision in the intelligent task automation project, IUW, 308-315. 1245. R.L. Kashyap and M.W. Koch, Computer vision algorithms used in recognition of occluded objects, CAIA, 150-155. 1246. C.K. Cowan, D.M. Chelberg, and H.S. Lim, ACRONYM model based vision in the intelligent task automation project, CAIA, 176-183. 1247. F. Tomita and T. Kanade, A 3D vision system: generating and matching shape descriptions in range images, CAIA, 186-191. 1248. N.K. Gu and T.S. Huang, Connected line drawing extraction from a perspective view of a polyhedron, CAIA, 192-198. 1249. H.S. Yang, K.L. Boyer, and A.C. Kak, Range data extraction and interpretation by structural light, CAIA, 199-205. 1250. B.A. Boyter, Three-dimensional matching using range data, CAIA, 211-216. 1251. O.D. Faugeras, N. Ayache, and B. Faverjon, A geometric matcher for recognizing and positioning 3-D rigid objects, CAIA, 218-224. 1252. T.M. Silberberg, D. Harwood, and L.S. Davis, Object recognition using oriented model points, CAIA, 645- 651. Author Index (Numbers denote references) Abdelmalek, N.N. 123, 568 Abel, D.J. 863 Abidi, M.A. 819 Abu-Mostafa, Y.S. 401 Adams, J.R. 320 Ade, F. 475, 1076 Adelson, E.H. 100 Adiv, G. 832 Adjouadi, M. 535 Agathoklis, P. 220 Aggarwal, A. 374 Aggarwal, J.K. 344, 345, 563, 773, 788, 813, 862, 1148, 1164, 1200, 1226, 1232, 1237 Ahmed, P. 898 Ahuja, N. 360, 367, 858, 866, 969, 1138, 1149, 1175 Aiuchi, S. 481 Aizawa, K. 887 Akatsuka, T. 720 Akey, M.L. 612 Akita, K. 780 Akl, S.G. 1034 Albrecht, A. 970 Aleksander, I. 485 Alexander, S.T. 158 Alexandridis, N. 867 Alexandridis, N.A. 882 Alexandrov, V.V. 110 Algazi, V.R. 147, 281 Allen, C.R. 203 Allen, G.H. 594 Allerbach, J.P. 92 Allison, D.C. 1035 Allison, D.C.S. 988 Alloimonos, Y. 814 Aloimonos, J. 795 Altmann, J. 194 Alvo, M. 540 Amanatides, J. 58 Amin, A. 452 Anandan, P. 834 Anderson, D.C. 61, 872 Anderson, I.M. 881 Anderson, K.R. 706 Anderson, T.A. 886, 890, 1046 Anderton, P.J. 242 Andrews, S.E. 1178 Andronico, A. 245 Ankeney, L.A. 355 Ansaldi, S. 1169 Antoy, S. 198 Aoe, J. 765 Aoki, M. 818 Aono, M. 1053 Appel, U. 635 Arabie, P. 396 Arai, H. 573 Arakawa, H. 433 Arato, S. 573 Arbuschi, A. 469 Arcelli, C. 885, 894 Arita, H. 754 Arunkumar, S. 479 Arvind, K. 590 Asada, H. 883 Asada, M. 779 Asai, K. 746 Asano, T. 913, 978 Asfar, L. 541 Asthana, R.G.S. 297 Astrom, K.J. 90 Atallah, M.J. 1125 Atkinson, H.H. 915, 1131 Aurenhammer, F. 985 Aus, H.M. 231 Avis, D. 945, 1016, 1029, 1030 Avnir, D. 1091 Ayache, N. 476, 752, 1251 Azimi-Sadjadi, M.R. 214 Bacchelli-Montefusco, L. 138 Author Index Backer, E. 649 Badii, F. 656, 869 Badler, N.I. 54, 789 Badreldin, A. 418, 434, 460 Bagdazian, R. 119 Baim, P.W. 538, 548 Bajcsy, R. 677, 681, 694, 1220 Bajcsy, R.K. 699 Baker, B.S. 940 Ballard, D.H. 79, 1152, 1153, 1198 Bamler, R. 200 Bandoh, T. 335 Bandyopadhyay, A. 79, 723, 796 Baram, Y. 93 Barba, J. 186 Barnard, S.T. 1190, 1197 Barnes, W.E. 503 Barnett, S. 199 Barnhill, R.E. 145, 146 Barr, A.H. 1143 Barsky, B.A. 121, 136, 921, 949, 1052 Bartels, R.H. 122 Barth, G. 761 Bartholic, J.F. 731 Bartneck, N. 902 Basille, I.L. 328 Bastianini, G. 245 Bates, R.H.T. 280, 308 Battaile, B. 63 Baudoin, C. 499 Baumann, Lee S. 7 Bauvet, C. 564 Baxter, B.S. 242 Baylou, P. 564 Beattie, R.J. 617 Bednar, J.B. 252 Bedrosian, S.D. 239 Belaid, A. 421 Belle, R.G. 1155 Ben-Bassat, M. 730, 953 Bentley, J. 669 Bentley, J.L. 931, 962, 995 Benveniste, A. 543, 605 Bergen, J.R. 1073 Berger, B.J. 545 Berkurts, K.H. 26 Bernard, J. 279 Bernsen, J.A.C. 651 Bernstein, R. 217 Bertenthal, B.I. 839 Berthod, M. 536, 697 Bertolazzi, P. 623 Bertolini, L. 491 Bertrand, G. 1006 Berzins, V. 621 Berzins, V.A. 820 Besse, L. 537 Beutel, W. 466 Bezdek, J.C. 881 Bhanu, B. 741, 1229 Bhaskaran, V. 151 Bhatt, S.N. 946 Bhattacharya, B.K. 981, 1040 Biemond, J. 300 Bieri, H. 924 Bille, J. 298, 821 Billingsley, F.C. 514 Binford, T.O. 327, 1157, 1214 Birk, J.R. 738 Biswas, G. 1099 Biswas, S.N. 932 Bitmead, R.R. 594 Blake, A. 97 Blake, R.E. 826 Bley, H. 576 Blicher, A.P. 627 Blomberg, L. 390 Blostein, S.D. 841 Blum, N. 958 Blume, W.M. 698 Boehm, W. 145, 146 Boissonat, J.D. 476, 1010 Bokhari, S.H. 1123 Bolc, L. 382 Bollack, B. 476 Bolle, R.M. 1203 Bolon, P. 778 Bonfatti, F. 91 Author Index Borgefors, G. 719, 1018 Borghesi, M. 1085 Bose, N.K. 211 Boubekraoui, A. 657 Boucher, P. 1065 Bouman, M.A. 241 Bournes, R. 226 Bousseau, G. 564 Bouthemy, P. 543, 690 Bovik, A.C. 248 Boyer, K.L. 483, 1249 Boyter, B.A. 1226, 1250 Bozinovic, R. 442 Bozzo, C.A. 823 Braccini, C. 192 Brady, M. 883, 1201 Brailovsky, V. 139 Brassel, K.E. 555 Brault, J.J. 435 Braunegg, D.J. 482 Bresler, Y. 312 Bretagnolle, B. 330 Briggs, F.A. 323 Brill, M. 193 Brill, M.H. 1218 Broder, A. 966 Brodersen, R.W. 458 Brooks, R.A. 1024, 1162 Brotman, L.S. 54 Brown, C.M. 611, 795, 814, 892, 907 Brown, M.D. 47 Brown, R.M. 549 Brownrigg, D.R.K. 271 Brzakovic, D. 648, 675 Buchsbaum, G. 239, 240 Bucklew, J.A. 81, 83 Budrikis, Z.L. 397 Bunge, H.J. 1071 Bunke, H. 508, 685, 1102 Burns, J.B. 614, 626 Burr, D.J. 371 Burt, P.J. 100, 359 Burton, F.W. 882, 952 Buss, J.F. 959 Butman, S.A. 195 Buxton, B.F. 801, 846 Buxton, H. 801 Byrne, C.L. 207 Caelli, T. 74, 589 Caianiello, E. 11 Caines, P.E. 610 Campbell, J. 1195 Cantoni, V. 469, 1085 Cantoni et al., V. 319 Capo, L. 148 Caponetti, L. 558 Cappellini, V. 680 Capria, M.T. 630 Capson, D.W. 923 Cardenas, A.F. 387 Carlotto, M.J. 538, 548, 1082 Carpenter, L. 59 Casalini, P.L. 245 Casciola, G. 138 Casey, R.G. 420 Cassagne, P. 149, 173 Castan, S. 328, 696 Caulfield, H.J. 67, 68 Cernuschi-Frias, B. 1204 Chanda, B. 251, 286, 600 Chang, E.S.H. 622 Chang, J.S. 979 Chang, S.K. 384, 386 Chaparro, L.F. 226 Charpentier, D.J. 1231 Chassery, J.M. 655, 674 Chatterji, B.N. 236, 272 Chaudhuri, B.B. 209, 251, 286, 343, 600 Chazelle, B. 937, 961, 1181 Chekima, A. 163 Author Index Chelberg, D.M. 1244, 1246 Chellappa, R. 119, 1050 Chen, C.H. 658 Chen, T.C. 94, 95 Chen, W.H. 153 Chen, Z. 571, 578 Cheng, D. 504 Cheng, H.D. 713 Cheng, J.K. 707 Cheng, Y.C. 744 Chetlur, S.S. 172 Chetverikov, D. 1079 Chiang, Y.T. 1101 Chiaradia, M.T. 558 Chien, C.H. 862, 1148 Chien, R.T. 1166 Chien, Y.T. 25 Chikwanda, H. 308 Chin, F. 927, 993 Chin, R.T. 1064 Chiu, D.K.Y. 414 Cho, T.H. 687 Cho, Z.H. 509 Chock, M. 387 Choffrut, C. 1117 Choi, W.Z. 557 Choras, R.S. 472 Chu, Y.H. 1165, 1189 Chutkow, J.G. 506 Cibulskis, J. 629 Cibulskis, J.M. 644 Civankr, M.R. 283 Clark, J.J. 582 Clarkson, K.L. 1002 Clausen, J. 1230 Coffman, Jr., E.G. 940 Cohen, F.S. 661 Cohen, Y. 377 Cole, R. 974, 1043 Comstock, D.R. 171 Conners, R.W. 473, 641, 671, 1084 Cook, R.L. 59, 1060 Cooper, D.B. 661, 1203, 1204 Coquillart, S. 50 Cordella, L.P. 875, 876 Costabile, M.F. 825 Courtney, J.W. 1164 Couturier, C. 159 Cowan, C.K. 1244, 1246 Coyle, E.J. 273 Crabtree, Jr., S.J. 575 Craig, I. 500 Craig, J.R. 557 Crettez, J.P. 368, 370 Cristi, R. 672 Cronstrom, S. 1147 Crow, F.C. 1059 Crowley, J.L. 365, 742, 847, 854, 1025, 1146, 1227 Cruse, D. 684 Csikos, G. 537 Cugini, U. 376, 559 Culik II, K. 1117, 1120 Curlander, J.C. 76 Cyganski, D. 132, 1234 Dai, Q.K. 477 D'Amato, D.P. 446 Danielsson, P.E. 130, 205, 342, 1147 Danilovic, D. 762 Das, M. 1024 D'Astous, F. 1077, 1080 Daugman, J.G. 586 Dave, J.V. 260 Davies, E.R. 264, 608, 620 Davis, E. 997 Davis, L. 1224 Davis, L.S. 247, 547, 603, 673, 683, 1170, 1252 De, T.K. 236, 272 Decker, H. 464 de Figuereido, R.J.P. 94, 95 DeFloriani, L. 1150, 1169 Deguchi, K. 336 deJong, D.J. 660 Del Bimbo, A. 680 Author Index Della Ventura, A. 519 Dell'Oca, M. 376 DeMarzo, C. 520 Demos, G. 47 Dengler, J. 821 Denlinger, J.L. 528, 544 Derin, H. 672 Despain, A.M. 197 Dessimoz, J.D. 738 Devijver, P.A. 391, 909 Devos, F. 372 Dhome, M. 116 Diani, M. 1085 Dicharry, R.M. 88 Di Chio, P. 522 Dierckx, P. 135 di Gesu, V. 287, 900, 914 Dill, F. 334 Diller, K.R. 563 Dinger, W.P. 437 Dinstein, I. 653 Dippe, M. 60 Distante, A. 558 Dixit, V. 352, 411 Dixon, J.K. 740 Di Zenzo, S. 522, 630 Dobkin, D.P. 977, 1160 Dodwell, P.C. 74 Dolev, D. 965, 966 Don, H.S. 1104 Dori, D. 953 Doros, M. 131 Dorst, L. 1047, 1049 Dosso, M. 517 Doster, W. 443 Dou, H.S. 471 Dowla, F.U. 301 Downton, A.C. 453 Dreschler-Fischer, L.S. 724 Driscoll Jr., E.C. 320 Du, M.W. 758 Dubes, R.C. 1099 Dubois, E. 261 Dudgeon, D.E. 212 Duerinckx, A. 512 Duff, T. 64 Duin, R.P.W. 1049 Duncan, J.S. 498 Dunlavey, M.R. 912 Dunn, S.M. 673 Dutta Majumder, D. 209, 251, 286, 733, 932 Dwyer III, S.J. 510 Dyer, C.R. 629, 644, 893 Dyer, M.E. 759 Edelsbrunner, H. 977, 980, 985, 1048 Edholm, P. 1147 Eghbali, H.J. 1072 Ehrenfeucht, A. 1118 Ehrich, R.W. 590 Ehrlich, R. 575 Ejiri, M. 572 Ejsmont, M. 1126 Ekambaram, C. 187 Eklundh, J.O. 124 Ekstrom, M.P. 27 ElGindy, H. 1029, 1030, 1040 El Hadj Amor, B. 564 Elliott, H. 672 El-Sherbini, A.H.M. 333 Elsila, M. 480 Emori, S. 565 Engels, G. 1112 Enkelmann, W. 806 Erhardt, A. 298 Ericsson, S. 159 Eshera, M.A. 768, 769 Esteva, J.C. 1236 Etchells, R.D. 332, 341 Fahmy, M.M. 219 Fahnestock, J.D. 259 Fai, W.S. 1173 Falcidieno, B. 1150, 1169 Falcon, A. 133 Fan, T.J. 423 Fanelli, A.M. 105, 108 Fang, J.Q. 803, 830 Author Index Fanti-Giovannini, C. 520 Farrelle, P.M. 147 Farvardin, N. 86 Fast, S.R. 437 Faugeras, O.D. 137, 741, 752, 1238, 1251 Faure, C. 496 Faverjon, B. 476, 1251 Fekete, G. 1170 Feria, E.H. 186 Fernando, K.V. 227 Ferrante, R.D. 548 Ferrari, L. 871 Ferrari, L.A. 222 Ferri, G. 559 Fink, A. 973 Fiorini, A.R. 492 Fischer, M. 966 Fischer, T.R. 88 Fishkin, K.P. 921 Fitch, J.P. 273 Fitzgerald, R.M. 207 Fleet, D.J. 840 Flowers, J. 461 Fogg, D.A. 141 Foglein, J. 404, 406, 591, 650 Fong, A.C. 653, 920 Fong, Y.S. 495 Foster, N.J. 350 Fournier, A. 1058 Fowles, B.J. 437 Fraccaro, M.A. 437 Frachet, V. 295 Franzblau, D.S. 859 Freeman, M.L. 503 Frenckner, K. 390 Friedberg, S.A. 892, 907 Frieze, A.M. 759 Fry, S. 333 Fu, K.S. 36, 318, 471, 662, 713, 768, 769, 1094, 1100, 1101, 1104, 1136, 1139, 1225 Fujimoto, A. 49 Fujimura, K. 580, 1133 Fujita, M. 441 Fujiwara, M. 311 Fukada, Y. 561 Fukinuki, T. 176 Fukumura, T. 567, 1013 Fukushima, K. 728 Fukushima, T. 335 Fumero, R. 492 Funakubo, N. 646 Furst, M.A. 610 Furuta, M. 565 Gabow, H.N. 931 Gaby, J.E. 706 Gagalowicz, A. 1062, 1063 Gage, S.H. 731 Gaines, B.R. 415, 437 Galil, Z. 767 Gall, R. 1112 Gallagher, Jr., N.C. 249, 256, 273 Gambotto, J.P. 810, 812 Ganapathy, V. 215 Gangnet, M. 50 Garbay, C. 655, 674 Garda, P. 372 Garden, K.L. 308 Gardner, G.Y. 1057 Gargantini, I. 915, 1131 Garibotto, G. 277 Gasson, P.C. 1127 Gaston, P.C. 1219 Gazdag, J. 260 Gelsema, E.S. 24 Geman, D. 302, 672 Geman, S. 302 Gemballa, R. 331 Gerbrands, J.J. 649 Gerhard, A. 204 Gerlach, B. 231 Gerritsen, F.A. 346 Gharavi, H. 152 Ghazizadeh, F. 714 Ghosh, S.K. 1039, 1045 Giardina, C.R. 356 Gibson, J.D. 171 Gibson, L. 647 Author Index Giglio, A. 148 Gilmore, J.F. 4, 533, 1011 Gindi, G.R. 399 Giordana, A. 686 Glassner, A.S. 55 Glazer, F. 774 Glenn, M.E. 1231 Glunder, H. 204 Gmitro, A.F. 399 Goh, S. 671 Gold, Y.I. 736 Goldberg, M. 540, 1065 Goldfarb, L. 412 Goldman, R.N. 872 Goldwasser, S.M. 340, 389 Golomb, S.W. 1019 Gonzalez, R.C. 482, 819 Goral, C.M. 63 Gordon, D. 951 Gorsky, N.D. 110 Gose, E.E. 503 Goshtasby, A. 691, 731, 743 Gotchev, G.V. 1096 Gotoh, T. 269 Gottschalk, A. 240 Goupil, D. 568 Gourlay, A.R. 53 Gowda, K.C. 526, 878 Goyal, N.C. 282 Graham, J.H. 1172 Graham, R.L. 1033 Granger, C. 747 Granlund, G.H. 210 Grasmuller, H. 618 Grattarola, A. 192 Gray, R.M. 84 Grebner, K. 1102 Greenberg, D.P. 48, 51, 63 Grimson, W.E.L. 1212 Grinberg, J. 332, 341 Grisell, R.D. 416 Groen, F.C.A. 350, 574 Grosky, W.I. 385, 718, 775 Grossberg, S. 77 Gu, N.K. 1248 Gu, W.K. 695 Gudmundsson, B. 1147 Gulak, P.G. 735 Guo, H.L. 1208 Gupta, H.M. 288 Gupta, M.M. 393 Gupta, S. 334 Gupta, S.N. 288 Guseman, Jr., L.F. 553 Guting, R.H. 916, 929, 971 Hafford, K.J. 1174 Hager, G. 1220 Hahn, S. 255 Hakalahti, H. 603 Halpern, J. 965 Halverson, D.R. 167 Hamada, T. 481 Hamaker, W. 956 Handley, C.C. 13 Hang, H.M. 164 Hanrahan, P. 57 Hansen, C. 380 Hansen, S. 341 Hanson, A. 353, 643, 670 Hanson, A.R. 614, 626 Hanson, E.G. 935 Hao, L.V. 379 Hara, Y. 481 Harada, T. 429 Haralick, R.M. 23, 484, 557, 566, 590, 593, 633, 634, 844, 1165, 1189, 1194, 1195, 1205, 1217, 1223, 1228 Harao, M. 1115 Harary, F. 998 Hardas, D.M. 107, 111 Harlow, C.A. 641, 671, 1084 Harms, H. 231 Hartley, R. 1091 Hartman, N.P. 366 Hartmann, G. 128 Haruyama, S. 1052 Author Index Harwood, D. 603, 673, 1224, 1252 Hatamian, M. 397 Haton, J.P. 421, 452 Hau, C.C. 454 Haucke, M. 231 Hauser, R.F. 609 Hauske, G. 784 Haussmann, G. 636, 637 Haynes, S.M. 842 Healey, G. 1207 Heath, L. 975 Heckbert, P.S. 57 Heeger, D. 615 Henderson, T. 380 Henderson, T.C. 410, 1173 Henkel, P. 556 Henry, G.H. 587 Hentea, T.A. 281 Herbert, F. 1067 Herman, G.T. 306 Herman, M. 692, 700 Hermanne, A. 436, 439 Hertz, D. 224, 225 Hildreth, E.C. 772, 828 Hinamoto, T. 216 Hinkle, E.B. 661 Hirai, Y. 729 Hirano, K. 213 Hirano, Y. 176 Hirasawa, K. 335 Hiroshima, T. 417 Ho, S.B. 893 Hockney, R.W. 322 Hofer-Alfeis, J. 204 Hoff, W. 858, 866 Hofmann, I. 508 Hohberger, K. 618 Honda, N. 987 Hong, S. 592 Hong, T.H. 638, 639 Hooper, G. 48 Hopcroft, J. 972 Hopcroft, J.E. 1163 Horn, B.K.P. 234, 1156 Horvitz, S. 67 Houston, K.L. 243 Howako, J. 124 Hsu, W.J. 758 Hsu, Y.Z. 799 Hu, T.C. 1028 Huang, C.L. 579 Huang, T.S. 248, 253, 285, 695, 707, 790, 800, 803, 812, 817, 830, 841, 1248 Hubner, M. 589 Hudson, D.L. 478 Hugli, H. 450 Huhns, M.N. 711 Hummel, R.A. 616 Humphress, G.B. 416 Hung, S.H.Y. 1044 Hunt, B.R. 254, 259, 275, 289 Huntbach, M.M. 952 Hurt, S.L. 250 Hutzler, P.J.S. 265 Hwang, K. 323, 325 Hwang, V.S.S. 683 I, C.L. 738 Ibarra, O.H. 351, 1114, 1116 Ibrahim, H.A.H. 628, 918 Idesawa, M. 613, 1240 Ikeda, K. 408 Ikeuchi, K. 432, 1191, 1206, 1221 Ikonomopoulos, A. 1081 Illingworth, J. 591, 650 Im, G.H. 230 Imai, H. 913, 978 Impedovo, S. 456 Inagaki, K. 417 Inigo, R.M. 545 Inokuchi, S. 449, 1239 Inouchi, H. 336 Inoue, K. 1107, 1124 Ioannidis, A. 262 Ip, H.H.S. 246 Iri, M. 989 Irwin, N. 643, 670 Ishikawa, S. 703, 807 Author Index Ishizuka, M. 1241 Isik, C. 1023 Ito, T. 728, 764 Itoh, H. 693 Iwai, S. 505 Iwaki, O. 433 Iwata, K. 49 Iyengar, S.S. 850, 855 Jacobson, L. 196, 201, 208 Jain, A.K. 147, 908 Jain, R. 689, 749, 775, 797, 802, 805, 827, 836, 837, 842, 1207 Jain, R.C. 831 Jakatdar, P. 170 Jamieson, L.H. 324 Jau, Y.C. 1064 Jayaramamurthy, S.N. 1177 Jayawardena, J. 656 Jepson, A.D. 840 Jerian, C. 827 Jernigan, M.E. 539, 1077, 1080 Jesshope, C. 322 Johansen, P. 1230 Johnson, D.S. 962 Johnstone, W.M. 539 Jolivet, G.C. 437 Jones, L.P. 855 Jones, N. 1230 Jones, R.A. 624, 889 Joseph, D. 972 Jour, J.S. 427 Jovanovic, A. 762 Julesz, B. 1073 Jupp, D.L.B. 235 Jury, E.I. 90, 220 Jutier, P. 330 Kabal, P. 87 Kajiya, J.T. 62, 1185 Kak, A.C. 305, 483, 1249 Kakumoto, S. 572 Kalayeh, H.M. 405, 407 Kaleva, O. 1000 Kallay, M. 1037 Kanade, T. 692, 700, 702, 1243, 1247 Kanal, L.N. 523 Kanatani, K.I. 120, 1202 Kane, G.R. 1070 Kang, H. 710 Kani, K. 497 Kant, K. 1176 Kaplan, E. 503 Karam, G. 540 Karp, R.M. 963 Kasahara, M. 80 Kase, N. 565 Kashioka, S. 335 Kashyap, R.L. 422, 664, 1054, 1069, 1245 Kasif, S. 757 Kassam, S.A. 266 Kasturi, R. 292, 303, 570 Kasvand, T. 293, 430, 568, 891, 896, 1044 Katayama, M. 712 Kato, T. 417 Katoh, T. 335 Kaufmann, P. 468 Kaupp, V.H. 534 Kautsky, J. 235 Kawagoe, M. 562 Kawaguchi, E. 560 Kawai, H. 497 Kawashima, H. 481 Kayran, A.H. 1066 Kazakos, D. 262 Kearney, J.K. 845 Kekre, H.B. 282 Kelley, R.B. 738 Kender, J.R. 142, 628 Kennair, J.T. 307 Kent, E. 1145 Keshavan, H.R. 665 Khan, N.A. 749 Khanmamedov, O.K. 400 Khotanzad, A. 664 Kikkawa, W. 573 Kilian, J. 517 Kim, C.E. 886, 888, 890, 1046, 1184 Author Index Kim, J. 444 Kim, J.H. 688 Kim, S.M. 351, 1114, 1116 Kimura, F. 429, 1013, 1142 Kindelan, M. 490 King, R.A. 214, 494 Kirkpatrick, D.G. 1160 Kishimoto, H. 555 Kitayama, M. 573 Kitchen, L. 678, 757 Kittler, J. 391, 404, 406, 591, 650 Kleitman, D.J. 859 Klinger, A. 361, 387, 867 Kobayashi, Y. 335 Koch, M.W. 1245 Kochanek, D.H.U. 122 Kodama, Y. 764 Kodratoff, Y. 1105 Koenderink, J.J. 241, 783 Kolers, P.A. 786 Kollensperger, P. 618 Kollins, J.G. 882 Komitowski, D. 298 Koparkar, P.A. 930, 1158 Koplowitz, J. 126 Koren, I. 951 Kories, R. 816, 822 Kosaraju, S.R. 1125 Koshikawa, K. 1221 Kostic, B. 189 Kovalevsky, V.A. 922 Kreowski, H.J. 1121 Kretz, F. 605 Kriete, A. 231 Krile, T.F. 292, 303 Krishnamurthy, E.V. 103 Krishnan, T.R. 290 Kropatsch, W. 21 Kruse, B. 390 Ku, F.N. 233 Kuan, D.T. 1024, 1026 Kuba, A. 314 Kubler, O. 289 Kubota, K. 433 Kuehn, J.T. 348 Kuhl, F.P. 1178, 1231 Kuklinksi, T.T. 445 Kulkarni, A.D. 98 Kulpa, Z. 388, 1188 Kundu, A. 258 Kung, H.T. 347 Kunii, T.L. 38, 39, 580, 1053, 1133 Kuroda, H. 154 Kuroe, S. 692 Kurz, L. 622 Kutzer, E. 618 Kwatra, S.C. 187 Labuz, J. 791, 811 Lacoume, J.L. 778 Laface, P. 686 LaGesse, F.R. 556 Lahart, M.J. 753 Lam, K.P. 716, 726 Lamarche, F. 438 Lambird, B.A. 523 Landgrebe, D.A. 405, 530 Landy, M.S. 377 Lane, J. 1168 Lang, S.W. 276, 299 Langridge, D.J. 1183 Lantuejoul, C. 984 Lappin, J.S. 843 Lapsa, P.M. 1069 Latto, A. 884 Lavine, D. 523 Lawrence, D.H. 527 Lawrence, P.D. 582 Lawton, D. 353 Lay, B. 499 Lebedev, D.S. 246 Lebruchec, J.F. 725 Leclerc, Y. 607 Lee, C.C. 943 Lee, C.H. 1210 Lee, D. 142 Lee, D.T. 939, 942, 943, 950, 1031 Lee, H.J. 571, 578 Lee, H.S. 751 Lee, T. 525 Author Index Lee, Y.H. 266 Leedham, C.G. 453 Lefebvre, J.J. 96, 295 Lehar, A.F. 232 Leighton, F.T. 946, 962 Lema, M.D. 180 Lemerle-Loisel, R. 1105 Le Moigne, J. 1233 Lengauer, T. 948 Lenz, R. 815, 1147 Leon-Garcia, A. 150 Le Roux, J. 223 Leung, J.Y.T. 950 Levialdi, S. 12 Levine, M.D. 645, 667 Levitan, S. 353 Levkowitz, H. 306 Levy, A.J. 278 Lewis, J.P. 1061 Li, C.C. 263 Li, J.G. 771 Li, S.X. 865, 919 Li, W.H. 579 Li, Z.R. 477, 569 Liang, Y.D. 949 Liao, Y.Z. 1031 Lie), Y.J. 542 Liedtke, C.E. 636, 637 Lien, S.L. 1185 Lim, H.S. 327, 1244, 1246 Lim, J.S. 244, 301 Lin, W.C. 471, 713, 1139 Lindner, R. 331 Ling, D.T. 334 Linggard, R. 619 Linnainmaa, S. 381 Lins, N. 475 Lipes, R.G. 195 Lipski, Jr., W. 910, 926, 967, 990 Litke, J.D. 1027 Little, M.J. 341 Liu, B. 304 Liu, C.R. 471 Liu, S.H. 386 Liu, Y. 430 Liu, Z.K. 254 Lloyd, S.A. 721 Loew, M.H. 865, 919 Lohscheller, H. 184 Long, P. 697 Long, S.J. 446 Longuet-Higgins, H.C. 705 Lonnemark, G. 390 Lorentz, R.J. 763 Lorenz, W.J. 268, 502 Lorette, G. 459 Lowe, M. 512 Lowitz, G.E. 149, 173, 632, 1075, 1090 Lowry, M. 938 Lozano-Perez, T. 1219 Lozover, O. 113 Lu, F.S. 85 Lu, H.R. 1094, 1100 Lu, P.Y. 458 Lu, S.Y. 744, 766 Lu, Y. 718 Luby, M. 963 Lucas, B.D. 702 Lucas, D. 647 Lundgren, J.C. 631 Luo, X.Y. 125 Ma, S. 1062 Ma, S.D. 1063 Ma, Y.L. 427, 457 Maccarone, M.C. 287, 900 MacDonald, H.C. 534 Machover, C. 46 Macovski, A. 312 Maekawa, S. 216 Magedson, B. 1168 Magee, M.J. 813, 1164, 1200, 1232 Mahakian, S. 337 Main, M.G. 763, 1118 Maisonneuve, F. 984 Malagnini, M.L. 521 Mali, P.C. 209 Malik, J. 1214 Maludzinski, A.B. 437 Author Index Mansbach, P. 1145 Mansour, M. 220 Mantyla, M. 1137 Maragos, P.A. 183 Marangelli, B. 105, 108 Marble, D.F. 555 Marchetti- Spaccamela, A. 963 Marimont, D.H. 905 Marino, D. 329 Mark, D.M. 546 Marmarelis, V.Z. 76 Martens, J.B. 206 Martin, W.N. 824 Martins, H.A.S. 738 Maruoka, A. 1110 Marzetta, T.L. 276 Masaki, I. 474 Masini, G. 452 Mastebroek, H.A.K. 782 Matick, R. 334 Matsuda, F. 1239 Matsumoto, M. 311 Matsuoka, T. 154 Matsushima, H. 572 Matsuyama, T. 33, 311, 379, 683, 754, 1008 Maus, A. 928 Max, N.L. 52 McCann, J.J. 243 McCormick, S. 306 McDermott, D. 997 McGeoch, C.C. 962 McGeoch, L.A. 962 McGillem, C.D. 257 McIlroy, C.D. 619 McIlroy, M.D. 115 McKellar, I.D. 437 McKeown, Jr., D.M. 528, 544 McMillen, C.W. 473 McVey, E.S. 545 Mecocci, A. 680 Medioni, G. 468, 727, 1187 Medioni, G.G. 642 Megiddo, N. 996 Melter, R.A. 994, 998, 1012 Mendez, J.A. 133 Mendoza, E.E. 255 Merelli, D. 376 Merickel, M.B. 631 Merigot, A. 372 Merritt, C. 500 Mersereau, R. 212 Mersereau, R.M. 183 Mertzios, B.G. 229 Meystel, A. 1023 Micheli, P. 559 Middleditch, A.E. 1135 Milano, R.A. 66 Miller, G.L. 964 Miller, R. 369, 933 Milo, T. 503 Mirzaian, A. 960 Misra, R. 179 Mitchell, O.R. 180, 597, 612, 1231 Mitiche, A. 690, 704, 794 Mitra, S.K. 258 Mix, D.F. 714 Miyajima, H. 1115 Miyajima, S. 585 Miyake, S. 728 Miyake, Y. 429 Miyatake, T. 572 Miyauchi, A. 693 Miyazaki, K. 573 Modestino, J.W. 86, 151 Mohr, R. 1179 Moldovan, D.I. 352, 411 Moller-Nielsen, P. 760 Monsion, M. 564 Montani, C. 873 Monteith, W. 619 Moore, G.E. 501 Morawski, P. 739 Morean, O.A. 570 Mori, S. 424, 895 Moriarty, J.D. 1223 Morishita, I. 336 Morita, K. 1111 Moskowitz, M. 495 Mudur, S.P. 930, 1158 Author Index Muehlenfeld, E. 467 Mukawa, N. 154 Mulgaonkar, P.G. 1217, 1223, 1228 Mulk, M.Z. 213 Muller, Y. 1179 Mulvaney, J.A. 511 Mumford, D. 884 Munson, Jr., D.C. 248, 309 Murakami, H. 155, 181, 188 Murota, K. 989 Murray, D.W. 846 Murtagh, F. 117 Mussio, P. 376, 559 Musso, G. 11, 469 Mutch, K.M. 776, 820 Mutluay, H.E. 219 Myers, W. 46, 56 Mysko, S.N. 110 Naccache, N.J. 986, 1003 Nachmias, J. 615 Nackman, L.R. 1180 Nadler, M. 462 Nagai, K. 310 Nagano, T. 585 Nagao, M. 30, 379, 712, 754 Nagel, H.H. 799, 806 Nagl, M. 1112 Nagy, G. 420, 426, 515 Nakagawa, K. 481 Nakahata, K. 481 Nakamura, A. 887, 1124 Nakamura, N. 294 Nakamura, Y. 448 Nakano, S. 311 Nakasima, S. 481 Nakayama, A. 1013 Nalcioglu, O. 509 Nalwa, V.S. 625 Namekawa, T. 80 Naor, J. 1091 Nash, C. 1138 Nash, J.G. 341 Nathan, A. 402 Navlakha, J.K. 134 Nazif, A.M. 645, 667 Nef, W. 924 Neff, J.A. 65 Neumann, B. 787, 838 Nevatia, R. 468, 727, 1187 Ngan, K.N. 102 Nguyen, P.T. 541 Nguyen, P.Y. 518 Ngwa-Ndifor, N. 1065 Ni, L.M. 653 Nicholl, T.M. 1031 Nichols, N.K. 235 Nicholson, H. 227 Nielsen, L. 90 Niemann, H. 25, 508 Ninomiya, Y. 156 Nishihara, S. 408 Nodes, T.A. 249, 256 Noga, M.T. 988, 1035 Noguchi, S. 1115 Nomoto, M. 481 Normann, R.A. 242 Nudd, G.R. 332, 341 Numao, M. 1241 Nuovo, C. 520 Oase, W.M. 1149 Obata, K. 213 O'Brien, N. 689 O'Callaghan, J.F. 546 Odako, K. 451 Oddy, C.J. 684 Odell, G.M. 1182 Oeconomos, J.N. 96 Ogata, M. 1088 Ogawa, H. 294, 708 O'Gorman, L. 601 Oguztoreli, M.N. 75 Oh, S.Y. 734, 737 Ohashi, T. 1161 Ohtsuka, Y. 156 Ohya, T. 989 Oja, E. 394 Oka, R.I. 349, 431 Okamoto, K. 481 Okawa, Y. 470 Olin, K.E. 688 Oliver, M.A. 849 O'Neal, Jr., J.B. 162 Oommen, B.J. 422 Orbach, Z. 89 Author Index O'Rourke, J. 104, 1048 Orr, J.A. 132, 1234 Oruc, A.Y. 354 Oshima, M. 1221 Ostevold, E. 291 Otsu, N. 127, 293, 568, 891, 896 Ottmann, T. 934, 1036 Overman, K.C. 714 Overmars, M.H. 980 Ozawa, S. 693, 807 Page, C.V. 743 Pal, S.K. 494 Paler, K. 591, 650 Palis, M.A. 351 Papadimitriou, C.H. 991 Parent, P. 583 Parker, A.C. 854 Parker, S.R. 1066 Parodi, A.M. 1022 Parui, S.K. 733 Parvin, B.A. 532, 652 Pasian, F. 982 Pastor, L. 808 Pathak, A. 494 Paul, W. 1113 Pavlidis, T. 1009 Pawlak, M. 296 Pawlak, Z. 413 Payton, D.W. 688 Pearlman, W.A. 163, 170 Pearson, J.J. 70 Peleg, S. 402, 403, 1083, 1091 Pellandini, F. 450 Pemberton, W.B. 533 Pentland, A.P. 1068, 1193, 1209, 1213 Perkins, W.A. 465 Perrott, C.G. 49 Pervin, E. 906 Petkovic, D. 493 Petrozolin, K. 341 Peuquet, D.J. 555 Philip, G.M. 1001 Phillips, M.B. 1182 Phillips, T.Y. 1008 Picton, P.D. 602 Pienovi, C. 1150 Pieroni, G.G. 825 Pietikainen, M. 339, 480 Piironen, T. 480 Pinter, R.B. 267 Piper, T.S. 1058 Pipitone, F. 577 Pirozzi, M. 623 Pisarello, M. 492 Plamondon, R. 435, 438 Platzer, H. 204 Plompen, R.H.J.M. 279 Poggio, T. 35, 109, 598 Pollen, D.A. 588 Pomalaza-Raez, C.A. 257, 270 Pomarede, J.M. 548 Pong, T.C. 484, 557, 633, 1194, 1205 Porter, T. 59, 64 Poscolieri, M. 630 Posso, S.M. 307 Post, M.J. 1042 Potter, D.J. 246 Poulo, R.J. 398 Prakash, D. 354 Prasada, B. 185 Pratt, W.K. 153 Preiss, K. 113 Preparata, F.P. 910, 926, 939, 967 Preston, Jr., K. 364, 1174 Preuss, L. 877 Prewitt, J. 512 Price, K. 640 Price, K.E. 709, 715, 722, 748 Prince, C. 575 Proffitt, D.R. 839 Prokop, R.J. 1178 Protti, M. 559 Psaltis, D. 401 Pucillo, M. 521 Quam, L.H. 701 Quignon, J. 496 Rabagliati, R. 519 Author Index Radig, B. 781, 903 Raftery, A.E. 117 Rajala, S.A. 158 Rajan, P.K. 228 Rajappan, K.P. 175 Ram, G. 161 Ramakrishnan, I.V. 202 Raman, V. 850, 868 Ramanath, M.V.S. 1131 Rampini, A. 519 Rao, K.R. 165, 835 Raoult, J.C. 1119 Rarick, M. 1168 Ravindux, H. 242 Reader, C. 320 Reddi, S.S. 665 Reddy, D.R. 215 Reddy, D.R.R. 218 Reddy, H.C. 228 Reddy, P.S. 215, 218 Reddy, S.V. 479 Reed, G.M. 1167 Reed, I.S. 195 Reeves, A.P. 321, 1178 Reischl, A. 618 Reitbock, H.J.P. 194 Rekers, G. 799 Rendle, M. 527 Rene de Cotret, Y. 436, 439 Requicha, A.A.G. 1129 Rewo, L. 596 Reynolds, G. 643, 670, 867 Rich, R. 1078 Richard, C. 605 Richards, D. 954 Richards, J.A. 525 Richetin, M. 116, 1095, 1103 Riseman, E. 353, 643, 670 Riseman, E.M. 614, 626 Ritter, G.X. 355, 1132 Rivaillier, J. 657 Rives, G. 116 Robinson, G.P.S. 307 Romberger, S. 390 Ronner, S.F. 588 Ronse, C. 909 Rosenfeld, A. 1, 28, 31, 32, 36, 37, 247, 250, 357, 358, 547, 638, 676, 678, 683, 757, 851, 853, 864, 879, 936, 1210 Rosenstiehl, P. 947 Rosenthal, D.A. 677, 681 Rossi, D.J. 313 Roucayrol, J.C. 725 Rozenberg, G. 1118, 1121 Rubat du Merac, C. 330 Rubin, A.L. 195 Rudin, S.F. 665 Ruff, R. 1175 Rummel, P. 466, 618 Sabri, S. 177, 185, 261 Sack, M. 446 Safranek, R.J. 483 Sagawa, T. 441 Sagerer, G. 508, 685, 1102 Saghri, J.A. 174 Sahasrabudhe, S.C. 282 Saikia, D.K. 290 Saito, T. 431 Sakai, T. 417, 451 Sakakura, T. 895 Sakurai, Y. 449 Salari, E. 1004 Samet, H. 106, 848, 851, 853, 857, 860, 861, 864, 1144 Samy, R.A. 823 Sanchez, E. 393 Sanderson, A.C. 73, 601, 742 Sanfeliu, A. 1235 Sankar, P.V. 698, 871 Sanniti di Baja, G. 876, 885, 894 Santin, P. 521, 982 Author Index Sanz, J.L.C. 285, 309 Sartori-Angus, A.G. 13 Sato, K. 1239 Sato, M. 1088 Sato, T. 284 Savage, C. 917 Savary, G. 517 Schachter, B.J. 34 Schaefer, B.A. 897 Schaeken, B. 436, 439 Schafer, R. 168 Schafer, R.W. 183 Schafer, W. 1112 Schalkoff, R.J. 791, 811 Schattenschneider, D.J. 1017 Scheinberg, N. 186 Schilling, D.L. 186 Schlam, E. 69 Schlieder, C. 903 Schmitt, F. 1065 Schmitt, L. 362 Schneider, R.H. 510 Schorr, A. 1171 Schrack, G.F. 43, 44, 45 Schunck, B.G. 793, 809 Schwartz, E.L. 78 Schwartz, H.F. 463 Schwartz, J.T. 1163 Schwartzel, M.G. 26 Scollar, I. 253 Scott, R. 1242 Sears, K.H. 1135 Sederberg, T.W. 61, 872 Sedgwick, R. 1021 Sedmak, G. 516 Seidel, R. 980 Seikkala, S. 1000 Selfridge, P.G. 337 Sellers, P.H. 755 Selmane, M.K. 203 Serandrei Barbero, R. 519 Seth, S. 426 Sethi, I.K. 606, 797, 1177 Shaffer, C.A. 851, 853, 864 Shah, J. 884 Shah, M.A. 805, 836 Shamir, A. 973 Shani, U. 1153 Shapira, R. 1192, 1216 Shapiro, L.G. 409, 484, 633, 1189, 1194, 1205, 1217, 1223, 1228 Shapiro, S.C. 506 Sharir, M. 1043, 1163, 1171 Shaw, D.E. 628 Shen, J. 696 Shen, S.S. 631 Shi, Q.Y. 1098 Shibata, T. 531 Shigemitsu, S. 720 Shilcrat, E. 380 Shimada, R. 765 Shimada, S. 572 Shimazu, T. 311 Shing, M.T. 1028 Shinghal, R. 986, 1003 Shipley, T. 1074 Shipman, A.L. 594 Shirai, Y. 1221 Shlien, S. 911 Shneier, M. 112, 639, 1145 Shor, P.W. 959, 976 Shpitalni, M. 1134 Shridhar, M. 418, 434, 460 Shwedyk, E. 735 Shyamasundar, R.K. 1039, 1045 Siegel, A. 974 Siegel, H.J. 324, 348 Silberberg, T.M. 1224, 1252 Silberman, G.M. 951 Silva, L.F. 530 Silven, O. 480 Silverman, J.F. 661 Simon, H.U. 756 Author Index Simon, J.C. 368, 395 Simon, S. 541 Simons, B. 965, 966 Sinden, F.W. 904 Sinha, R.M.K. 440 Sinha, S.S. 833 Sitharama Iyengar, S. 868 Sivaraman, K. 98, 175 Siy, P. 1004 Sklansky, J. 222, 493, 698, 871 Slagle, J.R. 740 Slater, P.N. 551 Sloan, Jr., K.R. 104 Smart, N.M. 199 Smeulders, A.N.M. 1047 Smith, A.R. 1056 Smith, B.J. 654 Smith, D.R. 1243 Smith, G.B. 143 Smith, H.R. 1106 Smitley, D.L. 694 Smutek, M. 333 Soisalon-Soininen, E. 1036, 1038 Song, O. 604 Sorooshian, K. 869 Sperling, G. 377 Spirakis, P. 944 Srihari, S.N. 107, 111, 442, 506, 1130 Srinivasan, R. 165 Stamon, G. 518 Stansfield, S.A. 507 Starke, P.H. 1109 Staunstrup, J. 760 Steele, R. 189 Stein, S. 955, 956 Steinberg, H.A. 140 Steinke, K. 419 Stepoway, S.L. 1070 Stern, R.M. 365 Sternberg, S.R. 983 Stevens, R.J. 232 Stockman, G. 1236 Stockman, G.C. 739 Stout, Q.F. 369, 933 Strat, T.M. 1186, 1196, 1215 Strong, J.P. 529 Strong, R. 965 Stuller, J.A. 178, 1055 Suarez de Lezo, J. 490 Suen, C.Y. 425, 898, 999 Sugata, K. 1111 Sugie, N. 829 Sugihara, K. 777, 829, 1199, 1211, 1222 Suk, M. 592, 604, 687, 710 Sullins, J. 79 Sullivan, B.J. 304 Sundblad, Y. 390 Supowit, K.J. 996 Suzuki, M. 441 Swain, P.H. 530 Swamy, M.N.S. 218 Swamy, S. 360, 367 Swane, E. 338 Swaszek, P.F. 82 Swensen, J. 60 Sylos-Labini, G. 520 Szepietowski, A. 1108 Tabatabai, A.J. 597 Tai, J.W. 428 Takamura, J. 1157 Takanami, I. 1107, 1124 Takikawa, K. 101 Tamati, T. 560 Tamminen, M. 856, 870, 1144 Tampi, K.A. 172 Tamura, H. 383 Tamura, S. 311, 497 Tanaka, E. 441, 732 Tanaka, H. 79, 150 Tang, G.Y. 454 Tang), R.B. 238 Taniguchi, H. 1107 Taniguchi, R. 560 Tanimoto, S.L. 363, 366, 368, 370, 375 Tappert, C.C. 444, 447 Tarjan, R.E. 931, 947 Author Index Tavildar, A.S. 288 Taylor, B. 307 Tazaki, S. 80 Tejwani, Y.J. 624, 889 Terasawa, M. 784 Terzopoulos, D. 99, 144, 373 Tescher, A.G. 6, 174 Thakor, N.V. 751 Thomas, B.H. 824 Thomas, J.B. 82 Thomas, P. 297 Thompson, W.B. 776, 820, 845 Thong, T. 114 Thonnat, M. 536 Thorpe, C.E. 599, 1014 Tian, Q. 711 Tian, S. 717 Tiberio, P. 91 Tiller, W. 935 Tilove, R.B. 1151 Tilton, J.C. 529, 659 Titherington, D.M. 668 Toida, T. 451 Tojo, A. 562 Tokieda, T. 1128, 1141 Tokoro, M. 1161 Tom, V.T. 538 Tomescu, I. 994, 998 Tominaga, S. 237 Tomita, F. 1247 Tonazzini, A. 245 Toriu, T. 269 Toriwaki, J.I. 1089 Toriya, H. 1133 Torrance, K.E. 63 Torre, V. 35 Tou, J.T. 535, 579, 648, 675, 1132 Toussaint, G. 1030 Toussaint, G.T. 941, 981, 992, 1007, 1032, 1041 Townes, S.A. 162 Toyoda, J. 764 Tran, L.D. 540 Tremelat, P. 96, 295 Tretiak, O. 808 Tricoles, G.P. 67 Triendl, E.E. 584, 724 Trivedi, M. 1084 Trivedi, M.M. 641, 671 Trombly, J.E. 478 Troxel, D.E. 389 Truong, T.K. 195 Trussell, H.J. 283 Tsai, R.Y. 790, 800 Tsai, W.H. 423, 750 Tsao, Y.F. 1136 Tsotsos, J.K. 29, 785, 798, 840 Tsuji, S. 505, 779, 1208 Tsukada, M. 784 Tsukumo, J. 746 Tsuruoka, S. 429 Tubbs, J.D. 524 Tucker, L.W. 679, 682 Turk, R. 341 Tuy, H.K. 306 Twigg, D.W. 191 Tzeng, P.S. 454 Uchiki, T. 1161 Ueda, K. 448 Uhr, L. 325, 362 Ullmann, J.R. 23 Umeda, M. 455 Un, C.K. 230 Unser, M. 475, 1076, 1081, 1087 Upton, R.A. 538 Vaidya, P.M. 1020 Vaidyanathan, P.P. 258 Vaknine, R. 268, 502 Van Aken, J.R. 129 van Doorn, A.J. 783 van Houten, P. 1074 van Leeuwen, J. 874 van Munster, R.J. 574 van Steveninck, R.d.R. 782 Van Wyk, C.J. 957 Author Index Varman, P.J. 202 Vasilier, A.A. 901 Vasquez-Espinosa, R. 473 Vazirani, U.V. 991 v.Brandt, A. 635 Veillon, F. 899 Vemuri, B.C. 563, 1237 Veneziani, M. 558 Venot, V. 725 Verbeck, C.P. 51 Verbeek, P.W. 346, 660 Vernadat, F. 1095, 1103 Vernazza, G. 491 Verschueren, W. 436, 439 Vetterli, M. 157 Vibert, P. 96, 295 Vignato, A. 522 Virtanen, I. 339 Vitter, J.S. 1021 Volta, A. 91 Von Herzen, B.P. 62 Von Winkle, W.A. 67 Voss, K. 880, 1092 Wada, B.T. 378 Wade, J.G. 527 Waite, W.P. 534 Wakahara, T. 455 Walker, D.R. 835 Walkup, J.F. 292, 303 Wall, K. 130 Wallace, R.S. 1015 Wang, C.A. 927, 993 Wang, D.Q. 699 Wang, F.A. 333 Wang, P.P. 392 Wang, P.S.P. 1097 Wang, Q.R. 425 Wang, S. 634, 1195 Wang, Y.F. 1232 Wang, Y.L. 804 Watson, D.D. 262 Watson, D.F. 1001 Watson, L.T. 590, 633, 1189 Watt, T.L. 252 Waxman, A.M. 547, 792, 833, 1233 Webb, J.A. 906 Webb, N. 333 Webber, R.E. 851, 853, 860, 864 Wechsler, H. 196, 201, 208 Wee, W.G. 495 Weems, C. 353 Weghorst, H. 48 Weidner, B. 253 Weinberg, R.A. 47 Weinman, J.A. 1064 Welch, T.A. 166 Wells, D.L. 1070 Welzl, E. 1048 Werman, M. 1083 Wermser, D. 637, 663 West, G. 193 Whitesides, S. 972 Wilhelmi, W. 1086 Williams, C.M. 169 Williams, T.L. 274 Willsky, A.S. 313 Wilson, R. 210 Wirtz, M.J. 545 Wise, G.L. 85 Wiseman, N.E. 849 Wojcik, Z.M. 595 Wold, E.H. 197 Wolter, J.D. 1140 Won, M.C. 308 Wong, A.K.C. 414, 770 Wong, C.K. 1031 Wong, E.K. 1225 Wong, K.Y. 653 Woo, T.C. 1140, 1159 Wood, D. 874, 934, 971, 1036, 1038 Woods, J.W. 164, 300, 581 Woodwark, J.R. 852 Wright, A. 684 Wu, C.K. 699 Wu, L.D. 118, 125 Xiang, Z. 506 Xie, H.C. 247 Xu, G.Y. 662 Xu, J. 771 Xydeag, C.S. 189 Yabuhara, Y. 481 Author Index Yachida, M. 505, 779, 1208 Yalamanchili, S. 344, 345 Yamada, H. 431, 745, 1005 Yamada, M. 807 Yamada, Y. 80 Yamaguchi, F. 1128, 1141 Yamaguchi, H. 182 Yamaguchi, K. 1133 Yamamori, K. 567 Yamamoto, E. 269 Yamamoto, H. 155, 188 Yamamoto, K. 424, 431 Yamamoto, Y. 765, 1111 Yamasaki, T. 449 Yamashita, M. 987 Yanagisawa, M. 720 Yang, C.C. 968 Yang, H.S. 1249 Yang, J.Y. 695 Yang, M.C.K. 968 Yao, F.F. 1033 Yap, C.K. 944, 979, 1043 Yashima, Y. 1089 Yasuda, M. 424 Yasuhara, M. 160 Yasumoto, Y. 160, 642 Yates, H.W. 552 Yau, M.M. 1154 Ye, P.J. 450 Yegnanarayana, B. 290 Yen, B.L. 817 Yen, C. 658 Yodogawa, E. 1122 Yokoi, S. 1089 Yokota, M. 560 Yokota, T. 284 Yokoya, N. 383 Yoon, R.H. 557 Yoshida, Y. 567, 1013 Yoshiura, H. 580 You, M. 770 You, Z. 908 Young, T.Y. 804 Yu, S. 1120 Yu, S.S. 750 Yuille, A. 1201 Yuille, A.L. 109, 598 Zaagman, W.H. 782 Zabele, G.S. 126 Zahle, U. 1051 Zaidenberg, L. 730 Zakharov, V. 326 Zamisko, J.C. 1024 Zamperoni, P. 666 Zarone, G. 148 Zavidovique, B. 372, 657 Zeevi, Y.Y. 73 Zeheb, E. 221, 224, 225 Zetterberg, L.H. 159 Zhang, B. 1166 Zhang, D.P. 477, 569 Zhang, D.Z. 263 Zhang, L. 1166 Zhang, T.Y. 999 Zheng, C.Y. 925 Zhuang, X. 844 Zhuang, X.H. 291 Zimmermann, G. 816, 822 Zinser, G. 298 Zucker, S.W. 583, 607, 616, 1176 Zuidema, P. 241