1. How Easy is Matching 2D Line Models Using Local Search?.
    J.R. Beveridge and E. Riseman.
    In IEEE PAMI, 1997.

  2. The UMass Ascender System for 3D Site Model Construction.
    R. Collins, C. Jaynes, Y.Q. Cheng, X.G. Wang, F. Stolle, H. Schultz, A. Hanson, and E. Riseman.
    In Oscar Firschein and Thomas Strat, editors, RADIUS: Image Understanding for Imagery Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1997.

  3. FOCUS: Searching for Multi-Colored Objects in a Diverse Image Database.
    M. Das, E. Riseman, and B. Draper.
    In IEEE CVPR, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1997.

  4. Learning Object Recognition Strategies.
    B. Draper.
    In K. Ikeuchi and M. Veloso, editors, Symbolic Visual Learning. Oxford University Press, 1997.

  5. Automatic Construction of Three-Dimensional Models of Buildings.
    C. Jaynes, R. Collins, Y.Q. Cheng, X.G. Wang, F. Stolle, H. Schultz, A. Hanson, and E. Riseman.
    In Oscar Firschein and Thomas Strat, editors, RADIUS: Image Understanding for Imagery Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1997.

  6. Building Reconstruction from Optical and Range Images.
    C. Jaynes, A. Hanson, and E. Riseman.
    In IEEE CVPR, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1997.

  7. Finding Text in Images.
    Z. Wu~R. Manmatha and E. Riseman.
    In Second ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries, Philadelphia, PA, 1997.

  8. Landmark-Based Navigation and the Acquistion of Environmental Models.
    E. Riseman, A. Hanson, J.R. Beveridge, R. Kumar, and H. Sawhney.
    In Yiannis Aloimonos, editor, Visual Navigation: From Biological Systems to Unmanned Ground Vehicles, pages 317-374, 1997.

  9. Extracting Road Networks from Natural Terrain for Visualization.
    E. Riseman, X. Wang, B. Hanechak, H. Schultz, and A. Hanson.
    In Computer Graphics and Visualization, Plzen, Czech Republic, 1997.

  10. 3D Reconstruction of Topographic Objects at the University of Massachusetts.
    H. Schultz, Christopher Jaynes, Mauricio Marengoni, Anthony Schwickerath, Frank Stolle, Xiaoguag Wang, Allen Hanson, and Edward Riseman.
    In Joint ISPRS Workshop on 3D Reconstruction and Modelling of Topographic Objects, Stuttgart, Germany, 1997.

  11. Incremental Digital Elevation Map Generation From Stereo Images.
    H. Schultz, Anthony Schwickerath, Frank Stolle, Allen Hanson, and Edward Riseman.
    In ISPRS Workshop Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Surface Reconstruction and 3D Object Extraction, Haifa, Israel, 1997.

  12. Extracting Surface Microstructures from Multiple Aerial Images.
    X. Wang and A. Hanson.
    In IEEE CVPR, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1997.

  13. Surface Microstructure Extraction from Multiple Aerial Images.
    X. Wang, A. Hanson, R. Collins, and J. Dehart.
    In Aerosense '97 SPIE's 11th Annual International Symposium on Aerosense/Defense Sensing, Simulation and Controls, Orlando, FL, 1997.

  14. Using Three-Dimensional Features to Improve Terrain Classification.
    X. Wang, F. Stolle, H. Schultz, E. Riseman, and A. Hanson.
    In IEEE CVPR, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1997.

  15. Obstacle Detection Using Qualitative and Quantitative 2D Reconstruction.
    Z. Zhang, R. Weiss, and A. Hanson.
    In IEEE PAMI, volume 19, pages 15-26, 1997.