Step 1 Set up a Bluetooth COM port
Microsoft ActiveSync Help  

Step 1 Set up a Bluetooth COM port

You can follow these steps on the PC only if you are running Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later. Otherwise, you must use separately obtained Bluetooth software drivers, and use the instructions that come with that software to set up Bluetooth connections.

To set up a Bluetooth connection, do the following:

  1. Open the Bluetooth Devices Control Panel.
  2. On the Options tab, select Turn discovery on and Allow Bluetooth devices to connect to this computer.
  3. On the COM Ports tab, click Add.
  4. Select Incoming (device initiates the connection) and click OK.
  5. Note the number of the COM port that was added. The COM port number must be no higher than 20.
  6. Click OK to close the Bluetooth Devices Control Panel.

See also

Connect to ActiveSync using Bluetooth

Step 2 Set up ActiveSync to use the Bluetooth COM port

Step 3 Start Bluetooth sync from your device