Asian Fruit Salad
by Helen W
Posted October 30, 2006

Things to prepare:

1 package 8oz. Philadelphia Cream Cheese
� can 14oz Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 can 15oz Fruit Mix Cocktail
1 can 15oz Tropical Fruit
1 can 15oz Mandarin Orange
1 or 2 jars 16oz Coconut Jelly
1 package 16oz Shredded Coconut
1 Fuji Apple


1) One night before, open all the cans, jar and package of fruits, coconut jelly and shredded coconut. Drain completely and toss away the liquid.
2) The next day, in a bowl, soften the cream cheese. Add the sweetened condensed milk and stir well.
3) Cut the apple into dice size.
4) Add all the fruits and coconuts. Mix well and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
5) Ready to serve.


You may serve it as a stand alone or with ice cream or jelly. Enjoy.

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