Program run for the Philo Movie Dinner

Thank you for attending the Philo Movie Dinner organized by the Philo Meal Branch of the Hong Kong Philosophy Cafe. In order to make your evening more enjoyable, below is the program run for your reference:

1) Upon arrival, please place your food and drink order. There is a minimum spending requirement of HKD100 per person. Once you've ordered your food and drink, you will be taken to your assigned seat.

2) Once you're seated, please do not change seat as your food will be delivered to your assigned seat. A separate individual dinner bill will be presented to you for settlement at dessert time. Drinks will be charged individually on a cash bar basis (two for one for the whole night).

3) Please remain in your assigned seat during meal time. After you've settled your dinner bill, you're free to move to different tables and join their discussion as space becomes available. Subsequent order of drinks or food items will also be charged individually.

4) As this is an unmoderated discussion session, each table is free to conduct their discussion in whatever manner the participants prefer. However we suggest that only one person should speak at a time, so that everyone feels included. (That is, holding one conversation per table is probably better than having several smaller conversations.)

5) In order to encourage a lively discussion, please limit your presentation to no more than three minutes each time.

6) The Philo Movie Dinner will officially end at 22:30, however you're welcome to continue with the discussion until the restaurant closes at 23:00.

7) If you have any suggestions or comments, please email it to or talk to Clifford, the organizer of the Philo Meal Branch. Thank you for attending.