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The Virtual Network for Professionals and Entrepreneurs

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e-Breakfast on your screen by 06:00 ...... GUARANTEED! (short for or is a members only virtual network, which sends out a daily e-newsletter, the SnS e-Daily,  to its members. Our virtual network is targeted at professionals and entrepreneurs who do business in Asia Pacific. This virtual network was officially launched on June 30, 1999.

The SnS e-Daily is a free e-Newsletter sent to over 50,000 readers worldwide. It provides street-wise, street-side insight on the latest news on upcoming events, lifestyle, exclusive member discounts ... and much, much more! The contents of our website complement our newsletter with information such as SnS Lifestyle guide, e-Shop, event calendar listing, and lifestyle column.

SnS also organizes social networking events, which function as a catalyst to convert members know-how and connections into successful business and valuable contacts.

SnS Standard Membership is free. To join, simply email us your business card information to

Go to the SnS Lifestyle Menu
to view our online contents.

Advertisers and Marketers can join our Corporate Membership and take advantage of our Social Media marketing channel, while at the same time receive promotional and event creation ideas from us, sponsorship arrangements, ...and much much more!

Corporate Membership is HKD3600/year (USD500/year), which entitles you to 12 x ten line postings on SnS e-Daily newsletter and a web link on our website. This membership will provide your company with valuable exposures to the entire SnS community all year round.

The SnS community has over 50,000 members in more than thirty countries and five continents. They're professionals from investment banks, international law firms, IT companies, multinational companies as well as alumni from top universities around the world, such as UC Berkeley, Chicago, IMD, INSEAD, the Ivy League (Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Princeton, Yale), LSE, Michigan, MIT, Northwestern, Oxbridge, Stanford, UCLA, USC, Wellesley, and many others. Please click here to see our readers professional profile.

In brief, the SnS network creates synergy among professionals, entrepreneurs and businesses.

For additional information, please email us at or call 852.9179.0283.

the SnS team
Updated January 15, 2014
network for eprofessionals, the virtual network for professionals, the networking community for e-professionals, the networking community for eprofessionals, the networking community for professionals)

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