Philosophically Speaking
Created July 22, 1999

It is not enough to know what is happening in the world today. It is also necessary to know what is the significance of what is happening and why it is happening, meaning causality.

There are so many things happening in the world today, the causes and consequences are so complex, that it is difficult to identify what is significant and what will have the most influence, for better or worse, on your life. For conditions or events that are likely to have an adverse influence on your life, it is necessary to understand, in principle, what to do to protect yourself.

To achieve your purpose in life, to achieve your values, to achieve your happiness in life, to live, it is necessary to know your fundamental nature, including your means of cognition, as well as the nature of existence. It is necessary to know the proper processes of using your mind and to practice those processes, by choice. It is necessary to know and practice, by choice, the proper methods of living your life. It is the function of the science of philosophy to discover and to teach these principles of cognative conduct and practical action to man.

Unfortunately, the specialists in this field have defaulted on their responsibilities and obligations in the modern division of labor. That default is the cause of the present state of the world, and the cause of the death and destruction that characterizes so much of the 20th Century.

The columns presented at this site will consider events around the world, in Asia, in Hong Kong, or will be responses to magazine and newspaper articles or responses to questions from readers. The philosophical analysis will mostly be of conversational level rather than of formal written level. Sometimes formal areas of philosophy will be presented.

I have had more than 100 editorials published, written 8 country reports for a FORTUNE 500 company and work as a business consultant. My primary interest is in how ideas spread and produce cultural changes. I have been a student of Ayn Rand's Objective Philosophy since 1964.

For Information About The Objective Philosophy of Ayn Rand

Current Columns - Last Update Apr 6, 2001 Posted with permission of the author.  1997 - 2004 Hi-Tech Development Co., Ltd.  All rights reserved.