Bahama Mama and Papa Razzi
by Joni-Wani
Posted June 21, 2000

1st round: Bahama Mama's Caribbean Bar
4-5 Knutsford Terrace, TST, Kowloon.
Tel: 852-2368-2121

This is the second time I went to the Mama's Music Mixer's free drinks party organized by one of my old time buddies - Anders who is also my ex-boss some 10 years ago.  The idea of this monthly free drinks party is to attract more new faces,
especially those who are interested in music and in meeting people.  I saw a lot of handsome guys and charming ladies there but too bad, I ran out of name cards.  Never mind, next time I will be fully equipped.

While dosing up myself with the never ending free drinks, all of a sudden, I heard a lot of "laughing" noise and went to check it
out with my colleague Candy.  Guess What ?  Bill Yip, a well known local painter was offering drawings for free.  When I heard the word FREE, I immediately flied over to the spot and got myself a freebie, not bad at all!

The free drinks party will be held in the middle of each month and invitations will be sent one week prior to the event.  If you are interested please email your contact numbers to Anders at: so that he can put you on his list for the next party.

2nd round: Papa Razzi Terrace Bar/Restaurant
2, Knutsford Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.
Reservation: 852-2312 6668, 2312-6788

After the free drinks, Candy and I moved on to the next round to join dinner with Anders and bunch of people from dot com  industry at Papa.  The full name of Papa is Papa Razzi - an Italian restaurant with a terrace for heavy smokers or "serious lovers", ideal for those who prefer not to disturb or vice versa.  Since no lovers/smokers were in the small group, we were quite happy to be seated inside the cozy restaurant.

It was a full house even on a Thursday evening, and we were so lucky to be given a table in this busy restaurant .

Back to the right trek, lets talk about the food:

Recommended Dishes
Antipasti E Insalate (Appetizer/Salad)
Shrimps and Calamari, deep-fried with light egg batter
Japanese Fried Fish (forgot the exact name of this dish, but man, it was sooooooo good that Anders didn't even talk to us  for half an hour while chewing the poor fish down to zero.)

Primi Piatti (Pasta)
Squid ink pasta with asparagus shrimps in pesto sauce

Mixed Seasonal Fruit Plate
Oh my gosh.......too f r e s h to be real but hard to believe that they are just "advertising model", anyway, too late to find out now!

Besides good food, Papa also serves good wine, especially the red!  (Check out  the wine list)
See you guys at the next free drinks party? (around mid July)
I will be the lady in a pink bra-top.  Come check me out! //joni-wani

Posted with permission of the author.  1997 - 2000 Hi-Tech Development Co., Ltd.  All rights reserved.