Trip to Shanghai, China (5 Days) - August 2000
by Mayce
Posted September 1, 2000

Dear SnS members,

Hi - this is Mayce, a friend of Joni-Wani who asked me to provide her with some of my trip photos taken in Shanghai last week, where I spent 5 days there and had a very relaxing vacation.  However, during the short stay, it was raining quite a bit, if not, pouring all the time and no sunshine at all!  The only beneficiary is my delicate skin, not much damage to it.

Shanghai is a very modern city and it is highly recommended for those who plan to get away for a short break.  I went there to visit a few buddies who work there. They took me around town to paint the city RED...haha!  (although RED is a sensitive colour in China).

We went to many different places in just a short time, most of the people we met are expats, and some speak very fluent Mandarin.  (Definitely better than mine)

There were lots of bar hoppings & shopping (that's me) and having margarita on the opium chair (without opiums but ......with some young and handsome local guys kept lining up and invited me to dance or even forced to offer me free drinks.  As we all know, nothing is free in this practical world, I rejected the CHEAP offer!  (prefer a Rolex...hehe!)  Gosh, too many "existing" handsome guys in HK already making me very busy, what's the point of working "overtime"  while I am on a holiday!

Anyway, here are the category I photos (category III kept to myself, of course!) :

Next time if you are planning for a short trip, put Shanghai in your first priority!  Tips for single guys: just bring yourself and more cash!   Tips for young and beautiful gals: bring your birth certificate in case you got proposed by a rich Shanghai Tycoon who "offers" to marry you....shortly!  Good luck!

Please click here for photos!


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