Joni-Wani and Ali-Wani - Trip to England (10 Days) - August 2000
by Joni-Wani
Posted August 25, 2000

Duration: August 7th to 16th, 2000
Airline: Virgin Atlantic
Package: (Economic ticket + 7 hotel room nights)
Total basic costs: HK$10,500.00 per head
Actual expenses: $$$$ (you should see Ali's pale complexion)
Tour Members: Joni and Ali-Wani

Please click here to see trip photos!

Day Two

When our travel agent told us Continental breakfast is included in the package deal, I thought it was cool but....listen, Ali will tell you the truth!

Ali: That LMF (lazy mother fxxker) from Reception said "Yep, breakfast is included but it is GIY (get it yourself)...go to x floor, Room x and present the coupon to the duty waiter".  OK, I'm going now...

30 seconds later......

Ali: Well, why don't we eat out this morning?

Joni: What the hell are you talking about?  What happen to our free breakfast?

Ali: If one tiny little rocky bun is good enough, go ahead!
Another 30 seconds later......inside a nice Italian Cafe

Ali and Joni: Excuse us Sir, two fried eggs with ham make it sunny shine up, two Danish pastries, two fruit salads, two English scones and two Earl Grey tea please!

In order to ease the job of our stomach, we walked over to British Museum after the "feast",  since it is just 15 minutes away.  The old museum was partially refurbishing while we were there, not only it was noisy but also very dusty.  Well, that doesn't stop our intention of wondering around in and out of different rooms and up and down of different floors to refresh our rusty memory of the English history. Good news: no entrance fee.

The minute I heard of a first yawn from Ali, I made an excuse to leave the museum before she can hear mine.  Our next stop was a completely different world - Covert Garden.

One bad news for shopping sprees in London: most shops close at 6pm even in the main shopping areas.  So, by the time we got there, we were only able to do window shopping.  I thought of taking Ali to Dr. Martin's main shop, a nicely decorated 3-storey outlet located in the heart of Covert Garden, near the MTR (or the tube) exit.  But same as other shops, it closed right in front of our face, how dare!  Luckily, we still managed to buy "something" to stock up our already packed luggage from a few hardworking stores, i.e. Warehouse, Benetton, Calvin Klein, Mark and Spencer...etc.

London is on sale everywhere this time of the year and we enjoyed every minute of our shopping, but not our legs!  Ali kept complaining about her rebellious legs, they behaved like a bad kid and never listen to you!

Later we had a so so dinner in a traditional Italian restaurant which served us so so meals and offered so so service.  Well, can't expect too much if you are not a resident.  At least we can travel on our own without the help of a tourist guide! be continued.

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