
PIXTURE STUDIO provides the high quality professional design and software development service for wide range of fields including but not limited to web site design, graphic design, icon design, Flash design, GUI design. We also provides consulting service mainly for the web sites that uses Drupal.

PIXTURE STUDIO is the original developer and maintainer of the following projects at drupal.org.

Hide's Classic Icons

This site is the home of the Hide's Icons. Hundreds of high quality pixel based icons are available for viewing and downloading for your personal use.

Here are some randomly picked icons from the Hide's classic icon sets. Visit Warehouse>Icons page for more icons.

Hide's Snack Icons
Hide's Snack Icons


PIXTURE STUDIO provides high quality professional design services of wide variety of area.

  • Graphic/Icon Design
  • Web Design
  • GUI Design
  • Flash Design
Followings are some of the graphics we have created in the past. Click to view it.

Original wallpaper distributed at PIXTURE STUDIO
Icons for GREE SNS
Top page graphics of the Honda Toy Town web site.
Splash screen of Performance Analyzer 4 - SQL DB optimization software
Graphics for the September Calender of Supaoman Comic
Original wallpaper distributed at PIXTURE STUDIO


Based on more than 20 years of software development experiences, PIXTURE STUDIO offers verious software development services incuding but not limited to:

  • Web frontend and backend program development using SQL database.
  • Application software development.
  • Theme and module/plugin development for Drupal and Wordpress
Supported platforms
  • Windows
  • Macintosh
  • Unix

Featured articles

AntiSpam module is a Drupal module that provides interface with external anti-spam services such as Akismet, TypePad AntiSpam, Defensio. This module is developed based on the Akismet module.

Pixture is the original theme for Drupal 5.x and 6.x.

Wabi is the original theme for Drupal 5.x and 6.x, developed from scratch.

Twilight is the original theme for Drupal 5.x and 6.x.

This is an original Drupal module that keep track of file download count.

This is a Drupal 5.x/6.x module that displays a worldclock to a block.

eztip is my first original jQuery plugin. It displays the specified contents as a tooptip when the mouse is moved over the predefined area.

This is an icon set for the replacement of the standard Drupal forum icons.

The actual size of icons are 24x24 dot (about 3/4 of the sample images below).

Blog Articles


Design Related Posts

This page explains the advanced usage of the eztip jQuery plugin.

This is the user guide of the eztip jQuery plugin eztip. We explain it using some examples.

Develop Related Posts

This article explains how to use TinyBrowser with BUEditor. We assume that you have already installed BUEditor to your Drupal.

Archive module is a popular module that adds monthly calendar block and pager to the blog and other contents types. We have added some original features and improvements to the Archive module.

This page explains about the troubleshooting of TinyBrowser module.

TinyBrowser module is a Drupal module which integrates TinyBrowser with TinyMCE or FCKeditor.

In this page, we explain how to use TinyBrowser step by step. TinyBrowser module is developed as an alternative to IMCE. Therefore, using TinyBrowser is basically same as using IMCE.

SEO Watcher is our original Drupal module that searches specified keywords with major search engines and checks the rank of your site and competitive sites once a day and creates the reports.

Introducing PIXTURE STUDIO original Drupal modules.
Some modules are distributed only at this site, not at the drupal.org.