About Me Member Vector Artist Roberlan Borges Paresqui32/Male/Brazil Group group avatar #PopArt-Group
DA's Largest Pop Art Family
Recent Activity Deviant for 7 Years
Needs Premium Membership
Statistics 543 Deviations
92,302 Pageviews


Devious Info

  • Interests: illustration, typography
  • Favourite style of art: Vector art
  • Personal Quote: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn
  • Tools of the Trade: Illustrator, Photoshop, Tablet, Mind

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My name is James and I am currently working on a project that we need a logo / concept art for.
We really like this logo design, among others, and would like to offer you the oppotunity to submit to us an original design for Brimst0ne Manor
Brimst0ne Manor is going to be Perth's leading World-Class Artist's retreat and Recording Studio. located in the heart of the outer southern suburbs of Perth, brimst0ne manor offers recording artists all the luxuries and necessities Perth has to offer.
What do YOU visualise when we say this? show us! that all we ask!
We will pick a favourite design, and that art will stand as a monument in Music.

thank you for your time

James Shenfield
Chairperson - Parker Street Project

++--<;Parker Street Project>--++

>uploading since '09
hi rob, thanks for your photo profile, I use your color for my photo profile too..

Signature for sell... :P
very very cool man :)

Vector Art & Typography
thank you so much... you are better..

Signature for sell... :P
nice works! love your gallery
Thank you :)

Vector Art & Typography
Thanks for the :+fav: :)

... Did I punish you for dreaming? ...
Thanks for the fav bro.

A goal without a plan is just a wish
Thanx 4 the fav
Espetacular trabalho, Roberlan! VocÍ est· de parabÈns.