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Monday September 20

Apple will sell the iPhone 4 in China on September 25

Apple on Sunday said it would begin selling the iPhone 4 in China on September 25 at 8:00 am. The iPhone 4 will be available through Apple retail stores, including the new store at Hong Kong Plaza in Shanghai and the new Apple Store Xidan Joy City. China Unicom retail stores will also carry the [...]

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BMW kickstarts iPad OEM accessories for cars

BMW has showcased its plans for iPad OEM accessories at the Paris motorshow, signalling that the device is set to supplant the traditional car-based DVD unit with flip down screen as the future of in-car entertainment. The iPad dock rotates from horizontal to vertical and looks to be seamlessly integrated with the front passenger headrest in the photos. Whether it is capable of charging the device on the go is unclear at this stage....

BMW - Makes and Models - Recreation -...

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TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 20...

Notable software releases this week include Dialectic 1.7, Transmit 4.1.1, MarsEdit 3.1, Savescreenie 2.0, and 1Password 3.4.1.


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ExtraBITS for 20 September 2010

Did Google pressure handset makers to use its own geolocation features? A lawsuit by Skyhook Wireless claims the Android platform isn't as open as Google says it is. If you're headed to the MacTech Conference in November, check out new sessions on virtualization and Apple Certification Exams. While there, you can carry your iPad (and everything else) in a Scottevest, and dream up clever effects like the 3D light painting achieved by Dentsu London. And take heart, our friends at the Joy of Tech have identified the 12 most annoying types of Twitter users. Lastly, an in-the-wild security exploit in Adobe Acrobat 9.3.4 can lead to arbitrary code execution in Windows, but the vulnerability is present in all platforms. If you're worried about malware and see this in time, you can get MacScan for free on 20 September 2010.


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Point an iPhone at the Sky, See Augmented Reality...


Plane Finder AR adds a layer of augmented reality to its previous (and free) Plane Finder app, now...

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A geek speaks about women in engineering

In many subtle and not-so-subtle ways, we send signals to girls at early ages that engineering is a male pursuit. It is time to turn the page on old clichés that have the power to stunt potential careers. Let's end the gender stereotypes that turn too many girls away from work they might find rewarding and enriching.

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New Apple iPad Due To Hit The Market In Q1 2011

Rumor has it an updated Apple iPad is due to hit the market by the end of Q1 2011 according to DigiTimes who has spoken to LCD suppliers in Taiwan.

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Sunday September 19

iPhone 4 to launch in China on Sept. 25

Apple is launching its iPhone 4 in China on Saturday, Sept. 25.


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Feature: An intro to 3D on the Mac, Part II:...

I'd like to apologize for the long wait for this final portion of our 3D on the Mac series. It's been a while since the first article in this two-part series came out and it's shocking how much can change in the span of a few months. The long-rumoured 64-bit Qt port of Maya for OS X is out, Pixologic released the fantastic ZBrush 4, Cinema 4D R12 and Houdini 11 added some sweet additions, and SIGGRAPH 2010 was enlightening with some ground-breaking changes to the world of 3D.


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First Tumblr, Now HuffPo - Newsweek Employees...

Today Howard Fineman, a reporter at Newsweek for 30 years, announced he's leaving the beleaguered weekly to become a senior editor at The Huffington Post.

Newsweek has been struggling financially and The Washington Post Company sold the magazine for a small fee and its debt in August. The buyer was Sidney Harman, a businessman and philanthropist.

But there has been an exodus of talent since the company changed hands. The editor in chief resigned, and reporters fled to Time, The National Journal, Yahoo! Finance and other ventures.

But some of Newsweek's old media veterans are finding a place in the new media world. Mark Coatney, a senior editor and manager of Newsweek's social media presence on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr, was one of Newsweek's more high-profile staffers to leave.

The Newsweek Tumblr was praised for its conversational tone and quickly gained a following. But Coatney left Newsweek around the time of the sale to take a...

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New Flip camcorders add smoother video, accessory...

Your new Flip camcorders improve the line's video-capture frame rate and add digital stabilization--and one model introduces a proprietary accessory port.


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Nuance releases Dragon Dictate for Mac 2.0

On Monday, Nuance released Dragon Dictate for Mac 2.0, the new and renamed version of the MacSpeech Dictate speech recognition program that lets you use voice commands to navigate your Mac’s interface and create documents.


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Cisco unveils Flips with 60FPS video; we review the...

Cisco tonight unveiled a new slate of Flip cameras that promise a major lift in video quality. The Flip Ultra HD 2 hour and both 1 hour (4GB) and 2 hour (8GB) versions of the Flip Mino HD now shoot 720p video at 60 frames per second, improving their ability to handle motion and the perceived clarity. A gyroscopic image stabilization system is also new and prevents many of the more sudden jitters common to a pocket camcorder....

Zune HD - Cisco Systems - Cisco -...

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China Mobile To Launch Search Engine in 2011

According to a Bloomberg report, China Mobile will launch an Internet search engine during 2011 in an effort to grow its data services business.

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Tech Executives Say the Darnedest Things

It's true. Executives do say some of the darnedest things.

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Apple to sell iPhone 4, open 2 stores in China on...

Apple tonight confirmed plans to launch the iPhone 4 in China and added the surprise of two new Chinese stores. The device will go on sale in the country on September 25 at 8AM local time. Official Apple stores will sell contract-free 16GB and 32GB models for 4,999 Renminbi ($743) and 5,999 Renminbi ($892); China Unicom will have it available on a two-year contract with prices to be revealed later....

IPhone - Apple - Smartphones -...

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iPhone launch in China gets official date of 9/25

In a Sunday press release, Apple announced an on-sale date for the iPhone 4 in China. Saturday, September 25, 8 am is when customers in the world's largest market can get their hands on the new phones; both the Apple Store Hong Kong Plaza in Shanghai and the Apple Store Xidan Joy City in Beijing will be carrying them, coinciding with the opening of the Bejing store.

China Unicom (the phone's domestic carrier) will also be selling them in retail stores. Just as in other countries, new purchases via China Unicom will require a two year service contract; however, the phone will also be available contract-free at the Apple stores.

Suggested retail price for the phone is...

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iPhone 4 to launch in China on Sept. 25, 2 new...

Apple announced Sunday that the iPhone 4 will be available in China starting Saturday, September 25 at 8 a.m. The launch will coincide with the openings of the Hong Kong Plaza Apple Store in Shanghai and the Xidan Joy City Apple Store in Beijing.

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Etc: The iPhone 4 will be making its debut in China...

The iPhone 4 will be making its debut in China on September 25, at both Apple and China Unicom retail stores.

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How to avoid getting scammed by social media

As people post more personal information about themselves on their social media profiles, scammers have more to work with. The U.S. Department of Justice reported total online fraud losses of almost $560 million in 2009, more than double the tally for 2008.

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Google Voice iPhone apps approved by Apple

Software accessing the Google Voice telephony service began appearing in the iPhone App Store on Sunday, reversing Apple's previous opposition to such applications.

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Fujifilm intros vintage-styled X100 pro compact

Fujifilm helped kick off the start of Photokina a day early by launching the FinePix X100. The 12.3-megapixel camera carries a 1950s metal-and-leather body but is targeted at pros who need a close-up camera or hobbyists who thrive on macro or near-macro shots. An APS-C sized CMOS sensor using Fujifilm's EXR technology gives it DSLR-level light sensitivity and is helped by a fixed-in-place but bright and fast 23mm f2 prime lens....

Shopping - Apple - IPhone -...

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iPad vs. netbook: direct cannibalization and...

Last week, pundits seized on a comment that Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn made to the Wall Street Journal, where he suggested that the iPad had significantly cannibalized the sales of laptops and netbooks by as much as 50 percent. Dunn isn't the first person this year to blame the netbook's decline on Apple. A Morgan Stanley analyst made the same case back in May, citing NPD numbers to argue that the mere announcement of the iPad had immediately gutted netbook sales.


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Talkcast reminder: Arr, 'tis 10pm ET tonight,...

Arr! 'Tis that time o' year again, when the calendar carved in the wall o' the brig shows that 'tis September 19 -- and sure 'tis Talk Like a Pirate Day, arr. Whether ye be landlubbers or the scourge of the Spanish Main, ye be welcome to join us live tonight on Talkshoe.

[koff koff] Enough of that for now. Tonight we'll be talking about the odd absence and sudden appearance of iPad refurbs on the market, the triumphant return of Google Voice apps to the App Store in the wake of the developer guidelines release, the best Mac apps for back to school (again!) and the mighty smackdown the iPad appears to be laying on the low end of the laptop market. Do swing on by!

To participate on TalkShoe, you can use the browser-only client, the embedded...

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Where's the beep in Apple Mail?

Grazing the Web over the last few days, I came upon a MacFixit piece on trying to get around the Apple mail sound bug. If you're a Mail user, there's a good chance you have run into it. Incoming mail fails to sound a beep, so you finally get a look at mail and see dozens of emails have come in while the Mac remains mute. I complained about this more than a year ago, but still nothing from Apple.

There have been dozens of articles talking about this, and the Apple support boards reflect a lot of users that are unhappy about the issue. I think the bug was introduced more than five years ago on OS X, and it remains...

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Google Voice returns to the iTunes App Store

In the wake of Apple's revised developer guidelines, Google Voice apps are now being accepted into the iTunes App Store.

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Rapid iOS app development with FormEntry

FormEntry Touch, a recent release from WidgetPress (makers of ModelBaker), makes setting up form-based systems on iPads and iPhones easier than ever. The universal app is static, in that it requires no coding; it reads forms from the application you build with FormEntry for Mac and runs on the FormEntry Server. Put it all together, and it looks like a pretty great setup for rapidly creating form-based applications that interact with a central database.

There are a lot of possibilities for something like this, across a variety of applications. You could build a menu and ordering system for a restaurant [or a wine list -Ed...

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MacUpdate bundle gets Toasty, TUAW readers can win

The MacUpdate Promo bundle is back again -- this edition features the marquee player of Roxio's Toast 10 Titanium, for all your CD and DVD burning needs. Blu-ray and HD capabilities, if you need them, require the separate US$19.95 plugin from Roxio, but that's still only $70 for all the mojo of an app that would normally run $130. Plus, the bundle includes other winners like MindNode Pro, ShareTool [TUAW review] and Voila. Total retail value of the apps: over $400.

There are two giveaway apps for the first 20K buyers (Vitamin-R and...

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Dialectic 1.7

Adds 64-bit compatibility, integration with new devices, and more. ($25 new, free update, 7.8 MB)


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iPanel will turn your iPad into a very expensive...

I've previously reviewed a couple of relatively inexpensive products to turn your iPhone into a universal remote. The RedEye and POWER A remotes are pretty cool, but the one thing that always sunk it for me was the lack of hard buttons. Plus, I'm always on the lookout for a decent contender on the iPad. [Note that we covered Savant Systems' iOS and Mac mini solutions for automation and AV several months back. -Ed.]

, maker of high-end AV and automation solutions for home and office/...

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Facebook: We Are Not Building a Phone

Facebook denied rumors that it is developing a mobile device.

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Busted: 5 Myths About Increasing & Decreasing...

Android regularly receives bad rep for its horrible battery life. With their heavy internal components and large self-illuminating displays, no Android smartphone that I know of lasts more than a day with power users.

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Max Fisher and the Rushmore Guide to Social Media

Rushmore is a classic comedy about love, rivalry, and… social media? Well, not exactly, but this film does offer some advice for the aspiring marketer without even intending to. By keeping in mind what Max Fischer learned about life through his escapades at Rushmore Academy, anyone with a passion for new media, viral content, and turning fans into customers can borrow from this young lad and implement a unique marketing strategy.

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Quantum Computing within Reach, Hold On To Your...

Unlike the "bit" we all know and love in current traditional computers, a qubit can not only represent either a 1 or 0 state but also a superposition of both the 1 and 0 state. How do you like them apples?

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Ex-Child Prostitute Sues Village Voice Over Sex Ads

A teenage child trafficking victim has filed a lawsuit against Village Voice Media for knowingly allowing her pimp to post ads for her 'services' on the popular She alleges that Voice knew that the photos being posted of her were illegal but 'failed to investigate for fear of what it would learn.'

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Facebook rumored making own phone [U]

(Updated with Facebook response, below) Facebook may be designing its own phone if a rumor emerging on Sunday is accurate. The project would follow the familiar strategy of contracting a company to build the hardware while Facebook works on the software. It would integrate the social network into the deepest levels of the phone, such as making a call to a Facebook friend rather than just a phone number, according to TechCrunch....

Facebook - Social network - Online Communities...

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Reviews: Flip Ultra HD 2010

Design and the new FlipPort

You'd be forgiven for thinking the Ultra HD has gone unchanged on the outside. In many ways, it has; it's largely the same design that has been serving the Flip line almost since it began. That's not entirely a bad thing; we like the soft-touch black finish on our model, and it feels inexpensive but well-made. The main change has been a ......

Apple - IPhone - Movies -...

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4chan to DDoS RIAA Next – Is This the Protest of the...

Over the last 36 hours or so, the ‘Anonymous’ masses and many unaffiliated sympathizers joined forces to attack the MPAA’s website. Continuing with ‘Operation Payback’, today an attack will be launched on the RIAA.

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TUAW earphone throwdown: Altec Lansing Muzx Ultra vs...

When it comes to listening to music, watching movies on the run, or even making phone calls, the earphones you use on your iDevice make a difference. Apple's iconic white earbuds are everywhere, and the inline remote control and mic can be used on every iPhone, iPod, and iPad to some extent, although the lower-end iPods logically can't use the mic.

For audiophile Apple fans, those white earbuds just don't cut it, so a number of manufacturers have come out with high-end earphones. As fate would have it, two of those earphones -- the Altec Lansing Muzx Ultra (US$99.95) and Scosche IDR655m ($99.99) both arrived at my door about the same time. When I have competing reviews to do, I go the lazy route and force the entries to face off in a TUAW throwdown. Click...

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29 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have...

Were back with a cause-themed weekend roundup in anticipation of the Mashable Social Good Summit this Monday, September 20.Below youll find a section dedicated to our recent slew of Social Good resources including apps, trends, and several surveys of modern fundraising. Weve also got all the classics in our Social Media section with resources on how Digg can survive, details on fashion week, and the future of social media journalism. Tech & Mobile has iPad apps for Twitter power users, and some guides on Internet Explorer 9. Finally, Business reveals details on popular startups, how to pick a great office location, and how to hire a designer.Looking for even more social media resources? This guide appears every weekend, and you can check out all the lists-gone-by here any time.Social GoodOur social good posts are brought to you this week by the Mashable Social Good Summit, being held Monday, September 20 at the 92Y in New York City. Tickets on sale now at [link to ticket page...

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Sony Move officially on sale today, but retailers...

According to Sony, the Move motion controller system goes on sale Sunday, but pre-orders are already arriving and some retailers are selling it now.

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Whitespace broadband trials begin, FCC prepares for...

The rules governing whitespace broadband will be decided by the Federal Communications Commission on September 23rd. While the FCC makes this decision, the big players in the technology world are tripping over themselves as they begin large-scale trials of this new form of wireless broadband.

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Top New Features in IE9

Internet Explorer 9, currently in development, will have complete or nearly complete support for all CSS 3 selectors, border-radius CSS 3 property, faster JavaScript, embedded ICC v2 or v4 color profiles

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Motive Industries Reveals Design For HEMP-Bodied...

Sit back, relax, and take in the official design and specifications for the Kestrel, the hemp-bodied EV engineered by Canadian firm Motive Industries. We looked at the benefits of the environmentally friendly hemp construction last month, an avenue Lotus have also explored with their 2008 Eco Elise...

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Twitter creator's quest: Bring order to the...

During the late 1980s, an introverted young teenager named Jack Dorsey sat for countless hours at his father's desk, in a small city outside of St. Louis, teaching himself to program on an early IBM personal computer. The boy who would one day invent Twitter was attempting to build a living map of New York.

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Nano-Vehicle acts as cluster bomb for tumors

Chemotherapy, while an effective cancer treatment, also brings debilitating side effects such as nausea, liver toxicity, and a battered immune system. Now, a new way to deliver this life-saving therapy to cancer patients -- getting it straight to the source of the disease -- has been developed by Dan ...

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Is there still color when it's completely 100%...

Take a look at a new installation from Jen Stark at the Carol Jazzar Gallery; a collection of inspiring of patterns and textures randomly emailed to the editors of by Alessandro Loschiavo Design; we find the answer to getting color back on iTunes 1; and we look into a thread on which ask the question, "Is there still color when it's completely 100% dark?

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Facebook Is Secretly Building A Phone

Facebook is building a mobile phone, says a source who has knowledge of the project. Or rather, they're building the software for the phone and working with a third party to actually build the hardware. Which is exactly what Apple and everyone else does, too.

It was a little less than a year ago that we broke the news that Google was working on a phone of it's own - which was eventually revealed as the Nexus One. It was about that time, says out source, that Facebook first became concerned about the increasing power of the iPhone and Android platforms. And that awesome Facebook apps for those phones may not be enough to counter a long term competitive threat.

Specifically, Facebook wants to integrate deeply into the contacts list and other core functions of the phone. It can only do that if it controls the operating system.

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Saturday September 18

Intel tests charging $50 to enable existing CPU...

Intel has quietly begun a trial program, Intel Upgrade Service, that charges customers to unlock the full performance of a chip. Certain PCs, such as Gateway's SX2841-09e, are running an artificially limited Pentium G6951 processor and asked to buy a $50 Processor Performance Upgrade Card to get the built-in feature set. Installing a Windows app switches on Hyperthreading, giving the system support for up to four program threads, and reenables another 1MB of Level 3 cache....

Central processing unit - Processor -...

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Avatar Director Plans to Shoot Sequel 6.8 Miles...

Did you think Avatar was as technically ambitious a production as a director can imagine? Well, think again. James Cameron wants to travel 6.8 miles beneath the surface of the ocean to shoot footage for the Avatar sequel and win a $10 million X-Prize at the same time.The X-Prize is an award given to pioneers in privately funded science and exploration. It was previously given to the first team to build a privately funded, manned spacecraft and launch it out of Earths atmosphere. Now its going to the first private crew to make two manned dives to Challenger Deep, the deepest surveyed point in all of Earths oceans.Winning the X-Prize will just be a bonus for Cameron in his quest to the bottom of the sea; The Daily Mail reports that the sequel to Avatar will be set in the oceans of Pandora, the planet portrayed in the first film, and Cameron will shoot some scenes with the submarine hes building in 3D of course.Few filmmakers can pitch something like that to their financiers with a...

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Against all odds, Flickr's 5 billionth upload...

Flickr’s 5 billionth photo, uploaded by user Aaron Yeo – a view of the Woodward’s building in Vancouver, Canada.

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How to deter people from stealing your iPod

Because who wants a walkman these days?

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HTC Desire HD benchmarks beat Froyo N1, ROM ported...

The HTC Desire HD has been benchmarked and it's much faster than a Nexus One running Android 2.2 Froyo. And, the ROM has been ported to the HTC HD2!

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Nokia's new hire rags on Apple, Motorola UI...

Nokia's new MeeGo user experience leader Peter Skillman in an interview on Friday criticized both Apple and Motorola in equal measure for interface design choices. He didn't give a full critique of the iPhone to ZURB but said iOS was inconsistent in how users navigate the interface. The former Palm Pre creator embraced Apple-like design philosophy but argued that the iPhone broke the metaphors it wanted to create by forcing users into a different control method to start a new app....

Nokia - Apple - ...

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Can Digg Find Its Way in the Crowd?

A redesign is part of the Web site’s plan to regain momentum as it has lost ground in a crowded field that includes Facebook and Twitter.

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Have some Black Walnut with your Apple Wireless...

Personally, I consider Apple's Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard to be one of the sexiest input devices around. I've even replaced my Logitech DiNovo Edge (you may recall seeing it before) with one. Now, Combine Collective has upped the ante with a peripheral for your peripheral, which -- in the right surroundings -- is guaranteed to make this classy keyboard even classier.

These carved Black Walnut keyboard trays come in three flavors, each holding a different combination of wireless devices. The largest holds your Apple Wireless Keyboard, Apple Remote, and Magic Trackpad, all...

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4chan Users Crash MPAA Website in Pro-Piracy Protest

The 4chan user group Anonymous executed attacks this morning that crashed the websites run by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and Indian tech firm Aiplex Software. The attacks were made in response to anti-piracy measures taken by both organizations.4chan users (particularly Anonymous) have been responsible for several attacks against other sites in the past, including Gawker, YouTube and Twitter. This time around, they used Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which overwhelm websites with a flurry of requests that would be harmless if they were coming in reasonable numbers or from just one source.The attacks were made by at least hundreds (and possibly thousands) or users at once, most of them using a simple application called Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) if that doesnt tell you how geeky this crowd is, were not sure what will.Aiplex was the first target. The managing director admitted a couple of weeks ago that the company uses DDoS attacks of its own...

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Week in Apple: OS X beta anniversary, nano review,...

This week's top Apple news covered all corners of the Apple universe, from nostalgia about the decade-old Mac OS X public beta and five years of iPod nano reviews to rumors about the next iPhone and Apple TV. We also looked at the latest iPod nano and analyzed Apple's HDR photography feature in iOS. Read on for the bite-sized roundup:

Ars reviews the 6th-generation iPod nano: all screen, all the time: The sixth-generation iPod nano is unlike any other iPod nano Apple has ever sold. The device now has a touchscreen and its interface looks a lot like iOS, but it's really more of a mishmash between the iPod shuffle and the iPod touch. Ars gives it the once-over.


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GV Mobile+ for Google Voice on the iPhone released

GV Mobile + has returned to the App Store. If you live in the USA and therefore have access to Google Voice, grab a copy of GV Mobile + for $3 and celebrate the return of arguably the best Google Voice app for the iPhone. (We also reported that another app by the name of GV Connect is available for the same price. The biggest initial difference is that GV Mobile has been well-known and developed for several years.)

The original app, GV Mobile, had to be renamed to GV Mobile + because Sean Kovacs, the developer, deleted it once it was removed from the App Store, and wasn't able to reclaim the name. That means that even if you owned GV Mobile you'll still have to pay for GV Mobile +.

Yes, that's frustrating, but let's keep things in...

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Apple planning standalone digital newsstand app for...

Apple is rumored to be creating a new digital storefront for newspapers and magazines that, like iBooks does for print books, will serve as a standalone iPad app for purchasing repurposed print content.

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Netbook Vs Tablet - Which one is better? | New Gadget

Apple's iPad which was released earlier this year is one of the best selling gadgets of 2010. Prior to the release of iPad, people had their interest in netbooks, but it seems that they are losing their interest now.

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Tonight is International Observe the Moon Night so...

Tonight is the first-ever International Observe the Moon Night. If you have an iOS device, you can get even more out of observing our nearest neighbor and learning about what its made of, how it came to be, and how to observe it.

Free apps like Moon Globe will allow you to explore the lunar service in detail tonight, or any night. If you're a social, rather than a solitary backyard astronomer, then here's a map to help you find local public observing groups all over the world. Expect to find some telescopes to get you a live close-up view.

Since you'll already be outside, don't forget some of the great astronomy apps that help orient you to the visible planets and constellations. I like Star Walk,...

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Nokia N8 Films ‘Dot’ – the World’s Smallest Stop-...

Nokia has been really pushing its marketing campaign for the N8 with tons of videos – both about the device and videos shot with the device. This time, Nokia, with the help of some friends, has filmed “Dot.” It’s a cute little stop motion film about a really minuscule character.

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Google, Apple and Others Accused of 'No...

lightbox32 writes "According to the Wall Street Journal, several of the US's largest technology companies, which include Google, Apple, Intel, Adobe, Intuit and Pixar Animation, are in the final stages of negotiations with the Justice Department to avoid a court battle over whether they colluded to hold down wages by agreeing not to poach each other's employees. 'The Justice Department would have to convince a court not just that such accords existed, but that workers had suffered significant harm as a result. The companies may not want to take a chance in court. If the government wins, it could open the floodgates for private claimants, even a class action by employees. A settlement would allow the Justice Department to halt the practice, without the companies having to admit to any legal violations.'"


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Mac developers: 360|MacDev conference scheduled for...

360|Conferences, the company that hosts the popular 360|iDev iOS development conferences, is now reaching out to the Mac development world. They're launching a new conference, 360|MacDev, and the premiere event will be held December 10th and 11th in Denver, Colorado.

360|Conferences felt that it was important to get into the Mac development conference gig, since the C4 conference has been terminated and WWDC not only sells out quickly, but seems to be focusing more and more on iOS development. They're starting small and short with this event, so if you're interested in attending you'll want to get registered soon. A deal for early bird...

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The Most Powerful Colors on the Web [Infographic]

Take a look at the colors in the brands from the top 100 sites in the world to see if we could paint a more colorful picture.

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Best Buy: reports of the iPad cannibalizing notebook...

Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn backpedaled on his statement that the iPad had cannibalized sales from laptop PCs.

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More iPad newsstand: background downloads, may hit...

Apple's rumored iPad news service has garnered more details slip late Friday. The magazine and newspaper service would be distinct from the App Store and similar to but not necessarily a part of iBooks. The company is also said by Bloomberg to be talking to at least four major publishers, including Conde Nast, Hearst, News Corp. and Time Warner....

Apple - ibook - Video game - IPad -...

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iBooks love: free e-books worth reading

The National Association of Scholars just published a list of brain-challenging books that they recommend for college reading programs, but which should be of interest to any passionate adult-level reader. These books were selected for presenting important, well-argued ideas with a level of complexity that stretches the mind -- basically they function as upgraded "beach reading" for the scholarly set.

Many of these titles are freely downloadable in ePub format and can be synced to iBooks for your portable reading pleasure. Here's a quick run-down of some of the recommended books, along with quick links to iBooks-compatible downloads.

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10 Unique Apple iPad Case Designs

iPad is a beautiful product. You must have notice iPad as watching movies, reading e-books, or browsing internet. We need to protect the fashionable iPad Product. In this regard, we can use varieties of modern and traditional covers designs.

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Android apps on the Galaxy Tab may be 'a little...

While all four major U.S. carriers will sell the Samsung Galaxy Tab running Froyo this fall, a Google executive already has said it won't work well with Android Market apps.


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Apple, others talking to DoJ about anti-poaching...

Apple, Google, Pixar, Intel, and a few other companies are currently in talks with the Department of Justice about an alleged anti-poaching agreement, according to sources speaking to the Wall Street Journal. The government is considering accusing the companies of agreeing to not hire each others' employees for a certain period of time. If, as a law professor tells the Journal, the government finds that these companies are actually agreeing to not poach, then employees could be hurt by not having access to the best deal available.

For their part, the companies are reportedly arguing that non-poaching agreements are a requirement, especially when companies are so closely collaborating on various technologies and standards. Apple and Google, for...

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Celebrate 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' with...

Appigo is honoring this year's International Talk Like a Pirate Day by offering a new pirate theme for its Todo for iPad app.


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How to replace iTunes 10's grey with eye-...

Several iTunes 10 users were less than thrilled with the new all-grey UI theme. I've gotten used to it, but I agree it was a bit prettier with the color icons in the sidebar. Here's how you can replace the grey entirely with an eye-popping, high-contrast black and white.

First, quit iTunes. Then open up Terminal and enter the following:

defaults write high-contrast-mode-enable -bool TRUE
Re-launch and pow! You'll be presented with the UI depicted above. It's definitely legible, and Macworld suggests that it looks best in List View. They also explain how to switch back.

We don't know if the stark theme is better, but it is different.


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The Macalope Weekly: The iPhone's a good cop!

Forget Android vs. iPhone; the real enemy is the carriers. Plus, Consumer Reports wants the iPhone 4's gun and badge, and Microsoft has a bridge, er, tablet they'd like to sell you. Some day.


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20 World’s Coolest PC Designs (info/pics)

Design-focused PC makers are launching laptops, netbooks, and displays and upgrading some existing models. Here, check out 20 of the coolest new designs, from pricey to more affordable.

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In Shock Move, Google Starts Advertising On Facebook

We all know about the impending social war that is brewing up between Facebook and Google but today it has taken an interesting turn with Google starting to pay Facebook for advertising space on their platform to advertise their browser Google Chrome.
Its clear that Google are on a massive push to acquire users for its browser in its battle with Firefox, Safari and IE and although I have seen adverts for Chrome in all sorts of innovative places the last place in the world I expected to see them was on Facebook. I wonder how Microsoft (an investor in Facebook with a strategic partnership) feels about these ads given they would be one of the main competitors in the browser wars.
Id have to think that this is a bit of a PR blunder from Google and Im also surprised that the ads were approved by Facebook but I guess the only way of looking at it is that Facebook reckons Googles money is any good as anybodies. I guess the logic from Googles point of view is that they want to...

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First Factory-Built Fisker Karma Hybrid to be...

Fisker Automotive is clearly hoping its Karma the sexiest plug-in hybrid to hit the market when they unveil first factory-built car at the Paris Motor Show next month.

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Mobile marketer sues T-Mobile for blocking texts

Mobile marketer EZ Texting has filed a lawsuit against T-Mobile USA, after it began blocking its subscribers from exchanging texts with EZ Texting customers.


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Dear Aunt TUAW: Help me accessorize my iPod nano on...

Dear Aunt TUAW,

I bought a brand new multitouch nano, and now I want to accessorize it. But money is tight, and I don't have a lot to spend. I don't really care about "pretty," but I'd like to see what kind of functionality I can get (accessory-wise) on the cheap.

Can you recommend any really affordable add-on accessories for my new little pal?

Thanks a lot in advance,

Your nephew Stephano J.

TUAWDear Aunt TUAW: Help me accessorize my iPod nano on the cheap originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 18 Sep 2010 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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25 Highly Useful jQuery Cheat Sheets For Web...

Get 25 Highly Useful jQuery Cheat Sheets For Web Developers to do the work effectively which is generally hard to manage by most of the people.

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20 High Quality Paper Textures For Free Download

Best free High res paper textures to make your design more attractive and appealing. Stay tuned in the future for more awesome free textures of different styles.

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Kensington intros Bluetooth Keyboard Case for iPad

Kensington has demoed its upcoming Bluetooth Keyboard Case for the Apple iPad. The keyboard is built into the case, much like the Sena Bluetooth Keyboard case, which effectively turns the iPad into a touch screen netbook. Short cuts to iPad functions such as the homescreen button and media playback functions are included on the keyboard. To power the keyboard, the case integrates a built-in lithium-ion battery that is claimed to last up to three months on a single charge....

Bluetooth - Wireless -...

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MacFlatplan graphs magazine's assembly,...

Developer Heikki Ohvo has announced MacFlatplan 1.0 for Mac OS X. The software maps out publications, especially geared to magazines. MacFlatplan offers a color-coded map of all the pages of a publication, providing an overview of the relative location, page number, and category of content. Options include page sizing and color-coding quarters, halves or full pages. The software can be used to track progress of pages as they are assembled and go to print....

Apple - IPhone - Motorola -...

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The 8 Best Places to Live For Fast Internet

The average Internet connection speed in the world is just 2 mbps, a speed that may sound good until you find out that other internet users are connecting at thirty times that speed and paying only pennies for the privilege.

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Friday September 17

Best Buy CEO backpedals on iPad cannibalization...

Brian Dunn, CEO of Best Buy, issued a statement Friday clarifying his earlier comment that the iPad had cannibalized sales of some notebook and netbook models by as much as 50 percent.

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10 Amazing Facebook Applications That Make Fun on...

Facebook is one of the most visiting social networking in internet. Facebook is not only use for chatting with your friends. It is a platform for making promotion, campaigning, online ad, services, development and sharing ideas. Developers Collaboration with Facebook network and make a very useful application for Facebook users.

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I've Lost Count Of The Excuses Apple Can Use To...


I've only skimmed Apple's App Review Guidelines, but I'm pretty sure that Moral Decay isn't exactly designed in accordance to them. But who knows, maybe Apple will approve an iPhone game that involves Jesus Chris T...

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Top 10 Reasons (by Verizon) You Need A Samsung...

As the official release of the Samsung Galaxy Tab nears, expect more of this right here: Why you need this from us, and not the other carriers. Verizon looks to be the first carrier to give potential customers the rundown of what the Galaxy Tab will offer.

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Microsoft manager claims Kinect will "blow away...

Citing strong pre-orders and a seasonal holiday lift, the spokesman for Microsoft's Kinect, a motion-tracking camera accessory for the Xbox 360, said the device would easily outsell the iPad.

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CNET TV Apple Byte: iOS 4.2 sneak peak

CNET TV's Brian Tong takes a look at the latest in Apple news, rumors, and tips. This week, Brian checks out iPad rumors, the App of the week, and a bizarre story about Steve Jobs sneaking ninja stars onto his plane. Brian also gives us a sneak peak at iOS 4.2 beta for developers, including multitasking, AirPrint, Game Center, folders, and AirPlay.

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iPhone 4 cases: Kickstands and batteries included

This week has seen no shortage of new iPhone cases from myriad companies. Here's a brief look at these newcomers.


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10 Coolest Mac OS X Apps You Might Not Know About

There are many Mac OS X apps out there, but getting by free and good ones is not that easy. That is why I am sharing The10 Coolest Mac OS X Apps You Might Not Know About (But Should). Read each entry in the list and see which tool suits your needs best.

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Yahoo says Apple’s iAd will fail, but they buy them

Remember earlier this week when Yahoo CEO took a shot at Apple and its iAds? She really should have checked her backyard before spewing. In an interview with Reuters, Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz commented on Apple’s iAd service. “That’s going to fall apart for them,” Bartz said about Apple’s iAd service. “Advertisers are not going [...]

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Let Them Eat Cake... Macbook Cake [Delicious]


Someone named Shelby got a totally awesome Macbook birthday cake. I wonder if a real one popped up out of the middle, like one of those bachelor party strippers. Oh no, they messed up the QWERTY keyboard lettering. More »

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First Google Voice App Hits the App Store

silverpig writes "The first Google Voice app has hit the app store, and it's called GV Connect. Providing a front end to the Google Voice service, GV Connect allows users of devices running Apple iOS platform to have a native app with which to interact with Google Voice. What will be interesting to note is the order that these apps are approved in. I know Sean Kovacs was first out with GV Mobile back before Apple banned Google Voice, and while he is in the approval pipeline, this other app has some first mover advantage. I wonder what it means when Google gets their app officially approved, as surely it'll be free."


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Keep your CPU under control with App Tamer

It's been a little while since we've heard from St. Clair Software, makers of the well-known system utility, Default Folder X (which we've covered before). You may recall that we caught up with St. Clair Software developer Jon Gotow at WWDC '09. Well, he's got something new to announce today: App Tamer, a system utility for keeping CPU-intensive applications under control.

App Tamer is similar to some other utilities, in that it allows you to "freeze" selected applications so that they use up zero CPU time, leaving more processing power for other applications. What makes App Tamer special is AutoStop, which pauses and unpauses frozen...

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Steve Jobs engaging in e-mail argument with college...

A Long Island University student, going by the name of Chelsea Kate Isaacs, allegedly received several argumentative e-mails from Steve Jobs after she criticized the company's Media Relations Department, according to correspondence posted on Gawker. The student claims to have repeatedly called the PR department asking for a quote regarding iPad use in academic settings, but the company representatives allegedly did not bother to respond....

Steve Jobs - Apple - Pioneers -...

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Queues form as Apple launches iPad in China

Hundreds queued on Friday morning as Apple's best selling iPad tablet device officially went on sale in China.


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This Week's Best Apps [Apps]


In this week's rip roarin' round up: Windows, on your iDevice; stop motion animations, created; frogs, cared for; Sims, following their dreams; cooking, made almost easy enough for me to do; Google Voice, on your iPhone, and much more! More »

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Introducing the App Hall of Fame!
App discoverability continues to be a real issue. With the fast churn of apps in the App Store, an app has only a few weeks of promotional life in it before it‚Äôs largely forgotten. There are a few things developers can do to fix that, but those... | Read more »
Gobliiins Are Coming
In the midst of the huge Q4 launch schedule, the cult classic, Gobliiins, as well as the rest of the trilogy, are being ported to the iPhone in all of their original glory. The Goblins trilogy was a quirky Atari/Amiga game series from the early 90‚Äôs... | Read more »
myPhoneDesktop – Chrome to iPhone Extens...
Anyone who has used myPhoneDesktop knows that it is a fantastic tool for streamlining your onscreen workflow. Instead of having to type line after line into your phone directly, you can use myPhoneDesktop to type from your computer directly into... | Read more »
Classes Review
Developer: Dustlab Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 2.4.7 iPhone Integration Rating: 3 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 3.33 out of 5 stars | Read more »
AutoVerbal Talking Soundboard Pro helps...
Being able to speak and communicate with others is something that many of us take for granted. It‚Äôs not so easy for many folks though, in particular for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, as well as those who have suffered various brain... | Read more »
Pocketbooth Review
Developer: Project Box Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 1.0 iPhone Integration Rating: 4 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 4.17 out of 5 stars | Read more »
Get Your Roast Right With ‘Time To Roast...
Roasting meat, in the cooking world, is about as simple as it gets. The greatest roast recipe I‚Äôve ever found is from Michael Ruhlman‚Äôs website, with the recipe titled, ‚ÄúThe World‚Äôs Most Difficult Roasted Chicken Recipe.‚Äù | Read more »

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