Drink from the Firehose...

Drink from the Firehose...

Tuesday August 31

I've had a vision and I can't shake it:...

I was woken in the middle of the night by this(along with the sound of my cat getting ready to pee on the rug). Think about it. It'll be just like Colbert's mockery of GW Bush at the 2006 White House Correspondent's Dinner, but 500,000 people will be able to participate with him. We'll all stay totally in character as teabaggers. The kid with the microphone that interviews all the idiots at these things can come by and we'll ramble into his microphone. This would be the high water mark of American satire. Half a million people pretending to suspend all rational thought in unison. Perfect harmony. It'll feel like San Francisco in the late 60s, only we won't be able to get any acid. I know you're out there somewhere, Stephen, watching LOLcat gifs along side us. We need you. There's no way to have a logical public discussion with the teabaggers. The best we can do is to mimic them. Show them a mirror and hopefully some will realize how ridiculous they actually are... Or maybe they won...

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Rumor: Apple May Extend iTunes Song Sample Length on...

The list of announcements rumored for Apple’s September 1 media event continues to grow, and the latest claims iTunes Store shoppers will finally get to hear longer song samples ahead of their purchases. The news comes from unnamed sources that apparently are privy to the information.


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Teabaggers revealing their crazyness again at...

submitted by CalebTheWinner to politics [link] [139 comments]

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This is a new low. . .

submitted by Upliftingmofo to pics [link] [190 comments]

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Product News: AutoCAD Coming to the Mac, iPhone and...

The 3D architecture and design application AutoCAD, long missing from the Mac platform, is finally making its comeback. Autodesk plans to release a Mac OS X version in October, and versions for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch are in the works, too.


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As a black man, it bothers me when white people...

submitted by ruledindexcards to AskReddit [link] [153 comments]

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Atomic get a sneak peek at an almost complete Black...

submitted by TickyDraconia to gaming [link] [37 comments]

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[img] This is how Western Europe sees the Tea Baggers

submitted by fencesitter to politics [link] [44 comments]

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Shrunken superpower: The US appears diminished after...

submitted by andrewinmelbourne to worldnews [link] [8 comments]

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BREAKING The bloodiest fist of one of the biggest...

submitted by memop3 to worldnews [link] [35 comments]

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Philips GoGear Connect is an Android-based iPod...

For all its success, the iPod touch has few dedicated media player competitors capable of matching its big-touchscreen, WiFi, and voluminous app store. Until today. Philips just went official with its GoGear Connect featuring the full suite of Google Mobile applications pre-installed and access to the Android Market. Spec-wize we're looking at a 3.2-inch display, WiFi, sound isolating earphones, built-in camera, and microSD slot. Sorry, not mention of the Android OS version. Syncing your music is done over Bluetooth or a USB tether to your PC with a Philips Songbird software assist. The MP4 player also supports Maps and location-based services -- presumably accomplished by some kind of Skyhook service and not via a GPS radio (though the Philips post is tagged with "GPS"). Look for the GoGear Connect to land in Western Europe, China, and yes, the US, starting in late October with the price pegged at 249 (about $315) for the 16GB model.Philips GoGear Connect is an Android-based iPod...

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Monday August 30

OK. Enough is enough. Keep the digg news in /r/digg...

submitted by Lostinservice to reddit.com [link] [35 comments]

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Et tu, Israel? "A singer who performed in front...

submitted by Upscale_Dirigible to worldnews [link] [25 comments]

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An Old Digg User Returns After Being Gone for a Week...

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Gmail's "Priority Inbox" sorts...

You know the feeling: opening up your e-mail to find hundreds of messages of varying importance. Some are automated reminders from your favorite sites, some are newsletters you have subscribed to, some are actually from real people trying to contact you, and so on. Separating the wheat from the chaff can be overwhelming much of the time, and even the most carefully crafted filters don't keep up with the ever-changing nature of what's important to you.

Google is hoping to address that problem with a new feature in Gmail called Priority Inbox. Aimed at providing users a way to get through their inboxes as efficiently as possible, Priority Inbox tries to learn your e-mail habits in order to decide which messages are important to you, and move them up to the top where you can see them first.

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The Rise of the Anti-Facebooks

Facebook is dominating social media in almost every country where it hasn't been banned, and the six-year old site shows no signs of slowing down. It's creeping across generations, replacing things like the phone book and introducing tools the masses had no idea they needed. It's also indoctrinating the world into adopting the Mark Zuckerberg Values of "openness," "sharing" and "living your whole life on the Internet."

Those values have lead to a cultural movement. But here comes the resistance: a wave of social networking sites that define themselves in opposition to Facebook.

Privacy Fiends

The most prominent example is Diaspora, the distributed, open-source social network all about privacy and control of your data. Diaspora doesn't cite Facebook by name on its Kickstarter page, where its four founders raised 20 times more money than they asked for. But its founders do refer to "large corporate networks who want to tell you that sharing and...

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Best. Script. Ever.

submitted by Lonadar to funny [link] [25 comments]

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English Motherfucker, How to Speak It

submitted by EthicalReasoning to funny [link] [36 comments]

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Roku cuts price ahead of possible $99 Apple TV...

Roku announced today that it is dropping the prices of its line-up of set-top boxes. The pricing changes come just days before Apple is rumored to be unveiling a major revision to its Apple TV set-top box based on streaming content.

Roku currently sells three models of its digital video player: the basic Roku SD, the mid-range Roku HD, and the top-end Roku XR. The Roku SD is now priced $20 less at $59.99, and the Roku HD and Roku XR are priced $30 less at $69.99 and $99.99 respectively.

The Roku SD only streams in standard definition and is limited to analog output. The Roku HD is the original device, and includes both analog as well as HDMI and digital audio output for streaming up to 720p content. The Roku XR adds 802.11n WiFi and a USB port, and will be able to output 1080p with a firmware update scheduled for later this year. The company noted that most content providers will still be streaming at 720p, but the increased resolution should come in handy for a new...

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Tech News Today 64: Side Effects May Include Death

We get jet packs, Digg gets punked, and your house is in a movie.
Download or subscribe to this show at http://twit.tv/tnt.
We invite you to read, add to, and amend our show notes at wiki.twit.tv.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Darren Kitchen, and Erik Lanigan

Running time:

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iMovie '09: Importing AVCHD clips from some...

Some camcorders that record multiple formats require extra steps to import both formats into iMovie ’09. If you have recorded both AVCHD and MP4 (or iFrame) formats with certain camcorders, iMovie will only recognize the MP4/iFrame video clips in its 'Import' window.

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Own your gaming console: iFixit now offers tools,...

Your gaming hardware is expensive, used often, and there is no easy way to crack it open if something goes wrong. "The game console industry is hostile to consumers: goliath manufacturers have shipped hundreds of millions of units to consumers with no information on how to maintain or repair them," the folks behind the website iFixit claim. "Console owners are left with few options when their warranties expire, causing many to throw away broken units."

So iFixit has decided to push into a largely untapped market: gamers who want to open their systems, work on the innards, and keep them alive. It's a combination of information and products, mixing how-to manuals with specialized tools and replacement parts. (If you're dealing with PS2 disc read errors, Ars has you covered.)

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Twitter Moves to OAuth: The OAuthcalypse Is Nigh

Twitter is killing support for basic user authentication in third-party apps on Tuesday morning. Instead, Twitter will now require all third-party app developers to use OAuth for user authentication.

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News: Apple Looks for Marketing Manager for...

Apple is looking for a marketing manager for its iBookstore. In a new job posting on the Apple’s Web site, the company said it is looking for a marketing manager who can both build awareness and sales as well as build relationships with publishers.


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Robotic Yale Aerial Manipulator grabs a can of...

There's plenty of UAVs out there capable of dropping things, but comparatively fewer that are able to pick things up. Some researchers at Yale University doing their part to change that, however, and have recently shown off their so-called Yale Aerial Manipulator; a UAV with a robotic hand. While that may not exactly sound like much, the four-fingered hand is able to "autonomously" grab objects that weigh up to two kilograms while the UAV is in flight, and the helicopter itself is able to reach a top speed of 120 kilometers per hour. That, the researchers say, could let the UAV pick up bombs or packages in difficult to reach areas, or even simply be used to make deliveries in urban areas -- like that can of Guinness you've been craving, for instance. Head on past the break to check it out in action.Continue reading Robotic Yale Aerial Manipulator grabs a can of GuinnessRobotic Yale Aerial Manipulator grabs a can of Guinness originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 30 Aug 2010 18:29:...

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Chrome 7 shows off hardware acceleration, "...

Google's Chrome web browser will soon gain hardware-accelerated graphicsthe latest trend for web browsers that has already shown up in early builds of Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox 4.
Hardware acceleration allows the browser to offload intensive tasks like image scaling, rendering complex text or displaying scripted animations to your PC's graphics card. It has the benefit of freeing up the PC's main processor and speeding up page load times.

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Turn that frown upside down! [SA]

submitted by YuriBotWar to pics [link] [55 comments]

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Putin on a Ritz 2.0 (pic)

submitted by EthicalReasoning to pics [link] [44 comments]

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Mac Geek Gab Podcast: MGG 283: iPhoto, Spotlight,...

This episode’s topics discussed — and solved! — include iPhoto library management and troubleshooting, getting Spotlight to index again, discussing how much swap is too much, and more. John and Dave dig into all this and more in a way that not only solves your problems, but helps you to understand the solution and why it works. Listen today and enjoy!


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Product News: Amido Releases Seline HD, an iPad...

Amido announced Monday the release of Seline HD, an app that turns your iPad into a musical instrument. The app uses a playing surface called ioGrid designed with the iPad in mind, and the sound engine has the ability to modify sounds on the fly.


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Custom Droid X ROMs starting to break loose, eFuse...

Despite Motorola's best intentions to the contrary, the Droid X has been making steady progress toward viable custom ROMs, first with root access, then with a recovery method... and now, at long last, we're starting to get the first few glimpses at legit cooked firmware. The two options we're seeing so far are Sapphire -- originally designed for the Droid of old -- and a so-called "FlyX" ROM from longtime contributor Birdman. In both cases, the benefits of eschewing Motorola's standard builds are pretty obvious: you get Froyo, root, and a host of apps and capabilities preferred by the superuser crowd like surcharge-free mobile hotspot access. The process is a little involved to get these bad boys installed at this point, but with time, we're willing to bet it becomes a pretty painless endeavor. Follow the break for a quick video of Sapphire booting into stock Froyo on the X -- a tantalizing sight, indeed.

[Thanks, Clift]Continue reading Custom Droid X ROMs starting to break...

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Jensen intros JiPS-250i dock for iPad, iPod, iPhone

Jensen has introduced its new JiPS-250i Docking Station for the iPad, iPod, and iPhone. Compatible with Apple’s smaller devices but designed for the iPad, the 250i features a rotating, adjustable dock, an auxiliary input, two built-in speakers, video line-out, an included remote control, and compatibility with a free Jensen…

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What movie did you expect to hate, but now watch...

For me, Million Dollar Baby. It seemed predictable. Boxing movie...whatever. Besides, I rarely watch a movie twice. For some reason, Million Dollar Baby entertains me whenever it is on. I had it on Tivo for a while and watched it over and over. submitted by General_Specific to AskReddit [link] [233 comments]

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Your smartphone suddenly gets wikpedia from 50 years...

What do you look up? submitted by neolduser to AskReddit [link] [201 comments]

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Sena previews Keyboard Folio case for iPad

Sena Cases has posted a preview of its upcoming Keyboard Folio case for the Apple iPad. The Keyboard Folio for iPad features a folio-style design, an integrated Bluetooth keyboard in the cover that bears more than a slight resemblance to the one found on the KeyCase iPad Folio,…

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In-Depth Review: Timewinder for iPhone Improves on...

The Clock app that come with the iPhone has an alarm and a timer function, but the functionality is simple.  Timewinder extends the capability of the alarm and timer, but isn’t a full replacement because it lacks the world clock. 


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Video: Walking Dead Comic Creator Defends TV Zombies

Certified zombie expert Robert Kirkman talks to Wired about AMC's TV adaptation of his Walking Dead comic book series.

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An Israeli army officer who fired the entire...

submitted by wq678 to politics [link] [55 comments]

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I woke up with the cutest girl in my bed this...

submitted by boatz_of_oatz to pics [link] [133 comments]

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Portenzo offers folio cases for iPad, iPhone 4

Portenzo is offering a new line of folio-style cases for the iPad and iPhone 4. Modeled after Moleskine notebooks, these cases feature either vertical or horizontal opening covers, inner device holders made from bamboo featuring “Grip-Right corners” to hold the devices securely while allowing the covers to lay flat…

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News: Apple Shrinks iPad Availability to 24 Hours

Shipping times for Apple’s iPad shrank to 24 hours over the weekend. The Apple Store is currently showing shipping times for all six models of iPad to be “Within 24hrs.” Wait times for the iPad were as long as a week for most of August, and as recently as last week, shipping times were still showing multi-day waits.


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Eyedip releases Flight Doodle

Eyedip has released Flight Doodle and Flight Doodle HD, new action games for the iPhone/iPod touch and the iPad. Flight Doodle puts the player in control of a uniquely customizable hot-air balloon where they must soar upward and navigate using the accelerometer, gather power-ups and avoid falling objects, changing weather…

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The Oxford English Dictionary Definitions of '...

The venerable Oxford English Dictionary isn't even one-third finished with what will be only its third revision in 80 years. But already there is talk that the multivolume work, which has informed scholars and fussy linguists, may eschew print entirely when the new edition is completed in about decade.

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Product News: Marketcircle Releases Billings Pro for...

Marketcircle announced Monday the release of Billings Pro 1.0, a multi-user tracking and invoicing solution for the Mac and iPhone. In addition to Mac and iPhone support, Billings Pro also includes a Web-based interface for workers to track their time called Timecard, allowing anywhere access to that feature.


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Intel buys iPhone chip unit from Infineon

Intel has entered into an agreement to purchase the wireless unit of Infineon Technologies for approximately $1.4 billion in cash. The Wall Street Journal reports that the deal is expected to close in the first quarter of 2011, and will give Intel a significant boost in the wireless market.…

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Reddit, Digg Rivalry Heats Up With #DiggRevolt

The brand new Digg is under fire on its first ever Monday from both its most loyal users and the competition at Reddit.

Launched last Wednesday, Digg power users have launched a Digg Revolt today, some calling it "Quit Digg Day," and the Reddit community has embraced the feud.

Reddit links have been dominating the Digg.com Top News feed throughout this morning. At one time, six of the top seven stories were from Reddit.

On top of that, Digg's traffic has plummeted 33 percent overnight, according to Alexa.com.

Said one Digg power user, @0boy, "Since @Digg and @kevinrose haven't listened to their core users, I hate to say it but they deserve this mess."

Reddit is taking advantage of the controversy. It posted a "self-announcement" on its homepage for those "new around here" and even altered its logo to include a shovel (see below), an apparent shot at Digg.

Many of Digg's power users have been offended by the redesign SocialBlade reported...

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Reddit Game the New Digg by Pushing 7 Stories on...

Earlier making Digg FrontPage used to be a big deal and specially when this new Digg layout and system is under controversy, Reddit another rivalry social bookmarking site, gamed the system and made 7 of its stories on Digg FrontPage.
Here is image proof of Reddit hitting Digg homepage:
Its going to be interesting to see Kevin reaction with this new buzz which made every loyal digg users stunned.
Meanwhile here are some comments from Digg user on those Reddit stories which are promoted to Digg FP:
Right now, I am digging all reddit submissions as fast as I can.
Kevin Rose killed Digg, now WE WILL BURY IT!
Digg didnt deserve this, but Kevin Rose sure does. He will pay through his website.
The only reason I stayed around since V4 started was so I could bury anything self-submitted and promote anything bashing V4.
Now Im getting so many errors its not even worth sticking around to do that.
Im leaving. How do I delete my account?...

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Games: Flight Doodle: Be a Balloon, Avoid Falling...

Eyedip announced Monday the release of Flight Doodle and Flight Doodle HD, a new game for iPhone and iPad where the player is a balloon and the enemy is a never-ending stream of falling object out to pop you. Oh noes!


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Angry Digg users flood homepage with Reddit links

Frustrated with the dramatic changes that have hit the social news site, longtime users are expressing their dissatisfaction by attempting to carpet-bomb the front page with links to rival site Reddit.

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Supermarket Mania adds iOS 4 support

G5 Entertainment has released an update to Supermarket Mania, adding support for iOS 4 and updated graphics for the iPhone 4 Retina Display. Supermarket Mania is an iOS version of the popular casual time management game from other platforms where players must keep their grocery store shelves stocked with the…

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NASA app adds NASA TV live stream

NASA has released an update to its official free iPhone application adding live streaming of the NASA TV public channel. The NASA App provides users with a variety of news and educational information from NASA directly in an app optimized for the iPhone and iPod touch. Users can access NASA…

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News: AMD Drops ATI Name from Video Cards

Chip maker AMD is finally doing away with the ATI brand name, although the company will continue to make video cards. AMD purchased the video chip maker in 2006 and continued to products under the ATI name.


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Product News: ACTPrinter 3 Adds Document Organization

Houdah Software announced the immediate availability of ACTPrinter 3.0 on Monday. The new version of the document viewing app for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch added support for sorting and organizing documents on your mobile device.


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iPad wait times down to 24 hrs

Apple has once again shortened its waiting period for new iPad models. The company’s online U.S. store now shows a shipping time of within 24 hours for new iPad with Wi-Fi and iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G units, down from one to three days. Apple started out the month…

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Hot Forum Topic: Reader Predictions: The Next Tech...

Today TMO readers are talking about market cycles, and whether or not a mobile technology boom is around the corner.


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New case photos: iPod touch 4G, iPod shuffle 4G?

iLounge has received more photos supposedly showing cases for upcoming iPod models. As with the case photos discovered last week, these cases are from X-Doria, and offer a glimpse into the shape and features of the fourth-generation iPod touch and a smaller, squarish iPod that could be either…

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News: China Unicom Offers In-store iPhone, iPad...

China Unicom is offering a unique service to its iPhone and iPad customers: In-store jailbreaking. The cell service provider is offering to hack user’s devices so they can install unauthorized third-party apps, as well as trim SIM cards to fit the iPhone 4 and iPad microSIM tray


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Just a Peek: Osmos: Survival in the Microscopic World

Vern Seward puts Osmos under the microscope in this installment of Just a Peek.


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News: Intel Buys Infineon’s Wireless Division

Intel is expanding its reach into the wireless communication world with the planned purchase of Infinion’s Wireless Solutions division. The deal will cost Intel about US$1.4 billion in cash, and should be completed in the first quarter of 2011.


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Sunday August 29

Cartoon: So Sue Me

If you own a big tech firm, you aren't Microsoft, and you weren't named in the patent lawsuit filed this week by Paul Allen's Interval Licensing, well... you're probably looking deep into your soul today and asking where it all went wrong.

If you aren't a defendant - which includes AOL, Apple, eBay, Facebook, Google and Yahoo! - why not? After all, the technology in dispute is, according to Interval, "fundamental to the ways that leading e-commerce and search companies operate today." Dammit, you say to yourself. Maybe you aren't one of those leading e-commerce and search companies.

Wait: most of your work is with open-source software. Like Java! Maybe that's why you aren't being sued by anyone.

Aw, dammit.

Ah, well. Maybe it's for the best. Not everyone can be on the A-list or in land of corporate jets, gargantuan mergers and stratospheric lawsuits. Hell, if it weren't for those of us on the B-list (or, in my case, somewhere way down in...

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Friday August 27

The Back Page: Apple Death Knell #54: iPhone Doomed...

Bryan Chaffin was able to find another Apple Death Knell, #54 in our Apple Death Knell Counter. Fabrice Grinda argues that Google is going to put a Microsoft over on Apple’s iPhone platform, dooming it to a niche status.


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News: IBM: Apple Tops in Patching Critical Security...

IBM’s X-Force research and development team has issued its mid-year Threat Report on security vulnerabilities for the first half of 2010, a report with good and bad news for Apple. According to the report, Apple was the only major vendor that has patched all critical security flaws in its operating systems, but the company also took the top spot for most vulnerabilities reported (Microsoft, however, is way on top for most critical vulnerabilities reported).


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Last weekend to enter the Slacker Radio Plus Giveaway

If you haven’t yet entered our Slacker Radio Plus Giveaway, this is your last weekend to do so. In our Giveaway of the Month for August, iLounge and Slacker are giving away 12 subscriptions to one year of free Slacker Radio Plus. To enter, simply fill out and…

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2011 iLounge Pavilion grows to become largest...

With more than four months remaining before the 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show opens in Las Vegas, the Consumer Electronics Association and iLounge proudly announced today that the Pavilion has already surpassed 40,000 sold square feet of iPod, iPhone, iPad, and Mac exhibitors, and has officially become the largest…

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Free on iTunes: Back to School Edition

School is back in session, but in this week’s installment of Free on iTunes Vern Seward shows us a place where learning never takes a Summer break; iTunes University, Open University, and Calling Doctor Einstein.


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John Martellaro's Blog: Particle Debris (wk....

This week, John’s collection of technical news debris includes a story about Apple’s Advanced Technology Group, the Al Franken rant, the ‘Droid wars, why Moto bought 280 North, an Apple stock prediction and the Googlized brain.


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Microsoft co-founder Allen sues Apple, others over...

Paul Allen, who co-founded Microsoft with Bill Gates, has sued Apple and ten other companies claiming they infringe on technology patents awarded to his Interval Research Corp. think tank. The Wall Street Journal reports that while Allen didn’t develop any of the technology himself, he does own the patents,…

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News: Microsoft Co-founder Hits Apple, Others with...

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen hit several companies, including Apple, with a patent lawsuit on Friday. The lawsuit alleges the companies are infringing on a set of patents that cover “the ways that leading e-commerce and search companies operate today.”


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iLounge Weekly arriving shortly, sign up today

The latest edition of iLounge Weekly, our weekly newsletter covering all things iLounge, is coming later today. iLounge Weekly is a summary of the week’s best news, reviews, and feature articles we’ve published, and it also features giveaways and iPod accessory discount offers from various companies. There’s still plenty of…

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FTC settles with app PR firm over ‘misleading online...

The Federal Trade Commission has announced that it has reached a settlement with Reverb Communications, Inc. and its sole owner, Tracie Snitker, over what it claimed were deceptive advertising practices. According to the FTC’s announcement, the Commission believes that Reverb “engaged in deceptive advertising by having employees pose as…

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Product News: New App Allows Windows Access from iPad

DeviceVM announced on Friday the immediate availability of Splashtop Remote for the iPad. The app allows users to access and control a PC, experiencing Windows from their iPad.


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Deal Brothers: Hawking Hi-Gain Wireless-N Dual Radio...

The Deal Brothers found a deal on the Hawking HW2R1 Hi-Gain Wireless-N Dual Radio Smart Repeater for $149.99. It connects to a local wi-fi hotspot and repeats the signal so you get increased coverage


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News: Apple Improves iOS Developer Payment System

Apple introduced a new Payments and Financial Reports module for iTunes Connect on Thursday that should lead to quicker payments for third party iOS-compatible app developers. The new system should make it easier for developers to track app sales, too.


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Product News: Mariner Narrator Adds iTunes Export...

Mariner Software announced the immediate availability of Narrator 2.1 on Friday. The updated version of the text to speech utility for Mac OS X added support for exporting audio to iTunes.


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Griffin PartyDock iOS gaming accessory outed

An upcoming Griffin gaming accessory for iOS devices has been outed by a recently published FCC filing. The PartyDock is a set-top gaming accessory for the iPad and iPhone 4 that allows users to dock their device and use four wireless remotes to control specially-written games, including “Midway Motors,”…

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News: Apple Dumps SurfaceInk Over Competition...

Apple and SurfaceInk have gone separate ways following the small engineering design company’s move into creating more products for Apple’s competitors. SurfaceInk recently demonstrated a tablet computer design of its own, which may have played some part in Apple’s decision to stop working with the company.


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Apple ends relationship with design firm over tablet

Apple has ended its relationship with SurfaceInk, a small Silicon Valley design firm, over its exhibition of a prototype tablet computer. The New York Times reports that Eric Bauswell, a founder and chief executive of the engineering design company, said Apple parted ways with his company due to its…

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Hot Forum Topic: iPad Acceptance in the Workplace

Today TMO readers are talking about the iPad’s popularity and how the business world seems happy to embrace Apple’s multimedia tablet.


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News: Reverb Strikes FTC Deal Over Bogus iTunes...

Reverb Communications, the marketing company accused of posting staged App Store reviews designed to boost their client’s app ratings, has agreed to a deal in a Federal Trade Commission investigation into its practices. The federal agency had been looking into complaints that Reverb employees had been posting positive app reviews without disclosing their relationship with their clients.


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News: H.264 Video License Now Royalty-free for Life

MPEG LA, the organization that controls the h.264 video format patent portfolio, has revised its licensing structure so Internet streaming videos that are free for viewers will never be subject to royalty fees. The change eliminates concerns over whether or not free h.264 formatted videos would be subject to royalty fees starting in 2016.


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Product News: iWork Update Adds ePub Support

Apple released iWork 9.0.4 for Mac OS X on Thursday, and while the version number may make it seem like the update includes little more than minor bug fixes, it also added ePub export support to Pages. ePub is the electronic book format iBookstore uses for titles for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch iBooks app.


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Thursday August 26

Mac Pro (Mid 2010): Migration does not complete

In some situations, your migration may not seem to complete or may stop running and report a Network Connection message.

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News: iPhone Dev Team Halts Jailbreaking Attempts on...

The iPhone Dev Team announced Thursday that the group would not work to develop a jailbreaking method for iOS 4.0.2 (for iPhone) or iOS 3.2.2 (for iPad). Calling its running battle with Apple a game of “cat & mouse,” the developers said that it would instead focus its efforts on jailbreaking iOS 4.1.x, which is currently in beta at Apple.


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Product News: MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.9...

Apple released MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.9 Thursday, a firmware update that addresses a “rare issue that may cause the system to freeze during startup or intermittently stall during operation.” The company said that the update also improves compatibility with external displays.


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Product News: DrummerTracks Adds a Drummer to...

IK Multimedia announced Thursday a new addon for AmpliTube called DrummerTracks. As the name suggests, DrummerTracks adds drum backing tracks for you to use when playing guitar or bass through AmpliTube on your Mac or PC, and they can be imported into AmpliTube fir iPhone and iPad.


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Virgin Mobile announces $40 unlimited data plan

Virgin Mobile has announced a new $40 unlimited monthly data plan, which, when combined with a $150 Mi-Fi mobile hotspot, provides an attractive option for iPad and iPod touch users. The new offering does not require a contract, allowing customers to start and stop their service without a fee,…

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MPEG LA: H.264 will remain royalty free

MPEG LA has announced (PDF Link) that its AVC/H.264 video codec will remain royalty-free for Internet video that is free to end-users throughout the life of the license. The group had previously said it would not charge any such royalties through the end of 2015. Mac Rumors notes…

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News: San Diego Apple Store Robbery Bags 12 iPhones

A smash-and-grab burglary at the University Towne Center (UTC) Apple Store in San Diego resulted in the theft of a dozen iPhones early on Thursday morning. Local TV station KFMB reported that two men wearing hoodies and jeans broke through the store’s glass front doors and stole the iPhones where they were displayed. One of the men was allegedly carrying a red duffel bag.


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Facebook clarifies: 44 million iOS users, not 100+

Facebook has issued a clarification of text posted on its official Facebook for iOS app page that indicated the app had more than 100 million active users. “There are currently 44 million monthly active users of the Facebook for iPhone app,” a Facebook spokesman told Engadget. “We recently…

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iWork: About the iWork 9.0.4 update

iWork Update 4 is recommended for iWork 9.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2, and 9.0.3. It addresses issues in Keynote, Pages, and Numbers, and adds export compatibility to Pages for the standard ePub file format (for use with iBooks).

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Creating ePub files with Pages

ePub is an open ebook standard produced by the International Digital Publishing Forum. Pages ’09 lets you export your documents in ePub format for reading with iBooks on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
iBooks supports both ePub and PDF file formats, and you can export both from Pages.

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Tips on sharing photos from Aperture with iLife and...

Since version 1.5, Aperture offers full-size previews of images that can be used with iLife '06 and iWork '06 or later. Here are some tips on getting the most out of this feature.

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iLife '09: Music and Photos may not be...

If you installed the iLife Support 9.0.3 update, and subsequently used Migration Assistant to transfer your files to a new Mac, you may be unable to see your iPhoto images or iTunes music in the Media Browser of your iLife '09 applications.* Also related to this issue, your screen saver preference pane in System Preferences may become unresponsive.
* If this issue occurs in only one of your iLife '09 applications, this article does not apply and troubleshooting should be performed for that application, not the entire suite. See the following articles for more information:
How to re-create your iTunes library and playlists 
iPhoto 6 and later: Rebuilding the iPhoto library

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Analysis: Adventures with Windows 7, Part I

My wife decided that she needed a real PC notebook for a special class she’s taking, and I agreed that it was time we had a physical PC in the house.  So we went to the Microsoft Store at Park Meadows Mall, Lone Tree, Colorado and had fun buying a 17-inch Hewlett Packard notebook. Here is what we’ve learned so far.


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Product News: macProVideo.com Releases Training...

Tutorial company macProVideo.com announced Thursday the release of two new training videos for Reason 5 and Record 1.5, both of which shipped on Wednesday. 


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Deal Brothers: Refurbished iMac 27” 2.66GHz Quad-...

The Deal Brothers found a deal on the refurbished iMac 27-inch 2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5 desktop computer for $1529.99, including free delivery.


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News: Ganas Hits Apple, Others with Communication...

Ganas slapped Apple, along with more than 20 other companies, with a law suit alleging patent infringement related to Internet-based communication. According to the lawsuit, the companies are using systems in their products that allow information to pass through firewalls and out to the Internet.


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iPod touch 4G, new nano/shuffle cases debut?

An image showing what Chinese case vendor X-Doria claims to be fourth-generation iPod touch and sixth-generation iPod nano cases has appeared online. The image shows two iPod touch 4G cases with openings in the rear clear plastic for a camera and either a flash or microphone. Notably, the shape…

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Apple Stock Watch: Analyst: Apple Event to be All...

While speculation that Apple will unleash a long list of new products and services at its September 1 media event is running high, Gleacher & Company analyst Brian Marshall is expecting the announcements will be more in line with previous iPod-related events.


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Product News: Adobe Improves Online Photoshop.com...

Adobe rolled out new and updated features for its Web-based Photoshop.com image editing tools on Thursday. The new Photoshop.com site includes Photoshop Express Editor, Organizer, Uploader and Slideshows, and editing images no longer requires a Photoshop.com user account.


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Intuit, Mophie unveil Credit Card Solution for...

Intuit and Mophie have teamed up to unveil the new Complete Credit Card Solution for the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS. The Complete Credit Card Solution is designed to be an all-in-one solution for small businesses to accept credit card payments via the iPhone. The package includes a…

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720tube app enables HD uploads from iPhone 4

Drakfyre’s Software has released its new 720tube application for the iPhone 4. 720tube allows users to bypass Apple’s mobile YouTube upload resolution restrictions to allow for uploading of full 720p videos, including both standard recordings and those edited and exported to the Camera Roll using iMovie. Drakfyre’s Software’s 720tube…

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Apple Stock Watch: Apple Prepping FaceTime iPod...

The analysts are weighing in with their expectations for Apple’s September 1 media event, and Piper Jaffray’s Gene Munster is expecting a FaceTime-ready iPod touch and possibly even a new MacBook Air. He also expects Apple will update iTunes to take advantage of a new cloud-based music and video service.


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HTC files counterclaims to Apple patent suit

HTC has filed an answer to Apple’s complaints against them involving patent infringement, Groklaw reports. In its reply, HTC denies infringing the patents, but also claims that four of the four of the patents are invalid for “failure to comply with one or more of the conditions for patentability…

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Hot Forum Topic: Android and Developer Headaches

Today TMO readers are looking at the differences between the iOS and Android markets, and turmoil dealing with multiple OS versions dumps in the laps of Android developers.


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Netflix app updated with iPhone, iPod touch support

Netflix has released version 1.1.0 of its iOS application, adding support for the iPhone and iPod touch. Released for the iPad in April, the Netflix app allows qualifying subscribers to “instantly” stream movies and TV shows over Wi-Fi or 3G connections, resume watching where they left off on their…

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Apple Stock Watch: Analyst: FaceTime-ready iPod...

Apple will be hosting a special media event on September 1, and UBS analyst Maynard Um thinks the company will use the event to introduce a Facetime-ready version of the iPod touch.


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Rumor: Apple May Intro iTunes Social Networking at...

Apple may be planning on introducing a Web-based version of its iTunes Store on September 1 that’s geared more towards social networking. Unnamed music industry sources claim Apple will use the service to let customers share lists of the songs they like with other iTunes users.


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Product News: Netflix Brings Streaming to iPhone,...

Neflix updated its video streaming app for the iPad on Thursday to include promised support for the iPhone and iPod touch, too.


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Wednesday August 25

MobileMe: Supported system requirements

This article explains the supported system requirements for the best experience with MobileMe, as well as the minimum system requirements for using MobileMe.

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Xsan: Some features are not supported with StorNext...

Some Xsan features are not supported when accessing a SAN volume running on Quantum StorNext metadata controllers.

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Xsan: Troubleshooting "Disk Stripe Group DOWN...

An Xsan metadata controller's system log may show repeating messages similar to the following:

Aug 25 08:37:12 mdc1 fsm[123]: Xsan FSS 'MyVolume[0]': [Node 42] Disk Stripe Group 1 is DOWN for this client. # disks 2 unitmap[1] 0xfffff partaccess 0x1

Xsan Admin may report that there are no visible LUNs for an Xsan client.
Attempting to mount a volume in Xsan Admin may not work, and this alert may appear: "Not all data LUNs of the volume are visible to this computer. Check the Fibre Channel cables and try again."

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MobileMe: About email aliases

If you're a MobileMe member, you can create up to five email aliases for better organization, for fun, or even to prevent unwanted email from being sent to your primary MobileMe email address.

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News: Amazon: New Kindle Most Popular Ever; Don’t...

Amazon announced Wednesday that its latest Kindle model is the best selling Kindle yet, though that wasn’t backed up by actual sales figures. The company said that more units were ordered in the first four weeks of availability than for any model in the past, and that it was the most popular overall item in both the U.S. and UK markets for Amazon.


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Mac Geek Gab Premium Podcast: MGG 282: Safari Tabs,...

John and Dave have a great discussion today answering your questions, sharing your tips, and more. Topics include tweaking Safari’s settings to load your custom tabs, resolving IR remote issues, an excellent primer on using Terminal Commands, Resetting mobileMe, and more. Subscribe today, support your two favorite geeks, and enjoy!


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Product News: Propellerhead Ships Reason 5, Record 1...

Propellerhead Software announced Wednesday that Reason 5 and Record 1.5 have shipped. Reason 5 adds the Dr. Octo Rex loop player (it replaces Dr. Rex) and a drum machine called Kong Drum Designer. There are also new sounds, patches, instruments, and other new features. Record 1.5 adds a new pitch adjustor and corrector called Neptune and is being updated to integrate with Reason 5.


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Mach 3 Composites debuts Carbon Fiber case for iPad

Mach 3 Composites has debuted its Carbon Fiber case for iPad. The briefcase-style case features soft interior padding, a 100% carbon fiber outer shell, extra room on the interior to accomodate for encased iPads, and a secure, double-latch closure. Mach 3 Composites’ Carbon Fiber case for the iPad is…

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Deal Brothers: Refurb MacBook Air 1.86GHz Intel Core...

The Deal Brothers noted that Apple is offering the refurbished MacBook Air 1.86GHz Intel Core 2 Duo laptop for $1349. That includes free delivery and one year of AppleCare.


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Mac OS X Server v10.6: Server Admin does not open...

In some situations, the Server Assistant application may not open as expected when you select a remote server in Server Admin and click the Set Up button.

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News: Apple Sets Media Event for September 1st

Apple has begun inviting media to a Media Event on Wednesday, September 1st to be held at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. Apple’s media invitations are lacking in detail as usual, but feature an acoustic guitar with the Apple logo for the hole.


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Apple iPod event scheduled for Sept 1

Apple has begun emailing select members of the press, inviting them to a special event in San Francisco on September 1. As it has been in the past, the event will be held at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time at the Yerba Buena Center for…

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Bioserie intros plant-based iPhone 4 case

Bioserie has introduced its first case for the iPhone 4. The eco-friendly case is made annually renewable plant material, and offers open access to all ports, controls, and the camera, four front-facing “feet” to protect the screen when placed face-down, and a finely textured surface for added grip. Bioserie’s…

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Editorial: My Take on Ted’s MacBook Dilemma

Ted Landau and I are in the same boat. We’d like a Macintosh with less weight, but one that’s full featured when it comes to creating content.  The current MacBook Pros are too heavy, and the iPad isn’t quite there for content creation. Is this something Apple cares about?  Here’s my own take on it all.


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Quick Look Review: The Tuffshield Anti-Glare Screen...

XtremeMac offers a heavy duty, anti-glare screen protector for the face of your iPad.    Is it worth the hefty price?


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Quick Look Review: A No Nonsense, Durable Case For...

If all you want for your iPad is rugged protection that is easy to put on and take off, this may be the case for you.


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iPad case with integrated keyboard receives FCC...

The KeyCase iPad Folio, a new iPad case, has received approval from the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, opening the door for a potential stateside release. This leather folio-style case features an integrated Bluetooth 2.0 silicone keyboard that also helps the case serve as a stand. The keyboard is powered…

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News: Apple Bows Out of O2’s “Green” Phone Rankings

O2 has launched a new program that rates phones based on how environmentally friendly they are, but Apple isn’t interested in including the iPhone on the list. Participation is voluntary and currently includes phones O2 sells from Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson, according to The Guardian.


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Using MSCONFIG to troubleshoot conflicts in Windows...

In Windows XP, some background processes can cause issues that may prevent applications such as iTunes and QuickTime Player from working correctly, opening, or even installing. Learn how you might resolve these conflicts by disabling some items using the System Configuration Utility (MSCONFIG).

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Ted Landau's User Friendly View: My MacBook...

I am in the market to replace my three-year-old 15” MacBook Pro. My purchase remains on hold, however, until I resolve my dilemma as to what to buy. Do I get a new MacBook Pro? Or a MacBook Air? If the latter, do I wait for the rumored next update to the Air? Or perhaps I should forego any purchase at all, and attempt to make do with just my iPad…


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News: HTC Files Answer in Apple Patent Lawsuit

HTC files its answer to Apple’s patent infringement lawsuit in Delaware with the expected denial that it has done anything wrong and also claimed that four of Apple’s patents are invalid.


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iPhone 4 set to debut in China on Sept. 16

China Unicom is expected to launch the iPhone 4 in mainland China on September 16, according to a new report. Citing a “source from China Unicom,” Caixin reports that customers who want to buy the phone from China Unicom will need to order the phone online in advance of…

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Hot Forum Topic: Reader Discussion: Favorite iPad...

There’s a long list of iPad apps that can help improve your productivity, and today TMO readers are sharing their favorites.


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Apple to hold iPod event on September 7?

Apple plans to hold its annual iPod media event in San Francisco on September 7th, according to a new report. Contained within the same Bloomberg report that suggested Apple would be debuting a 99 cent TV show rental service, yet curiously overlooked by multiple outlets—including iLounge—the brief statement…

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News: Yahoo! Goes Bing in US, Canada

Yahoo! officially made the switch from its own search engine technology to Microsoft’s Bing in the U.S. and Canada on Tuesday. The change is part of a multi-year deal between the two companies, and will later include a transition for Yahoo! to Microsoft’s adCenter some time in the fall.


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Photo of the Week: iPhone 3G in Bulgaria

This week’s featured photo is from our iPhones Around the World gallery, and shows an iPhone 3G overlooking the beach and shoreline near Sinemorets, Bulgaria. To share your photos and to be considered for our Photo of the Week, you simply need…

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News: Motorola Buys Web App Development Company 280...

Motorola is hoping to enhance the Android smartphone market with the purchase of 280 North. The company includes former Apple employees and is known for its Cappuccino development platform for sophisticated Web-based applications.


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Product News: BatchOutput Adds IDML Export Support

Zevrix Solutions announced the immediate availability of BatchOutput 3.9 on Wednesday. The update for the automated printing and output tool for Adobe InDesign added support for exporting to InDesign’s IDML file format.


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Clicker Brings 1,800 Web Series to the iPhone [APP]

Web video database Clicker.com has launched its iOS app for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Clicker also claims to have It’s not just about browsing and watching the videos, either.

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Apple sues David Copperfield for using the word...

Apple claims ownership of magic, demanding that Copperfield immediately cease using the word, and seeking $4.2 million in punitive damages.

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Apple by numbers


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Tuesday August 24

Apple Supply Manager Caught With Over $150,000 in...

US federal agents found over $150,000 in cash -- stored in shoeboxes -- when searching the house of Apple supply manager Paul Shin Devine.

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Rumor: Report: Apple & Fox Working Out Deal for...

Apple and Fox Corp. are busily working out details for US$0.99 TV show rentals, according to a report from Bloomberg. The report said that the deal would allow users to rent TV programs for 48 hours, and that Apple was also in discussion with other TV studios and networks.


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Apple Context Machine Podcast: ACM 176: Mini iPads,...

The rumor mill says Apple is working on a mini iPad, the RIAA thinks you need to listen to FM radio on your iPhone, and Asustek blames Apple’s iPad for its slow netbook sales.


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Product News: Apple Releases Security Update 2010-...

Apple released a security update on Tuesday for Mac OS X. The patch notes for “Security Update 2010-005” are particularly sparse, saying only, “Security Update 2010-005 is recommended for all users and improves the security of Mac OS X,” but the company’s security site specifies that it address eight different security issues.


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Analysis: Exploring Oracle’s Lawsuit Against Google

There are some who claim that Oracle’s lawsuit against Google, which claims that Google has violated Java licensing in the development of Android, is an abuse by Oracle and displays poor stewardship of the language. Worse, some say it casts a pallor over the use of the Java language in the enterprise.  In fact, that’s all far from the truth.


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Apple to offer 99 cent TV episode rentals?

Apple is in talks with Fox parent News Corp., along with other media companies, to offer 99 cent TV episode rentals through iTunes. Bloomberg, citing three people familiar with the plan, reports that users would have a 48 hour rental window, and that Disney and CBS are also part…

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PhotoFast iPADock charges, syncs multiple iDevices

PhotoFast has introduced its new iPADock, a desktop stand/dock that can charge and sync multiple portable Apple devices at once. The iPADock is capable of handling four iPods or iPhones at once, two iPads simultaneously, or a combination of one iPad and two iPhones or iPods, via four powered…

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About Security Update 2010-005

This document describes Security Update 2010-005, which can be downloaded and installed via Software Update preferences, or from Apple Downloads.
For the protection of our customers, Apple does not disclose, discuss, or confirm security issues until a full investigation has occurred and any necessary patches or releases are available. To learn more about Apple Product Security, see the Apple Product Security website.
For information about the Apple Product Security PGP Key, see "How to use the Apple Product Security PGP Key."
Where possible, CVE IDs are used to reference the vulnerabilities for further information.
To learn about other Security Updates, see "Apple Security Updates."

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Deal Brothers: ASUS VW246H 24” Widescreen LCD...

The Deal Brothers found a deal on the ASUS VW246H 24” Widescreen LCD Monitor for $199.99. This display ships for Free, and it features a 20000:1 contrast ratio, a 2ms response time, a 1920 x 1080 resolution, DVI, and HDMI.


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Resetting PowerBook and iBook Power Management Unit...

Learn how to reset the PowerBook and iBook Power Manager. Resetting the power manager also resets date and time settings.

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Boot Camp is not included with Mac OS X Server

Boot Camp is not included with Macs that ship with Mac OS X Server pre-installed. This includes all Xserves as well as Mac mini and Mac Pro configurations that include Mac OS X Server.

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News: Porn Industry Successfully Commercializes...

From the “That Didn’t Take Long” files, comes news from adult Web site company (i.e. porn) iP4Play.com, which announced Tuesday that it has successfully brought commercial porn to Apple’s FaceTime with the iPhone. According to the company, the first paid adult video call over FaceTime on the iPhone took place on August 13th, 2010, and that it is now closing in on its 1,000th such call.


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iPhone 4 Movie Rentals can’t be transferred back to...

Movies rented from the iTunes Store using the iPhone 4 cannot be transferred back to users’ iTunes libraries, iLounge has discovered, and must be viewed solely on the iPhone 4. Although this is similar to a restriction found on the iPad and Apple TV, this marks the first time…

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iOS 4: About multitasking

Multitasking is a feature of iOS 4 that allows applications to perform specific tasks in the background while you are using other applications. Multitasking in iOS 4 is supported on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPod touch (3rd generation).

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Product News: Simplenote for iPhone and iPad Adds...

Codality released an updated version of Simplenote for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on Tuesday. The update for the portable text and note app added support for tagging notes for folder-like organization, along with a note sharing tool and iOS 4 support.


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2K Sports releases NHL 2K11 for iPhone, iPod touch

2K Sports has released its new NHL 2K11 game for the iPhone and iPod touch. Created using the company’s proprietary console game engine, NHL 2K11 is a professional hockey simulation game, featuring Season, Quick Game, Free Skate and Shootout gameplay modes, and a full lineup of professional teams and…

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Quick Look Review: Newer’s HDMI Adapter Gets Your...

Tired of choosing between lousy hotel programming on a big flatscreen TV or limitless content on your laptop? Newer Technology’s Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter gives you the best of both worlds — if you’re willing to pay the price.


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iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Windows displays a blue...

A message may appear on a blue screen when connecting your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a Microsoft Windows computer. This can happen if your iOS device has saved photos that were taken with the built-in camera or were saved from Safari, Mail, or other apps. This issue can also occur due to a USB driver conflict with other devices connected to the computer.

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News: Apple Manager Loaded Shoeboxes with $150K in...

Paul Shin Devine, the Apple mid-level manager charged with selling confidential iPhone and iPod information to Asian parts suppliers, apparently hid over US$150,000 in shoeboxes in his house. Along with the US currency, about $20,000 in foreign currency was found by law enforcement officials, too.


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iHome, New Balance team on new headphone line

iHome and New Balance have announced a partnership that will see the two companies launch a line of New Balance-branded sport earphones and headphones. The lineup will include the NB439, which is a 2-in-1 sport earbud with removable ear hooks for added stability, interchangeable colored accent caps, and…

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Mac Pro RAID Card and Xserve RAID Card: Frequently...

This document contains frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the Mac Pro RAID Card and the Xserve RAID Card, with answers to those questions.

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TMO Appearances: Jeff Gamet Discusses Technology in...

The Mac Observer’s Jeff Gamet joined MacJury host Chuck Joiner and several other guests on the MacJury podcast to talk about the current state of technology in education and Apple’s place in the educational market.


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Papers update improves annotation support, page...

Mekentosj has released an update to its Papers academic research app for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad adding several improvements to its annotation and page navigation features. Papers (iLounge Rating: A-) is an application designed for academic users to create a personal library of research literature that is…

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X-Plane for iPad adds detailed map screen, reverse...

Laminar Research has released an update to its X-Plane for iPad flight simulator adding several new features including a detailed map screen for the higher-resolution iPad display. X-Plane for iPad is a highly realistic flight simulator that allows users to fly a wide variety of aircraft such as the Cessna…

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Product News: Freeway 5.5 Adds Gallery Tools, More

Softpress announced the immediate availability of Freeway Pro and Freeway Express 5.5 on Tuesday. The new versions of the graphic-based Web site design applications for Mac OS X added a new Web gallery and slideshow design tool along with tools for building in-sight search features.


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Air Frame update adds Facebook Friends support

Pepe & Pepe has released an update to its online digital photo frame app for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad adding support for sharing photos from Facebook friends in addition to Flickr. Air Frame allows users to turn their iOS devices into digital photo frames that display live content…

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Hot Forum Topic: Reader Discussion: Favorite iPad...

Today TMO readers are talking about their favorite apps for Apple’s iPad multimedia tablet.


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iTunes U passes 300 million downloads

Apple has announced that iTunes U downloads have surpassed the 300 million mark. Launched just over three years ago, iTunes U offers users public access to content from learning institutions such as Harvard, MIT, Cambridge, Oxford, University of Melbourne and Université de Montréal. “iTunes U makes it easy for…

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News: Patent Applications Hint at Touch Screen Macs

Apple may be considering adding touch-based interfaces to its computer lineup based on information in a series of patent applications. One intriguing patent application even shows an iMac that switches between traditional mouse and keyboard input to on-screen touch input depending on the screen position.


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iPhone 4 comes to DoCoMo via Japan Communications

The iPhone will soon be operable on Japanese carrier NTT DoCoMo, thanks to a new service offered by Japan Communications. Nikkei reports that Japan Comm will soon offer a SIM card for unlocked iPhones—licensed Japanese iPhone carrier SoftBank sells carrier-locked units—that allows them to operate on NTT DoCoMo’s…

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Google Mobile adds GMail Push Notifications

Google has released an update to its Google Mobile app for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad adding support for Push Notifications for GMail messages and Google Calendar appointments. The update allows users to optionally configure the application to provide Push Notifications for new mail messages and calendar appointments. New…

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News: iTunes U Hits 300 Million Downloads

Downloads from Apple’s iTunes U program topped the 300 million mark on Tuesday. The educational arm of the iTunes Store has been online for about three years, and includes content from over 800 universities around the world.


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Quickoffice adds iOS 4 support

Quickoffice has released an update to Quickoffice Connect Mobile Suite for the iPhone and iPod touch adding support for iOS 4 features and the iPhone 4 Retina Display. Quickoffice Connect Mobile Suite allows iPhone and iPod touch users to open, edit and share Microsoft Word and Excel documents directly on…

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Rumor: China Unicom iPhone 4 Launch May be Sept 16

Inside sources at China Unicom claim the carrier will begin selling Apple’s iPhone 4 in the country on September 16, and in an effort to avoid potential complaints over antenna signal loss issues, a free case will be included with each phone purchase.


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Kindle update fixes highlighting problems

Amazon has released a minor update to its Kindle app for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad fixing some issues related to highlighting text. Kindle 2.2.1 improves the sensitivity of the highlighting feature to help reduce accidental highlighting of text, fixes a crash that some users were experiencing when using…

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Simplenote update adds tagging, sharing and more

Simperium has released a major update to its Simplenote note-taking application for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad adding a number of new features. Simplenote is a minimalist note-taking app that is designed to allow users to quickly and easily make and access notes from their iOS devices and keep…

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Product News: Blatner Tools Adds InDesign CS5 Support

DTP Tools announced the immediate availability of Blatner Tools for InDesign CS5 on Tuesday. The updated version of the InDesign plug-in collection added InDesign CS5 support, and includes Pro versions of the Blatner Keyboard Shortcuts and David Blatner InDesign Tips plug-ins.


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iMac Touch Interface Shown Off In Apple Patent

How do you make an iMac desktop that doubles as a multitouch tablet? If you're Apple: just like this. Why can't the future be now already?

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Monday August 23

iPhone 4 due in China on September 16th?

China Unicom will officially launch the iPhone 4 on September 16th, a local source claims. While the carrier is generally believed to have set plans in motion, it has yet to formally announce details. The Chinese model is also expected to suffer from the same reception problems as other versions, but Unicom will allegedly be offering cases for free

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Product News: Google Mobile App for iOS Adds Push...

Google has updated Google Mobile App for iPhone and iPad to version, an update that adds Push notifications for both Gmail and Google Calendar. Google Mobile App is a dedicated app for using Google’s many services on iOS devices, and the addition of Push notifications for Gmail and Google Calendars is a long-awaited feature.


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News: Acer: iPad Will Drop to 20% of Tablet Market,...

Apple may be king of the tablet market with its iPad, but as that market stabilizes, Apple see its share drop to 20%-30%, according to a prediction from Acer chairman JT Wang. In an interview with Economic Daily News, Mr. Wang said that history has shows that closed platforms like Apple’s iPad will eventually lose to open systems like the Android platform.


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Mac Geek Gab Podcast: MGG 281: iTunes Management,...

John and Dave answer reader questions about managing iTunes music and libraries, helping listeners with sleep issues, troubleshooting AirPort and more. Then there are a few follow-up questions about PowerLine and how best to use it, plus some tips and thoughts from previous shows. Finally, Dave wraps it up telling of a very curious experience he went through recently with mail-in AppleCare.


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Rumor: Digg Founder Gives Thumbs Up to $99 iTV Rumor

Digg founder and former TechTV personality Kevin Rose has given his stamp of approval to the rumor that Apple will be releasing an iOS-based $99 Apple TV rebranded as the iTV. That rumor began gaining steam earlier this month, and Mr. Rose intimated in a blog post that such a device will arrive in September, and he said that it will be a game changer for the settop market.


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Facebook hits 100m iOS users, releases 3.2.2 update

According to stats found on the Facebook for iOS app’s dedicated Facebook page, the app now has over 100 million monthly active users. This represents the vast majority of iOS devices sold up to this point, based on figures released by Apple at its 2010 Worldwide Developers Conference…

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Product News: ABC On The Go for iPhone Helps Kids...

I-itch Inc. announced Monday the release of ABC On The Go, an app for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad that is designed to help kids learn to read. The app includes three games that introduce and reinforce letter recognition in young minds, as well as the sounds associated with each letter.


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Well known TCP and UDP ports used by Apple software...

Learn more about TCP and UDP ports used by Apple products, such as Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, AppleShare IP, Network Assistant, Apple Remote Desktop, Macintosh Manager, and MobileMe. Many of these are referred to as "well known" industry standard ports.
Note: Mac OS X v10.5 and later includes the Application Firewall, which is different from a port-based firewall.

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Apple’s ‘Unauthorized users’ patent stirs controversy

A newly published Apple patent application has led to reports that the company will use a new unauthorized user recognition technology to deter users from jailbreaking iPhones. The patent application, entitled “Systems and Methods for Identifying Unauthorized Users of an Electronic Device,” primarily describes methods for detecting unauthorized users—people…

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Deal Brothers: Refurbished iMac 27-inch 3.06GHz...

The Deal Brothers noted that Apple was offering the refurbished iMac 27-inch 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo for $1269, with free shipping.


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Apple Stock Watch: Analyst: Apple, Verizon Working...

Apple is working on adding more iPhone partners in the U.S., according to Kaufman Bros. analyst Shaw Wu, but don’t expect to see Verizon first on the list. Apparently the two companies are still working on the details, leading Mr. Wu to speculate that T-Mobile and Sprint could be next in line to join AT&T as iPhone partners.


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Configuring firewalls on Windows for use with Apple...

Once you have synced or paired the Apple TV to your PC to establish a syncing or streaming connection, iTunes may state "The Apple TV 'name' is not responding. Check that any firewall software running on this computer has been set to allow communication on port 3689."

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Mac OS X Server 10.6: Installing Mac OS X Server on...

Learn how to install Mac OS X Server v10.6 on a computer that already has Mac OS X installed.

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In-Depth Review: L5 Remote is the Best (So Far)

The L5 Remote from L5 Technology is the fourth in a series of universal remote control hardware/app combinations I’m reviewing. Like the first three I tested, it can control most of your electronic entertainment devices — televisions, AV receivers, cable boxes, and such — as long as they use an infrared remote control. Compatible with the iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad (all must run iOS 3.0 or higher), the L5 Remote wasn’t perfect but was the best remote I’ve tested to date and the only one I’ve used regularly after my testing was complete. 


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Quick Look Review: The iPad Space Dock Stand Is...

If you want or need to use an external keyboard with your iPad, you should check out the new iPad Space Dock stand from LapWorks.


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iPad wait times fall, drop in market share predicted

Apple’s U.S. online store is now quoting wait times of one to three days for all models of the iPad, down from three to five days. The reduction in shipment wait times represents the second such drop in less than a week, as the wait dropped from seven…

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Apple Stock Watch: Analyst: Apple Gross Margins...

Apple’s bottom line is already healthy, and it may be ready to start improving even more, according to Gleacher & Company analyst Brian Marshall. Part of that boost will likely come from the end of Apple’s free iPhone 4 bumper program.


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Hong Kong iPhone users face false moisture exposure...

Due to the extremely high humidity of the Hong Kong climate, some local iPhone users are facing problems with falsely-triggered moisture sensors. The South China Morning Post reports that while Apple’s guidelines call for a relative humidity of 5% to 95%, the humidity around Hong Kong regularly exceeds 95…

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News: News Corp Hires Viacom Exec for iPad Newspaper

Greg Clayman is leaving his position as Viacom’s head of digital distribution to join manage business operations for the upcoming iPad-specific newspaper from News Corp.


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News: Google Buys Like.com Visual Search Engine

Internet search giant Google is expanding yet again with the purchase of Like.com. The company is known for its visually-based search tools for online shopping.


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Hot Forum Topic: Reader Speculation: AAPL at $400

Today TMO readers are talking about what it would take for Apple’s stock to hit US$400, and not if, but when, that will happen.


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Just a Thought: Apple TV and Other Speculations

It’s no secret that Apple’s product road map is always a moving target, but that’s not stopping Vern Seward from offering up his ideas on what the future may hold for Apple TV, FaceTime and the iPad.


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Introducing the App Hall of Fame!
App discoverability continues to be a real issue. With the fast churn of apps in the App Store, an app has only a few weeks of promotional life in it before it‚Äôs largely forgotten. There are a few things developers can do to fix that, but those... | Read more »
Gobliiins Are Coming
In the midst of the huge Q4 launch schedule, the cult classic, Gobliiins, as well as the rest of the trilogy, are being ported to the iPhone in all of their original glory. The Goblins trilogy was a quirky Atari/Amiga game series from the early 90‚Äôs... | Read more »
myPhoneDesktop – Chrome to iPhone Extens...
Anyone who has used myPhoneDesktop knows that it is a fantastic tool for streamlining your onscreen workflow. Instead of having to type line after line into your phone directly, you can use myPhoneDesktop to type from your computer directly into... | Read more »
Classes Review
Developer: Dustlab Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 2.4.7 iPhone Integration Rating: 3 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 3.33 out of 5 stars | Read more »
AutoVerbal Talking Soundboard Pro helps...
Being able to speak and communicate with others is something that many of us take for granted. It‚Äôs not so easy for many folks though, in particular for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, as well as those who have suffered various brain... | Read more »
Pocketbooth Review
Developer: Project Box Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 1.0 iPhone Integration Rating: 4 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 4.17 out of 5 stars | Read more »
Get Your Roast Right With ‘Time To Roast...
Roasting meat, in the cooking world, is about as simple as it gets. The greatest roast recipe I‚Äôve ever found is from Michael Ruhlman‚Äôs website, with the recipe titled, ‚ÄúThe World‚Äôs Most Difficult Roasted Chicken Recipe.‚Äù | Read more »

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