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  S p e c i a l   I t e m s

  S a l e   I t e m s

    The Carpatho-Rusyn Society disseminates educational materials about Rusyns as well as Rusyn ethnic items to members and the general public through this website, flyers to members, and sales at various festivals and events. Some sales are mail order.

    Almost all the educational materials are in English and are produced to educate American and Canadian audiences. The cost of such materials is the same for members and non-members.

    Items are marked up in most instances only slightly, because the goal is not to make large amounts of money but to disseminate information and provide the ethnic items Rusyn Americans may want to help them more fully take pride in and understand their heritage.

    Mail orders are shipped out of the Pittsburgh and Erie, PA, areas, with all orders filled by volunteers.

    CLICK HERE to see our 2007 Catalog of items we sell.

    CLICK HERE to download our 2007 Catalog in PDF format.