HThis is a quick hack to force a remote system out of the cluster. It canEbe used when a remote system hangs for example at high IPL (bewteen 3/and 6), or when the SMIserver does not respond.CIt uses an internal routine in the connection manager. There is oneKproblem with this approach, and that is that this routine (CNX$DISC_REMOVE)Eis not available in any symboltable which we can include in the link.GSo what we do is use MATCHC to find the sequence of instructions aroundKthe place where we expect the code, and issue an error if we can't find it.KIf we got the address, we JSB to it and let that routine do the dirty work.9The net result will be that the remote node will CLUEXIT.DThis is strictly a HACK, and as such it may fail at any time. Use atFyour own risk. (I included a check to prevent removal of the node fromGwhich this program runs, although it was fun to get a system in a stateLin which the only clusternode was removed from the cluster and in longbreak,=without quorum....). It was tested on VMS V5.5 thru T6.2-FT1.ÿÿ