The pedagogies of on-line assessment
Flipcharts from the discussion
Newcastle 28th November 2002

A 20 minute activity to focus participants on key issues
The session was used as a productive �icebreaker� to form active groups that would generate ideas and concerns over the current state of on-line assessment, identify areas where advances need to be made and isolate issues which would be key to the adoption and delivery of on-line assessment.

Activity � 15 mins only!
Form groups of 4 or 5
Using the flipchart provided, identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of on-line assessment.
Once the chart is complete, identify the CSFs � the Critical Success Factors � which must go right for the process to be a success.
Post the chart on the wall for discussion

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Group 4

Summary 1 - Strengths
Rapid response � student feedback is immediate. Students value this highly.
Re-use � time and effort saved �over the long run�. Cost benefits ?
Convenience � anytime anyplace anywhere
Volume � larger groups make computer based assessment more viable
Flexibility � questions can be tailored with respect to performance.

Summary 2 - Weaknesses
Limitations on the skills that can be tested
Security � risks for high stakes testing need careful management
Technical demands � is the platform in place and robust ?
Time demands for �getting started� � development of appropriate staff skills.

Summary 3 - Opportunities
Students better equipped technologically
Broadband networking supporting remote delivery
Saving staff time
Sharing content resources between institutions

Summary 4 - Threats
Security of delivery
Security of �testee� � remote candidate validation
Collusion among students
Obsolete systems � investment in system must be returned; essential to select a �future proof� system.
QAA issues
Future role for lecturers ?

Critical Success factors
Each group was also asked to (quickly) highlight KEY CSF factors � the elements that MUST be right to make the process successful. These were investigated with each of the products used in the days activities.

Discussion summary
Time constrained discussion followed (5 mins). A brief report of the discussion is available.