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Enhance assessment by going

Currently offer a choice for University of Dundee academics of:
Blackboard VLE (Level 1 at present, upgrading to Enterprise LS, March 2003)
QuestionMark Perception (2500 users, 20 authors)
I-Assess (pilot licence only)
Range of additional tools used on an individual (historical) basis

Blackboard VLE
Browser-based, straightforward to use, relatively clumsy, but soon to be improved. Appropriate for weekly tests, quick quizzes. Not supported as secure assessment platform, but some instructors may use it as such.

QuestionMark Perception
Central system is web version. Either browser-based or Windows-based (greater flexibility) authoring of questions.
Has long history at Dundee
Like many systems, the licence costs are a small component of the service costs.
QMP is rapidly proving very successful. Can be used as a simple or complex system
Perception Secure Browser is a nice tool. Lock down workstation and very useful for exams.

"A relatively new assessment tool..."
A relatively new assessment tool from EQL in Livingston, Scotland. No browser-based editing, but a powerful Windows-based editor that permits production of a range of types of questions.
Particularly strong mathematical and scientific support. The ability to use �random values� within questions is extremely useful for supporting numerical assessment and tuition.
Not likely to replace QMP or Blackboard. It runs on IIS under Windows 2000 Server so can go on the same servers as QMP. Demonstration?

Additional Issues �
Systems need to be carefully managed with published policies and procedures
Generating good Qs is a very demanding activity for busy academics
Range of smaller CAA programs are also essential for some L&T
Resources may be limiting (PCs, servers, database transfers, software, staff)