Item Property (ADO)
ADO 2.5 API Reference

Item Property

Indicates a specific member of a collection, by name or ordinal number.


Set object = collection.Item ( Index )

Return Value

Returns an object reference.


A Variant expression that evaluates either to the name or to the ordinal number of an object in a collection.


Use the Item property to return a specific object in a collection. If Item cannot find an object in the collection corresponding to the Index argument, an error occurs. Also, some collections don't support named objects; for these collections, you must use ordinal number references.

The Item property is the default property for all collections; therefore, the following syntax forms are interchangeable:

collection.Item (Index)
collection (Index)

See Also

Visual Basic Example | Visual C++ Example | Visual J++ Example

Applies To: Axes Collection | Columns Collection | CubeDefs Collection | Dimensions Collection | Errors Collection | Fields Collection | Groups Collection | Hierarchies Collection | Indexes Collection | Keys Collection | Levels Collection | Members Collection | Parameters Collection | Positions Collection | Procedures Collection | Properties Collection | Tables Collection | Users Collection | Views Collection

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