AbsolutePosition and CursorLocation Properties Example (VJ++)
ADO 2.5 Samples

AbsolutePosition and CursorLocation Properties Example (VJ++)

This example demonstrates how the AbsolutePosition property can track the progress of a loop that enumerates all the records of a Recordset. It uses the CursorLocation property to enable the AbsolutePosition property by setting the cursor to a client cursor.

// BeginAboslutePositionJ
import com.ms.wfc.data.*;
import java.io.*;

public class AbsolutePositionX
   // The main entry point for the application.

   public static void main (String[] args)

   //.AbsolutePositionX function

   static void AbsolutePositionX()

      // define ADO Objects.
      Recordset rstEmployees = null;

      // Declarations.
      BufferedReader in = 
         new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
      String line = null;
      String strCnn = "Provider='sqloledb';Data Source='MySqlServer';" +
         "Initial Catalog='Pubs';Integrated Security='SSPI';";

      String strLName;
      String strMessage;
      String strAbsolutePosition,strRecordCount;
      int intAbsolutePosition;
      int intRecordCount;
      int intChoice;

         rstEmployees = new Recordset();

         // Use client cursor to enable AbsolutePosition property.
         rstEmployees.setCursorLocation( AdoEnums.CursorLocation.CLIENT);

         // Open a recordset for Employees table using a client cursor.
         rstEmployees.open("employee", strCnn,
            AdoEnums.CursorType.FORWARDONLY ,

         // Enumerate Recordset.
         while ( !rstEmployees.getEOF()) // continuous loop
            intRecordCount = rstEmployees.getRecordCount();
            strRecordCount = Integer.toString(intRecordCount);

            // Read data field in the variables.
            strLName = rstEmployees.getField("lname").getString();
            intAbsolutePosition = rstEmployees.getAbsolutePosition();
            strAbsolutePosition = Integer.toString(intAbsolutePosition);

            // Display current record information.
            strMessage = "\nEmployee: " + strLName + "\n" + "(Record " + 
               strAbsolutePosition + " of " +strRecordCount + " )";
               "\nDo you want to continue (1 -> Yes / 2 -> No)?");
            //user types a number followed by enter (cr-lf).
            line = in.readLine().trim();
            intChoice = Integer.parseInt(line);
            if ( intChoice != 1)

      catch( NumberFormatException ne)
         System.out.println("\nException : Integer Input required.");

      catch( AdoException ae )
         // Notify user of any errors that result from ADO.

         // Check for null pointer for connection object.
         if (rstEmployees.getActiveConnection()== null)
            System.out.println("Exception: " + ae.getMessage());
         // As passing a Recordset, check for null pointer first.
         if (rstEmployees != null)
            System.out.println("Exception: " + ae.getMessage());

      // System read requires this catch.
      catch( java.io.IOException je)
         // Cleanup objects before exit.   
         if (rstEmployees != null)
            if (rstEmployees.getState() == 1)

   // PrintProviderError Function

   static void PrintProviderError( Connection Cnn1 )
      // Print Provider errors from Connection object.
      // ErrItem is an item object in the Connections Errors collection.
      com.ms.wfc.data.Error  ErrItem = null;
      long nCount = 0;
      int  i      = 0;

      nCount = Cnn1.getErrors().getCount();

      // If there are any errors in the collection, print them.
      if( nCount > 0);
         // Collection ranges from 0 to nCount - 1
         for (i = 0; i< nCount; i++)
            ErrItem = Cnn1.getErrors().getItem(i);
            System.out.println("\t Error number: " + ErrItem.getNumber()
               + "\t" + ErrItem.getDescription() );


   //.PrintIOError Function
   static void PrintIOError( java.io.IOException je)
      System.out.println("Error \n");
      System.out.println("\tSource = " + je.getClass() + "\n");
      System.out.println("\tDescription = " + je.getMessage() + "\n");

// EndAbsolutePositionJ

See Also

AbsolutePosition Property | CursorLocation Property | Recordset Object

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