ADO for Visual C++ Syntax Index for COM
ADO 2.5 API Reference

ADO for Visual C++ Syntax Index for COM

This index is a cross-reference to the ADO Language Reference based on Microsoft Visual C++.

If you use the #import directive in your application, a header file will be generated that will enable you to use syntax similar to Microsoft Visual Basic. Property names of the form get_PropertyName and put_PropertyName can be treated as if they were declared simply as PropertyName. A property can then be treated like a data member instead of a function.

All of the methods, properties, and events are functions that return an HRESULT, which you can test to determine if the function executed successfully.

Method and property syntax in Visual C++ is listed for the following elements:

See Also

ADO for Visual C++ Syntax Index with #import | ActiveX Data Objects Start Page

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