Type Property Example (Property) (VB)
ADO 2.5 Samples

Type Property Example (Property) (VB)

This example demonstrates the Type property. It is a model of a utility for listing the names and types of a collection, like Properties, Fields, etc.

We do not need to open the Recordset to access its Properties collection; they come into existence when the Recordset object is instantiated. However, setting the CursorLocation property to adUseClient adds several dynamic properties to the Recordset object's Properties collection, making the example a little more interesting. For sake of illustration, we explicitly use the Item property to access each Property object.

Public Sub Main()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

     ' recordset variables
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim prop As ADODB.Property
     ' property variables
    Dim ix As Integer
    Dim strMsg As String
     ' create client-side recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
    rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
     ' enumerate property types
    For ix = 0 To rst.Properties.Count - 1
        Set prop = rst.Properties.Item(ix)
        Select Case prop.Type
           Case adBigInt
              strMsg = "adBigInt"
           Case adBinary
              strMsg = "adBinary"
           Case adBoolean
              strMsg = "adBoolean"
           Case adBSTR
              strMsg = "adBSTR"
           Case adChapter
              strMsg = "adChapter"
           Case adChar
              strMsg = "adChar"
           Case adCurrency
              strMsg = "adCurrency"
           Case adDate
              strMsg = "adDate"
           Case adDBDate
              strMsg = "adDBDate"
           Case adDBTime
              strMsg = "adDBTime"
           Case adDBTimeStamp
              strMsg = "adDBTimeStamp"
           Case adDecimal
              strMsg = "adDecimal"
           Case adDouble
              strMsg = "adDouble"
           Case adEmpty
              strMsg = "adEmpty"
           Case adError
              strMsg = "adError"
           Case adFileTime
              strMsg = "adFileTime"
           Case adGUID
              strMsg = "adGUID"
           Case adIDispatch
              strMsg = "adIDispatch"
           Case adInteger
              strMsg = "adInteger"
           Case adIUnknown
              strMsg = "adIUnknown"
           Case adLongVarBinary
              strMsg = "adLongVarBinary"
           Case adLongVarChar
              strMsg = "adLongVarChar"
           Case adLongVarWChar
              strMsg = "adLongVarWChar"
           Case adNumeric
              strMsg = "adNumeric"
           Case adPropVariant
              strMsg = "adPropVariant"
           Case adSingle
              strMsg = "adSingle"
           Case adSmallInt
              strMsg = "adSmallInt"
           Case adTinyInt
              strMsg = "adTinyInt"
           Case adUnsignedBigInt
              strMsg = "adUnsignedBigInt"
           Case adUnsignedInt
              strMsg = "adUnsignedInt"
           Case adUnsignedSmallInt
              strMsg = "adUnsignedSmallInt"
           Case adUnsignedTinyInt
              strMsg = "adUnsignedTinyInt"
           Case adUserDefined
              strMsg = "adUserDefined"
           Case adVarBinary
              strMsg = "adVarBinary"
           Case adVarChar
              strMsg = "adVarChar"
           Case adVariant
              strMsg = "adVariant"
           Case adVarNumeric
              strMsg = "adVarNumeric"
           Case adVarWChar
              strMsg = "adVarWChar"
           Case adWChar
              strMsg = "adWChar"
           Case Else
              strMsg = "*UNKNOWN*"
        End Select
            'show results
        Debug.Print "Property " & ix & ": " & prop.Name & _
                    ", Type = " & strMsg
    Next ix
    ' clean up
    Set rst = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    ' clean up
    Set rst = Nothing
    If Err <> 0 Then
        MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error"
    End If
End Sub

See Also

Property Object | Type Property

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