RDS 2.5 API Reference

CreateRecordset Method Example (VBScript)

This code example creates a Recordset on the server side. It has two columns with four rows each. Cut and paste the following code to Notepad or another text editor and save it as CreateRecordsetVBS.asp.

<!-- BeginCreateRecordsetVBS -->

<%@ Language=VBScript %>



<meta name="VI60_DefaultClientScript" content=VBScript>

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">

<title>CreateRecordset Method Example (VBScript)</title>



body {

font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif;




.thead {

background-color: #008080;

font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif;

font-size: x-small;

color: white;


.thead2 {

background-color: #800000;

font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif;

font-size: x-small;

color: white;


.tbody {

text-align: center;

background-color: #f7efde;

font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif;

font-size: x-small;






<OBJECT classid=clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E33 height=1 id=DC1 width=1>


<h1>CreateRecordset Method Example (VBScript)</h1>

<script language = "vbscript">

' use the RDS.DataControl to create an empty recordset;

' takes an array of variants where every element is itself another

' array of variants, one for every column required in the recordset

' the elements of the inner array are the column's

' name, type, size, and nullability

Sub GetRS()

Dim Record(2)

Dim Field1(3)

Dim Field2(3)

Dim Field3(3)

' for each field, specify the name type, size, and nullability

Field1(0) = "Name" ' Column name.

Field1(1) = CInt(129) ' Column type.

Field1(2) = CInt(40) ' Column size.

Field1(3) = False ' Nullable?

Field2(0) = "Age"

Field2 (1) = CInt(3)

Field2 (2) = CInt(-1)

Field2 (3) = True

Field3 (0) = "DateOfBirth"

Field3 (1) = CInt(7)

Field3 (2) = CInt(-1)

Field3 (3) = True

' put all fields into an array of arrays

Record(0) = Field1

Record(1) = Field2

Record(2) = Field3

Dim NewRs

Set NewRS = DC1.CreateRecordset(Record)

Dim fields(2)

fields(0) = Field1(0)

fields(1) = Field2(0)

fields(2) = Field3(0)

' Populate the new recordset with data values.

Dim fieldVals(2)

' Use AddNew to add the records.

fieldVals(0) = "Joe"

fieldVals(1) = 5

fieldVals(2) = CDate(#1/5/96#)

NewRS.AddNew fields, fieldVals

fieldVals(0) = "Mary"

fieldVals(1) = 6

fieldVals(2) = CDate(#6/5/94#)

NewRS.AddNew fields, fieldVals

fieldVals(0) = "Alex"

fieldVals(1) = 13

fieldVals(2) = CDate(#1/6/88#)

NewRS.AddNew fields, fieldVals

fieldVals(0) = "Susan"

fieldVals(1) = 13

fieldVals(2) = CDate(#8/6/87#)

NewRS.AddNew fields, fieldVals


' Set the newly created and populated Recordset to

' the SourceRecordset property of the

' RDS.DataControl to bind to visual controls

Set DC1.SourceRecordset = NewRS

End Sub


<table datasrc="#dc1" align="center">


<tr id="ColHeaders" class="thead2">






<tbody class="tbody">


<td><input datafld="Name" size=15 id=text1 name=text1> </td>

<td><input datafld="Age" size=25 id=text2 name=text2> </td>

<td><input datafld="DateOfBirth" size=25 id=text3 name=text3> </td>




<input type = "button" onclick = "GetRS()" value="Go!">



<!-- EndCreateRecordsetVBS -->

See Also

CreateRecordset Method (RDS) | Recordset Object

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