ADO Objects and Interfaces
ADO 2.5 API Reference

ADO Objects and Interfaces

The relationships between these objects are represented in the ADO Object Model.

Each object can be contained in its corresponding collection. For example, an Error object can be contained in an Errors collection. For more information, see ADO Collections or a specific collection topic.

ADORecordConstruction Constructs an ADO Record object from an OLE DB Row object in a C/C++ application.
ADORecordsetConstruction Constructs an ADO Recordset object from an OLE DB Rowset object in a C/C++ application.
Error Contains details about data access errors that pertain to a single operation involving the provider.
Field Represents a column of data with a common data type.
Parameter Represents a parameter or argument associated with a Command object based on a parameterized query or stored procedure.
Property Represents a dynamic characteristic of an ADO object that is defined by the provider.
Record Represents a row of a Recordset, or a directory or file in a file system.
Recordset Represents the entire set of records from a base table or the results of an executed command. At any time, the Recordset object refers to only a single record within the set as the current record.
Stream Represents a binary stream of data.

See Also

ADO API Reference | ADO Collections | ADO Dynamic Properties | ADO Enumerated Constants | Appendix B: ADO Errors | ADO Events | ADO Methods | ADO Object Model | ADO Properties

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