Voyager 1 image of Telesto.
Telesto was a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. Telesto was discovered by Brad Smith and his co-workers on the Voyager mission in 1981.
Telesto is one of the Trojan moons of Tethys. (Calypso is the other one). Telesto occupies the leading Lagrange point, 60o ahead of Tethys, and orbits Saturn at a distance of 294,660 kilometres in a circular path.

The orbits of Enceladus, Tethys, Telesto, Calypso, Dione, Helene, and Rhea.
Physical properties
Telesto is a small roughly spherical moon, measuring 34 x 28 x 36 kilometres. The mass and density of Telesto are unknown. Telesto is probably the captured remnant of an asteroid collision.
The interior of Telesto is unknown.
Magnetic field
No magnetic field has been detected.
No atmosphere has been detected.
Even in the best available images, Telesto is a fuzzy blob. Nothing is known about the surface except that it is moderately reflective, with an albedo of 0.5.