Voyager 2 image of Puck.
Puck is the mischievous fairy in Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer-night's Dream". Puck was discovered in 1985 by Stephen Synnott using Voyager 2 images. It was found early enough to allow adjustment of Voyager's observation timetable and acquire images.
Puck orbits Uranus at a distance of 86,010 kilometres. Puck is the outermost of the small satellites located by Voyager, but well within the orbit of Miranda.

The orbits of Uranus' small moons.
Physical properties
Puck is the largest of Uranus' small moons, with a diameter of 145 kilometres.
Puck's interior is unknown.
Magnetic field
No magnetic field has been detected.
No atmosphere has been detected.
Like the other small moons of Uranus Puck is dark, with an albedo of just 0.07. The Voyager 2 image of Puck shows a roughly spherical object, with two large 40 kilometre craters near the top edge of the disk. At the bottom edge there are a few smaller 20 kilometre craters. No detail or surface markings can be seen.