Orbital parametres
Distance from Sun (semimajor axis) 4,498 million km (30.07 AU)
Minimum distance (perihelion) 4,453 million km (30.27 AU)
Maximum distance (aphelion) 4,543 million km (29.87 AU)

Orbital eccentricity

Length of year (orbital period) 60,189 days (164.8 years)
Length of day (rotational period) 16.07 hours (0.67 days)
Average orbital velocity 5.48 km/s  
Orbital inclination 1.77 degrees  
Axial tilt (obliquity) 28.8 degrees  
Physical Properties
Equatorial radius 24,764 km (3.88 x Earth)
Mass 1.024 x1026 kg (17.15 x Earth)
Volume 6.254 x1014 km3 (57.74 x Earth)
Average density 1,640 kg/m3 (0.297 x Earth)
Oblateness 0.017  
Surface gravity at equator 11.14 m/s2 (1.139 x Earth)
Escape velocity 23.49 km/s (2.097 x Earth)
Solar irradiance 1.47 Watts/m2 (0.001 x Earth)
Surface temperature 50 to 53 K (-223 to -220o C)
Albedo 0.41  
Maximum visual magnitude +7.66