Send Messages
Sending a message
Formatting a message with Auto Text Clean Up
Sending a message from Contacts
Checking spelling in a message
Applying styles to a message
Attaching files to a message
Replying to a message
Forwarding a message
Redirecting a message
Specifying a signature for individual messages

To send a message

  1. On the File menu, point to New, and then choose Mail Message.
  2. In the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes, type the names of the message recipients. You can:
  3. In the Subject box, type the subject of your message.
  4. If you are sending an important message, choose High from the Priority menu. When the recipient replies the priority you set will be maintained.
  5. In the main text area, type your message.
  6. If you want to finish the message later, choose Save from the File menu to store the message in the Drafts folder located in the Folder list.
  7. The Account menu located at the top-left of the window displays your default mail server account. If you want to send this message from a different account, choose one from the menu.
  8. On the Message menu, choose Send Message Now. If you want to send the message at another time, click the Send Later button on the message window toolbar. This will store the message in the Outbox until you use the Send All, or Send & Receive commands, or during the scheduled Send & Receive as specified in Preferences.


Related Topics
Specifying a signature for an individual message
Applying styles to a message
Attaching files to a message
Checking recipient names and e-mail addresses
Creating a signature
Compressing outgoing attachments automatically
Finding a person, business, or e-mail address
Formatting a message with Auto Text Clean Up
Saving copies of outgoing messages
Sending a message from Contacts

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To format a message with Auto Text Clean Up

  1. Double-click the message that you want to format so that it appears in its own window. Auto Text Clean Up will not apply to messages displayed in the Preview Pane.
  2. Select the text that you want to format.
  3. On the Edit menu, point to Auto Text Clean Up, and then choose one of the following:

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To send a message from Contacts

  1. If the Contacts window is not open, choose Contacts from the Window menu.
  2. Click the contact to which you want to send the message. Hold down the Shift key to select a range of contacts, or hold down the Command key to select specific contacts.
  3. Click the Mail To button on the toolbar.
  4. In the Subject box, type the subject of your message.
  5. In the main text area, type your message.
  6. When you are finished, choose Send Message Now from the Message menu. If you want to send the message at another time, click the Send Later button on the message window toolbar. This will store the message in the Outbox.
Related Topics
Adding a contact
Adding the sender of a message to Contacts
Glossary (Contacts)
Sending a message

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To check spelling in a message

With Office 98 installed, you can easily spell check your messages before you send them. As you type, Microsoft Outlook Express will check your dictionary and underline words that cannot be found. You can correct misspelled words by pressing the Control key and clicking the mouse button on the misspelled word, and then choosing an option from the menu that appears.

  1. On the Tools menu, choose Spelling. In the Not In Dictionary window, Microsoft Outlook Express will display each word that is not in the current dictionary. In the Suggestions window, Microsoft Outlook Express will display words that might be the correct one to use.
  2. Do one of the following:


Related Topic
Setting up spelling preferences

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To apply styles to a message

When you want to add special emphasis or structure to message text, you can use HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the standard for formatting text on the Internet.

When you use HTML formatting, and the recipients program does not read HTML, the message may appear as plain text or with an HTML file attachment. In either case, the recipient will get your message.

  1. If you have not already started a message, on the File menu, point to New, and then choose Mail Message.
  2. On the Format menu, make sure a check mark appears beside the Rich Text (HTML) command. If it doesn't, choose Rich Text (HTML) from the menu.
  3. Place the insertion point where you want to begin applying a style, or if you have already typed your message, highlight the text to which you want to apply the style.
  4. Do any of the following:

Related Topics
Posting a message to a newsgroup
Posting a reply to a newsgroup
Replying by mail to the author of a news message
Sending a message
Setting up plain text or HTML formatting mail and news messages

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To attach files to a message

  1. Drag the file and drop it into the message window.

    To add multiple files, press the Shift key as you click each file, and then drag all the files to the message window.

  2. If you want to compress the file to reduce the time it takes for recipients with slower connections to download your message, choose Compress Attachments from the View menu. The Stuffit Engine must be installed on your computer.

Related Topics
Changing the message attachment encoding
Compressing all outgoing attachments
Glossary (attachments)
Posting a message to a newsgroup
Posting a reply to a newsgroup
Replying by mail to the author of a news message
Sending a message

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To reply to a message

  1. If the message you are replying to is not open, click the message title.
  2. On the Message menu:
  3. Add any additional recipients to the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes.
  4. In the main text area, type your message.
  5. On the Message menu, choose Send Message Now. If you want to send the message at another time, click the Send Later button on the message window toolbar. This will store the message in the Outbox until you use the Send All, or Send & Receive commands, or during the scheduled Send & Receive as specified in Preferences.

Related Topics
Automating tasks for messages using rules
Formatting a message with Auto Text Clean Up
Forwarding a message
Redirecting a message
Sending a message

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To forward a message

  1. If the message you are forwarding is not open, click the message title in the message list.
  2. On the Message menu, choose Forward.
  3. In the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes, type the names of the message recipients.
  4. In the Subject box, type the subject of your message.
  5. In the main text area, type your message.
  6. On the Message menu, choose Send Message Now.If you want to send the message at another time, click the Send Later button on the message window toolbar. This will store the message in the Outbox until you use the Send All, or Send & Receive commands, or during the scheduled Send & Receive as specified in Preferences.

Related Topics
Automating tasks for messages using rules
Formatting a message with Auto Text Clean Up
Glossary (forward)
Redirecting a message
Replying to a message
Sending a message
Using a quote character when forwarding

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To redirect a message

  1. If the message you are redirecting is not open, click the message title in the message list.
  2. On the Message menu, choose Redirect.
  3. In the To, Cc and Bcc boxes, type the names of the message recipients.
  4. On the Message menu, choose Send Message Now. If you want to send the message at another time, click the Send Later button on the message window toolbar. This will store the message in the Outbox until you use the Send All, or Send & Receive commands, or during the scheduled Send & Receive as specified in Preferences.


Related Topics
Automating tasks for messages using rules
Forwarding a message
Glossary (redirect)
Replying to a message
Sending a message

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To specify a signature for an individual message

Related Topics
Creating a signature
Editing and deleting a signature
Glossary (signature)

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