128 Color Manager 2250 Under Construction... 2251 Please use a 16 bit application (PhotoPaint ver 5.0 for instance) to scan your target. Save it in a file, then use it in the Color Manager. 2252 Please use PhotoPaint to print the file %s; then continue with the Color Wizard. 8225 Don't Calibrate (None) 8226 Don't Calibrate 8227 Don't Calibrate 8228 Not Calibrated 8229 Gen_SCAN 8230 Gen_MON 8231 Gen_PRN 8232 Generic 8233 CMYK 8272 ProfLib.RF 8273 moncalib.bmp 8274 montemp.bmp 8275 *.CCM 8276 clogo.tif 8278 CORELTGT.REF 8279 IT8SCAN.TIF 8280 cdv5 8281 head 8282 mntb 8283 prtb 8284 sctb 8286 *.CMF 8287 *.RMF 8288 .CMF 8289 .RMF 8290 .TIF 8291 RGB64.TIF 8292 .IDP 8293 *.IDP 8294 TIFF files(*.TIF)|*.TIF| 8295 Reference files(*.REF)|*.REF|All files(*.*)|*.*| 8296 File must be in a TIFF Format 8297 You have selected either a wrong format TIF target or a wrong reference file. 8298 PRNTGT.TIF 8299 .CCM 8300 CMYK504 8301 RGB270 8302 *.INF 8303 INF files(*.INF)|*.INF| 8304 .INF 8306 tmpinfo.inf 8307 scanner.inf 8308 monitor.inf 8309 printer.inf 8310 RMF files(*.RMF)|*.RMF| 8311 CMF files(*.CMF)|*.CMF| 8312 _default.ccm 8313 colormgr 8314 ZoomClass 8315 target.tif 8316 TIFF Bitmap(*.TIF)|*.TIF|Windows Bitmap(*.BMP)|*.BMP|All files|*.*| 8317 ImageViewClass 8318 rgb.bmp 8319 cmyk.bmp 8320 Color Manager! 8321 Color Manager : Error ! 8323 Profile Generation Failed ! 8324 Please go to the printer characterization dialog box and pick a name. 8325 Please go to the printer calibration dialog box and pick a name. 8326 Please go to the scanner file dialog box and either pick a name or create a scanner profile. 8327 Please check your Corel COLOR directory. 8328 The device <%s, %s> is already defined in the device list, Do you want to overwrite it? 8329 Color Manager : Warning ! 8330 Invalid Profile %s 8333 Do you want to remove the device <%s,%s>? 8334 Do you want to remove the manufacturer %s (All manufacturer models will be deleted)? 8335 Do you want to remove the system color profile %s? 8336 Do you want to label each square of the Test Pattern with a number? (Select No if using scanner method) 8337 A calibrated scanner is needed to perform color measurements automatically; Please go back to scanner calibration and select a scanner. 8338 Cannot copy to file %s. Please check that the drive is not full and that the disk is not write protected. 8339 Generic files are missing from your Color directory. Please reinstall the Color Manager Wizard. 8340 Generating Scanner Profile... 8341 Generating Monitor Profile... 8342 Generating Printer Test Pattern... 8343 Measuring Colors... 8344 Generating Printer Profile... 8345 Generating Printer Circuits... 8346 Generating Scanner Circuit... 8347 Generating System Color Profile... 8348 Do you want to Exit the Color Manager? 8349 The current path is invalid 8350 Corel COLOR MANAGER 6.0 8351 ClrWizardClass 8352 Corel Color Manager 8353 When the System Profile is complete, you will return to your application. 8354 When the System Profile is complete, you will return to Windows. 8355 Zoom... 8356 Color Calibration 8357 SystemColorProfile 8358 Write error: please check your temp directory. 8359 You accurately selected the four reference marks 8360 You scanned the entire image, including the four white reference marks and the entire grayscale along the bottom 8361 You selected a reference file corresponding to the scanned target 8362 The values you selected for the monitor characteristics are in a reasonable range 8363 You accurately selected the four reference marks; also make sure that you scanned the entire image, including the four white reference marks 8364 The image counts 504 colors; determine if the CMYK colorants of your printer are individually controlled 8365 The image counts 270 colors 8366 Your scanner has been properly calibrated, and the four reference marks on the scanner target have been accurately selected 8367 Your measurement file contains 504 color measurements in XYZ100 format 8368 Your measurement file contains 270 color measurements in XYZ100 format 8369 The CMYK colorants of your printer may be individually controlled 8370 The System Color Profile %s will be the default for all Corel suite applications 8371 Do you want to stop the Color Profile Generation? 8372 to 8373 Printing... 8374 Initializing color space 8375 Image Orientation... 8448 Manufacturer and Model: 8449 Enter the Manufacturer and Model Name: 8450 Finish 8451 Next > 8464 Name and Description of the selected System Profile 8465 Enter a Name and a Description for the System Profile. 8481 Align this point with the top left corner 8482 Align this point with the bottom left corner 8483 Align this point with the top right corner 8484 Align this point with the bottom right corner 8485 The Scanner Profile %s has an Invalid Name 8486 Cannot find the scanner profile %s. Either check the directory %s, regenerate the file %s through the scanner calibration process, or select a different scanner profile. 8487 Cannot find the generic scanner profile %s. Either check the directory %s, select an existing scanner, or reinstall this product. 8488 Cannot find the data reference file %s. 8496 Chromaticity 8497 White Point 8498 Custom... 8499 Flourescent (Three-Band) 4100°K 8500 Cool White Fluorescent 4300°K 8501 Std. Illuminant B 4874°K 8502 Std. Illuminant D(50) 5000°K 8503 Xenon 5290°K 8504 Paper White Point 5500°K 8505 Xenon Camera Flash 6000°K 8506 Metal halide Mercury 6430°K 8507 Average Daylight 6500°K 8508 North Skylight 7500°K 8509 High Dynamic Range 9300°K 8510 Custom 8511 Barco 8512 Hitachi EBU 8513 Hitachi/Ikegami 8514 NTSC 8515 Radius Pivot 8516 Trinitron 8517 Custom... 8518 Low 8519 Medium 8520 High 8528 Measure the CIE XYZ100 values of each palette rectangle from 1 to %d (please refer to the test pattern file you have have just printed), and create a measurement file (%s) in the Color directory (%s). 8529 When ready, click 'Done' and select the new %s file. 8530 No measurement file has been found in the color directory %s. 8531 The measurement file %s does not exist. Please select or generate a measurement file. 8532 Custom 8533 None 8534 Light 8535 Medium 8536 Heavy 8537 Maximum 8538 A measurement file will be automatically generated from the printer target image; this file will be stored in your color directory. 8539 Type the name of the color measurement file. If you don't know the name, click Browse to view available files. 8544 A:\ 8545 The specified location does not contain calibration information 8546 Note: the following list shows the %s information files already defined in the Color directory. You can either add %s to an existing file or create a new file. 8547 Monitor 8548 Scanner 8549 Printer 8550 This directory does not contain the information file 8552 Select information file path 8561 %s is not a valid Color Manager system file. 8562 %s is an incorrect version. 8576 OK 8577 File name is bad: check name, directory and extension of file. 8578 The manufacturer does not match the information file. 8579 Cannot open file %s. 8580 Cannot write to file %s. 8581 Not Enough Memory, Please close some applications and try again. 8582 Bad file format or values in %s. 8583 General error. 8584 Incorrect file format or Bad values in %s. 8585 Cannot find device in the information file %s. 8586 The selected information file is defined for another type of device. 8587 Cannot delete the file %s 8588 Unable to update %s, file is read only. 8589 Not enough disk space, or scanning error. 8590 The required %s-%s is already defined in %s; Do you want to replace the existing device profile with the new one? 8592 A2B0 8593 A2B1 8594 A2B2 8595 bXYZ 8596 bTRC 8597 B2A0 8598 B2A1 8599 B2A2 8600 calt 8601 targ 8602 cprt 8603 dmnd 8604 dmdd 8605 gmt, 8606 kTRC 8607 gXYZ 8609 gTRC 8610 lumi 8611 meas 8612 bkpt 8613 wtpt 8614 ncol 8615 pre0 8616 pre1 8617 pre2 8618 desc 8619 pseq 8620 psd0 8621 psd1 8622 psd2 8623 psd3 8625 ps2s 8626 ps2i 8627 rXYZ 8628 rTRC 8629 scrd 8630 scrn 8631 tech 8632 bfd, 8633 vued 8634 view 8753 curv 8754 data 8755 dtim 8756 mft2 8757 mft1 8758 ncol 8759 desc 8760 sf32 8761 scrn 8762 sig 8763 text 8764 uf32 8765 ui16 8766 ui32 8767 ui64 8768 ui08 8769 view 8770 XYZ