20480 Jan 20481 Feb 20482 Mar 20483 Apr 20484 May 20485 Jun 20486 Jul 20487 Aug 20488 Sep 20489 Oct 20490 Nov 20491 Dec 20492 January 20493 February 20494 March 20495 April 20496 May 20497 June 20498 July 20499 August 20500 September 20501 October 20502 November 20503 December 20504 Mon 20505 Tue 20506 Wed 20507 Thu 20508 Fri 20509 Sat 20510 Sun 20511 Monday 20512 Tuesday 20513 Wednesday 20514 Thursday 20515 Friday 20516 Saturday 20517 Sunday 20518 Intl 20519 sThousand 20520 sDecimal 20521 sList 20522 sDate 20523 sTime 20524 sCurrency 20525 sShortDate 20526 sLongDate 20527 s1159 20528 s2359 20529 iDate 20530 iTime 20531 iTLZero 20532 M/d/yy 20533 dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy 20534 EeBbDd 20535 $ 20536 , 20537 . 20538 , 20539 / 20540 : 20541 K 20542 M 20543 e+00 20544 % 20545 # 20546 0 20547 20548 20549 y 20550 M 20551 d 20552 h 20553 m 20554 s 20555 " 20556 \ 20557 & 20558 am 20559 AM 20560 pm 20561 PM 20562 yards 20563 yds 20564 miles 20565 mi 20566 feet 20567 ft 20568 '' 20569 ' 20570 inches 20571 in 20572 "" 20573 " 20574 kilometers 20575 km 20576 meters 20577 m 20578 centimeters 20579 cm 20580 millimeters 20581 mm 20582 picas 20583 picas 20584 points 20585 pts 20586 ciceros 20587 didots 20588 / 20589 - 20590 General 20591 degrees 20592 radians 20593 gradians 20594 K 20595 M 20596 e+00 20597 % 20598 # 20599 0 20600 20601 20602 y 20603 M 20604 d 20605 h 20606 m 20607 s 20608 " 20609 \ 20610 & 20611 am 20612 AM 20613 pm 20614 PM 20615 miles 20616 mi 20617 yards 20618 yds 20619 feet 20620 ft 20621 '' 20622 ' 20623 inches 20624 in 20625 "" 20626 " 20627 kilometers 20628 km 20629 meters 20630 m 20631 centimeters 20632 cm 20633 millimeters 20634 mm 20635 picas 20636 picas 20637 points 20638 pts 20639 ciceros 20640 didots 20641 General 20642 / 20643 - 20645 degrees 20646 radians 20647 gradians 20648 Corel 20649 Only user-defined format types may be deleted. \nThe selected format type is not user-defined. 20651 #,##0 mi 0 ft 20652 #,##0 ft 0 in 20653 #,##0 ft 0 /32 in 20654 #,##0 '' 0 "" 20655 #,##0''"-"0 /32"" 20656 #,##0.000 km 20657 #,##0 km 0.00 m 20658 #,##0 m 0.00 cm 20659 #,##0 m 0.0 mm 20660 0 picas 0 points 20663 0 20664 0.0 20665 0.00 20666 #,##0 20667 $"$"#,##0.00 20668 #,##0 K 20669 #,##0 M 20670 #,##0 % 20671 0.00 e+00 20674 dd/MM/yy 20675 dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy 20775 Could not open %s.\n\nPlease check Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%s" Value: "%s" in the Registry. 20776 Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%s" Value: "%s" not found in the Registry. 20779 Registered to: %s Serial #: %s 20780 This copy is registered to: \n%s \nSerial Number: %s 20781 Unknown User 20782 Unknown 20800 Custom 20801 Labels 20802 Slide 20803 Letter 20804 Legal 20805 Tabloid 20806 Statement/Half 20807 Executive 20808 Fanfold 20809 Double 20810 Broad Sheet 20811 A0 20812 A1 20813 A2 20814 A3 20815 A4 20816 A5 20817 A6 20818 B1 (ISO) 20819 B4 (ISO) 20820 B5 (ISO) 20821 B4 (JIS) 20822 B5 (JIS) 20823 C3 20824 C4 20825 C5 20826 C6 20827 RA2 20828 RA3 20829 RA4 20830 Envelope #9 20831 Envelope #10 20832 Envelope #11 20833 Envelope #12 20834 Envelope #14 20835 Envelope Monarch 20836 Envelope Check 20837 DL 20838 German Fanfold 20839 German Legal Fanfold 20848 %s Condition #%4.4d-%s-%4.4d 20849 A problem occurred accessing memory. Please refer to the Technical Support Help. 20850 Unexpected condition encountered. Please refer to the Technical Support Help. 20851 CorelDRAW! 20852 Invalid %s 20853 Value must be between %s and %s %s. 20857 inches 20858 inch 20859 inches 20860 millimeters 20861 millimeter 20862 mm 20863 picas, points 20864 pica 20865 picas 20866 points 20867 point 20868 points 20869 centimeters 20870 centimeter 20871 cm 20872 pixels 20873 pixel 20874 pixels 20875 feet 20876 foot 20877 ft 20878 miles 20879 mile 20880 mi 20881 meters 20882 meter 20883 m 20884 kilometers 20885 kilometer 20886 km 20887 degrees 20888 degree 20889 degrees 20890 ciceros, didots 20891 cicero 20892 ciceros 20893 didots 20894 didot 20895 didots 20896 agates 20897 agate 20898 agates 20899 inch decimal 20900 inch decimal 20901 in decimal 20910 % Complete 20917 Insufficient memory to open this Roll-Up.\n\nClose one or more Roll-Ups or applications and then try again. 20918 Roll-Up 20919 System 20920 Display 20921 Printing 20922 Corel EXEs & DLLs 20923 System DLLs 20925 Platform: Windows NT 20926 Platform: Win32s(TM) on Windows 3.1 20927 Platform: Windows 95 20928 Platform: Unknown 20929 Platform version: %d.%d 20930 Platform build number: %d 20931 Platform info: %s 20932 Total physical memory: %lu KB 20933 Available physical memory: %lu KB 20934 Total virtual memory: %lu KB 20935 Available virtual memory: %lu KB 20936 Math Coprocessor: Yes 20937 Math Coprocessor: No 20938 Available space on drive %c: %lu KB %s 20939 Windows Directory: %s 20940 TEMP directory: %s 20941 20942 (Network drive) 20943 (Ram drive) 20944 Processor: Intel 80386 20945 Processor: Intel 80486 20946 Processor: Intel Pentium (586) 20947 Processor: Intel 860 20948 Processor: MIPS R2000 20949 Processor: MIPS R3000 20950 Processor: MIPS R4000 20951 Processor: Alpha 21064 20952 Processor: Unknown 20953 Number of Processors: %lu 20954 Display width: %d 20955 Display height: %d 20956 Mode: Black and White 20957 Mode: 16 Colors 20958 Mode: 256 Colors 20959 Mode: 65K Colors 20960 Mode: 24 Bit Color 20961 Display: %s 20962 Driver: %s 20963 Driver version: %d.%d 20964 Driver size: %lu 20965 Driver date: %s 20967 File Version Date Size 20968 %s %s %d/%d/%d %ld 20969 Installed Printers Driver Version Date Size Port 20970 %s %s %d.%d %d/%d/%d %ld %s 20971 System info was saved to %s. 20972 Unable to save system info to %s. 20973 pixels per 20974 ... 20975 1: 20976 2: 20977 3: 20978 Rotation values 20979 Are you sure you wish to cancel\nthe current operation? 20980 Confirm 20981 (CD-ROM drive) 21534 &Next > 21535 N&o 21536 &Yes 21537 &Finish 21538 Settings 21539 Progress: 21540 Memory Free: 21541 Toolbar 21542 CAP 21543 NUM 21544 OVR 21545 SCRL 21546 Press ESC to Cancel 21547 Working ... 21548 You must type a name for the toolbar 21549 This is a system defined toolbar.\nYou can not change its name 21550 Terminal 21551 MS Sans Serif 21552 New Group 21553 No Caption 21554 There is already a toolbar named ' 21555 '.\nTry a different name. 21556 &Delete 21557 &Reset 21558 - 21559 Reset all changes made to the toolbar ' 21560 '? (This operation cannot be undone) 21561 You must enter a name for the menu 21562 8 per tick 21563 of 21564 10 per tick 21583 MS Sans Serif 21588 2 Points 21589 Angle and 1 Point 21591 < &Back 21593 Base Region 21594 21595 21596 21597 21598 21599 Ctrl 21600 Shift 21601 Alt 21602 Backspace 21603 Tab 21604 Enter 21605 Pause 21606 CapsLock 21607 Esc 21608 Space 21609 PgUp 21610 PgDn 21611 End 21612 Home 21613 LeftArrow 21614 RightArrow 21615 UpArrow 21616 DnArrow 21617 Insert 21618 Delete 21619 F1 21620 F2 21621 F3 21622 F4 21623 F5 21624 F6 21625 F7 21626 F8 21627 F9 21628 F10 21629 F11 21630 F12 21632 High 21633 Normal 21634 Low 21635 Idle 21636 Suspend 21637 Resume 21638 Document 21639 Command 21640 Priority 21641 % 21642 Suspended 21661 This accelerator conflicts with another single key accelerator 21662 The file ' 21663 ' could not be opened\n\n 21664 ' is corrupt\n\n 21665 ' is read only\n\n 21666 Using the default toolbar configuration instead. 21667 The toolbar configuration information will not be saved\n 21668 The toolbar configuration can not be saved\n 21669 Load ToolBars 21670 Save ToolBars 21671 ' has an old format\n\n 21672 Load Menus 21673 Save Menus 21674 File is not an Accelerator File 21675 Accelerator File does not belong to this Application\n Using default settings instead. 21676 Accelerator File does not belong to this version of the Application\n Using default settings instead. 21677 Acclerator file is in old Format,\n Using default settings instead. 21678 This accelerator conflicts with part of a multiple key accelerator.\n Assign another accelerator. 21679 This accelerator is reserved for Windows.\n Assign another accelerator. 21680 Using the default menu configuration instead.\nUse the Customize Menus property page to make any changes. 21681 File Path not set ... Please check 21682 The menu configuration information will not be saved\n 21683 The menu configuration information can not be saved\n 21684 Using the default Rollups configuration instead.\nThe Rollups configuration file will be restored when you exit the application. 21685 The Rollups configuration information will not be saved\n 21686 The Rollups configuration can not be saved\n 21687 Load Rollups 21688 Save Rollups 21689 Grouped Rollups 21718 F13 21719 F14 21720 F15 21721 F16 21722 F17 21723 F18 21724 F19 21725 F20 21726 F21 21727 F22 21728 F23 21729 F24 21730 * 21731 + 21733 - 21734 . 21735 / 21736 0 21737 1 21738 2 21739 3 21740 4 21741 5 21742 6 21743 7 21744 8 21745 9 21746 Clear 21747 Print Screen 21748 Num Lock 21749 Scroll Lock 21753 <> 21754 <> 21755 This will delete the ' 21756 ' menu and all contained menu items. 21757 Menu 21758 File 21759 View 21760 Tools 21761 Window 21762 Help 21763 Edit 21764 Toolbars...\nMore Toolbars... 21765 Application Scripts 21766 General Scripts 21768 Value must be between %s and %s %s. 21769 Value must be between %s and %s %s.\nThe value will be reset to %s %s. 21770 Invalid 21771 Grid Unit 21772 Prefix 21773 File Cannot be Read \n Will use default settings 21774 No Disk Space available 21796 Guidelines Setup 21797 &Show Guidelines 21798 S&nap To Guidelines 21799 Clea&r All 21800 H 21801 V 21802 Angle: 21803 No Roll-Ups 21804 All Roll-Ups Arranged 21805 Save On Exit 21806 Accelerator Files (*.acl) | *.acl|| 21807 Others... 21808 Delete 21809 Assign 21810 &Options<< 21811 &Options>> 21812 There are too many files for the Files Listbox. Some will not be shown. 21813 Save changes to Keywords/Notes? 21814 Could not write Keyword/Notes. 21815 Name 21816 Date 21817 Name 21818 Size 21819 Type 21820 Modified 21821 There are too many files to sort. 21822 Load... 21823 Save As... 21824 Reset All 21825 Go to conflict on assign 21826 Commands: 21827 Current shortcut keys: 21828 Press new shortcut key: 21829 You must type a name for the Rollup Group 21830 Persistant 21831 &What's This? 21832 &Help 21833 Custom 21834 Grid & Ruler Setup 21835 Ctrl, Alt, or Shift must me used in combination with another key. 21836 You will lose all your Changes 53296 &Time and Date 53297 &None 53298 &Memory 53299 &State Icons 53300 &Keyboard States 53301 &Large Color Swatch 53302 Sm&all Color Swatches 53303 Object &Information 53304 Object &Details 53305 Small Color S&watches 53306 Group 53307 Rollup List 61446 BoldItalic 61447 Italic 61448 Bold 61449 Normal 61450 1024 61451 2048 61452 4096 61453 512 61454 inches 61455 millimeters 61456 picas, points 61457 points 61458 ciceros, didots 61459 didots 61460 Adobe Type 1 Export 61461 Too many objects to export 61462 Object(s) are not closed 61463 Font too complex 61464 Font is full - no space left for symbol 61465 Could not open this Adobe Type 1 Font file 61466 Save changes to Font File 61467 Adobe Type 1 Export 61468 Adobe Font Metrics (*.afm)| *.afm|| 61469 Unsupported metric file -- internal error 61470 Overwrite existing definition 61471 Warning 61472 Character code is not supported by Windows 61473 1000 61474 Invalid Family name. Please enter a valid Family name. 61475 *.afm 61476 *.afm 61477 The Family name is too long\nThe maximum allowed is 80 characters.\n\nPlease enter a valid Family name.