\\prgName Sierra On-Line Demo Setup/Install Program \\getDestDrive Type the letter of the hard disk that your HOYLE 3 Demo will be installed, or press ESC to cancel installation. \\getAnyDrive Type the letter of the hard disk that your HOYLE 3 Demo will be installed, or press ESC to cancel installation. \\intro This program will let you specify what type of drivers to configure in your machine. You must run it once to install and configure the HOYLE 3 Demo. You should run it AGAIN if you add new hardware to your system or if you want to switch sound drivers. See README file. \\audioPrompt Select a speech/sound effects card from the choices below. NOTE: This demo has sound effects, but no speech. \\readMePrompt Use arrow keys to scroll. Press Esc or Enter to exit \\memoryHelp This Demo does not need extra machine memory to speed up play. \\warrantyInfo If you have difficulties running your HOYLE 3 Demo, read the README file. If you still have questions, call Sierra On-Line Customer Support at 209-683-4468.