----------------------------------------------------------------- This document describes the self-running demo of YEAGER AIR COMBAT. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- RUNNING THE DEMO ----------------------------------------------------------------- To run the demo with sound effects, type "YEAGER". To run the demo with no sound effects, type "YEAGER QUIET". To exit the demo, press ESC or CTRL-Q at any time. The demo will automatically configure itself to use the best available video mode and sound output device. To change its choices, see below. This program requires 640k RAM, and you should have 560k or more free RAM. This program runs in VGA, EGA, and TANDY video modes. Unlike the actual game, it does NOT run in MCGA or CGA video modes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING THE DEMO ON A HARD DISK ----------------------------------------------------------------- You can install this demo to a hard disk by creating a directory for it, then copying all the files from this disk to that directory. For example: MD C:\DEMO ...make the directory "DEMO" on drive C COPY A:*.* C:\DEMO ...copy all files to it C: ...select C: as the current drive CD C:\DEMO ...select DEMO as the current directory YEAGER ...run the demo ----------------------------------------------------------------- SELECTING THE VIDEO MODE AND SOUND DEVICE ----------------------------------------------------------------- When the demo runs, it automatically chooses the best video mode and sound output device. If you want to override its choices, you can use the parameters below. If you have a COVOX or CMS sound board, you must use the appropriate parameter to select it, since we don't automatically detect those devices. The command-line parameters for video modes are: EGA EGA graphics TGA Tandy graphics VGA VGA graphics The command-line parameters for sound boards are: PC PC internal speaker ADLIB Adlib sound card BLASTER Sound Blaster sound card TANDY Tandy 1000 TANDYDAC Tandy 1000 models that have a DAC (like the Tandy 1000 TL) COVOX1 Covox, on parallel port 1 COVOX2 Covox, on parallel port 2 CMS CMS sound board For example, to run the demo in EGA mode, using a Sound Blaster board, type: YEAGER EGA CMS