Hello! Thank you for your interest in WESTWOOD STUDIOS' newest Epic Role Playing Adventure, LANDS OF LORE: THE THRONE OF CHAOS. Installing this self-running demo is quick and easy. You will need a computer with the following : * Hard Drive with 3 megabytes of free space. * VGA Monitor * at least 600K of RAM available. A Sound Card is HIGHLY recommended, but not required. To install the LANDS OF LORE demo, please follow these steps: 1. Create a directory on your hard drive labeled "LOLDEMO". I.e. "MD LOLDEMO" 2. Copy all files from the 3.5" Lands of Lore diskette to your new directory. I.e. "COPY B:*.* C:\LOLDEMO" 3. Change to the newly created directory with the Lands of Lore files. I.e. "CD C:\LOLDEMO" 4. Type "SETUP" to configure your Soundcard. 5. After exiting SETUP, type "LANDS" to execute the LANDS OF LORE demo. 6. To exit the demo, press the key. You will need to run the SETUP program even if you do not have a sound card in your computer system. LANDS OF LORE: THE THRONE OF CHAOS will be available in August 1993. Call 1-800-874-4607 to preorder your copy today. LANDS OF LORE: THE THRONE OF CHAOS only from WESTWOOD STUDIOS! LANDS OF LORE: THE THRONE OF CHAOS - Copyright 1993 - Westwood Studios.