Forgotten Realms: Dungeon Hack Demo v2.3 (C) 1993 TSR, Inc., Event Horizon Software, Inc., Strategic Simulations, Inc. All Rights Reserved To run the demo type: HACKDEMO Press ESCape to exit the demo. This demo will play music on the Adlib, Soundblaster, and compatible cards. This demo will also play digitized sound effects on the Soundblaster. The demo by default scans for the correct DMA IRQ number. If the demo does not play digitized sounds on your machine or behaves incorrectly this scan process may have failed. In this case you will have to specify the correct IRQ number for your machine by using the /IRQ=n switch, for example: HACKDEMO /IRQ=5 Current possible settings for this number include 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10. Use the /NODIGI switch to eliminate all digitized sound effects. The demo will loop by default. Use the /NOLOOP switch to make the demo run through just once and then return to DOS.