Sir Richard of Westhampton, one of the foremost knights of the Realm, comes to you bearing counsel. `Majesty, even I find your acts hard to tolerate. You stand for everything that a knight of chivalry despises: greed, and arrogance. You take pride in your tyranny. The noble families will celebrate your death." `Majesty, many nobles speak of open rebellion against you. Your taxes burden their estates as well as the peasants. There are some even in my family that question your rule. You must find a way to satisfy them." `Majesty, the nobles are heavily dissatisfied. I fear that some will be plotting against you. You must find a way to placate them, or there will be trouble." `Majesty, the nobles are dissatisfied. Their manner is less friendly to the throne than it once was. They say you do not listen to their counsels." `Majesty, the nobles support thee, but are not enthusiastic. They support the throne because they fear that others would do worse." `Majesty, the noble families are prosperous and content. Though some love thee less than others, they all respect you and your judgements." `Majesty, the noble families of the realm admire and respect thee. Continue to show them respect and restraint, and you need not fear." `Majesty, you are well-loved by the noble families." `As for the Holy Church, the bishops do not pray for your continued health, but hope that God will soon send them a new King who will deliver them from darkness." `As for the Holy Church, the bishops spread lies and black rumours against thee. Your conduct is greatly offensive to them." `As for the Holy Church, the Church has little love for thee. They call you arrogant and full of avarice, and say you have little regard for Our Lord." `As for the Holy Church, the bishops complain that you do not listen to them. Show respect for the Lord, and their dismay will diminish, though their tongues may not show it." `As for the Holy Church, they have no great love for thee, but they do not hate you either. The Church is demanding, but a useful ally. Do not scorn it without necessity." `The Church honors your faithfulness and your piety, and though they may have some quarrels with you, you hold their respect." `As for the Church, though it may sometimes seem otherwise, the bishops respect your judgements and appreciate your piety." `The Holy Church honors thee as their champion, and the Pope does homage to thee as a model for all the Princes of Europe." `As for the people, they sing songs that tell of divine deliverance from the tyrant of Albion. Demagogues stir revolt in the cities. I fear there will soon be a revolt against thee." `As for the people, they hate you. They curse your taxes and say that you are a brutal tyrant who delights in oppression." `As for the people, their complaints are many. You must work harder to placate them, or there will be trouble." `As for the people, they love thee not. If you wish to regain their loyalty, you must keep taxes low and avoid levies, or give them some good news to raise their spirits." `As for the people, they complain about their taxes and recall better days. They do not say that you are a bad king, but might, if things get worse." `The people have no quarrel with thee, and will drink a toast to thy good health. They are concerned about the tax, but that is never popular." `The people consider you a strong and wise ruler. You have eased their troubles, and they are glad that you are on the throne." `The people love you dearly. They long for the day when you will again walk amongst them, so they might get a glimpse of thee, or cheer thee in their loudest voice." `Rhos will be the easiest of all the Celtic lands to conquer. `To gather the most taxes from this land, your castle must be 50 pieces strong when completed. `Building a larger castle will allow you to support larger armies." `Arfon should not prove to be a difficult conquest." `To gather the most taxes from this land, your castle must be 60 pieces strong when completed. `Do not forget to build up adjacent pieces if you receive a report that they are Unstable." `The marshes of Penllyn are not well-loved by workers. `To gather the most taxes from this land, your castle must be 70 pieces strong when completed. `Remember to always build an inner keep." `The forest of Arwystli is far from the quarrys.' `To gather the most taxes from this land, your castle must be 80 pieces strong when completed. `Remember, you must be near water to be able to build a moat." `You will find Aberffraw to be much like Rhos, except that resistance is much more fierce." `To gather the most taxes from this land, your castle must be 85 pieces strong when completed. `Remember, higher wages will attract workers more quickly." `You will find resistance to your castle is quite fierce in Gwerthyrnion. `To gather the most taxes from this land, your castle must be 90 pieces strong when completed. `Remember, skilled labourers will resent your bad treatment of others who patronize them." `Most workers would rather build in the midst of battle than in the marshes of Dunoding. `To gather the most taxes from this land, your castle must be 95 pieces strong when completed. `Remember, the quarreys of Dunoding are old. It will require a greater effort to get the materials you need." `Welcome to Powys. Here, resistance is at its most fierce. "Good luck. You will need it."